Mathews Inc.
Sept 1st opener
Whitetail Deer
Contributors to this thread:
Michael 28-Aug-23
Buckdeer 28-Aug-23
Dale06 28-Aug-23
Bowfreak 28-Aug-23
RK 28-Aug-23
KY EyeBow 28-Aug-23
PushCoArcher 28-Aug-23
Old School 28-Aug-23
BullBuster 28-Aug-23
Lewis 28-Aug-23
drycreek 28-Aug-23
Michael 02-Sep-23
Franzen 03-Sep-23
buckeye 05-Sep-23
njbuck 05-Sep-23
From: Michael
Well September 1st is this Friday. A number of states open up that day. Who is going to brave the heat? I know guys say evening in the early season. But can’t help but think the coolest daylight temps are in the mornings.

Last year we had a cold front come through on the 3rd. I had a hunch and went in the morning of the 4th. The hunch worked. I just blew the shot. Cut hair on his brisket.

Water could be great place to hunt. Problem I have is I hunt river bottom country. Lots of places for deer to go down to the river to get a drink.

From: Buckdeer
I also have 1/2 mile of river but they will come to water hole before going to river but the water in my river is pretty nasty

From: Dale06
I’m braving the heat this Friday, with a 28 gauge shotgun, chasing doves in Ks.

From: Bowfreak
I doubt I will get out. Just something about hunting deer when it is 90 degrees is not appealing to me.

From: RK
I'm with dale06 only I'll be using a 410 to start, we have lots of dove this year, odds are in my favor :)

From: KY EyeBow
We start 9/2. Can't kill one at home on the couch!

From: PushCoArcher
Be out early trying to get my bag limit of doves here in Oklahoma.

From: Old School
No desire to hunt while the ticks and mosquitoes are thick.

From: BullBuster
mine opens Aug 30. If weather is cool i may go for a doe. Unless a really big velvety brute saunters by of course.

From: Lewis
We just had our 3 day velvet hunt here in Tennessee and I passed on it it was scorching and for us and if had a shot opportunity and made a marginal shot that buck would probably ruin but I will be dove hunting for sure we always open on the First Good Luck Lewis

From: drycreek
I’m with Dale and RK, September 1st will find me over a grain field in N TX with a 12 gauge O/U sitting in a folding chair with water and Gatoraide close at hand. First time in several years that I’ve dove hunted. I’m ready !

The thing I’m most ready for is an end to these 100+ temps for the last 40 days. :-(

From: Michael

Michael's embedded Photo
Michael's embedded Photo
Opener wasn’t too bad. High of 91 with a SSE breeze. The breeze and shade made it very pleasant in the tree.

Ended up a having 2 bucks come by at 20 and 25 yards. Just not what I was looking for.

This spot has 3 bucks I would shoot, with this guy being the best of the 3. None of them showed up last night during daylight.

From: Franzen
No thanks. Actually glad our season doesn't start until 10/1. That way I'm not tempted, because I really don't want to be out there. Mornings might be cooler, but after a long day of bedding in the shade, deer are more anxious to get up in the evenings. Though, a good early season front like you described, generally does seem to provoke some action.

From: buckeye
September 30th is our archery deer opener here in Ohio.. I hope it cools off by then cuz I ain't about to procure meat in the heat if I don't have to.

From: njbuck
Sept 9th is our season opener here in NJ. I hands down think it's the best time to take a specific buck assuming you have done your homework on him.

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