Pats Black Mamba Encounter
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Can someone find and post a link to Pat’s Black Mamba encounter?
bluedog's Link
While at it I can’t find the link to his African lion hunt with a bow. What year did that happen. It was excellent but I can’t locate the clip. Any help there?
I met a PH that was bit by a mamba. He was saved by a nearby railroad track project having antivenom. Scary as hell his description of feeling paralysis set in....
One of the PHs in camp in Botswana this year will not sit blinds anymore. He had a close call with a mamba in a blind too. The idea of a mamba in a blind scares me. But when walking the puff adders scare me way more. They just flat won’t move.
I was watching a tracker come towards me while checking a pan for tracks and he all the sudden stopped with his foot in the air. He was inches from stepping on a 2 1/2 foot puff adder. Several of us walked within feet of it. Even though there was a little brush pile feet away, he made no effort to escape or hide.
When the trackers killed it, the snake reflex struck the stick like lightning. Creepy
Sent a PM to you Old School.
I killed one in camp earlier this year. Here is my son holding it while it still had a little wiggle left in the nerves.
Everything in that section of Afrika can bite you, poison you, or eat you. If a black mamba doesn't get you a puff adder, boomslang (worse than a mamba), lion, leopard, poacher, elephant, cape buffalo, random marauding zulus, or wild dogs. To say nothing of the millions of homicidal car drivers.
On my first trip to Africa in 2000 my PH. told me if I got bitten by a black mamba to go sit in the shade. that way you won't stink so bad when they find you.
I'll try and find it. That was a scary story and the reason behind Dries installing sliding glass on the camera and shoot windows. Man...scary stuff.
That video is crazy. I love how Pat seems to be more concerned about the water hole being ruined then he is about poking 10 feet of death incarnate with a stick.
One more reason to not go over there. Lol
Goodness, I'm having the sensation of not putting my feet back on the floor under my desk the rest of the day now. WOW
Maybe not black mamba level scary, but this is what I looked down to find at my feet during this year’s antelope hunt.
Ha! Makes ya wonder where that snake had been before you saw it big!
Sure does! There was a patch of cholla cactus trees not far off and I'm pretty sure that's where it went when it left the blind. But right around the blind was pretty open and grassy (we basically drove right up to the blind each morning). To your point, who knows where it came from and goes to show those things can be anywhere!
Yep, no thanks. My brother was out chasing pronghorn in western Ks last weekend. Stepping over a fence and when one foot hit the ground he heard it start to rattle. He said he liked to tear the whole fence down trying to climb back up it. Biggest praire rattler he has ever seen. He said had to be 4ft long and big around as a red bull can.
If we’re sharing. Puff adder that never moved or hissed and was almost stepped on
That's it. I'm moving to Ireland.
Had this Diamondback strike out at us in the Ranger as we drove by in South Texas-now he's coming back to ND.
No mercy - I drove to TX last spring just to go on a rattlesnake hunt (only out of state hunt I've ever done actually). Was hopeful to find a big one like what you're holding but no luck. They're impressive!
In 2011 while sitting in a pit blind in Africa I was watching Wildebeest through a two way mirrored glass built into the wall when a big snake appeared & struck at its reflection. Then proceeded to slither through the shooting window & into my blind. I was already halfway out the backdoor as I watched it drop in & curl up next to my pack. I Called the PH for help not knowing what kind of snake it was. When he got there we used a couple long sticks to pin the snake to the ground & when it struck at him he yelled "it's a f'n Mamba!" It took a while but we managed to keep moving the sticks up it's body till we smashed its head to kill it. That was day two of a seven day hunt & I will admit being pretty nervous to sit the pit blind again.
Would love to watch that video again , wont play .
I scratched Africa off my list the day I saw that on Bowsite!
Too many bad snakes in
Perry - if only you’d crossed Pennsylvania off your list that day as well…. You had quite the snake “experience” yourself. Me and snakes just don’t get along.
This guy almost nailed me many years ago double forked fangs and all now he guards my fly tying table Good luck all and stay safe Lewis
From: Old School 12-Feb-24
Perry - if only you’d crossed Pennsylvania off your list that day as well…. You had quite the snake “experience” yourself. Me and snakes just don’t get along.
Mitch- I had 6 hours to get the anti-venom before it killed me. Pat would have had maybe 20 minutes?! That takes it to a “WHOLE NOTHER LEVEL!”
As much as I would like to see Africa and Australia.........................I’ve had my fill of snake encounters! ;-)
BTW Lewis- that thing freaks me out every time I see it! ;-)
Jeezus, Perry! If no snakes is a prerequisite for an out of country trip, looks like it’s either Antarctica or Ireland!
I’m thinking Greenland Troy! ;-)