Moultrie Mobile
best clover,chicory &alfalfa ration mix?
Whitetail Deer
Contributors to this thread:
flyingbrass 20-Sep-23
flyingbrass 20-Sep-23
flyingbrass 23-Sep-23
t-roy 23-Sep-23
mattandersen 23-Sep-23
flyingbrass 23-Sep-23
WV Mountaineer 23-Sep-23
KHNC 25-Sep-23
From: flyingbrass

flyingbrass's embedded Photo
flyingbrass's embedded Photo
I planted a wonderful clover patch 6 acres in 2018. It's time to replant it. I want to know the ultimate clover/chicory/alfalfa mix ratio. I realize clover will eventually take over. My soil ph is mostly 7.0 to. 7.2 on this place. I plan on using ladino clover and or durana even though it is expensive I do have some of it to use already. I might even add a little red clover, not crimson, since it is cheap. I've seen pat's clover pics and long thread of course. Any comments are welcome. I'm in South Arkansas. I was thinking 10 lbs clover, 2 lbs, chicory, and 10 lbs alfalfa. If you suggest a nurse crop I'm open to that also. I do have hogs from time to time. I have 3 hog traps set all the time. Obviously this was originally all clover.

From: flyingbrass

flyingbrass's embedded Photo
flyingbrass's embedded Photo

From: flyingbrass
nobody planting this time of year?

From: t-roy
From the looks of your clover, not sure if I’d change anything! Beautiful stand!

I’d suggest maybe backing off a couple of pounds each of both your clover and alfalfa. Definitely wouldn’t hurt a thing to seed + or - 75lbs/acre of oats, rye, or wheat as a nurse crop as well.

From: mattandersen
Ya I agree that clover looks amazing! haha Are the deer not utilizing it!?

From: flyingbrass
this pic was from 2018 and i'm replanting because it looks crummy now. just showing my work from the past.

Goodness. That’s the best clover plot I’ve ever seen.

From: KHNC
Just over seeded Abruzzi Rye and Coker 227 oats into my Durana plots. Did the same last year and it worked great. But my PH isnt as good as yours. I may would do something different if it was. However, my plots were lush and green all fall and winter and the deer stayed in them. Then the clover takes back over in spring and summer.

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