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Wild Mustard
Whitetail Deer
Contributors to this thread:
Hack 27-Sep-23
Hack 27-Sep-23
Hack 27-Sep-23
Hack 27-Sep-23
t-roy 27-Sep-23
dizzydctr 27-Sep-23
KSflatlander 27-Sep-23
Hack 27-Sep-23
Stressless 28-Sep-23
From: Hack

Hack's DeerBuilder embedded Photo
Hack's DeerBuilder embedded Photo

My 1.5 acre brassica plot has been overrun with Wild Mustard. In my 42 years of hunting this farm and having the property in the family for over 100 years, this is the first time we Wild Mustard has been seen on the property. The pics show the invasive is contained (at this time) to the planted food plot only.

Any insight or ideas what caused the wild mustard? Is there any way to eradicate wild mustard?

North Central Wisconsin.

From: Hack

From: Hack

Hack's DeerBuilder embedded Photo
Hack's DeerBuilder embedded Photo

From: Hack

Hack's DeerBuilder embedded Photo
Hack's DeerBuilder embedded Photo

From: t-roy
It’s possible the mustard seed was in the brassica mix, but I wouldn’t think that you would would see mature mustard plants that quickly, assuming you planted your brassicas in late July-early Aug. What was planted in the plot prior to your brassicas?

From: dizzydctr
2,4 D Amine will kill the wild mustard, I believe, but most likely will kill the other brassicas.

From: KSflatlander
You got a closeup pic of the plant and/or flowers? There are hundreds of species in the mustard family.

From: Hack
Plot was killed with glysophate 3 weeks prior to tilling with a harley rake and planting. Planted on 6/23/23.

Last year the plot had the same forage brassica seed as well as a bulb mixture (turnips, beets, and forage radish). Had a great plot.

Same seed company has been used the last 2 years. I have reached out to the seed company and was told the seed is imported from New Zealand and that Wild Mustard is a US seed.

Grasping for anything, I guess. We have over $1,000 bucks tied up in a field of weeds.

Do we kill it before the frost this year or wait until next spring? There is brassica present in the field of weeds.

From: Stressless
My only sage ... sry for that pun, advice is to KILL IT BEFORE IT GOES TO SEED!

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