Sitka Gear
Grey wolf woolens
Contributors to this thread:
Patdel 13-Nov-23
Pyrannah 13-Nov-23
Bowfreak 13-Nov-23
smarba 13-Nov-23
smarba 13-Nov-23
Knifeman 13-Nov-23
WV Mountaineer 14-Nov-23
carcus 14-Nov-23
Bowfreak 14-Nov-23
Knifeman 14-Nov-23
Patdel 14-Nov-23
Patdel 14-Nov-23
Bowfreak 14-Nov-23
Insheart 14-Nov-23
Cheesehead Mike 15-Nov-23
Bill in MI 17-Nov-23
From: Patdel
I probably have a better chance of winning the lottery, but..... i have a set of insulated grey wolf bibs and parka in predator fall grey. Theyre a size large and just a little too small for me. What are the odds someone out there has a size xl thats a little too big and would want to swap? Im 5' 9" about 205.

They are the warmest thing ive ever owned and it seems like such a shame to have them sitting around not getting used.

From: Pyrannah
love gww wool

good luck man

From: Bowfreak
I loved my GWW bibs as long as there was no wind. My set didn't have any wind protection. They were super warm on calm days and like hunting naked in the wind.

From: smarba
And you conducted a test naked to be sure the comparison was valid?! LOL

From: smarba
Patdel: It may be worth reaching out to Gray Wolf to see how much $ to modify the set you have.

From: Knifeman
They make them with a quiet wind stopper lining, just have to order them with it. OP, good luck, I think most guys will need a larger size as they age lol. I would try and sell them and get another pair. Great people and product.


From: carcus
I have a set of XL in like new shape, they are the wolfskin ones, double insulated in predator fall grey, I don't want a trade but I would sell them

From: Bowfreak

I knew they made them like that. Many years ago when I ordered them I was penny pinching and didn’t order the wind stop. They worked great without the wind stop for the majority of my hunting but when it was windy they sucked. I loved those bibs, but I like my Stratus set better. To be fair, it is all because of the wind protection.

From: Knifeman
Just making sure it was known that there was, and has always been, a windproof option. Did not mean to offend.

From: Patdel
Carcus, i appreciate that. The set i have is actual wool and id like to stick with that.

I wonder if they still make wool stuff, or have gone to all wolfskin?

When the old lady split a few years ago i started liftimg a lot of weights just to keep myself from spending too much time on a barstool and ive bulked up quite a bit. Suppose i could just quit lifting weights and theyd fit again.

Thanks all.

From: Patdel
Update...they dont make wool stuff any more. Something about the e.p.a.

Dont have enough material to alter. So its either slim down or keep looking. Thanks again all.

From: Bowfreak

No offense at all. I just didn't provide all the information in my original post and you did.

From: Insheart
I have the bibs and coat with the liner.

Purchased years ago in Cabelas (prior to them going big box) bargain bin really cheap - can't remember exactly but for sure under $100.

Love em, wouldn't get rid of for anything.

If they are in good shape you sould get about what you paid for them. Good luck.

I love my fall grey wool parka with the wind stopper. I also have a wool fall brown 1/2 zip pullover with a kangaroo pocket that's my go to when it's not as cold.

From: Bill in MI
I have the original lined bibs and bowhunting jacket. I don't always wear them but they go with me on every hunt where there is a chance of serious weather. Custom made 16 or 17 years ago..I think...just as good as new. Hope you find a set used man.

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