Mathews Inc.
Have you ever smelled coffee?
Whitetail Deer
Contributors to this thread:
Shug 31-Oct-23
Murph 31-Oct-23
Supernaut 31-Oct-23
Bowbender 31-Oct-23
Bake 31-Oct-23
TonyBear 31-Oct-23
steve 31-Oct-23
PECO2 31-Oct-23
Brotsky 31-Oct-23
APauls 31-Oct-23
Catscratch 31-Oct-23
BoggsBowhunts 31-Oct-23
Corax_latrans 31-Oct-23
Catscratch 31-Oct-23
t-roy 31-Oct-23
drycreek 31-Oct-23
Beendare 31-Oct-23
t-roy 31-Oct-23
Bake 31-Oct-23
APauls 31-Oct-23
Shug 31-Oct-23
Schwammerl 31-Oct-23
midwest 31-Oct-23
scentman 31-Oct-23
Ziek 31-Oct-23
Jethro 31-Oct-23
RK 31-Oct-23
Charlie Rehor 31-Oct-23
milnrick 31-Oct-23
Jeff Durnell 31-Oct-23
LeeBuzz 31-Oct-23
huntr4477 31-Oct-23
Kurt in Memphis 31-Oct-23
OTC_Bowhunter 01-Nov-23
Will 01-Nov-23
Joe Holden 01-Nov-23
SoDakSooner 01-Nov-23
steve 01-Nov-23
fdp 01-Nov-23
Rgiesey 01-Nov-23
Beendare 01-Nov-23
Shuteye 01-Nov-23
Kurt 02-Nov-23
Rgiesey 02-Nov-23
From: Shug
Sitting on stand right now and just got a whiff of a nearby home making coffee.., Curious if happens to others here…

From: Murph
Not quite the same but have taken a thermos full to the stand on several occasions

From: Supernaut
Not coffee but dinner cooking from the farm house where I hunt on many afternoon/evening sits depending on wind direction, wood smoke from the wood burner as well when it's cold.

The farm house is at least 500 yards from where I sit and I can smell these things very easy sometimes. It definitely makes you realize that we can't ever fool a deer's nose, confuse it at best is all we can hope for.

From: Bowbender
I’m about a 1/2 mile down wind of a Starbucks roasting facility. So yeah, I smell coffee from time to time.

From: Bake
Both of my main farms are pretty remote (by Missouri standards), houses pretty far away. Sometimes I hear their dogs or a neighbor shooting.

I hunted a farm a few years ago that had houses fairly close. They apparently harvested a crop when it was too wet because they ran the drying fans on their grain bins all of November. Liked to drive me crazy hearing those fans every single hunt :)

From: TonyBear
Could be lingering effects of COVID, yeah the ACE receptors do weird stuff.

From: steve
I have smelled the Dryer sheets on stand .

From: PECO2
Not unless I brought it out myself.

From: Brotsky
Not coffee per se, but I have made some questionable choices while wearing waders on duck hunts.

From: APauls
I was with a buddy tracking a buck I killed and I told him I swore I smelled horses. Wouldn't you know it 5 minutes later a couple people come by on horseback. I'd never seen horses there before so it's not like it was a regular occurrence. But I have a crazy sensitive nose. I can walk into a building and smell that certain people are there.

From: Catscratch
Morel mushrooms! I sometimes smell them before I find them. The wife thinks I'm full of it but I've seriously followed the smell of mushrooms right to them.

One of my favorite hunting smells is wood burning stoves. I love cool crisp air with the hint of wood smoke in it.

Catscratch, reminds me of a story about a guy who trained his bird dog to point morels in the spring

Not coffee, but I can pick up a cigarette or a “personal fragrance” from about 500 yards when the wind is right….

From: Catscratch
BoggsBowhunts, I've tried and tried to train my dogs to find morels! No luck whatsoever :( I've tried with a Basset hound and a Labradoodle... both have/had great noses but were idiots when it came to mushrooms.

From: t-roy
No coffee, but if we get a S or SE wind, I can tell wether or not my neighbor has knifed in his hog manure on his fields.

Bake X2 on the grain dryers. Been really dry during the harvest this year, so it shouldn’t be noticeable, but when the corn and beans haven’t dried down enough by harvest time, I can usually hear 3-4 different dryers running in different spots, including the local Co-op a couple miles east of me. It’s like having a severe case of constant tinnitus. One of my buddys manages the coop, and few years ago I texted him and asked if he could shut the dryers down until I got done hunting that morning. His response was “not NO, but HELL no! ;-)

From: drycreek
Brotsky, you have nowhere to go except up ! ;-)

From: Beendare
Coffee is better than the Hog farm I happened to be near many years ago. I had no idea until the wind switched…..ran me out of there.

The only other time I was run out of a stand was in North KS hunting a property with standing corn and I didnt know that massive harvester was coming in. Wow, those things are impressive but the choking dust and bit was too much to take.

From: t-roy
Hopefully you went back in there right after they finished, Beendare.

From: Bake
My grandparents raised hogs for many years before confinement for hogs took over. For 30+ years hogs were their monthly income that kept the farm running between harvests and calf sales. Everybody hates that hog farm smell. . . . it makes me feel like a kid again. I don't mind it at all. God I can almost taste Grandma's gravy when I smell a hog farm.

From: APauls
My office is in a major hog farm area. We get a south wind and oooooooh baby.

From: Shug
I should have pointed out depending on the stand I can also watch their TV occasionally..

From: Schwammerl
My son smelled cigarettes and bacon from an approaching hunter the same exact time as the 6x6 elk in mid bugle that my son was about dispatch. The elk took off like a shot and my son got no shot.

From: midwest
Lately, I've been hunting right next to a sewage lagoon that creates a nice funnel on top of a ridge.

From: scentman
Dryer sheets also, but I get on guard when I can smell a rutting buck because 90% of the time I end up seeing him ;0)

From: Ziek
I've successfully scent tracked a group of elk a few times over the years.

From: Jethro
I remember a hunt in NJ where not only could I smell the coffee, I could almost read what was printed on their coffee mug.

From: RK
Ziek were any of them drinking coffee ?

Shug: Better leave for Kansas. Jersey needs a break.

From: milnrick
Reminds me of when we lived in TX and did some urban bowhunting on Sunday afternoons.

We be in a tripod or ground blind and hear play by play of a Cowboys or Texans game and smell what was cooking on the grills.

Lots of fun

From: Jeff Durnell
Yep. I smell coffee every morning. Taste it too.

From: LeeBuzz
Not so much coffee but the eggs and bacon smell stars around 6 am from surrounding camps. Once while watching a couple of does pass by, I kept smelling a woman's perfume. Turned out to be a small weed that had little white/purple flowers on it that packed a strong scent... nicknamed it lady of the forest.

From: huntr4477
A few years ago I had a spot in a very urban area near Pittsburgh. One morning I got up in my tree in the dark ,about a half hour before light. I kept getting a real strong whiff of dryer sheets. There was a row of houses about 300 yards away from me. I assumed that somebody was getting an early start on their laundry and the wind was blowing the scent my way. I was wrong. When I got down from my tree a few hours later, I found dryer sheets stuck on branches and lying on the ground all around my stand. I found out later that one of the locals put them there. Apparently he was pissed because I was hunting near HIS spot!

I have smelled bacon cooking from a nearby house.

I loaded up the smoker one day and headed into the woods. The wind switched and the smell of the smoker filled the woods. I was so damn hungry by the time I got back I couldn't stand it.

From: Will
When I used to hunt a suburban area in SW CT, there was one great spot, where a yard and house made a nice funnel. I can remember sitting in the tree and watching the home owner eat breakfast in the kitchen. Always felt weird.

From: Joe Holden
Coffee, no.

I was drawn to hunt a golf course in KS past couple years. Pro tips: access still important, watch your wind, and face your treestand AWAY from the tee box. Only took one close call for that to be corrected.

From: SoDakSooner
Funny, one of our customers is Folgers in New Orleans. You can smell coffee for miles around that place but it doesn't smell good. Definitely different that how it smells when brewing it. Obviously they have monster roasters.

From: steve
I hunt a lot of suburban spots on one cold morning someone was drying clothes and i could smell the dryer sheets.

From: fdp
I've smelled wild hogs quite a few times hunting along Yegua Creek and in the San Gabriel River bottoms.

From: Rgiesey
First good spot I ever hunted was in se Colorado. Where we hunted was south of a feedlot. Very strong smell. Nothing but good associated with that smell. Some of the best times ever.

no but ive smelled bacon cooking back at camp.

From: Beendare
T-roy, yeah…you nailed it….I shot a buck in there the very next day.

Apologies if I’m taking this thread in the wrong direction….but dry ground and those huge harvesters- wow…its about as close to Armegeddon as I have been- grin. I was in a little strip of tree with corn on both sides- great deer spot but I wish I had known those guys were coming, they literally rolled in and started harvesting. Those things are impressive up close. …heck, I think they were traveling about 7 miles an hour.

From: Shuteye
About 3 miles, though the woods, is a huge chicken farm with over a million chickens. Have no trouble smelling them when the wind is right. They compost the manure and haul it out in huge trucks, to farmers.

From: Kurt
Randy and I associate that feedlot smell with big P&Y bucks going through the funnel at all hours of the day, a WWII hero that let us hunt his place just for asking, and the best whitetail hunting I'll ever experience.

From: Rgiesey
Elwood Mckibbon. Best man I’ve met!

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