Mathews Inc.
Almost time, who thinks there ready?
Whitetail Deer
Contributors to this thread:
Poppy 24-Sep-23
Bou'bound 24-Sep-23
JohnMC 24-Sep-23
rattling_junkie 24-Sep-23
Poppy 24-Sep-23
KHNC 25-Sep-23
fuzzy 26-Sep-23
From: Poppy
So, time has away of slipping past us unexpectedly, so who is ready for opener? I’m close, not 100%, but have a couple decent spots ready if the wind is right. Gonna try to set up couple more spots, time permitting.

From: Bou'bound

From: JohnMC
Opener was 8/15 :)

I start in November, since bigwoods bucks move mostly during the rut up here.

From: Poppy
Sorry, meant to put this in Ohio thread, but anybody can reply

From: KHNC
Opened 9/15 in SC, but i was elk hunting. Sat one evening last week and saw a couple fawns. Planted all my plots this past saturday. Now, I just need some rain to get it growing. Good acorn crop this year again.

From: fuzzy
Less than a week. I'm ready

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