Mathews Inc.
Exact archery broadheads
Contributors to this thread:
carcus 30-Aug-23
ILbowhntr 30-Aug-23
hoytshooter1 30-Aug-23
spike78 30-Aug-23
midwest 30-Aug-23
Brotsky 30-Aug-23
nchunter 30-Aug-23
Brotsky 30-Aug-23
carcus 30-Aug-23
Trial153 30-Aug-23
rattling_junkie 30-Aug-23
APauls 31-Aug-23
Brotsky 08-Sep-23
Bowfreak 08-Sep-23
Dale06 08-Sep-23
bowhunter55 08-Sep-23
wildwilderness 10-Sep-23
carcus 07-Oct-23
carcus 07-Oct-23
Jack Harris 07-Oct-23
rattling_junkie 07-Oct-23
MA-PAdeerslayer 07-Oct-23
Groundhunter 07-Oct-23
Jack Harris 08-Oct-23
Jack Harris 15-Oct-23
hoytshooter1 16-Oct-23
Jack Harris 16-Oct-23
APauls 17-Oct-23
Beav 17-Oct-23
milnrick 17-Oct-23
carcus 17-Oct-23
From: carcus
Check out the video, then check the price of these heads, I ordered 6 packs yesterday, I got free shipping to Canada!

From: ILbowhntr
Ugly looking edges on the blades, would definitely need to be touched up. Not a fan of the 25 grain collar, but shouldn’t have that much drag in an animal. Did pretty darn good in the Lusk video and for $7 each, might have to give them a try.

From: hoytshooter1
Ordered some, just waitin for them to get here... I'll try to post my thoughts after I shoot them

From: spike78
What video

From: midwest
Brotsky has some and should chime in. I think the owner was at the SD Bowhunters Spring Banquet.

From: Brotsky
Yup Nick, super good kid. The design of EA heads is basically the old Slick Trick Razor Trick design. The heads fly great, spin great, very consistent. Fit and finish is solid on them. I've shot my practice heads through my block and into my rhinehart quite a bit and they still look good. Anxious to try them on some critters this fall. I believe Beav has used them as well? Thought I saw his pic on their website but maybe I was wrong. He could probably chime in as well, heads are out of Nebraska.

From: nchunter
I watched the John Lusk video and the head did real well. My initial impression was why the company did not smooth out the rough grind in creating the bevel.

From: Brotsky

From: carcus
My new buck knives have the same looking edge, rough looking but sharp as fuk, like havalon sharp!

From: Trial153
Nice looking heads. Remind me of Razor tricks which liked. In theory but in use I broke a couple. This head seems stouter with the short steel ferule. I really don’t need more heads but I might pick a few packs up just for the hell of it.

It's true, those Buck knives are very sharp and I'm a Havalon fan...Those heads look good. Can't wait to try them out as well.

From: APauls
I shoot so few arrows at animals in a season that as a % of my hunting spend the broadhead itself is almost completely negligible. So I basically shoot what I have confidence in and the fact that it's a cheap head won't change the reason I'd shoot it. If I didn't have a pile of leftover heads maybe I'd buy a few to wing at coyotes and rabbits, but other than that I shoot the design I want to, regardless of price.

From: Brotsky

Brotsky's embedded Photo
Brotsky's embedded Photo
Brotsky's embedded Photo
Brotsky's embedded Photo
10/10 would recommend.

From: Bowfreak
Congrats Brotsky!

From: Dale06
Looks like a great head, and for sure proved right. Hoyt made a Bow Bullet many years ago, similar design but this one is all steel. I’m well stocked with IW or I’d try these.

From: bowhunter55
I bought a couple packs of them. they fly great. Can't wait for the season to open up here in Illinois to try them out. I've been shooting Wicked Tricks the last couple years. These Exact broadheads seem way stouter.

It’s nice to see a lower price option on a solid head. Some of these broadheads are way overpriced

From: carcus

From: carcus
Not impressed with the quality, I figured they were aliexpess when they arrived, dull, most had a wobble, I won't be using them

From: Jack Harris
being a BH junkie, just ordered a pack. They look amazing and for that price, hard to pass. I had no reason to every stop using VPA's, or the 2 1/4" Swhackers I went to next, or the Magnus Black Hornets I just went two for two with this season. One can never have too many BH's

Seriously Jack, they look amazing? The ones we got are horrible. I gave 3 away just to get rid of them.

Seems like we’ve gone from great to bad on reviews here… interested to keep following for more input

From: Groundhunter
Carbon Express has a similar head. I bought a pack from Wal Mart, 18 00 for 3. They were very sharp, and flew well. I don't shoot vertical anymore, gave them to my friend. He wanted more.

From: Jack Harris
Rattling Junkie - if they are garbage that’s where they will be in short order. I have plenty of good proven heads to shoot.

From: Jack Harris
got a 3 pack in mail yesterday. The blades are junk - not sharp at all. I can't even get them apart to sharpen them, doesn't seem to be a set screw or push pin. Not sure how to get that pin or screw out.

From: hoytshooter1
I like them. Only a few licks on a sharpening stone and they were stupid sharp. Hopefully get a chance to use them on a whitey soon

From: Jack Harris
finally found a tiny hex head to remove the two screws. Yeah they sharpen up pretty easy and fly true and quiet.

From: APauls
As I've said before even buying premium broad heads, the amount I use up account for approx 1% of my annual hunting spend... I spend more on AA batteries each year related to trail cams than I do on 3 years of broad heads. Worrying about broadhead pricing is majoring in the minors for the vast majority of bowhunters. When you finally release that arrow - you don't want to have any doubts. if something ever goes sideways the last reason I want to have failure is because I thought I may have cheated out on the actual piece that does the killing after hundreds of hours or prep/scouting/hunting, thousands of hours of dreaming and thousands of dollars later. (all things considered...gas, batteries, arrows, gear, etc etc etc)

From: Beav
I bought some and killed my antelope with them. I shot them out to a 100 yards and had great groups. Mine were very sharp so disappointed to hear some are getting them and they weren't sharp. I wouldn't have taken a chance on them without shooting them a lot at targets. They patterned better than my Vipertricks at 80-100.

From: milnrick
They look a lot like the old CHUCK-IT broadheads from the mid-80's. Those flew pretty well back then.

From: carcus
Adam has a very good point. I'll probably only ever use the qad exodus swept blade, not expensive but second to none, as far as fixed blade, but I do really prefer quality mechs.

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