Charlie, Annie, Roy & Cody, AZ Elk Hunt
Contributors to this thread:
Roy and Annie at their White Mtn. Home.
Roy and Annie at their White Mtn. Home.
Finally drew another Arizona Elk tag and Roy’s (BOHNTR) wife Annie also drew her first Elk tag. Between Bowsite and P&Y buddies most of my hunts are with friends. Roy and Annie retired to Arizona and have a beautiful home in the White Mountains of AZ. Their son Cody will join us for the second week of season. Pretty nice of them to invite me to join them. This post will have a lot of pictures.
How about a 100 yard archery range?
How about a 100 yard archery range?
This home is beautiful and set up for their life style. Huntin and Fishin.
Saw some giant elk driving around.
Saw some giant elk driving around.
We had two days at the house to get everything ready for our hunt so we practiced a bit and drove around the area looking for elk.
We will be taking Roy’s camper and two quads on the hunt which will be about 3 hours away.
Elk sausage pizza
Elk sausage pizza
Sunset at Roy and Annie’s.
Sunset at Roy and Annie’s.
One night Annie made home made pizza with Elk sausage from Roy’s 2021 elk. Yumm.
Rolling out to camp.
Rolling out to camp.
Since Annie first learned she drew her tag she’s been shooting constantly and hiking to build strength. She is “all in” on shooting a bull elk with her bow. Roy has hunted the Unit we’ll be hunting 6 times in the last 30 years so we’ll be relying on his experience to find elk. We will arrive 2.5 days before season to scout out a bunch of different areas.
Base camp.
Base camp.
Quads are a luxury for getting around the unit.
Quads are a luxury for getting around the unit.
Really nice tent.
Really nice tent.
We arrive at camp and set up. Roy has a really cool 10x10 tent for me.
Nice tree stand at a tank.
Nice tree stand at a tank.
Elk love to bed under these Aligator Cedars
Elk love to bed under these Aligator Cedars
We find elk sign in most areas we search but also discount a few areas where good sign is not found.
Da Boys.
Da Boys.
Finally after all the anticipation and preparation opening day arrives. Roy and Annie take one quad to Roy’s favorite spot and I head out to an area near camp.
Ground blind
Ground blind
The first morning I see five bulls 2 of which I would have shot and found a really nice crossing that had elk trails going north to south and east to west. I set up a ground blind.
Looking forward to this Charlie!
WYoming State flower. Who knows what this is?
WYoming State flower. Who knows what this is?
Roy and Annie had some great bugling action and chased all morning. No shots for either of us.
For the PM hunt Roy and Annie head back to their spot and I go to a Spring Roy found on past hunts and set up a tree stand. I see 3 bulls then 2 later and every one smelled me. I will change my stand location tomorrow. More action for Roy and Annie but no shots.
Lots of fun.
Lots of fun.
Any of you who have hunted Arizona know that weekends are real busy around the camp grounds. Lots of weekend campers riding quads and Razors. The elk are constantly on the move with either hunters or recreational folks pushing them around.
The next few days the reality of elk hunting seeps in and although we’re seeing elk each hunt it seems real hard to get the shot we want. Monday pm hunt (4th day) I return to my Spring and see a few elk. Roy and Annie head to one of the areas we scouted before season opened. Roy had a hunch and then at 6:20 pm I get a text from Roy, “bull down”. Annie had made a perfect 32 yard shot on a nice 5x5 bull. The bull ran 70 yards and they heard him crash.
I immediately got down from my stand drive my quad back to camp then drove my Tacoma over to where they were hunting to help. This success was directly related to scouting the area before the hunt started.
Here is the reality of Annie’s set-up for her elk hunt. Bow set at 41 pounds with a four blade cut on contact Broadhead. Arrow gets full penetration and lodges in the off shoulder. She had the perfect set-up for her low poundage. Her excitement is off the charts.
This was a magical evening. Congrats Annie.
This was a magical evening. Congrats Annie.
Annie with her “guide” Roy.
Annie with her “guide” Roy.
Here is Annie and her very first elk. When I arrive the bull is about half cut up.
Mostly bones for predators.
Mostly bones for predators.
Carrying out her trophy.
Carrying out her trophy.
Annie and Roy were on their way back to the Bronco and the bull was down only 248 yards from the truck. I packed some of the bagged meat back to truck while they finished cutting him up. It was very cool that evening which was great for the meat. Roy does a “rib roll” on the elk and the coyotes we hear in a distance will not like this Carcus. We take all the meat.
Very chilly night so meat was nice in cool.
Very chilly night so meat was nice in cool.
Casey’s Processing in Flagstaff
Casey’s Processing in Flagstaff
When we return to camp we hang the meat and head to bed. It is almost midnight.
In the morning we take the meat to Casey’s Processing in Flagstaff. Roy has used them in the past and they do a fine job. Annie’s meat weighed 262 pounds.
I hung the rack in a tree with the arrow then brought it back to camp the next day. Felt sorry for the unknown hunter who shot him last year but did not recover the bull.
I hung the rack in a tree with the arrow then brought it back to camp the next day. Felt sorry for the unknown hunter who shot him last year but did not recover the bull.
So happy to be a part of Annie’s success. Roy’s work is not done and he has agreed to help me now. Being a whitetail hunter I had my ambush spots but now I would hunt the elk “western style”.
The day before I found this dead head elk from last year. The rack had not been eaten at all and I also found the arrow laying with the Carcus. Cody (Roy and Annie’s son) was arriving soon and he wanted the dead head
Now we are having fun. An evening camp fire is a magical time to soak in Annie’s success.
Awesome , Living the dream ! Congrats
Great job keep making memories
Outstanding Charlie can't wait for the rest. Leaving for Saskatchewan in couple days so I hope you seal the deal quickly. LOL
Atta Boy Charlie.. Now its your turn. Nice bull Annie..
Good stuff, all the pics!
Elk machine
Elk machine
Roy is now gonna take me to his “secret spot”. We will now be non-stop bugle chasers. Run and gun, “Elk are where you find them”. I laugh when guys give this advice but the fact is elk move large distances every day.
Fantastic! You’ve stayed in one of those tents before I believe ;^)
Congratulations, Annie!
Looks like an awesome elk hunt for sure!
Keep it rolling, Charlie!
Congrats on your first elk Annie! Way to get it done!! Your guide/husband is a mule deer bowhunting expert...but he also knows elk!!!
You're up Charlie! Keep it coming!!
Congrats on your first bull, Annie!
Looking forward to the rest of this adventure. Keep it coming, Charlie!
Sounds like a fantastic hunt so. Congratulations to Annie on her first elk. Can’t wait to hear how yours turns out Charlie…..Get-er-done!
Congrats to Annie! Charlie hope you got one or if still hunting get one.
That looks like Indian Paint Brush would not be by guess as WY state flower.
John: You are correct it’s “Indian Paint Brush” state flower of Wyoming.
A few scenery pictures. I used to walk right by these scenes but now stop and take pics.
10 miles today
10 miles today
My first day with Roy we logged 26,000 steps and heard 5 bugles. Elk are where you don’t find them.
Roy and Annie’s son Cody arrived today. He’s a fireman and emt and has this week off. He will join Roy and me tomorrow as we hit it again.
Good luck tomorrow. If it is true good things happens to good folks you should kill a giant! Then again getting to go elk hunting with good folks is good things to begin with.
Great thread going. Congrats to Annie !
Congratulations Annie.. and you too
Great stuff! Congratulations to Annie!
Enjoying this. Good luck Charlie
Congrats, Annie (and Roy)!! Love the recap so far, Charlie!!
Congratulations Annie! It is great to see that Sitka and KUIU work well together!! (grin) Looking forward to your hunt!
Sunrise on day 8.
Sunrise on day 8.
The next day Roy, Cody and me head to the same spot as the day before. It was slow yesterday but today the bugling is on and we’re in the chase.
Plenty of rubs
Plenty of rubs
We close in on a herd bull and his cows. There are also at least 2 satellite bulls strangling along. The problem is one cow elk appears very close to being ready to bred and he will not leave her. For the next 3 hours we follow, I had an arrow on the string 3 times. We got as close as 40 yards but it was way to thick for a shot. I tell Roy I’d be happy to shoot a nice satellite bull and he says “no way” not this far from the quads. Ha Ha. The bull and his cow finally break off from the herd and dive down a big canyon. We stop and snack a bit then begin our 3 mile walk back to the quads. Great action but no shot. I keep telling myself each encounter brings me closer but stalking in on a bull with cows is really challenging.
My guide Roy had a mishap with his quad but kept on going. Tuff guy for sure.
My guide Roy had a mishap with his quad but kept on going. Tuff guy for sure.
That afternoon I go to my tree stand ant the spring and Roy, Cody and Annie drive around looking for elk. I see a spike but hear multiple bulls bugling. Roy and I decide we’ll hunt around here in the pm tomorrow but return to our spot again for the am hunt.
Congrats Annie! Good luck Charlie!
The next morning is day 9 of the 14 day Arizona archery season. The later in September you can hunt the more bugling and rutting activity you get. It is definitely picking up.
On our way in this am we pass two guys and continue on. As light breaks we hear bugling and determine it’s those two guys. We hang tight and then hear another bugle which we determine is a bull and begin the chase. Hunting with other hunters around is a part of the “Arizona experience”. Elk feel the presence of man pretty much all year in AZ.
We close in on the bull and his cows (one satellite bull too). It’s challenging knowing how far/fast to press close for fear of setting the cows off or spooking the satellite bulls which usually lag behind.
We close to 50 yards, the arrow is on the string and we feel the wind at our back. Dang we got busted.
We continue on after a brief snack and take up the chase again. This morning I will have my arrow on the string 4 times but no shot. At one point a separate herd of cows and spikes join our group which makes it even harder. Finally after 4 hours of dogging the herd we get our break. We look ahead and some cows are crossing left to right and the bull is 30 yards behind them. The cows spot us but the bull is unaware. Roy gives me the yardage and stops him with a cow call.
I take aim and release the arrow. Cody is behind us and thinks the arrow was high but the release felt really good. A few seconds pass and the bull spins and goes broadside. I shoot a second arrow (clean miss) then we see the bull hunching up. He goes about 35 yards and we see him bed. My first shot looks to be liver. Roy and I sneak in while Cody keeps and eye on him and I get my finishing shot.
Roy and I high five realizing we did it. This is one magical moment for us bow hunters.
Great stuff Charlie! Congrats Anne on a great bull! Good people, doing great things. Doesn't get much better! Looking forward to the rest of the story!
Elk are where you find them.
Elk are where you find them.
The team. So exciting to share this experience.
The team. So exciting to share this experience.
Well here’s my bull. I got a nice one in Arizona in 2011 that just made P&Y minimum but this bull is way bigger.
Awesome Charlie! Congrats!
Congratulations to Annie & Charlie!!! Great story telling and pictures.
I put sticks to mark entry and exit from another hunter.
I put sticks to mark entry and exit from another hunter.
When we inspect the bull my shot appears to have hit Liver and one lung. We also find and entry and exit wound from a previous archer. Shot right through the lower brisket.
Great bull Charlie! Congratulations
Arizona Elk. So cool.
Arizona Elk. So cool.
Roy and Cody leave to get 2 of our 3 quads. Although we trailed the herd for 4 hours the quads are only 7/10’s of a mile away. I gut the bull while they’re gone and begin the processing.
Outstanding- congrats to Charlie, Roy, Anne, and the whole crew! Looks like some serious fun!
Roy is a bit excited.
Roy is a bit excited.
Loaded up
Loaded up
Cody goes back to get the third Quad, we load up and head back to the truck. Special day for sure.
That is just WAY cool Charlie - congratulations to all of you guys - gal. Sounds like you --as they say -- "earned" this guy.
Well done fellas! Great pics.
Congrats Annie and Charlie. Thanks for posting pictures and your story’s
Awesome work Annie and Charlie!!!
We drop my meat off for processing then decide to head home to Roy and Annie’s for a few days until my meat is ready.
Congrats to you both, great hunts!
Great write up as always Charlie! Congrats to you and Annie. Your guide sent me a picture or two with a message saying "For your eyes only". I didn't leak any evidence and glad I was finally rewarded with you hunting story!
Congrats to both hunters and thanks for sharing Charlie just a great hunt Lewis
Awesome stuff, congrats to all and thanks for sharing!!
Congrats to you guys! Charlie is always making the most out of retirement!
Congratulations to you both!!!!!!
Looks like you guys had a blast. Congrats to all!
Thanks for sharing Charlie. Congrats to you and Annie both on some awesome elk. I'm jealous of your animals and even more so the experience.
It was a great couple of weeks and I’m glad they were both successful. They earned them for sure.
The last night Charlie was at our house, we were outside around the fire pit roasting some mellows… the elk were bugling all around us. Just doesn’t get much better than that.
Congrats again on your bull Charlie! September really is the best month!
My truck heading home
My truck heading home
Tacoma was never so full
Tacoma was never so full
Thx all for your comments. I am forever greatful to Pat for starting Bowsite in 1996. All my hunts are with Bowsite and or P&Y Club members.
To Roy and Annie, thx so much for inviting me to spend this time with you. I am very appreciative of your generosity.
Excellent write-up Charlie! So cool that you get to enjoy your retirement, chasing critters with all these Great Bowsiters.
Great job Charlie/ Annie/ Roy !
Elk meat is tops.
Elk meat is tops.
And finally home my freezer is full. Now I’ll switch gears and chase the little deer called “Whitetail”.
Congrats Charlie! Fantastic bowhunting adventure with great friends. Awesome AZ elk memories made for sure!
Great write-up Charlie. Huge congrats to you and Annie. Great bulls. Hopefully you can get lucky with a Wyoming tag next year!
Congrats on a great hunt!!! Hopefully you have many more to come.
Excellent recap and congrats to everyone involved! Thanks for sharing Charlie
Great recap and heck of an adventure, congrats Charlie. Best of luck with the whitetail this season!
This was a great recap of another bowsite adventure . Loved it!! Hunt
So the only confusion after read a couple threads. Is Charlie a better elk guide or elk hunter? ;) Congrats
Congrats to you both! What an adventure!
Congratulations Charlie and Annie. Thanks for sharing your adventures.
Curious, where did you put the elk rack for the ride home?
Charlie, Any idea how many pounds of elk meat you got from your bull? You had a long drive home.... was the meat still frozen by the time that you made it home? Did you use dry ice?
Congratulations to the young lady on a fine bull!
Stoneman: I have a cap on my Tacoma and the rack fit nicely inside.
Medicinemann: I got 311 pounds of meat. Burger (10% fat), steaks, (tenderized) and 10 pounds of elk Italian sausage, no roasts. I bought dry ice when I started in Flagstaff and bought more in Terra Haute, Indiana on day 2. Meat was frozen solid when I got home to Massachusetts. I left Flag 8 am Wednesday morning and got home Friday pm.
Great bowhunting adventure Charlie. You're going to need another freezer with deer season being here.
Great fun elk hunting is! Congrats to Annie and Charlie on your bulls! And elk meat is about the best!
I thoroughly enjoyed this story about great friends with a couple of successful elk hunts thrown in! Thanks for sharing it with us!
Congratulations. Great write up and great animals!!
Way to go Charlie and Annie. Great bulls!!
Congratulations and thanks for taking us along!
Congrats Charlie. Thats a beautiful Elk my friend. Great hunt with great people. Nuttin Better
Congrats to all involved and thanks for sharing !
Excellent! Congratulations to both of you on great bulls!
Great hunt, elk, and recap!
Great write-up and pictures for a great adventure. Congratulations to you and Annie on awesome bulls!
Cant wait to see the whitetail this guy shoots!
You got-er-done……congratulations on a great bull and hunt!
Fantastic! Headed home heavy.
We’ll done! Congrats to you both.
Great job Annie! Heck of a bull Charlie! Super write up. Lots of pictures.
Well played and well told SIR!
Thanks for sharing the adventure!
That’s awesome. Congratulations to you both. Nothing beats an AZ elk hunt.
Write ups take us there, and the photos takes us even closer.
What a great time and hunt!
Charlie your threads rival those of Paul the Great ! ;-) Congrats to you and Annie and good on Roy for his generosity ! Great pics too.
Congrats again to Annie for #1 and Charlie for a "big'un."
Great recap of ya'll's hunt. Thanks for taking us along.
Grats to both of you. Thanks for the write-up Charlie.
Congrats to both hunters and “the guide”! Thanks for taking us along Charlie!
Congrats Charlie (and Annie)…Great stuff.
Great story and hunt! Congratulations Charlie and to Annie as well.
Good stuff! Now go kill an Iowa giant
Congrats to the hunters. Good pictures, good story, good stuff!
Fun times for sure.
Drive safe and smart driving home C-man.
Thanks for sharing,
Way to go Charlie and Annie. Great bulls!!
AWESOME hunt!! Congrats to all involved!!
Fantastic writeup. Thanks for sharing the adventure!
Great trip, great results! Congrats on a stud bull Charlie!
Another Bowsite classic. Thanks for sharing your story Charlie!
Great stuff Charlie. Congrats to both you & Annie on your success. Awesome bulls. Many fond memories made amongst friends - the best!
Congrats to all and thanks for the great write up and pics, Charlie. Really enjoyed it!
Congrats to all! Well done!
Awesome write up Charlie! Congrats to all of you on a successful hunt!!
Freaking awesome! Great job guys!!
Congrats you two, great bulls.
Excellent recap! Congrats to all of you, how fun.
Great write-up Charlie & thanks for sharing with us. Congrats to both successful bow-hunters.
Many thanks to everyone. Sure is fun to read all the great hunt re-caps we’ve seen recently. Whities on deck.
Great job by all, thanks Charlie for the great write up and pic's, I could almost taste the marshmallows and smell the pines!
Great job you two! Congrats on some fine animals. Love the photos & hats off to Roy as well, stand up guy!
I'll say it again: "WHO HAS IT BETTER THAN CHARLIE???!!! ;-)
What a GREAT write up, AND trip! CONGRATS to Charlie and Annie! Thanks for sharing..................
Bull aged at 8.5 years.
Bull aged at 8.5 years.
Just got my Arizona Elk aging back from He was 8.5 years old. It sure is fun to hunt the “big deer” called Wapiti. Just do it….
Congratulations to you both!
Not sure how I missed this the first time around. I must have been hunting :). Nicely done by all. My best, Paul
That’s a good age of a bull to take, Charlie. He’s been around a while.
That is so cool to get the age on your critter! Have done it for several and it really adds to the overall experience to get a solid, reliable age from the lab! Congratulations again! Well done!
Great job ladies and gents!!!
Outstanding...congratulations you two. Ed F
My wife and I are meeting up with Roy, Annie and another couple in two weeks to chase Coues deer in Mexico. Cant wait!