South Dakota Acorns?
Contributors to this thread:Whitetail Deer
From: Twinetickler
Just curious if anybody has had boots on the ground in SD this fall and can give an update on the acorn crop this year? Where we hunt in November it's always better when the creeks have a good acorn crop. Thanks!
From: JohnMC
Have not been to South Dakota in a long time so not sure of acorn crop.
From: t-roy
Don’t know about SD, but the mast crop in my area of Iowa is unbelievable this year. I don’t ever remember seeing as many acorns as we have this year. Friends in N. Wisconsin said their oaks are loaded this year as well.
From: Zbone
t-roy - Kinda looks like my deck... Here in Ohio the deck was covered with white oak acorns Saturday when it sounded like it was raining acorns hitting the roof bouncing to the deck... This white oak must produce sweet ones even has the deer coming up to the deck and watched 4 grinnys (chipmunks) today filling their cheek pockets to store... There are a bajillian oak trees around but for some reason they really like the one 20' from the house...
From: Zbone
From: midwest
+1 t-roy....they are thick in my neck of the woods as well!
From: Shug
No But NJ is dropping them by the bucket load
From: Twinetickler
Sounds like in general there is a good crop. I would think SD would be similar. Thanks gents!