Mathews Inc.
Bears are amazing creatures! : )
Contributors to this thread:
Rut Nut 28-Aug-23
Rut Nut 28-Aug-23
Lewis 28-Aug-23
Rut Nut 29-Aug-23
Corax_latrans 30-Aug-23
Beendare 30-Aug-23
Ziek 30-Aug-23
From: Rut Nut

Rut Nut's Link
This happened last week in the Poconos.

From: Rut Nut

Rut Nut's embedded Photo
Rut Nut's embedded Photo
And then this guy decided to lie down in the local Dunkin Donuts drivethru lane the other day..................

From: Lewis
Cool thanks for sharing my wife had to shoot her pistol over one’s head to get it to drop a 50 lb bag of Chufa that was on our front porch Lewis

From: Rut Nut
Yep- they are opportunistic little devils at times! Had a neighbor one year leave their garage door closed but unlocked. A bear apparently lifted it up and went into the garage after some Halloween candy on a shelf. The neighbor walked into the garage from the house and watched in disbelief as the bear lifted the door with one paw and exited the garage! : )

“And then this guy decided to lie down…”

Probably in a sugar coma after hitting their dumpster….

From: Beendare
Vid on youtube somewhere….with a tall mirror strapped to a tree and the bear wanders past, notices his reflection and goes berzerk….pretty funny

From: Ziek

Ziek's embedded Photo
Ziek's embedded Photo
Trail cam pic of a bear doing a balance beam routine on my deck. It's about 10 feet to the ground and he's heading for the humming bird feeder that was on the post the night before.

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