New Scott Release Mifiring
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My nephew recently got a used bow as he has been interested in bowhunting for a while. I set it up for him this past weekend. I had to re-serve his string and then tied in nock sets and a new d loop (d braid material). I got everything set up for him and had his bow shooting bullet holes in no time. He had recently purchased a new Scott Shark II release and had been shooting it well. The release probably had 50 shots on it when it started misfiring because the d loop seems to be pulling through the jaws of the release. I can hold the string stationary, hook up the release and pull hard but the release doesn't misfire like this. I don't know what to think? I had a Little Bitty Goose that I shot for years that eventually started doing this as the jaw actually bent slightly open over time. As I mentioned, the loop is made out of d braid. It is smaller than the standard BCY 24 that most people use, but many people shoot it with no issues on caliper releases. We have recently returned the release. The pro shop exchanged it for a new one. I haven't seen the new release, but he says that the new one seems to have a similar amount of play in the jaws as the other one. I would have preferred he get a release with a hook, but instead he has the same release.
Have others seen this with new caliper releases? Is this a function of the release, d braid or possibly a combination of both?
Adjust the trigger screw.
Any chance he is hitting the trigger? Can you teach him to draw bow with finger behind trigger?
I much prefer a hook. But it seems the easiest solution would be to change the D loop. Ten minutes and two bucks.
Check the screw as mentioned and make sure he draws with his finger behind the trigger with forward pressure to make sure it stays closed and he don’t accidentally bump it
He's not hitting the trigger and the adjustment screw is bottomed out. He keeps his finger behind the trigger until he settles into his anchor.
It is pulling through the d loop and I don't want to use larger diameter d loop, but I agree it does seem that this is the easiest fix. I use d braid because the small diameter puts less torque on your string. It is not like d braid is tiny. It is just smaller diameter and softer than BCY 24. Diameter for BCY 24 is 2mm and d- braid is 1.6 mm. I would like to think that a gap in their release jaws would have better tolerances than that. Maybe not though......
I'm stubborn but I will just stop and pick up a length of BCY 24.
Love my Scott pistol grip , have had it forever no problems , as stated larger diameter D loop might be the answer
Have you tried reaching out to Scott archery?
I had a trigger come unscrewed from my shark release during a hunt. They overnighted me two new triggers, no charge and no questions.
I have never used a release other than a shark and have probably 5 hanging around with nary an issue. Have them replace it
I had an old Winn Freeflight release that started to misfire. Punched myself 3 times on the bridge of the nose. Would release right when the 80# bow was at max weight before the let off. Figured out the sear was worn. Winn was very good about replacing it at no cost. What a way to get a bad case of the yips. I’d get him to switch before it causes problems or someone gets hurt. Easy to switch early before bad habits become ingrained.
They replaced the releases. There was way too much slop between the jaws. The new one is not like that. I also tied another D loop with BCY 24. It’s thicker. Should never have that issue again considering the combination of the new release and d loop.