You know your old when…..
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You keep this stuff around, ahhhh
Those were my first broad heads!
My first broadheads also. Those center rings were called "cam-lock" if I remember correctly? First time I ever changed blades on those was an adventure!
I used Wasp Cam Locs too. They were green before they were bronze colored. I still have some and still use that same bow square.
I still have some out in the barn somewhere
The broadheads were junk, the bow square is the one I still use. I shot a deer with the green 3 blades. At the spot the deer was standing, I found all 3 blades lying on the ground. Never found any sign of the deer.
You know you're old when you carry an extra pair of underwear in your hunting pack...
I knew this site still had value. Some real experts on here. Thanks Lou! Shot my first deer with wasp 4 blade in 1975. Was shooting 6 blades a couple years later and ran into an expert old guy in Ralph Mi who ridiculed me for my equipment. Didn’t bother me and I did manage to learn something. Try not to be an old eletist
Just like the old Satellite broadheads.
If you ever shot a Bodkin broadhead, you are old.
I can't remember name of the broadhead I shot my first deer with. It was a recurve, cedar arrow, with a head that had a plastic body, very pointy tip and a replaceable bleeder. Then a lite green bear and then the orange wasp 3 blade, 130 cam lock. Kill a bunch of deer with them orange cam locks. The greens camlock came before the orange. I alway thought they were a good head. Killed my first elk with them and I still have that bow square.
Based on the title I thought this thread would be about peeing at night.
I can remember when the Ozonics first came out.
I remember going into the original Barefoot archery in Charlotte and the walls were covered in Bear recurves.
Hey I resemble that remark bad bull! First deer I ever shot was with a fiberglass 45# Bear recurve and cedar arrows with my personal crest painted on them. And...a bodkin broadhead. And first time bowhunting i might add. It was a doe.
Teeton, I think those were Hilbre Broadheads. I also used them back in the early 70s
Shot a buck with a 6 blade wasp. They flew terrible and fell apart easily. Hit him in the back ankle and no blades remained on the head.
Damn Troy, you’bought ready for social security ?
I just passed the Wasp factory today on RT6 CT. and wondered if they still make broadheads.
I still have some PSE Brute broad heads
My first bow kill was with a wasp cam loc. I still have the broad head. It's stuffed into the foreleg bone from that deer, intact.
I still have some PSE Brute broad heads
How about Butterfield Brute BHs. They were pretty old school, but effective.
killed my first deer with those Wasp Cam-Lok's as well. The orange one's.
Butterfield Brute bhds were tough broadheads! I, like many others in WI, shot them for a while and thought highly of them. They were a bhd of a different day; kinda surprised to see them mentioned on this forum. If I remember correctly I believe PSE bought the name & manufacturing rights from Ray Butterfield and marketed them for a number of years after that.
You know your old when…..
You go to Vegas and are approached by a lady of the night who tells you, "I'll do ANYTHING you want for $500."
And you respond with...."REALLY?? Great! Paint my house!!!"
Yeah. I haven’t used a bow square since this afternoon!
Potowatami is the one to have, IMO….
JMO, the Real way you know you’re getting up there is when the Doc tells you you’re dealing with something that you figured they’d have another 10-20 years to work on before you’d have to worry about it.
You know you are old when you call people …….when you could’ve just texted.
You are old when you had to bear hug a tree to climb with the TSS plywood climbing treestand.
... when you had to rip the sleeve off your cotton sweatshirt to use to stop the bleeding from your Wasp broadhead cut finger.
Huntr4470, I just goggle that head. Yes thats them. Heres a snap shop of two on ebay.
I killed a deer with those Hilbre broadheads back during the late 70's... Also killed a deer with a "Missile Spike" back then if anybody remembers them... Also shot Savora Sweptwings, Razorback 5 and 4s back in the day... I stayed away from the Satellites and Wasps, they were considered junk...
You know you're old when you can only make it halfway through a 30 target bowshoot course like me a couple weeks ago...
I was just telling a kid today about getting to camp and trying to shoot the super hilbre broadheads and watching them corkscrew all over.
First whitetail was with an OD green Bear Razorhead on a fiberglass arrow. First elk was with a green 6-blade Wasp. And I did have to get 5 stitches in my thumb off them the first day of elk season. 80 some year old Dr Durham was a WW1 medic earlier in life and didn’t use Nova-cane to deaden it. Hurt like an SOB after the nurse scrubbed the cut with iodine and Dr sewed it up!!! Throbbed for several days.
Driving without air conditioning to get home and sit in front of a fan in window. Lol
When bows didn't have wheels.
I remember when the Wasps, Savoras, Satellites were a huge technological leap over what we were using. I still have a bunch of them, plus Bears and Zwickeys and bodkins in my archery drawer.
Still have a couple of Razorback-5's in my kit. Killed my first deer with one back in umm, 1981, I think ;-) Have a few NAP Thunderheads too, that's a head that has stood 'the test of time'. Seen a thousand others come and go. Remember the one shaped like the space shuttle?
Still shooting Zwickeys and Graflex shafts.
When you remember the day your grandmother bought you a recurve at a garage sale in the mid 70’s. You then promptly strung and toted it all over the farm totally amazed by its grace and power only to later have a friend string it properly which is when you see why it’s actually called a recurve.
Don't feel bad MQQSE, Hendrix did it too...8^)))
when you work all summer putting up hay to buy your $9 dollar a dozen of Fred Bear Cedar Shafts equipped with Bear Razor heads and Bleeder Blades You know you are getting long in the Tooth! I still have many of the shafts left , my wife ask when i am going to get ride of them,no appreciation.!!!
You can see through your peep sight to see your pins and the target, but can't see where the arrow hits after you release. Got to get to the eye doctor before season starts.
Not seeing where the arrow hit is not as bad as not finding the arrow after the shot lol . Arrow tracer are lighted nocks.
I've arrowed critters with them all & took my 1st Deer in 1958 with a MA3 blade with a wood arrow I fletched by using straight pins to put the feathers on. THEN with my paper route money I bought this awesome Fleetwood fletcher..
You know you're old when some of your hunting and fishing equipment shows up in collector books... published several years ago, LOL!
..You remember having these delivered to your door by the milk man!
And I GUARATEE you that it was NOT "low fat" milk!!!
My first deer was with a 45# fiberglass recurve package from the hardware store. Broadheads had plastic ferrules that looked similar to the Hilbre broadheads mentioned above. Had a foam quiver with no broadhead cover. Picked lots of night crawlers to afford that gem.
You know you're old when you see vintage recurve bows for sale...then you realize you remember seeing those bows when they were brand new in the stores for sale
How about when your first bow quiver had no hood for the arrow heads, and the broadheads were just sitting there exposed waiting for you to accidently touch them!
When A old bow cost more then a new one.
Lou, I remember using the bow quivers with no hood. You could buy the clip on
These have been in the same old tool box for at least 40 years. Idk what they are. I remember dad did like the savora heads when they came out and he used them for years. I grew up on Thunderhead 125’s.
You know you are old when you sit in the bathtub and your nutts slowly float to the top
Now that was real tv Bigdog!
I've been around long enough to remember when Bowsite had hunting threads!
When you read this thread and just smile at the recognitions! Just talking to my Mom Sunday about the milk wagon that was pulled by a horse. My first compound, Bear Blacktail Hunter and razor back 4's. Reading every hunting Magazine I could find and being up with my buddy all night waiting for our first bow hunt to start.
DANG! You guys are OLD! ;-)
Woods Walker I was waiting for that one , dangerous for sure
When you hit your keybfob to find your truck at the shopping lot!
When blowing a tranny was a part of a automobile.
You’d make a pilgrimage to grand ledge Michigan
Knew I was old as soon as the cashier girls started calling me "Sir"
...when going downhill hurts more than going uphill.
I remember having to walk all the way across the room to change the channel on the black and white tv, and there were only 3 channels, 4 if you included PBS.
And that was back when there was actually stuff worth watching on TV!
I'm so old my high school had a rifle club. On the days that we'd meet and shoot, we'd actually bring our cased rifles to school and the principal kept them in his office until we started the meeting. And this was in suburban NEW JERSEY!!!!
Basil and Kindnstuff tied for the win!
You carried a can of Snuff.
Eating at McDonalds when burgers were .25 and there was no indoor seating.
When the bowhunter discount warehouse catalog showed up and you would spend the next two weeks looking at it. Getting my dad to give up his Jennings four wheel bow for a Hoyt in the early 90’s
Buying gas for .25 cents a gallon & ordering $1,00 worth to the person who checked your oil, cleaned your windshield & pumped the gas.
.......when going to bed is the same time you used to go out for the night....ugh
Remember reading this a lot when I was a kid wish these prices were still good lol Lewis
3 people could ride in the front seat of a car
Trying to find a penny for the coke machine because the price for coke increased to 6 cents
Trying to find a penny for the coke machine because the price for coke increased to 6 cents
How many people remember Tom Terrific on TV on Sat mornings?........Mike
I just might shoot a buck with this one for old times sake. Sharpened up real nice.
We arrived at school many a day with our guns in the gun rack of our trucks..too bad guns developed a mind and will of their own. We use to sit in the back of the class so we could spit our tobacco out the back Violence consisted of an occasional fist fight that usually ended with a bloody nose or 2.
DanaC's Link
Muleysareking, yup, Tom Terrific, with Mighty Manfred The Wonder Dog ;-)
Your gas tank was inches behind your back.
you turned on/off the high beams with your left foot.
you ordered tackle and gear through the mail, with a check inside the envelope, and waited a few weeks for your order to arrive.
When I could make an 1800 mile trip in my VW for what it now costs me to fill up the gas tank in my truck HALFWAY!!!!
Wasp broadheads killed this buck at 4 yards on the ground.
It was 1986, I was 14 years old and this was my first bow kill.
What a rush, I was hooked!
Where did that kid go? I guess he's still in here. I'm 51 and still love bow hunting!
When you get out of bed at 4:50 a.m. like I did this morning. And had no intentions of fishing or scouting for late September opening day. It’s just become a habit I reckon.
When you get out of bed at 4:50 a.m. like I did this morning. And had no intentions of fishing or scouting for late September opening day. It’s just become a habit I reckon.
Butterfield Brutes, I was very surprised to this above guys. Ray was my shop teacher in Cornell, he passed from brain cancer many years ago. Heck of a shop teacher, guy got hired out of his classes at any tool and die shop. He made all sorts of hunting things , but his brutes were something. My brother helped him make 100's of them and still has a few. Some special ones he silver soldered, he has a couple of those also. Ray worked for PSE and developed the idea i,t ended messy as I recall. Heck of a head. In shop we made rope spike releases, rope on portable tree stands, he started us all on tree stand hunting around here. Your final shop project was to build a full sized wood splitter.
"When you get out of bed at 4:50 a.m. like I did this morning. And had no intentions of fishing or scouting for late September opening day. It’s just become a habit I reckon."
i can relate. my internal clock wakes me at 3AM.
you know you are old if you remember purchasing a rear-wheel-drive pontiac or plymouth.
I remember when you could open up the hood of your pickup to do some work on the engine, and you could SIT ON THE WHEELWELL with your feet inside because there was so much room!
Today, you have to take half the ****ing engine out to change the oil.....and don't even THINK about changing a sparkplug!!
Of course that was back in the day when you didn't need a degree in computer technology or 10K in tools to do basic vehicle maintenance.
You can only find a hardwood tree like an elm in a new, hot looking area. You say screw it, put the Baker climber on the tree…hustle up15-20 feet then the moment when you start to reach down and pull the bungees off your heels. That was a pucker factor episode. Love these old broadhead pics
When your dad ordered a new rifle and when the mailman delivered it and you got his hand me down a 1903 Springfield 30-06. Still with the ladder sight with graduations out to 1000 yards.
How about when you're still rocking the same release you bought in 1986. I've looked ònline....wish I could find a backup!