Sitka Gear
Renaming Birds Due To Racism
Small Game
Contributors to this thread:
Zbone 04-Nov-23
DanaC 04-Nov-23
WhattheFOC 04-Nov-23
fdp 04-Nov-23
Huntcell 04-Nov-23
WhattheFOC 04-Nov-23
DanaC 04-Nov-23
Zbone 04-Nov-23
DanaC 04-Nov-23
RK 04-Nov-23
DanaC 04-Nov-23
Ambush 04-Nov-23
fdp 04-Nov-23
RK 04-Nov-23
fdp 04-Nov-23
HDE 04-Nov-23
Zbone 04-Nov-23
Buffalo1 04-Nov-23
pirogue 04-Nov-23
scentman 05-Nov-23
From: Zbone
Can you believe these left wing woke whackos, when will it end:

" Prominent bird group to rename avians connected to racism, slavery, 'robbers of Indigenous graves' The American Ornithological Society announced it is moving forward in renaming many birds because of their association with people deemed racist by today's standards."

From: DanaC
In other news,the 'bald' eagle will be renamed to avoid psychological damage to the 'follicle impaired'.

From: WhattheFOC
As long as they don’t rename the true bird of love…. The swallow.

From: fdp
Between them left wing wacko's and the right wing wacko's it certainly makes for entertaining headlines that's for sure.

its only a matter of time before bird names are changed for gender neutrality too.

we just had a tufted chestmouse and a pileated woodgenital at our feeders.

From: Huntcell
Why have the tree huggers not demanded the white pine be renamed .

From: WhattheFOC
Maybe some Bowsite handles should be cleaned up as well. … cabel person.

From: DanaC
^ Wait til they find out what 'Danac' translates as from Tibetan >;-)

From: Zbone
What are they gonna rename the Red-winged Blackbird?...8^)

From: DanaC
The chickadee will become the gender-fluid-dee

From: RK
LMAO ! In ANY language DanaC translates into Trumps Bitch 1. (TB1)

Liberalism and wokeness are truly a disease.

And look at fdp getting his crotch snagged between fence posts again

Why aren't you guys out hunting or scouting or doing some woodsy type of thing?

I'm off for a few days and then clients again. Here catching up and adding to the nonesense, feels good.

From: DanaC
Resting my bum knee, hoping to drag a bear out on Monday ;-)

And will they rename 'black' bears?

From: Ambush

Ambush's embedded Photo
Ambush's embedded Photo

From: fdp
Ahhh RK...I reciprocate the fondness that you exhibit. Thank You !

"Why aren't you guys out hunting or scouting or doing some woodsy type of thing?"

suffering major guilt about whitetail privilege....not to mention the fact that our tag structure here in michigan is gender exclusive.

From: RK
Fdp. Least I can do to contribute to the cause.

I excel at doing the least I can

From: fdp

From: HDE
Yeah, well, I will continue to refer to it as Squaw Creek until the day I die...

From: Zbone
There is a street in area in Coshocton named White Woman street, I'm surprised it hasn't been changed...

From: Buffalo1
yes, I can believe it. What's new ?

From: pirogue
It’s just never ending. How long until you can’t go into the store and say, I want a Savage shotgun? Was looking at a 1968 vintage magazine a few days ago, and saw a Savage advertisement, and thought of the pressure on the Washington Redskins to rename.

From: scentman
I doubt it will fly, lacks talons... America deserves what ever it gets, the stupids are in charge. Dana C u next Tuesday ;0)

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