Sitka Gear
Wilgabeast - Sep-19 Mobile live hunt from Ma
Whitetail Deer
Contributors to this thread:
Wilgabeast 19-Sep-23
Wilgabeast 19-Sep-23
Lunker 19-Sep-23
Shoot’n 12’s 19-Sep-23
Wilgabeast 19-Sep-23
Shoot’n 12’s 19-Sep-23
Wilgabeast 19-Sep-23
Shoot’n 12’s 19-Sep-23
Wilgabeast 19-Sep-23
Will 20-Sep-23
From: Wilgabeast
4:31 PM LIVE from Ma*

Wilgabeast's MOBILE embedded Photo
Wilgabeast's MOBILE embedded Photo

I’m up hanging in some state land . Lots of sign around me . Freezer filling tonight if it’s brown it’s down

From: Wilgabeast
Obviously I’m in ct lol

From: Lunker
Good luck. Pretty dam windy.

I’m out. I’m looking for a massive rack. Hahah jk. I’ll shoot a button buck.

From: Wilgabeast
Two deer moving through the thick stuff behind me can’t tell what but always good to see deer on state land

Got 1 under me eating acorns. Big ol slick head

From: Wilgabeast
Shoot it

Na, let em walk.

From: Wilgabeast
I’m out . Nice 6 point came to 65 then disappeared

From: Will
Wilga - what's your bridge hanging on? I'm assuming that's a carabiner, but man, some how in the pic my brain wants to view it as a screw in step ha ha ha!!!

Glad you guys got out and saw some critters.

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