Another year in the shed
Small Game
Contributors to this thread:
Loaded truck this morning
Loaded truck this morning
First day of trapping here in Ohio.
Been doing a trapping thread for several years now. Here’s another year. Got out almost 100 rat sets today. Handful of coon sets and a few yote traps and snares. Will update tomorrow. Hope to get some more yote stuff set up tomorrow.
Good luck, WV. I’ll be following along again this year.
Always enjoy following….good luck!
Good luck, please keep us posted.
Oh man. Awesome. I look forward to this thread every year.
You look like your ready!
Thanks fellas. It’s nice having the freezer full and the time to get after it again. Leaving the shed now to see what we caught.
Good luck I'm gonna set some beaver traps in December. Beaver stew is the bomb.
Not as good as I expected but we got some critters. Got bout a dozen yote snares out. Couple foot holds.
Not as good as I expected but we got some critters. Got bout a dozen yote snares out. Couple foot holds.
Nice catch... that one nest raider has a nice coat!
Got a few more to throw on the pile.
Got a few more to throw on the pile.
Awesome, great thread here and I enjoy following along.
Best of success and thanks for posting!
Always a fun thread to follow.
WV Hillbilly the terminator…..
Thanks fellas. Few more today. Pulled mast the rat sets. The ice along the edges is putting a damper on the sets. Back to work tomorrow. Still got some stuff out to check in the evenings.
Thanks fellas. Few more today. Pulled mast the rat sets. The ice along the edges is putting a damper on the sets. Back to work tomorrow. Still got some stuff out to check in the evenings.
Just one wet coon this evening.
Just one wet coon this evening.
What’s the outlook on the fur prices this year? Still really depressed, I’m assuming?
Yes sir troy. Very depressing. But I’m not in it for the money. The only good thing about low prices is that there’s no competition for spots. After gun season here I’m gonna get after the yotes pretty steady.
Glad to see you doing this thread again! Got a question, I was hunting in my woods last Saturday morning and I had what I thought was a big white cat under my tree just before daylight. Turns out it was an albino raccoon. I don't know how rare they are, but I know I've never seen one. Ever caught one?
Just one big ringtail this evening. Any guesses on what it weighs?
Just one big ringtail this evening. Any guesses on what it weighs?
Deer hunter, I’ve only caught one white one over the years. It had the pink eyes etc. its head was shaped more like a possum than a coon. I’ve got several straight black ones and a few reds but white is definitely the odd ball. Would make a cool mount.
Thanks for the info David! I did a little looking today and apparently the odds of seeing one in the wild are extremely slim. I messaged my taxidermist to see if he would mount it, but I may never see it again.
That’s a whooper of a coon! I’ll guess 24 pounds.
I like it. I trapped in my high school days. Loved it. Miss it.
Very few muskrats left around me. I use to stop at 100 when i was younger to leave seed for the next year but now would be lucky to get 10. Im gonna wait till after gun season and try to thin out all these coon though
I shoot an Elbino coon years ago my grandpa mounted it for me and it looked more like a opossum than a coon too
I’ll guess 28.6lbs (gross)
It takes a giant to break the 20 lb mark around here. I’ll get a few of them a year if I’m after the coon much. Biggest one over the years was 24 and some change.
It takes a giant to break the 20 lb mark around here. I’ll get a few of them a year if I’m after the coon much. Biggest one over the years was 24 and some change.
First yote of the year. Fur ain’t good but I’m gonna skin him. Get me 1.50$ for his hide
First yote of the year. Fur ain’t good but I’m gonna skin him. Get me 1.50$ for his hide
Not a bad catch for the handful of sets I got out.
Not a bad catch for the handful of sets I got out.
Only a possum today. Gonna make a few coon sets tomorrow between taking the youngest daughter hunting.
Couple more for the pile.
Couple more for the pile.
Took my cousins daughter deer hunting this morning and am back out at it now. Youth season this weekend. Neither of my daughters wanted to go. We seen two does this morning but no shots. Gonna take her and my youngest daughter out coon hunting tonight with one of my buddies dogs.
Two happy girls. We shot out three and headed home so they could get up to deer hunt.
Two happy girls. We shot out three and headed home so they could get up to deer hunt.
Trapped my 1st coyote yesterday. I've snared some in recent years but this was my 1st year of trapping them. Big boar coon (21lbs) and a grinner rounded out the catch. My Mountain Cur Josie didn't know what to think of the 'yote.
Congratulations fuzz! That’s a good looking cur. Didn’t get anything yesterday. Hopefully something is waiting after work today.
That black coon is cool. Never seen one that dark. Us to trap from 12 until 17 years old. Im 63 now i get the bug just lookin at your pics. Great Thread as always.
Just a fox today. I don’t target them since there aren’t many around but get a few every year in yote snares
Just a fox today. I don’t target them since there aren’t many around but get a few every year in yote snares
Thanks empty freezer! The all black ones are my favorite.
Do you have any grey fox in your area, wv?
I am using 550s for yotes, but I have to deal with wolves. PIA.... Ohio is a rich trapping area... Love trapping threads.
Groundhunter……..what hoops do you have to jump through if you catch a wolf?
Troy, there aren’t many around. I haven’t caught one here. Only seen one and it was hit on the road. Used to be a lot where I grew up at in wv.
Nothing today. Try again tomorrow.
Supposedly, we have greys here in Iowa, but I’ve never seen one. My dad shot a lot of foxes back in the 50s & 60s. Both greys and reds. I remember seeing SKIPPY peanut butter jars filled with fox ears, in the freezer in the basement. Either the county or the state would pay $2 for a set back then.
Incidentals in wisconsin have to be released. We can't use lethal traps for most anything out of the water. We have cable restraints rather than snares so they have a relaxing stop on the cable. Piece of plywood with a notch in the bottom is the common safety equipment to release out of footholds.
Got three trash pandas today. Wet and muddy.
Got three trash pandas today. Wet and muddy.
Troy we used to call them with an old portable cassette player and flashlights taped to the shotgun with green or red plastic over it. Was a lot of fun. Reds were the prize back then. Greys would run in and have to kick em if you didn’t shoot a lot of times. I still have several of the cassettes my dad and grandpa used. I averaged 1.75$ last year on coon. Doesn’t look like the price will change this year. There’s no money in it but I’m getting after a few. Takes a lot of time and effort to catch, skin, and flesh them but it’s fun. Gotta do what you enjoy while you can. Most the coon this year have been caught in muskrat sets or blind sets on trails. If I have enough time tomorrow before the wife needs me to help with dinner I’m gonna put out several baited sets. Hope everyone had a good safe thanksgiving. God bless!
Stringcheesehead that takes some guts to release one like that. I’ve seen a few videos guy’s doing it. I’d want someone behind me with a shotgun to shoot me if a bobcat or wolf wanted revenge after it was set free. It’s bad enough walking down a snare to release a deer when I catch one. Can’t imagine letting a wolf or bobcat go.
Fur prices are varying this year but some should be ok. Here is the FHA outlook for 2024: Going into the 2024 season we are optimistic having seen the results of last year with price increases and strong clearances on several important items. We expect beaver and marten to do very well as they increased steadily last year and we are completely sold out. Again we are confident wolves, wolverines and bears will remain in high demand. Canadian lynx and the commercial bobcats will sell at last year’s levels or stronger. Better quality red foxes are moving well and there is a good demand for cross and silver foxes. The coyote market is not expected to improve and prices may be lower in order to get decent clearances. The heavy sections in raccoon will be saleable with the biggest sizes most in demand. For other sections of commercial raccoon, we will sell at low levels in order to clear. The market for castoreum has softened which historically happens when beaver prices climb along with harvest quantities. There remains a market but the fact is that castor prices are currently at a $90.00 basis for Grade #1, $45.00 for Grade #2 and Grade #3 at $20. Muskrats were the article we were hoping to see improve in 2023. Even with reducing the values slightly on our June auction, we received very little interest. It is expected that the 2024 selling season will see the end of what is felt to be an inventory of 15 million stale dated ranch mink, including those held by Kopenhagen Fur, that will be auctioned during their last year in operation. This inventory, once sold, will greatly help the wild fur industry in particular the muskrat market. For the most part, trappers who harvest northern species can expect better prices this 2024 selling season.
Great thread!
Thanks for taking us along!
Happy thanksgiving!
Happy thanksgiving!
Thanks fellas. Set up a few snares and baited coon sets on a different property today.
I didn’t have my phone on me the first time. This is the second fox squirrel I’ve caught in this baited coon set. I’ve caught plenty of rabbits in yote sets but never a squirrel.
I didn’t have my phone on me the first time. This is the second fox squirrel I’ve caught in this baited coon set. I’ve caught plenty of rabbits in yote sets but never a squirrel.
Pretty crazy with the squirrels! I don’t recall ever catching a squirrel in a leg hold.
Nothing today. Set a few snares and a couple footholds out for yotes on a different property again today. Hate to get to many out. Our gun season opens Monday and I pull or knock everything down while it’s in. It’s a pain trying to check while the gun hunters are out. Plus they shoot giant holes in any yotes I catch.
Just one yote today
Just one yote today
Nothing today. Got everything pulled or knocked down before the gun hunters hit the woods tomorrow. Will update when I get back after em.
Hey David, back in the day when most furnaces used coal, a class mate trapped coons and rats and after skinning them tossed the carcass into the furnace. The house smelled of roasting meat, but a good smell. In the late 50s we were getting $1.25 for a rat and 5-10 $$ for a med coon. During the early 1970s while in South Dakota, a good red fox, unskinned with a few shotgun pellet holes, would bring $50.
Finally got my one tag in three years, my target catch to top it off. Only a couple weeks left and it's tough in frozen ground.
Nice cat, screwball! What type of set did you catch him in?
Great catch screwball! It’s a chore to keep them traps working when it’s freezing outside. I finally got back at it yesterday after work. Got 14 snares up before it got dark. Will keep adding as time allows.
Fortunate to catch both a fisher and otter in ND. Going to start after canines soon
Guys here are selling skulls for as much as hides
Nice catch jmiller. Good luck on your predator line. I got half dozen more snares out this evening. Gonna keep setting them as time allows after work.
Got one this evening
Got one this evening
Set up the carcass dump this evening. Local farmer dumps his dead pigs and deer carcasses there. Lets me dump as well. We can’t set anything near exposed bait here so I set the trails around it up. Usually produces several each year.
First night catch at the dump
First night catch at the dump
This one ran afoul of something previously in life.
This one ran afoul of something previously in life.
Could have been bou. Looks like it’s too far up the leg for a legal trap around here. 100’s of possibilities. It was completely healed over and looked like it had been walking on the stub.
Do you still do pretty good when it gets into the teens? I am just getting into trapping for coons and possums. Next week it will be in the teens for a few days. I am going to give it about three days before I have to head home.
Nchunter, they usually lay up on nights it’s in the teens. You’ll still catch a few. Try to set near dens and use a lot of scent and bait. As breading season gets underway the boar coon will be out in all kinds of weather looking for a date. Good luck hope ya get a pile of em
It's always a good morning when a cherry red is waiting for you!
Some great animals, thanks for sharing with us and keep after them!
The fox squirrel in a leg trap is a new one for me, wild.
Fourth day in a row with nothing to skin. I gotta make time to get some more spots set.
Sorry guys been in S.C. at our Granddaughters basic training graduation. Running in frozen ground is a challenge. Tough to get solid beds, used 4 inch deck screws to create a solid bed, place them along the frame then under the jaws. I have used the old cattle skulls very effectively for coyotes and now bobcats. Good eye appeal and scent holders, #2 is simple old dirt hole or trench sets. I run No BS K-9 extremes four coils, big trap and come up through the snow, frost, etc. Been scouting our land for him all fall, there are two females with 3 kittens each, and another 25 ish lb tom. this is the guy I was after, So happy and excited! I am going to full body mount with a black squirrel in his mouth. My brother does taxidermy and now I'm retired so I'm going to mount him with his guidance. Great markings as well. Big tom for our area.
Screwball…….As per your comment in your first post. Can you only draw a bobcat tag every three years in Wisconsin?
T-Roy sorry missed that, in our zone that seems the avg. Northern Zone is longer. I missed application, draw dates, previously. Teaching, coaching, and athletic director, I would forget (retired now). We have lots of bobcats, I consider them a bigger threat to our fawns and turkeys than our overpopulated coyotes.
Congrats again screwball! That’s a hell of an accomplishment catching the one you were targeting. Post some pics of the finished mount when ya get it done. Five days without a yote now. If this keeps up I’m gonna have to wait longer.
Heck of a season WV hillbilly! Congrats!!
Dear diary, day six without a yote. If this keeps up I might have to skin the dog soon.
Screwball, that’s a heck of tom, congratulations! Could you post a few more pics of him?
Set up two coon sets yesterday and had a double waiting today
Set up two coon sets yesterday and had a double waiting today
Biggest one was 22.12lbs. That’s a whopper for around here
Biggest one was 22.12lbs. That’s a whopper for around here
Patience and persistence. Got a good one today.
Patience and persistence. Got a good one today.
Any guess on the weight? It looks bigger than it is so I weighed it.
28 lbs. Very cool coloration on that one, wv!
32 pounds and yes, it's a pretty one! Most where I hunt are usually in some some stage of "mange". Bet the coon were nicely furred too.
Wow- very purdy song dog!
Congrats WV.H. that one coons a goodun, that yotes gorgeous! I'm guessing 24.5. I never weigh mine so I am truly guessing.
Love his markings
Love his markings
Had a great morning, Set my cubbies with 220's in them, venison, sardines and Trapper Arts Nitro-skunky lure. Woohoo! On a roll time to get serious on yotes now. The bobcat was #1 and fisher was #2 on my list this year. Being retired it is so nice to have time to actually get some sets in the ground.
Fisher are so much fun to target! Congratulations!
Congratulations screwball! Wish we could trap them around here. Nothing again today. Poked out a couple coon sets to get some action. Merry Christmas!
Got one today at the dump. My buddy Scott set his line up yesterday and had a first day catch waiting this morning.
Got one today at the dump. My buddy Scott set his line up yesterday and had a first day catch waiting this morning.
No yotes today but filled all the traps with coon. Scott picked up another yote and a couple coon.
No yotes today but filled all the traps with coon. Scott picked up another yote and a couple coon.
I've been setting for coons around my property. I picked up six so far including a double today.
Cool stuff Dave! Love the trap line
What bait/lure you using for your Yote sets
Wv hillbilly - What did that dark colored coyote weigh?
Good deal boreal. Everyone you catch saves countless critters.
Thanks Rob!
Tracker I use a lot of blackies blend and Scott Welch lures. They make a bait called might mouse that works good. Also tko is a great lure.
Zbone that dark yote weighed 35.8lbs.
Nothing on my line today. Scott picked up another yote and a coon. He’s got a target rich environment.
Picked up another coon today. This one was in my barn.
We need more information than just a pic, groundhunter!!
My neighbor has been begging me to come get some beavers off his place. Going to set a few this evening on the way home.
Got the first beaver sets in, got a small one off the creek on our land, one less. One XXL skunk picture doesn't show it but he is gorgeous!
Nothing for me today. Scott picked up another coon. Troy is right. How bout a story on that happy pile groundhunter.
Good luck pushcoarcher post some pics.
Nice catch screwball! You gonna be at Chris’s in august this year? There’s gonna be a pile of hillbillies there the first week of fall season. We took the whole camp over.
Guys from Wis, retired, went west to commercial trap for ranchers. Nevada a target rich area.
WV Hillbilly, probably will at least for week one and a little ahead. Going moose hunting in Northern Manitoba and maybe taking the wife deer hunting down south in January.
Groundhunter - Curious what kind of money do Badger pelts bring?
I don't know, I will check with him
The last I heard they were in the neighborhood of $5
48 lb'er from Connecticut. 330 conibear in a travel corridor
Z Bone. He bring retired became a federal trapper. He gets paid a Govt salary, to address issues, on protection of cattle and sheep. He can not keep any of the animals he traps.
Hmmm, did not know that, thanks...
Got a coon in a yote snare. Scott got two coon. He helped me set up a new spot today. We put 16 new snares out and a couple coon sets
Got a coon in a yote snare. Scott got two coon. He helped me set up a new spot today. We put 16 new snares out and a couple coon sets
I FINALLY get to add to this thread! I’ve been threatening to make some coyote sets for the last 5 years. Finally got some MB550s in the ground a couple of days ago. I made 7 yote sets. A few dirt holes, a few flat sets, and 1 post set. Also made 1 bobcat flag set. I got bubkiss yesterday, but caught this guy this morning in a flat set.
Had a trap tripped on another flat set, and caught this mangy devil in a dirt hole. I think he was one cold snap from freezing to death!
Glad to see I haven’t lost my touch catching grinners :-)
Glad to see I haven’t lost my touch catching grinners :-)
I set a few dog proofs as well.
Another nest robber
Another nest robber
T Roys...nice job. I use 505s...
Ended the day with a pair of yotes, 3 coons and a grinner. I loved trapping when I was a kid, but I haven’t set any steel (other than a DP or two around the house) in probably 30+ years. I had an absolute blast today! Brought back a lot of good memories.
Nice to see ya getting after it troy! The critters around your place will definitely appreciate it. Keep the pics coming. It’s to fun to stop!
Groundhunter….This is the first time I’ve used them, and so far I love them. Especially love the night latch feature on them.
The MB 550 is my favorite foothold of all for cats and coyotes. Got a beaver and coon this morning. Oklahoma's last deer rifle season ends today (holiday antlerless) and I have a couple of hunting leases lined up to trap. Gonna set some traps with the kids tomorrow they don't go back till Wednesday.
No yotes today. Two big coon. One was 21 lbs
No yotes today. Two big coon. One was 21 lbs
Just a couple of coons today. Had a pull-out on my cat set. I’m thinking it was a coon.
Happy new year fellas! God bless ya all.
Happy New WVH and all, Hope we all have a great year, God Bless
Caught a young bobcat today in a dirt hole set. No tag for me this year so let him go. Thankfully had a buddy help with the release
Cool, letting them go is so much fun. LOL Each time catch and release gets easier, I think.
First time running them this year in Missouri. Caught 5 opossums, two coons and a 25 pound male bobcat in four nights. Pretty good spots on him.
Congrats Schmitty, nice pad catch. He is gorgeous.
Yesterday I doubled on coons and took a red fox with while bowhunting.
Dang thing almost weighed as much as her!
Only two coon today.
Only two coon today.
Nice catches fellas! Especially love to see the kids involved.
Agree, WV! My buddy’s kids first efforts this year.
Crazy you guys have to get tags for bobcats,we trap and shoot as many as we can.All I use for coons is buckets or boxes and coniber 220's
2 coons and 1 opossum in the last 3 days. Just trying to help this springs turkey nests.
2 coons yesterday and 2 more today.
Just one coon today.
Just one coon today.
Same here one coon. These beavers are giving me a good schooling.
WVHB - If I wanted to get started w/ trapping for coons/possums and yotes; where would be the best place to educate myself to get started? Fully recognizing the scent control and sets for yotes would seem to be more involved
Push. Have you done much beaver trapping before? I did a lot of it in high school for local farmers and ranchers. A 220 or 330 and a bank den are money.
Candor your best place to start would be your local state trappers association. Most have yearly rendezvous with multiple people doing seminars on different animals and techniques. I’d bet my hat you wouldn’t have a problem finding someone to show you the ropes there. Nowadays most trappers are more than willing to share information they have gained over the years. Also there are a lot of good books out there to get started with.
Fox have really been moving this year. In my immediate area we have way more fox than coyote and the mild winter still has coon moving
KsRancher I've got a good amount of experience but this pond is giving me a challenge. It's a 5-6 acre pond that they've built a hut on the damn wall and the entrance is to deep to get to in waders. Might have to get the kayak out. The first night I set two 330's and a 10x16 connibear. They popped 2 of 3 with nothing in them they were anchored well. Next day one juvenile in a 330 sense then nothing in the connibears and I added two more. Caught the big one on a leghold drowning rig on a castor mound. I've heard of beaver being "square shy" but haven't seen it personally. Added another leghold today do will see. One more coon today.
I always had trouble on dens like that also. I had best luck with footholds placed where they were would come out of the water. Or a snare where they had a trail going to trees they were working on
Just catching several large boar coon as of late. Maybe getting some snow, so will get some cable restraints out then.
Finished tanning my 2023 ND fisher to go with the other two. Such cool critters!
Nice work jmiller. I’ve been enjoying your articles in ff&g.
Nothing for me again today. Good luck fellas.
One more coon this morning.
They were moving last night. Scott got three and a coon. I picked up one and a coon.
They were moving last night. Scott got three and a coon. I picked up one and a coon.
Nice! WV…..what are the blue things on the stretchers?
Thanks troy. The blue things are tape. We mark Scott’s fur with it so we don’t get our stuff mixed up. He puts up his fur in my shop.
Had my lucky charms with me. Boar coon and a juvenile beaver today.
My daughter called and shot her first coon the other night.
My daughter called and shot her first coon the other night.
Then she begged to go again last night. She's getting it figured out. She hit a second one, but we lost it after a long blood trail. The trailing experience made it well worth it though.
Then she begged to go again last night. She's getting it figured out. She hit a second one, but we lost it after a long blood trail. The trailing experience made it well worth it though.
Her brother has been working on them for a couple years, but I don't think he'll get as much trigger time now.
Her brother has been working on them for a couple years, but I don't think he'll get as much trigger time now.
Those are some awesome pics with your kids, Merriam!! Looks like some magnum coons, too! Are you guys calling them? If so, how are you do it (if I may ask)?
Yes, we are calling them. Mostly out of big cottonwood den trees. We have trapped quite a few in the past. But I started saving some of these spots for calling. A lot of them just come out for a peak But every once in a while you get a real charger.
Just one big coon for me today
Just one big coon for me today
That’s awesome Merriam! Love to see the kids out at it.
Looks like you ran him over WV! LOL!
Great seeing all the fur!
Congratulations awesome stuff. Love seeing those coyotes
Merriam…………Nice! I got a new FoxPro for Christmas, and been thinking about giving it a try for coons. Any particular calls work the best for you? I’ve heard coon pup distress and coon fight works pretty well. Any tips or advice would be greatly appreciated! Thanks, Troy.
3 more coons today.
T-roy, we have a Lucky Duck and the coon fights seem to work better than the pup sounds. We usually end up getting most out with one sound, then change sounds after we've shot, to try to get a few more to pop out. We used to use the old Johnny Stewart coon fight cassette and it worked too. I'm not an expert, but like most hunting it's the setup. We have snow right now, so it's easy to see what trees they're using. But, when it gets below 20° it slows down. We usually setup within about 50 yards of the trees. If they're coming out, it's usually within 4 or 5 minutes.
You bet! Good luck if you make it out. It's a blast!
Nothing again today. Pulled one property. Gonna pull the rest of the line Saturday.
Another last day yote. Seems like every year I get one on the day I’m pulling everything.
Another last day yote. Seems like every year I get one on the day I’m pulling everything.
Pulled the rest of the line today. The fur truck comes through town on Friday. Good luck to anyone still after them!
Had a good check today on the line. Two properties and two red fox.
Looks pretty balmy up there, Jeff! Congrats on the reds!
Winter has arrived! Very little snow though so the below zero Temps don't bother me!
Them fox look like they got good hides jmiller. Congrats. Red fox and muskrat gotta be my favorite fur.
One 18 pound female today. Got a few more days to run em hopefully I can get the big male she was running with and a bunch of nest raiders!
I think its sad so.many don't trap
I was busy sewing fur as fast as I could tan it. A couple of weeks of subzero temperatures and there was much demand for real fur!
Jmiller, those look awesome!
Beautiful work jmiller. I’m gonna have to send ya some hides to get some items made.
Got two more cats and one mangy coyote this am
He’s a muddy mess.
He’s a muddy mess.
Very nice, Schmitty! What’s your season limit on cats, and when does your season end for them?
Caught a couple more coons and another yote, yesterday.
That’s nice too T-Roy! My yote this am was super mangy! We have no limit on cats in Missouri and our season runs until the last day of February. The first two were caught on my property but now I’m trapping a 1,900 acre army training area close to home.
You did that coyote pup a favor.
Looks like a twin to one my brother shot during deer season, not pretty!
Actually had a male following a female out of the same corner 3 of the last 4 days between 4 and 5 P.M., so I shot on up to the farm after work. Wasn’t there 20 minutes and here they come. First time I’ve patterned a bobcat!
Very cool, Schmitty! I’m assuming a cellular cam?
I had a “first” for me the yesterday. Caught a rare no tail ringtail! I’ve caught several shorter tailed ones over the years, but never one missing his entire tail.
Yes sir, I run my tactacam cell cameras through February to see what deer made it through the season. That is cool, never caught a tailless one!
Finally got to put some sets in the ground again this week.
Double on coyotes today and a tom with pretty good spots. My daughter was insistent on helping check after her gymnastic meet.
Dang, Merriam! You and your kids are having way toooo much fun! From the looks of your daughter’s jeans, she must’ve gotten a step too close to that cat! ;-)
What type of sets are you catching your yotes (and cats) in? Do you usually make multiple sets together?
T-roy, my mother in law made a similar comment about not being able to afford decent jeans for our daughter.
Most all of my sets are a form of dirt hole and can catch both. If it's set more specifically for cats, I use quite a bit of guiding. Either sticks or dirt clods to limit where they can step. Coyotes don't seem to tolerate being blocked in as much. But, that's not a hard rule. Most of my better spots have 3 or 4 sets in a fairly small area. I want to have at least a one set working if the others are plugged with raccoons.
Released a female this morning.
That’s awesome Merriam! My daughter gets mad at me if I don’t wake her up to run the line with me. She loves it!!
Awesome thread that I should have been following. :-(
Same here Schmitty. They were both up just after 5 this morning. She spent most of the time asleep in the pickup, but still insisted on going. Just one small coon today.
They're still at them. A real mangy one, a rubbed one, and one nice one in a snare.
4 coons today, including this double. I haven’t kept real close track, but I think I’m up to around 40-45 coons since mid-December. Hopefully, that will help the turkey and pheasant hatches this spring!
Still trapping? Critters must be different there, as out here in the NW they hit prime in early Dec. and by now are shedding fur and not worth the effort.
Troy, it's really hard to measure the impact of removing predators, especially when ground nesting birds success depends on so many factors. But, common sense says it has to help. I know more predators move in, but keeping after them year after year has to slow it down.
Mike, you're right, most of the furs are in poor shape right now. However, Bobcats are at their best now. A few of the coons and coyotes are still in good shape. Some of the ranchers I'm on want coyotes out, as they are starting to calve right now. The other properties are managed for deer and turkeys, both of which have been struggling for a few years for multiple reasons. We're hoping to curb that with some predator removal.
Agreed, not sure if it makes that big of an impact, but it certainly has to help some.
Mike B……Iowa has designated coons as a nuisance species, and they can be targeted year round on private land. Since prices have dropped and stayed there, very few people trap or hunt them anymore, and the populations around here have exploded.
I'm anxiously awaiting river ice break up to start spring beaver trapping. One of my favorite times of year!
Merriam - although trapping is now all but outlawed here in WA., back in the late 80's and early 90's I trapped quite a few. Prices were poor as the bobcat here don't have much in the way of a white belly. Dark forest, dark belly = low pelt prices. In the late 70's and early 80's I was in So. Cal., and hunted/trapped eastern Ca. and Nevada, and back then we did very well with Bobcats, averaging $300-$500 for top quality pelts with a wide, white belly.
I noticed beaver prices have been up this year, and your Spring beaver should still sell well. Apparently the hatters market has picked up, and pelts don't need to be prime. Even though ya got to hoop or board them, IMO they're still less labor intensive than 'coons, and they're bringing $20-$30 ea.
t-roy - can you grind up 'coons and use them for dog or cat food? Got to be something useful..maybe sell the coon peckers to moonshiners?
You're right Mike, beaver are worth decent money this year. I wish we had the fur prices of the 80's now. Our cat season ends this week, so I plan to move onto them at the end of next week. I have quite a few farmers that want them out, as they have a tendancy to flood their cropfields.