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Yellowstone NP Announces First-Known CWD
Mule Deer
Contributors to this thread:
Zbone 16-Nov-23
Bake 16-Nov-23
WYOelker 16-Nov-23
HDE 16-Nov-23
Bowbender 16-Nov-23
Bake 16-Nov-23
smurph 16-Nov-23
WYOelker 16-Nov-23
Glunt@work 16-Nov-23
Beendare 16-Nov-23
From: Zbone

Zbone's Link
Yellowstone National Park Announces First-Known Case of Chronic Wasting Disease

From: Bake
I thought the wolves were supposed to kill all the sick critters? What's gonna happen to the cute and cuddly wolves when the government kills all the cervids?

From: WYOelker
But I thought predators would take care of that issue?

From: HDE
^^^ and that is the illusion...

From: Bowbender
"I thought the wolves were supposed to kill all the sick critters?"

They do. Except the majority of the herd isn't sick OR old. THAT'S the part the wolfies don't mention.

From: Bake
Some of you Sheldons need help recognizing sarcasm :)

From: smurph
Anyone know if wolves and Grizzlies might contract CWD eating infected prey? Just hoping!

From: WYOelker
Anyone know if wolves and Grizzlies might contract CWD eating infected prey? Just hoping!

No predators are not affected by CWD. They however are believed to carry prions to new areas and help spread the disease.

From: Glunt@work
I'm sure we will spend a ton more money now. The proper response is nothing...and just as effective.

From: Beendare
The supposed experts say it cannot cross over to humans....but then these prions in similar Mad cow and other prion diseases can take a very long time to show the signs- possibly decades.

Not good....could we be witnessing the decline of Ungulate species- I hope not.

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