Sitka Gear
Pre-Rut torture......................
Whitetail Deer
Contributors to this thread:
Rut Nut 30-Oct-23
Scoot 30-Oct-23
t-roy 30-Oct-23
Bake 30-Oct-23
TMac 30-Oct-23
t-roy 30-Oct-23
Carbon Defiant 34 30-Oct-23
deerhunter72 30-Oct-23
bluerivertrapper 30-Oct-23
Rut Nut 30-Oct-23
Rut Nut 30-Oct-23
Bake 30-Oct-23
Bake 30-Oct-23
Grey Ghost 30-Oct-23
t-roy 30-Oct-23
Kanati 30-Oct-23
Rut Nut 30-Oct-23
scentman 30-Oct-23
APauls 30-Oct-23
Rut Nut 30-Oct-23
Charlie Rehor 30-Oct-23
Rut Nut 30-Oct-23
Will 30-Oct-23
molsonarcher 30-Oct-23
elkmtngear 30-Oct-23
Grey Ghost 30-Oct-23
pav 30-Oct-23
BOWNUT 30-Oct-23
Rut Nut 30-Oct-23
elkmtngear 30-Oct-23
Rut Nut 30-Oct-23
W 30-Oct-23
Rut Nut 31-Oct-23
Supernaut 31-Oct-23
Rut Nut 31-Oct-23
scentman 31-Oct-23
Rut Nut 31-Oct-23
scentman 31-Oct-23
deerhunter72 31-Oct-23
t-roy 31-Oct-23
Rut Nut 31-Oct-23
Zbone 31-Oct-23
scentman 31-Oct-23
Rut Nut 31-Oct-23
scentman 31-Oct-23
mattandersen 31-Oct-23
Charlie Rehor 31-Oct-23
drycreek 31-Oct-23
t-roy 31-Oct-23
Rut Nut 02-Nov-23
greg simon 02-Nov-23
Rut Nut 02-Nov-23
molsonarcher 03-Nov-23
Rut Nut 03-Nov-23
Bou'bound 07-Nov-23
Rut Nut 08-Nov-23
From: Rut Nut
30-Oct-23 know the feeling! Stuck at work while all your buddies are out hunting, giving you the “play-by-play” of all the bucks chasing doe, sparring and making scrapes! While you sit at work totally distracted and useless every time you get another text! : (

I can’t be the only one this week........................

From: Scoot
It's killin me!!!

From: t-roy
Even worse, Perry! I’ve been in Texas all weekend for a friggen wedding!! Fly home tonight, then head out early Tuesday morning to finish up one of my last jobs, hopefully on Friday. Then, let the games begin!

Those group texts can definitely be grueling, especially when the deer are moving and you’re on the sidelines.

From: Bake
I've bowhunted one day this deer season. And I took my daughter for youth rifle this last Saturday. The only two days I've deer hunted this fall. It's KILLING me. I usually have a few more days in the stand done by this time of the year. I always try to hunt November 8th. . . . a judge just set hearings that day that I have to cover. All my days I have marked off I'm having to give up for court appearances.

I'm feeling really sorry for myself right now :) I usually can get in 10-12 full days of November hunting. I think I'll be lucky with 3-4 this year.

However, my wife is keeping track of my days this year for the first time ever, and according to her tally, I've already hunted or been gone from home for hunting trips a total of 65 days this year :) So maybe I shouldn't feel so sorry for myself :)

From: TMac
You gotta get in the woods it’s crazy! (As we are at work getting updates.) it’s amazing how one animals behavior has such an impact on our plans and emotions!

From: t-roy
Yeah, I’m feeling really bad for you right now, Bake, especially for as crappy of a year as you’ve had…..NOT!

Feelin sorry for you Bake! But don't worry November 5 - 12 is still coming and the Big Boys will be on the prowl.....

From: deerhunter72
Yep, I'm mentally checked out. Leaving Saturday for my annual week long bow hunt and my mind is not on work. I have gotten 5 sits at home which is pretty good for me in October. I found scrapes popping up everywhere Saturday morning. It's just about go time!


From: Rut Nut
LOL! I knew I wasn’t the only one..................... ;-)

Troy- did you tell the bride and groom they committed the cardinal sin?!(scheduling the wedding during archery season! ;-)

And Bake....................l’m REALLY trying HARD to feel sorry for you................,,,,,but 65 days??? REALLY?! ;-)

From: Rut Nut
From: TMac 30-Oct-23 it’s amazing how one animals behavior has such an impact on our plans and emotions!

Yep! Quote of the day! : )

From: Bake
It hasn't felt like 65 days . . . . :)

From: Bake
And 65 days doesn't feel like much compared to some on this site! I think Treeman is like 120 days this year (I'll throw him under the bus)

From: Grey Ghost
For me, the pre-rut torture is having a 11 day rifle season start last Saturday just when things were starting to heat up. We can't bow hunt during the rifle seasons here on the eastern plains of Colorado.


From: t-roy
Rut Nut…….I was not consulted before the wedding date. My wife and I talked about that yesterday….during OUR anniversary!…..I wasn’t consulted much about that day, either:-(

From: Kanati
I have a one year olds attention span.

From: Rut Nut
Bake- don’t even try the “JIMMY DID MORE THAN ME” excuse! ;-)

Troy- LOL! So you you’re saying you “took 2 for the team?!” : )

From: scentman
When you put it like rut, nut, torture... ouch, conjurs up painful images... timex, some reason I picture Santa riding a full dresser!

From: APauls
It's really though. Hardest thing is when you start seeing big ones falling and it's like: "Came running to the rattles and chasing a doe" etc then you move heaven and earth to get out there but it's really not bangin yet...those odd deer are really the exceptions. Gotta be like Braveheart....Hoooooold....hooooooooold...HOOOOOOOOOLD until the time is right! lol

From: Rut Nut
LOL Adam! I hear ya...............................but I am just too impatient like Kanati! ;-)

Don’t sweat it worker guys. It’s not all it’s cracked up to be. I’m at Day 12 of 48 days. The grind continues.

From: Rut Nut

Rut Nut's Link
LOL Charlie! But who you trying to kid???!!! We know you’re.................”LOVING EVERY MINUTE OF IT!” ;-)

From: Will
It's brutal, especially when you are your own boss and are still in that situation... ha ha ha!

From: molsonarcher
Charlie, I wish most of us felt sorry for your torturous hunting schedule, but Im sure no one does ;)

Good luck and shoot some bigguns

From: elkmtngear
Hey, at least you guys get to hunt 'em in the rut! I get to watch all those big boys come down in about a week, posturing and stalking the does on my acreage, and not a damn thing me, or anyone else can do about it!

Northern CommieFornia is strategically designed for non- harvest !

From: Grey Ghost
I'm kinda with Charlie. In past years, I've hunted so much it became more like a job, and I got burnt out. Now, I've learned to pace myself a bit more. It's a tough dilemma to have. ;-)


From: pav
Only three more working days...

My first year of retirement. I'm loving it.

From: Rut Nut
That STINKS Jeff! When is your season?

From: elkmtngear
"That STINKS Jeff! When is your season"?

Archery Season opens around the middle of August, Closes by middle of September in most Zones up here. Bucks only. So, the buck/doe ratios are a mess. Temps are often in or near triple digits throughout the Season.

Deer (Blacktails) don't start really chasing up here until around the 10th of November most years.

Can you say "mismanagement"? :^(

From: Rut Nut
Oh boy............................................sounds like you boys are dealing with heat stroke during most(if not ALL) of your season! : (

I'll NEVER B**** about PA's archery deer season ever again! ;-)

From: W
I’m nearly two months from the rut, but up a tree in NE Louisiana as this front is passing through. And retired.

From: Rut Nut

Rut Nut's embedded Photo
Rut Nut's embedded Photo
The torture continues! Got a text my buddy shot a buck this morning and the wife’s cousin who I hunt with saw a buck checking out some does and got a report of a HUGE buck chasing does on a property I have permission to hunt. Meanwhile this as close to “hunting” as I can get today! : (

From: Supernaut

Supernaut's embedded Photo
Supernaut's embedded Photo
Hang in there Perry, you're time is coming!

I know the feeling with work and hunting time.

From: Rut Nut
Thanks Jim! That meme "nails it!"(literally ;-)

From: scentman
You really need to get out there Rut... I mean soon, your beginning to worry me ;0] lol!

From: Rut Nut
Right?! I think my boss is too Eric! In fact, I may even be able to use some sick days now..................... ;-)

From: scentman
Ya kinda remind me of Jimmy Houston in that pic... OK get to work.

From: deerhunter72
I think you may have gone off the deep end Rut! You may qualify for some "mental health" days;)

From: t-roy
Be careful, Perry. You’re gonna make Treeman jealous with that hairdo!

From: Rut Nut
That’s what I was going for Eric! : )

Troy- LOL! But I wasn’t kidding in that other thread when I said I “wanna be JTreeman!” ;-)

From: Zbone
"In past years, I've hunted so much it became more like a job, and I got burnt out. Now, I've learned to pace myself a bit more"

Same here...

From: scentman
Great minds think alike... Rut, you make this site fun!

From: Rut Nut
THanks Eric.....................................just trying to do my part! t-roy is a hard act to follow though! ;-)

From: scentman
Yes t-roy is a class act and contributes many fun threads, I'm off to town to dole out some candy and frights to the local "munchkins"... happy Halloween fellow bowsiters and little ones... help the Dentist's pay off their student loans!

From: mattandersen
Halloween has always been good to me...I've killed two of my biggest bucks back to back Halloweens 2015 and 2016...I am tortured at work today also...I have little time this year to hunt. I'll be out this wknd.

Sitting in a tree with 90 minutes to go. Such a mind game.

From: drycreek
Troy ! You came to Texas and didn’t call me or come visit ? DAMMITBOY !

From: t-roy
I wouldn’t have been very good company, Don :-(

From: Rut Nut
Another buddy texted me a pic of the buck his wife shot yesterday afternoon.......................2 more days of torture! ;-)

From: greg simon
Internet: I'm off at 3pm tomorrow for 10 days. Please stop talking about mature bucks being seen!!!!!!! (Until Saturday) Thanks

From: Rut Nut
AMEN! : )

From: molsonarcher
I will make you guys feel better. I hunted yesterday morning, and didnt see a deer. Im starting to think Im in Connecticut instead of Ohio ;)

From: Rut Nut
LOL! : )

From: Bou'bound
Rut torture is 75 degree temps

From: Rut Nut
I hear you Bou! Was in the 60’s here Monday afternoon but still saw 2 bucks in the evening one trailing a doe that I drew on twice at last light..............just couldn’t see it thru the peep! : (

But the RUT is here and seeing bucks every day. Only the small ones have been in range. Saw 3 bucks before 8am this morning................

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