Self filming?
Contributors to this thread:Equipment
From: Boone
Thinking it would be nice to self film some whitetail bow hunts. For looking back at shot placement and to have a cool video. Questions I have does that tactacam that mounts on a bow/gun really show that great of video or do you step up to a nicer camera and what's that going to cost a guy?
From: deerslayer
A tactacam beats nothing, but they won’t give, nice up close shots. (More of a wide angle camera) if you’re looking to do a budget thing I would look into just getting a small Sony HDR camera with a thumb zoom remote, and a camera arm. Maybe $500 all in. Or you could invest about $1000 to $1200 in a little better set up with a better camera and camera arm.
From: Smtn10PT
From: Smtn10PT
Smtn10PT's Link
tactacam 5.0 slow motion video
From: JohnMC
I would think anything bow mounted would be hard to see shot placement because of the bow movement at shot. With that said would be easy to make sure camera is aimed same place you will shoot.
I have a camera arm for tree and take camera to tree sometimes. I find it hard to position camera where deer is and worry about taking a shot. If you're hunting over say bait and can better predict shot I'd guess easier. But it is a challenging. When I do take camera and things happen quickly I usually don't worry about the camera. If I happens to get footage great.
From: Boone
Has anyone just got the cheap mount for a phone? Unless your really zoomed it I understand it won't show shot placement very well.
From: wildwilderness
Yes I use a cheap mount for my iphone. Works well if you take the time to set it up in the stand. For close bow shots it works great.
From: APauls
Have yet to see a POV camera of any kind mounted to a bow that makes video I am happy with.
Also, the Tactical 8x zoom or whatever is pure BS by the way. It is just the same footage digitally zoomed in on so it just gets more granular. Quality degradation. Took a lot of calling with their customer care team that didn't even know the product to figure that out.
From: Shug
You can pick up a small HD camera for a few hundred and a small swivel arm and get much better footage than the Tactacam
From: Shug
Frame 1
Frame 1
Frame 2 arrow coming into frame..
Frame 2 arrow coming into frame..
Arrow passing through
Arrow passing through
Self filmed hunts do like you said allow you to see in detail what happened... But also give you great memories to watch when we are old and can't do it anymore
From: mooseslayer
Here is a screen shot from a cell phone video taken on a recent bear hunt. I was able to pause it at the exact time of point of impact. We thought the clarity was great.
From: Hawken
No more than I get to hunt I'm not about to worry with all the crap that would go into doing this!! Or miss getting a shot because of having to move the camera! No way!