Sitka Gear
Wy deadline to buy preference points?
Contributors to this thread:
Huntcell 30-Oct-23
WI Shedhead 30-Oct-23
Oryx35 30-Oct-23
IdyllwildArcher 30-Oct-23
Gil 30-Oct-23
Jim McNamara 30-Oct-23
t-roy 31-Oct-23
pav 31-Oct-23
RonP 31-Oct-23
WapitiBob 31-Oct-23
Zbone 31-Oct-23
bghunter 31-Oct-23
Bowfreak 31-Oct-23
808bowhunter 31-Oct-23
midwest 31-Oct-23
BULELK1 01-Nov-23
WYOelker 01-Nov-23
bowwild 04-Nov-23
From: Huntcell
“Reminder to apply for moose, bighorn sheep, elk, deer and antelope preference points.” Been getting text and emails from the great state of Wy to continue to buy in and keep from losing my sheep and moose points. Nah! Done flushing $300 down the ever changing swirling morass of wy NR point toilet.

For all other gamblers the deadline looms large to keep in the point collector game. Print those confirmations will make interesting wall decoration.

“”Unsuccessful applicants for 2023 elk, deer or antelope still need to apply for preference points. Points are NOT automatically awarded.”””

“””deadline for all preference points applications is Tuesday, Oct. 31 by 12 midnight MST. All applications must be submitted online.”””

From: WI Shedhead
It’s amazing the number of people that buy thier first points for sheep and moose with no chance in thier lives of ever drawing

From: Oryx35
I'm with you, waste of money. I'm dropping my 8 moose points, and I too have been getting a lot of reminders. Fat chance, but maybe enough people will drop out this year that they get the message.

Doug, you’re not helping those of us who remember :)

From: Gil
Throwing good money after bad.

From: Jim McNamara
I quit! No more preference points. I lost 5 pts for elk a few years back cause I forgot to buy a point. Had 2 for mulie but not chasing points any more.

From: t-roy
In it to win it for elk, deer and antelope. Drew a moose tag in 2021, after 20 years of trying. About 3 years ago I bailed on the sheep shell game with 17 points. I knew I was always going to be 4-5 away from even sniffing a sheep tag.

From: pav
Sounds very familiar Troy! Drew a moose tag in 2013 with 13 points. Dropped out of the sheep draw years ago. Remain in the game for elk, deer and antelope. Praying for a mild winter in Wyoming after last year's debacle.

From: RonP
i gave up on moose and sheep a long time ago.

i used elk points this year. a buddy and i averaged enough points to draw a general tag. i consider it a OIL tag and glad i am done with it.

i am too far along with deer and antelope points in both my home state and wyoming to give up now. i could draw a good tag for either but as most know, the population of deer and antelope is down because of the hard winter. i drove across southern wyoming last week and spent the week in the SE area. i was surprised at how few deer and antelope i saw.

for now, i will hope for less harsh winters and that the populations of deer and antelope recover somewhat in the next 3-5 years.

From: WapitiBob
I like to hunt WY so I buy points.

From: Zbone
I'm still in with 21 sheep and moose points, but now at 64 my age is also creeping up...8^(((

From: bghunter
Got out of sheep and moose years ago. Still in it for Elk and Mule Deer at 5 and 2 points. Figure someday I will hopefully draw a tag and get to hunt an elk once in my lifetime.

From: Bowfreak
All of you guys are wasting you time. No chance of ever drawing any Wyoming tags.

From: 808bowhunter
Finally reached the point level for a good high country deer tag and now numbers are way down. Praying for a few easy winters before I burn em now

From: midwest
Max for deer and lope, back up to 4 for elk.

I too already drew my Bull Moose tag in unit 15.

After drawing Ram tags in other states, I only applied for Wyo Ram unit 22 when they offered a non-ressy tag as I would see some dandy Rams while bow hunting elk.

Then they changed it to include unit 5 later in the hunt dates, so I bailed completely on Sheep.

Max on Antelope and after this year's point purchase 5 on deer/2 on elk.

Good luck, Robb

From: WYOelker
Its ok. In just a couple years we will change the rules and then everyone will want their points back as we move to a different system. I still say that the random draw across the board is the best option. But I can see us heading to bonus point system.

From: bowwild
I get points for antelope (6) and mule deer(3). If I go for antelope again I will stop buying points. I doubt I'll even use the Mule Deer points. My 44 year old son couldn't go west when I was doing a lot o that because of HS and College. Now he wants to go, but mountain shape is more difficult for me to achieve now.

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