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Here we go, breaking all the rules. A MECHANICAL broadhead used to harvest this coues. Here's the setup. 52# bow, 420 total arrow weight, 7/8" closed 1.5" deployed broadhead. I harvested this buck at 9 yards from 17 feet above. The broadhead severed the spine and penetrated to the bottom 3rd of the ribs. After photos I set the animal up and tested shots out to 30 yards. Every shot except the ones I missed. ?? penetrated through the opposite side of the animal. When I got to 30 yards the arrow penetrated to the opposite side but did not exit and was lodged in a rib. If your wondering why the name change from outraged to TRIBUTE well faradine didn't like our new name and politely had their attorneys send us a letter. Oh by the way they don't own the Previous name , we did, but we didn't want any drama.
I like the name better. I'm not a mechanical user but not surprised at the results either.
Awesome buck, Steve! You should tell a bit more about the bow you were using… very special!
Mechanical heads are great for Coues deer because they open up a bigger hole. Don’t see why they would be good out of a good recurve with tuned arrows.
I like a big hole in a Coues deer because it seems like they don’t put much blood on the ground. Been using my “old skool” Snuffers for years… Not quite as big a cutting diameter but close.
I was going to say something on your original thread, but decided not to.
great deer and thanks for sharing.
word of warning, if this makes it to the leatherwall you may need full-time armed security.
Oh no, it can’t be( grin)
the massive EFOC, single bevel fanboys heads are going to be exploding
Just want to make sure I’m reading this right… setup the dead animal, then took “test” shots on it to see the performance of the broadhead?
If so, wow. That’s pathetic. Show some class.
The deer was already dead so I doubt it bothered it much.
verde, i do not understand your position...
better to understands results on dead deer instead of wounding one.. this occurs all the time with people pulling shoulder bones and shooting them
what are you so sensitive about? it's an animal
perhaps use a dead cow, dont believe thats ever been done before...
I don’t think it’s pathetic at all Verde. One of the best ways to test a broadhead.
Verde, that’s exactly how Ed Ashby did all his research on arrow weight distribution and total weight on Buffalo in Africa and Australia. I understand the “well just because so and so did it doesn’t mean it’s right” argument, but I feel like it’s a more righteous way of testing than to shoot 30 different deer for the same results in an uncontrolled environment - so long as meat loss is kept low and they aren’t tearing up both shoulders completely
It is a good broad head test. I’ll concede that. That probably wouldn’t be well received by the non hunting faction of our communities.
"I harvested this buck at 9 yards from 17 feet above. The broadhead severed the spine and penetrated to the bottom 3rd of the ribs." That's a good enough test for me. Even so, I'm not using a mechanical with a recurve. I'm also not taking a shot on a deer at 30 yards with a recurve. Not judging anyone who does.
Awesome stuff!... who's verde? Never heard of him.
"Just want to make sure I’m reading this right… setup the dead animal, then took “test” shots on it to see the performance of the broadhead? If so, wow. That’s pathetic. Show some class."
rumor has it he also tested the performance of his knives by skinning quartering and cutting the carcass up...then tested his cooking tools by preparing and cooking the meat...and then tested his own taste buds and digestive system by consuming the table fare...all for science.
are those pathetic and classless too? lol
" what are you so sensitive about? it's an animal "
It's not even an 'animal' any more, just the carcass of one. Rather see b'heads tested this way, for good or bad, than have UN-tested heads launched at live critters. Test on carcasses - *zero* wounding loss.
He used it to kill the deer, before testing it on the deer he killed. Further testing wasn't necessary, I think is the point he is making.
actually...i think the point he was making was that even from different shot angles...the mechanical performed satisfactorily. i read it as the killing shot was taken from above at a sharp angle...and the test shots were taken more level.
not sure im interested in using mechanical heads from my traditional bow but its nice to know i could. never really doubted it...especially with modern mechanicals on deer size game
A flattened spoon sharpened on concrete would work on a 10 yard shot. Just another advertising stunt.
Peco, I get what you're saying, but one 'kill' isn't a lot of data to make a statement from. Studying ten impacts gives a better idea of how a head will likely perform. (Without poking ten live animals.)