Sitka Gear
Deer Hunting Vapes
Whitetail Deer
Contributors to this thread:
Zbone 20-Sep-23
ahawkeye 20-Sep-23
Zbone 20-Sep-23
BUCKeye 20-Sep-23
Zbone 20-Sep-23
huntr4477 21-Sep-23
Zbone 21-Sep-23
Treeline 21-Sep-23
Zbone 21-Sep-23
huntr4477 21-Sep-23
drycreek 21-Sep-23
Thornton 21-Sep-23
BC173 21-Sep-23
Huntiam 21-Sep-23
Teeton 21-Sep-23
fuzzy 25-Sep-23
huntr4477 26-Sep-23
From: Zbone
The bear hunting vape thread got me thinking, wonder what flavor you think might mask or even attract deer? There are some sweet smelling vape flavors out there to make me even want to try one... I know an x-coworker vaped a Mango (I think) flavored one I luved smelling...

From: ahawkeye
Probably not going to try that but I'm interested in what some might try. Doe in heat vape might not be too appetizing.

From: Zbone
Good one ahawkeye...8^)))

From: BUCKeye
Maybe a new market for nose jammer vanilla

From: Zbone
Yeah, wonder if you can vape vanilla, that'd be a good flavor...8^)

From: huntr4477
Zbone, I had a coworker who would vape on our lunch break every day. She had vanilla vape one day and it was sickingly sweet. It smelled just like Nose Jammer to me.

From: Zbone
Thanks huntr4477... Anybody else know a sweet smelling vape?

I remember back in the day there used to be a apple scent as a deer attractant, although it never worked for me, wonder if there is an apple flavored smelling vape?

From: Treeline
Dominant buck in the rut? Tarsal gland? Doe in heat?

From: Zbone
I can see it now "Tink's #69" vape capsules...8^))) Makes you harder than a rock...8^)))

From: huntr4477
I quit smoking years ago, and I never vaped. But this thread got me thinking. Nose Jammer is considered a "food based attractant" and is illegal to use here in PA. It is considered baiting. If someone was using a sweet smelling vape, like vanilla, apple ,etc., could he technically be charged with baiting??

From: drycreek
I usually bait them with Elbon rye, or wheat. Wonder if I rolled a wheat doobie if that would bring them running ? ;-)

From: Thornton
Just something else to plug your lungs up and give you COPD.

From: BC173
^^^what he said.

If your gonna be stupid, you better tough.

From: Huntiam
Corn vape

From: Teeton
Kinda wondering if you could get blank pads for Therma cells and put whatever scent you want on them. Hang them on a string and lower it and pull up and just add more scent if needed.

From: fuzzy
Hunter4477 in Virginia bait is "consumable" Teeton possible. I may try it

From: huntr4477
Fuzzy, that makes a lot more sense than our "baiting" laws in PA

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