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Wilgabeast - Sep-26 Mobile live hunt from Ct
Whitetail Deer
Contributors to this thread:
Wilgabeast 26-Sep-23
steve 26-Sep-23
steve 26-Sep-23
soapdish 26-Sep-23
Grate-ful-draw 26-Sep-23
Wilgabeast 26-Sep-23
Notme 26-Sep-23
Swamp_Donkey 26-Sep-23
Getsome 26-Sep-23
soapdish 26-Sep-23
steve 26-Sep-23
soapdish 26-Sep-23
Wilgabeast 26-Sep-23
Corax_latrans 27-Sep-23
Wilgabeast 27-Sep-23
From: Wilgabeast
2:50 PM LIVE from Ct*
Getting dressed now and heading in, sitting the edge of a corn field with white oaks on the ridge rite asside me . Expecting to see deer tonight . We will see if one comes into bow range

From: steve
good luck had 3 big deer today on camera that where MIA for a couple of weeks till today!

From: steve
good luck had 3 big deer today on camera that where MIA for a couple of weeks till today!

From: soapdish
Good luck. Feels right. I'll be following along.

Take us on a bright red bubbly trail

From: Wilgabeast

Wilgabeast's embedded Photo
Wilgabeast's embedded Photo
I’m up in a white oak on the field edge . Raining nuts

From: Notme
GL dude..

From: Swamp_Donkey
That corn looks a lot greener than what I'm working with. Farmers should be harvesting soon by me.

From: Getsome
Good luck

From: soapdish
I had movement on my camera at 330.

From: steve
there moving at 6 nice buck at my stand now.

From: soapdish
Picture looks like a view from one of my stands lol

From: Wilgabeast
Saw a good number of deer today including a nice 8. All far away but I got great intelligence

Nothing I enjoy more than spending a few hours about 80-100 yards out from where the action is, so that I can be in the right place next time….

From: Wilgabeast
Exactly ! Next time I get the rite wind I know where to be

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