Sitka Gear
Only in Florida….
Whitetail Deer
Contributors to this thread:
bigswivle 11-Oct-23
sitO 11-Oct-23
t-roy 11-Oct-23
EmptyFreezer 11-Oct-23
bigswivle 11-Oct-23
drycreek 11-Oct-23
Duke 11-Oct-23
IdyllwildArcher 11-Oct-23
Rut Nut 11-Oct-23
Lewis 12-Oct-23
standswittaknife 12-Oct-23
Lewis 12-Oct-23
molsonarcher 12-Oct-23
TGbow 12-Oct-23
SBH 12-Oct-23
Catscratch 12-Oct-23
Beendare 12-Oct-23
bigswivle 12-Oct-23
Zbone 12-Oct-23
DanaC 12-Oct-23
bghunter 12-Oct-23
bigswivle 12-Oct-23
bghunter 12-Oct-23
PECO2 12-Oct-23
arlone 16-Oct-23
Corax_latrans 16-Oct-23
2Wild Bill 16-Oct-23
Lewis 16-Oct-23
Slate 17-Oct-23
Genesis 17-Oct-23
bigswivle 17-Oct-23
Lewis 17-Oct-23
Jack Harris 17-Oct-23
From: bigswivle

bigswivle's embedded Photo
Thought u guys would get a kick out of this
bigswivle's embedded Photo
Thought u guys would get a kick out of this

From: sitO
Pretty cool, don't see a bow...but still cool

From: t-roy
Definitely have never seen that in Iowa, that’s for sure! Crazy stuff!

From: EmptyFreezer
Awesome work.. Damn snake is big enough to eat you..

From: bigswivle
Pretty cool, don't see a bow...but still cool

It’s gun season in south FL, don’t know what was used. I’d be pretty happy with some gunpowder coming across that snake

From: drycreek
Damn, what a tapeworm !

From: Duke
“Bucks and Boas”

I’d prefer never having to see something like that while hunting.

That's a Hell of a double.

From: Rut Nut
Yeah, NO THANKS! : (

From: Lewis
I grew up hunting in that area have to admit never had a double like that good job hunter Lewis


From: Lewis
I grew up hunting in that area have to admit never had a double like that good job hunter Lewis

From: molsonarcher
Nope thats a hard pass for me.

Im glad he got to kill probably the most rare double ever, but there aint no way Im ever gonna hunt there.

From: TGbow

From: SBH
I hate snakes. Chalk me up in the never hunting there crowd.

From: Catscratch
Cool!!! A guy could do some pretty neat stuff with a tanned snake skin, antlers, and maybe a Euro on the python.

From: Beendare
Wow, you don’t see that everyday…thx for posting

From: bigswivle
If any of y’all have instagram, look up Pythoncowboy. He’s on the front line against the python problem in the glades. Good follow.

From: Zbone
That snakeskin could back a few stickbows...8^)

From: DanaC
Anyone have a good recipe? Snake àla king? Boa alfredo? Serpent parmigiano? I see possibilities here ;-)

From: bghunter
I think that is the only reason I am happy morgtage rates are high. It kept me from moving and waking up to one of those dam snakes in my yard. Lol

From: bigswivle
think that is the only reason I am happy morgtage rates are high. It kept me from moving and waking up to one of those dam snakes in my yard. Lol

Man if I didn’t have so many family obligations on both sides of my marriage I would be gone

From: bghunter
Yea, by the time WI weather kicks in I am sure I will say I would pay 12% to get away from winter lmao.

From: PECO2
Oh hell no on those snakes.

From: arlone
Do not want to hunt/live where the snakes look like they weigh as much as a 4x4 buck!

I always wanted to get a couple of big ones and make my wife a pair of jeans

From: 2Wild Bill
I suppose the boa tastes like chicken, right?

From: Lewis
Hey y’all that’s not a boa it’s a Burmese python just saying one was killed not far from the Big Cypress that had a 76 lbs deer in it yeah it’s a jungle out there Lewis

From: Slate
Pretty cool

From: Genesis
Actually not cool .......headed there this March for Osceolas and may pack a climbing stand!

From: bigswivle
Stay N of the Everglades genesis. Lol

From: Lewis

Lewis 's embedded Photo
Lewis 's embedded Photo
My nephew who lives in Homestead Florida where I grew up his wife was working out in their garage and this guy showed up less than a foot from her head that’ll get your attention for sure Lewis

From: Jack Harris
I would advocate the widest cut expandable on those - cut the head right off. I would put my 2.25" Swhacker where neck meets skull and swhack that SOB to death.

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