Avoiding sun fade on mount
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I will be getting my full body bear mount back soon. I would like to place it in front of my large windows. Anyone know how to keep it from sun fading? We like the screens up.
I have a Black Bear shot in 1983 that is now brown in color. Don't think there is a way for it not to happen if in front of the window. Maybe a tinted window works.
May be a film that can be applied to lessen the damage caused by uv rays.
When you pick it up will be a good time to ask. He may have something to prevent it.
I think redneck is on the right path. I would talk to an auto tinting shop about a UV protective film for the windows. You can get UV protective 'tint' that let's most of the light through (i.e. it doesn't look tinted).
I’ve used this and it keeps the hair in good condition
Good idea Jay~~thanks for sharing that product.
I'm getting my British Columbia full body mounts back from my taxi this month and I want to put my Wolf in front of the big window, even though I have wood blinds, only open for display after dark now and then, I still would like to add some protection.
Good luck, Robb
Be careful spraying on smooth surfaces creates a slippery floor. Dust doesn’t stick as well to the hair either
Thanks for replies. Will get some of that and close blinds as much as possible.
I do know you can get low E glass. I have no idea if that stops the light rays that would cause fading. Research it and then consider replacing just the glass - not the whole window. If you take it to the shop it is a lot cheaper then if they come to you.
I am sure someone makes a film that you can put over the glass (as mentioned above). Blinds can help.
That spray is a great idea if it works.
What direction does the window face? If it faces north you will never have sun hit a mount inside at least 6" from the window. South a lot of sun. East & West only sun in morning or evening.
I wish I would've thought about this years ago. I have a full mount black bear from 2002 in front of my living room window. His fur is brown on the side facing the window and black on the shadier side.
I have two whole walls of glass. So I’ve tried many remedies
Even my deer have been bleached out. Not only the black hide animals. So far it’s keeping the black animals like buffalo and sable. Dark brown.
I have two whole walls of glass. So I’ve tried many remedies
Even my deer have been bleached out. Not only the black hide animals. So far it’s keeping the black animals like buffalo and sable. Dark brown.
I believe 3M has a film that is clear yet blocks 99% of UV rays.
My Anderson windows say the same thing. Something like UV, UVA, UVB I think.
The windows face south and are very large. I really like some of the ideas and I will talk to my taxidermist.
you are hoping at best for mitigation not elimination of the issue. any sun will degrade the mount. it is a function of how bad and how fast