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Cody Robbin 200” Buck
Whitetail Deer
Contributors to this thread:
Bowboy 16-Nov-23
Bowboy 16-Nov-23
bigswivle 16-Nov-23
Bowboy 16-Nov-23
PECO2 16-Nov-23
PECO2 16-Nov-23
Bowfinatic 16-Nov-23
Supernaut 16-Nov-23
t-roy 16-Nov-23
Catscratch 16-Nov-23
walleyes 16-Nov-23
Pat Lefemine 16-Nov-23
Fields 16-Nov-23
standswittaknife 16-Nov-23
Insheart 16-Nov-23
Catscratch 16-Nov-23
Quinn @work 16-Nov-23
deerhunter72 16-Nov-23
molsonarcher 16-Nov-23
Tony 16-Nov-23
Bowboy 16-Nov-23
Nick Muche 16-Nov-23
LBshooter 16-Nov-23
drycreek 17-Nov-23
sitO 17-Nov-23
Rut Nut 17-Nov-23
njbuck 17-Nov-23
PECO2 17-Nov-23
maxracx 17-Nov-23
Bow Bullet 17-Nov-23
WhattheFOC 17-Nov-23
Duke 17-Nov-23
midwest 17-Nov-23
M.Pauls 17-Nov-23
bigswivle 17-Nov-23
carcus 17-Nov-23
Jaquomo 17-Nov-23
goyt 18-Nov-23
Pop-r 18-Nov-23
BULELK1 21-Nov-23
ki-ke 21-Nov-23
APauls 21-Nov-23
Taxidermy man 21-Nov-23
Chris Walker 21-Nov-23
Zackman 21-Nov-23
spike78 21-Nov-23
Treeline 21-Nov-23
From: Bowboy

Bowboy's embedded Photo
Bowboy's embedded Photo
Bowboy's embedded Photo
Bowboy's embedded Photo
What a stud whitetail buck.

From: Bowboy

Bowboy's embedded Photo
Bowboy's embedded Photo
Bowboy's embedded Photo
Bowboy's embedded Photo
Here’s another picture with the sheds over the years.

From: bigswivle
The giant whitetails and mule deer that has killed over the years is incredible.

From: Bowboy

Bowboy's Link
Here’s a link to the story of the hunt

From: PECO2

From: PECO2

That shed pic is remarkable Love his content Congrats on an amazing buck

From: Supernaut

From: t-roy
Beautiful buck!

From: Catscratch

A 7yr old buck with lots of sheds. I wonder what year he was the biggest? Hard to tell from the pics as 3 of those sets look massive! Very cool!

From: walleyes

walleyes's embedded Photo
walleyes's embedded Photo

From: Pat Lefemine
He’s probably my favorite on outdoor TV. Seems like a great guy and an exceptional hunter.

From: Fields
passing up a 207 because he wasn't 6 years old.. he might be the only person in the world to do that on this caliber buck.......

Agree, enjoy his passion for hunting and how he involves others..

From: Insheart
Agree with Pat, a super good all-a-round guy. Enjoy watching him - not at all like a lot of the TV celebrities.

From: Catscratch
Thanks for posting that walleye. Those numbers are fascinating to me.

From: Quinn @work
Wow! What a buck. I like his TV show too. Can't believe he passed that buck because it wasn't 6. Does he have a huge tract of controlled private that he can do that and not risk the buck getting shot on the neighbors ground? Pretty incredible. Congrats.

From: deerhunter72
Amazing buck and incredible history with the deer. I’ve heard of the guy but haven’t seen any of his content. Very impressive.

From: molsonarcher
Amazing whitetail. His shows are excellent as well. He definitely puts the time in and earns his deer. The way he helps other hunters is special in its own right also.

From: Tony
Quinn@work, my brother is somewhat familiar with the area this apparently came from. It doesn't sound like a sizeable enough piece of land that he would be staying on it during the rut. Sounds like he just took a big risk passing it, and it paid off. Most of his huge whitetails have come from public land.

From: Bowboy
I agree with Pat. Cody & Kelsy show is one of the best on TV imo. He lives in some great country with big animals.

From: Nick Muche
"He’s probably my favorite on outdoor TV. Seems like a great guy and an exceptional hunter."

I echo this comment from Pat, Cody is the real deal and he is super genuine, a quality that is lost on many these days.

From: LBshooter
Very impressive. Just wondering if it was a red moon day?

From: drycreek
I don’t watch outdoor tv, so I don’t know him, but passing that buck at 207 shows that he has incredible self control. What a buck !

From: sitO
I watched one of his videos a couple years back, driven is what he is. Amazing specimen, true hunter.

From: Rut Nut

I find it very interesting that he went from 173 to 207 to 178 to 207 in successive years...................................... is that common? I always assumed that once they started going downhill, it was a steady decline. Didn;t know they could increase the following year after declining....................................................

From: njbuck
Heck of a deer! Congrats Cody.

From: PECO2
So a deer must be at least 6 years old, and over 200"? I couldn't judge either, in the field or in front of me already dead and or mounted. Good for him! If I saw that deer, I'm not running any calculations through my head, I'm sending an arrow!

From: maxracx
Congrats Cody!!! Awesome deer.

From: Bow Bullet
Just. WOW! Cody has killed some monsters (and Kelsey has too). Most likely Ritchie was right there with him filming. Definitely looking forward to watching the show.

From: WhattheFOC
Jim Shockey taught him everything he knows. ;)

From: Duke
The man love is flowing for Cody!!!

Don’t know him, but always enjoyed his personality and general presentation with his shows.

Another bomber deer to add to his impressive deer hunted and shot.

From: midwest
Incredible buck!

From: M.Pauls
Absolutely incredible. Way to go Cody. Tremendous deer with insane history. That’s impressive Cody is my son’s hero, but then again, guess he’s my hero too…;)

From: bigswivle
He killed what would’ve been the world record mulie(I think) and all he had to do was strip the velvet off of it, didn’t do it. Thought that was awesome. Also his story for the “Sleepy” buck he killed a couple years ago was awesome.

From: carcus
Congratulations Cody

From: Jaquomo
If I'm not mistaken, Sleepy was the giant buck he missed, then later killed, and was being hunted by other guys.

I've never met him but he presents himself as a great guy and is undoubtedly an amazing hunter. The story of how he and Kelsey started dating is pretty awesome too.

From: goyt
What I like about Cody is that he is out there putting in tremendous effort to hunt and kill these big deer. On most shows a blind is put Infront of a bait pile and a 2 1/3 year old buck is shot. Then the hunter tries to tell us how nice the buck is and how happy he or her is with him. Cody seems to have years of experience with the bucks is kills and hunts them under difficult conditions.

From: Pop-r
I thought when he left Shockey he was a fool and I was wrong.

Him and his wife's TV show is 1 of the few I really like to watch.

Thanks for sharing,


From: ki-ke
Always thought he seemed like a guy that deserves all the good that goes his way. Great storyteller as well.

Congrats on this deer and thanks for always sharing your stories

From: APauls
I don't know how anyone could hate him. Just a prairie boy doing what he loves. Huge congrats to him. Keeps reaching for his dreams.

What was the deer's name?

"Dead Big Ass Buck".

From: Zackman
A rare breed in today’s hunting world—the hunter that is

From: spike78
Seems like the real deal putting in hard work.

From: Treeline

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