Mathews Inc.
Mt Goat hide care and cuts for rug
Mountain Goat
Contributors to this thread:
JohnMC 02-Sep-23
Nick Muche 02-Sep-23
Nick Muche 02-Sep-23
Shug 02-Sep-23
JohnMC 02-Sep-23
Nick Muche 02-Sep-23
RK 02-Sep-23
JohnMC 02-Sep-23
BoggsBowhunts 02-Sep-23
JohnMC 02-Sep-23
Corax_latrans 02-Sep-23
Nick Muche 02-Sep-23
From: JohnMC
Leaving in morning for a Mt Goat hunt with buddy that has tag. He talked with the taxi and is going to make a rug with head mounted. Any tips for caring for hide in field and a possible diagram that shows how to skin for rug.

He not interested in full body or shoulder mount so not looking for opinions on what type of mounts. Just care on the mountain, back at camp and to the taxi.

From: Nick Muche
Skin like a bear. I’ve got a goat rug and really like it, they make a beautiful display.

From: Nick Muche

Nick Muche's embedded Photo
Nick Muche's embedded Photo

From: Shug
Nick… is that my bed tonight? Boarding plane in 10 minutes see ya in a bit…

Sorry for hijacking’ your thread

From: JohnMC
Nick thanks for advice. Anything on exactly where to make cuts on legs. Taxi said up back of back legs and inside middle of front. Trying to visualize that with a diagram if possible

From: Nick Muche
If you've ever skinned a bear for a rug, it's exactly the same. Butthole to Heel following the back of the leg. Middle of front hooves to elbow and to center of chest (though with a bear I like an "S" cut here because of the hairless armpit). Then center cut from end to end, stopping short of the chin/beard. Most important is to keep the cuts even on each side.

From: RK

RK's embedded Photo
RK's embedded Photo
If you do a quick search there are some videos that still help. Just put in skinning a bear for a rug

From: JohnMC
Thanks guys

Meateater (or Clay Newcomb, or both) released a super detailed video on skinning a bear for a rug that would probably help connect the dots on the above diagrams and advice. Would likely be worth the 10-minute watch

From: JohnMC

JohnMC's Link
Thanks Chase. Attached link if anyone else wants to watch


Corax_latrans's embedded Photo
Corax_latrans's embedded Photo
And here I thought Legos were unpleasant to step on…..

From: Nick Muche
Just took a photo of it there, it’s on the wall.

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