Sitka Gear
Monster Wisconsin Buck! 8/27/23
Whitetail Deer
Contributors to this thread:
fredzepplelin 27-Aug-23
Groundhunter 27-Aug-23
Venom16730 27-Aug-23
JG420 27-Aug-23
Screwball 27-Aug-23
Pop-r 28-Aug-23
T-rex 28-Aug-23
JohnMC 28-Aug-23
Aluminum Rain 28-Aug-23
buckeye 28-Aug-23
maxracx 28-Aug-23
buckeye 28-Aug-23
ahunter76 28-Aug-23
Knifeman 28-Aug-23
Buck Watcher 28-Aug-23
Jack Harris 29-Aug-23
APauls 29-Aug-23

fredzepplelin's Link

From: Groundhunter
The rack is a no show on the video feed I got, on my phone What county?

From: Venom16730
Just Curious where is the monster buck at?

From: JG420
Just a typical Pa deer

From: Screwball
When are you posting the monster buck picture or video?

From: Pop-r
This guy hasn't a clue what a monster buck is. He got some new cameras and likes to waste our time with deer that are all but "monsters." I believe he must think he's going to get rich off of them. Lol

From: T-rex
Tough crowd!

Great buck - I'd shoot him

From: JohnMC
Was that a "Keys" deer from the FL keys?

That buck wouldnt make P&Y. Seems like we are getting trolled here.

From: buckeye
Don't know that is a monster either but I'd be happy to see that dude on my cam.

From: maxracx
Best of luck to you Fred, I hope you are successful this season.

From: buckeye
At least this thread is deer related! :) ...

From: ahunter76
Nice Buck & to many, a monster. What I see with that straight belly line is a young Buck that will pass on some great genes this fall. Enjoy. I've bowhunted 15 states with Illinois my home state & now in Iowa several years. The biggest Whitetail I have "ever" seen in my life was in Wisconsin on public land in the big woods of the North.. (I started archery/bowhunting in 1956)

From: Knifeman
not trying to be mean but when you live in WI as I do also, the bucks you keep posting most guys in big buck areas dont even consider them remotely shooters. They are just decent bucks even for public land.

From: Buck Watcher

Buck Watcher's embedded Photo
Buck Watcher's embedded Photo
Northern Wisconsin Buck. Last year. Haven't checked cams yet this year.

From: Jack Harris
i looked through it carefully and could not find a monster buck. What am I missing? Must be some inside joke ?

From: APauls
Just another clickbait for his daily trail cam thread I am guessing.

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