He was helping some Amish guys retrieve a coon dog that had run onto a neighbors property. Apparently the neighbor's ebike spooked the buck and it ran past him at 10 yards...... :)
Always amazes me how antlers can grow so large in such a short time. You probably could have watched his antlers grow while he fed in August lol. Anyone know if it was a trad kill or compound? Anyone have a guess how much that rack is worth if it's a record?
For those who don’t know Rex is referring to the Johnny King Buck who looked like would beat Milo Hansons buck for the world record typical. The panel scoring at BC determined it was a non typ because of two points share a common base.
Too bad that left side g2 will most likely be a common base point. Not much I’d like to see more, than somebody to knock Milo Hanson out of the top spot, for multiple reasons.
A common base point does not subtract from score…If it’s a true common base it’s essentially scored as two different points like the other side … The problem could possibly be that a point doesn’t originate from the top and outside edge of the main beam … that’s what stipulates a regular point
Shug, totally true. Pics arent the best to judge it, but looking at the g2/3 in the photo, it appears to have enough mass/flaring at the bases to make the classic figure 8 for common base determination disappear part way down.
From what ive read, it has 29" of deductions so taking the split tine and the other g2 difference off the 235 gross you get a 206" net. Not sure if that is the correct way but thats what I read.
This one was also killed in Clinton Co. Supposedly both hunters know each other and both bucks were killed in same area. Not sure on how true that is though.
Zbone- Most of the pictures taken that contain a trophy but no weapon, 95% of those are gun or Xbow kills. Most compound or traditional guys are proud to have their bow visible in the picture. Just my guess…
Will go along with that, kinda assumed the same thing probably a xgun, but if it was killed with a vertical bow, Mel Johnson's Buck's reign may be in jeopardy...
I hope the call is one is a normal tine snd the other is abnormal (non-typical) point because they disallowed a Mn buck years back that would have been a top spot contender back in the day, that had similar construction, and that one’s fork wasn't as high off the main beam as this one. But depends on the boards leaning these days.
Younz remember the Wayne Zaft buck and then the Johnny King buck about 20 years ago and now this one's G2/G3 all look about the same configuration to me in photos... Panel judges considered one of the points abnormal common base, probably gonna happen with this buck...
Shug - You have anymore pix or info like hunter's name and/or weapon, internet seems kinda quiet about it...
Incorrect Boris… and IBC The difference is the origination of the point and weather or not the outside edge is flush with the outside edge of the main beam
Yeah, me too don't know Buckmasters but see no inside spread, and although this one is not, see they even have a category for "High Fence"....
Would like to see Mike Rex's score sheet, as Robear said, he's a reputable scorer and officer with BBBC which uses the B&C system... In the post he quoted - "By King buck standards..it's nontyp"... Wonder how he scored the G2/G3? We know now it won't be panel judged by P&Y but will B&C panel judge it?
If killed on Nov 10th, then after drying period will be interesting to see if Mr. Alexander will have it officially B&C scored and which way will the scorer goes with the G2/G3?
BTY, isn't it ironic some xgunners think they hunt with a bow, yet when kill a big one they seem omit their xbow from the pix...8^)
“ BTY, isn't it ironic some xgunners think they hunt with a bow, yet when kill a big one they seem omit their xbow from the pix...8^)”
Yup. You will never see a traditional bow killed animal without the bow in the photo. Never!! Perhaps because xbows are so hideous, or they’re ashamed they didn’t kill it with a real bow. In his defense, I don’t think this guy has any understanding of taking a proper hero photo.
For the same reason I don’t have acorns in the hero pic. But if I kill one over this field tonight I’ll definitely include it in the pic, along with my bow.
Pat - Are you shooting feathers out of the compound or are they TAC Driver vanes? I set up a ILF recurve this year with an elevated rest and bought some some of those vanes a week or so ago to try but haven't got around to assembling them yet...
I wonder how many other guys were hunting these two bucks? If those things were in Kansas, there'd be at least half a dozen guys that would know about them and doing everything in their power to kill one.
Tried to watch the podcast but couldn't get through it, was not impressed, no humility... Then after banging on B&C and the Hanson Buck, had to turn it off...
Is that something that could be shared here or would that qualify as commercializing hunting and therefore we shouldn’t propagate the practice any further?
There is something very refreshing about someone, regardless of what weapon they carried into the woods with them, who went hunting and without any pre-existing knowledge of the animal and had a surprise encounter and took advantage of it.
Honestly you can't read an article today on any truly noteworthy big deer that does not include trail cam photos and a described knowledge of every time the animal dropped a turd or rubbed it's pre-orbital gland on a twig.
Just old school hang, hunt, and kill something that he did not "have a history with" is nice for a change. In this case not only did the hunter not know, there is no indication anyone else in the area did either and if they had they would have inundated the hunter with photos of the beast from the last four years.
This kid is gonna be disappointed, based on the numbers that the BTR scorer came up with it will net in the low 170’s typical, around 230 nontypical and gross only around 244. He shouldn’t be disappointed but he wants it to be typical and that 15 inch point on the left is probably gonna be a nontypical point
So, what about the picture of him with that buck and a compound bow in the photo? Then there is a story of his bow breaking and using a buddy's xgun. We had this story on the Wisconsin site also.
Ohio would give Iowa some serious competition if they could ever stop baiting.
Don Higgins said that exact same thing to me during my interview. Great genetics, soil and food. Only issue is the age class takes a hit, mostly due to the prevalence of baiting and crossbows. Tons of young bucks are killed in Ohio.
From skull's link: "Alexander doesn’t think he’ll submit the buck to B&C for scoring. He says he’s too worried the Club will score the antlers unfavorably, because of the record-book politics surrounding a feature called a “common base.”
So if he wants it to be Ohio state's number 1 typical, the Buckeye Big Buck Club (BBBC), uses the B&C scoring system, and not the BMS... Would think it would be the BBBC scorers that would determine the common base... So wonder once they make that determination, if favorable it would be official with Ohio's BBBC records... Doubt B&C would accept that score without being panel judged by them though, but don't know....Whether BBBC has a panel judges don't know that either... I do know the Beatty buck is listed #1 in BBBC but lost a full 10" panel judged by P&Y...
If the G2/G3 score is unfavorable, as Russel Thornberry would say, it's just another "what if" buck...
Mike Rex green scored the rack and he is a BBBC guy. He should have been able to give the guy who shot it an honest opinion on how those points would probably be scored during an official measure. On a side note, Mike Rex and his sons have harvested like 50 bucks that qualify for the BBBC record book. BBBC minimum score is 140 inches typical.
In regards to what Don Higgins thinks Ohio needs to do in order to give Iowa some serious competition, Ohio needs to mirror Iowa's policy on non resident archery deer tags. Ohio's non resident deer tags should have to be drawn. Deer permit should cost $498, general hunting license $131, and a Habitat fee of $15. This might help to stop non residents from coming to Ohio on the cheap and shooting small bucks. The $15 Habitat fee could be used for securing more public hunting areas in Ohio. If it took a non resident 4 years to draw an Ohio deer tag, it would help to alleviate the issues caused by non residents leasing land and it would relieve hunting pressure on public land. What's good for Iowa is surely good for Ohio.
Oldreb I agree. Non res should have to draw tags. Unfortunately thats not likely to ever happen. It would dramatically help the buck harvest in a very short time.
Stopping baiting will have a much bigger impact than limiting nonresidents. That’s nothing but a resident pipe dream, and I get it.
My guess is you’d lose 20-35% of the nonresidents, and over time a few residents would give up too if baiting was prohibited. Baiting is all many of them know.
The deer is what the deer is, which is magnificent but there’s something inherently wrong with the system that has different published realities based on interpretation and people are able to selectively shop whose opinion they want and whose opinion they don’t want
Agree nonresidents should have to pay same their resident state charges their nonresidents, there is a word for that but can't think of it...
Yeah Old Reb, Mike is reputable and from the this link: https://www.northamericanwhitetail.com/editorial/cj-alexander-breaking-news-bucks2023/486780" he green scored it 206-7/8" net typical, and 235 7/8 net nontypical... Would assume that is B&C system scoring... Seems he scored the G2 favorable: "Upon close inspection and after having the CJ Alexander buck’s rack in my hands, it is my opinion this rack can be scored as a typical 6x5. I was able to find where I believe the G-2 and G-3 tines both grow from the main beam. It is also my opinion that the G-2 and G-3 on the left side have matching G-2 and G-3 tines on the right side"... Went on to say Mike will not be part of the BBBC scoring panel since he green scored it... Doesn't seem Mr. Alexander will take it to B&C though...
BTW, I looked up the Beatty Buck and it's official BBBC score is posted as #1 at 304 6/8" net typical but currently only 294" ranked #3 in P&Y net nontypical, so P&Y panel dropped it 10-6/8"... Trying to think of which buck is in between Beatty's buck and the P&Y World Record Brewster buck from IL that officially scores 327 7/8"???
Mike Rex, current Ohio Wildlife Councel President, says a ban on baiting isn't going to happen any time soon. Except maybe if there is a major spread in CWD. And I hope a major spread never happens. So, making Ohio a non resident limited draw state is the quickest way to relieve pressure on small bucks and pressure on public land resident hunters. The tag price increase will be necessary to offset the revenue loss to the ODOW from the elimination of cheap OTC tags.
That’s unfortunate. A ton of bucks are killed due to baiting. Both by residents and nonresidents. That change alone would cut the buck kill by 40%. I’m sure of it.
I doubt the ODNR is seriously considering any changes to nonresident opportunities.
By the way. Ohio bowhunting, despite the baiting and the nonresident access is still phenomenal. Best move I ever made was to buy a farm there.
I hunted Ohio the end October for the first time, I was in Danville small town, seeing lots deer and some nice ones, yes I have to agree if they stop baiting would be a great state for big deer
Another issue that gets overlooked and adds to the baiting problem is the 5 acre restriction was dropped years ago for the free landowner tags. Now what you have is folks in subdivisions competing with each other to see who can come up with the most attractive bait to lure the deer in from surrounding farm ground. The bigger landowners and their families hunt, or lease their ground out. They feel they have to bait to keep the deer on their property. It’s a mess, but the genie ain’t going back in the bottle.
Don't remember a "5 acre restriction", although I know in some urban areas within city limits some city ordinances required at least 10 acres of property to legally hunt your own land, but as far as I remember whether you own 1 acre or 10,000 acres if killed on your own land landowners tags could be used... But only one buck can be tagged statewide whether it was tagged with landowner, or either-sex tag regardless of weapon type...
Aside from city/township ordinances if there was a minimum limit of landowners property to legally hunt, I don't remember it...
It was a statewide law that the landowner had to have 5 contiguous acres in order to qualify for free landowner deer tags. That law went away in the mid nineties because of a law suit brought against the state by a landowner that didn’t qualify for the landowner tags.
What do you mean by landowners tags, landowners don't hand out tags, all a landowner has to do if killed on his/her own land is check the deer in the game check system, there is no need for a prior "tag" or number, you create your own tag of cardboard or what ever to attach to the carcass with date, time, and county info and the harvest report number you receive from the game check system... Easy, peasy...
I don't remember any acre restriction either regarding using a land owner tag. Now back when they were trying to establish hunting on Sundays in Ohio there was initially acreage restrictions for private land hunting. If I remember correctly if you owned at least 20 acres you could hunt on Sunday. Also if a land owner had over 100 acres and registered it for Sunday hunting they could allow others to hunt on Sunday. Land owners who owned less than 100 acres but were adjacent to other land owners who wanted to allow Sunday hunting they could combine their acreages to meet the 100 acre minimum. Sunday hunting was also allowed on public hunting lands. It was a complicated mess. Fortunately the laws were changed after this 3 year trial and Sunday hunting was leagal on all land state wide.
Pat, Yes. I also doubt that the ODNR will make any changes regarding baiting or unlimited OTC non resident deer huntIng tags. I am not advocating for baiting. I just feel that unlimited non resident deer hunting is a bigger problem. Most come to Ohio for the bucks, not to shoot does, and I'm sure some have the " I'm not going home empty handed mentality ". Especially on public land. I just think limiting non res deer hunters accomplishes the lowering of the buck kill ,it relieves public land pressure for resident hunters, and it wold reduce non resident leasing.. Yes, the deer hunting is phenomenal and I would like it to stay that way.
Pat, I guess the old cliche' " we will have to agree to disagree " comes into play here. I am a native Buckeye and will most likely always side with what I think is best for resident hunters. As far as your Ohio neighbors all using bait and crossbows, you once stated that prior to making an offer on your farm you were diligent in having conversations with the neighboring land owners. You also stated that you lucked out because two of the neighbors were hard core bowhunters who practice QDM. This was in your thread titled Ohio hunting license question from 25- Feb-20. The statement was made in a response to btb on26-Feb-20. Did those neighbors change away from QDM? Anyhow, I don't want to be argumentive about this and good luck with your Ohio hunting. Oldreb
Wouldn't be so harsh, he!! I'm an Ohio native and been fighting against xguns in bowseason since the 1980's, but hasn't done any good, they even invaded and conquered the state bowhunting org, so he is not the only one that sees this problem...
Maybe Pat is now experiencing what I and probably many bowhunters that live near amish have known, you can't trust them and I'd never turn my back on one... We're dumb Engli to them... I've ranted this before... Around my properties, they try to kill every deer, "If it's brown, it's down"... Don't believe they have much thoughts on conservation, that's why they don't have any deer on their properties because they killed them all, and then invade other properties displacing locals through cancerous leases then after they ruin one lease property, they'll move on to another and do the same and so on... I might be painting them with a broad brush, but I wouldn't want them as neighbors, at least Pat has enough acreage to keep and hold a sanctuary some bucks might be able to survive to maturity... In my area's a buck is really lucky to make to his 4th year...
Here is the other 200"+ typical whopper that has been talked about in Ohio circles... Unfortunately another xgun kill also... They're still being pretty secretive about divulging the county, only stating hunter is from North Central Ohio... Photo I screenshot from the youtube video:
This quote may be a misprint in the following article: "A five-judge panel of scorers from the Ohio DNR Big Buck Club, who are also Boone & Crockett scorers, will be scoring Thomas’s buck on December 30, 2023"...
I assume they are speaking of the Buckeye Big Buck Club (BBBC) but can't find a public scoring event for neither the ODNR nor BBBC on that date, can only assume it's being done in private:
They're stating it may be possible new B&C #3 typical but when I look at the rack, kinda looks like there might be a common base discussion on the left side rack also???
Another issue I have with xguns are these monster bucks being killed by them, for some reason in my mind it degrades such magnificent animals and I understand it shouldn't, and would so much rather seeing them arrowed or even blasted with a gun for that matter... Even roadkilled would gain more respect... I know, I know, it shouldn't...
There are some concerning comments that have just popped up on CJ Alexander’s instagram account about his deer being taken illegally, and him being arrested for it. If true, it won’t take long to come out officially.
Going around very quickly that the DNR has confiscated this buck. Womp womp… If so, they need to throw the book at him. I can only imagine hunting this buck the right way and it getting poached out from under you…
Allegedly there was a trail camera photo taken of the buck 22 miles away from where the poacher said he killed it the day before he killed it. Likely took DNR a while to authenticate the photo and get their T’s crossed and I’s dotted for the investigation.
There’s a pile of comments on the poacher’s Instagram that are nearly a day old. They haven’t been replied to or deleted, leading folks to believe he’s in the clink. If it’s true, I hope he stays there a long long time.
I have read some of same comments. No evidence they are anything other than rumors yet. Let hope that is all they are. If the deer has been taken by ODNR and rumors are true, I'll be on the tar and feather him band wagon, but until something official comes out will reserve judgement.
Not going to speculate neither, but if true, a shame... Will say though, if you kill a world class whitetail in Ohio, better have crossed your T’s and dotted your I’s because ODNR are WELL KNOWN for confiscating big bucks with heavy fines as these two attached... The top one hangs (or used too) at their Portage Lakes office, it was Ohio's nontypical state record at the time (until removed) and #6 B&C... Had it been poached with today's restitution fees, the guy likely would have been required to pay penalties of around $43,000... It's now listed in B&C as a pickup... The bottom one the kid was fined and required to pay restitution for a total of $28,741.46... Don't mess with ODNR, I think they have the walleye tournament lead weights dude's Ranger boat too worth boo-coo bucks (pun intended...8^)))
1 last little comment about this Cj Alexander Buck.. I know everyone will be waiting for a big court case and investigation.. like I said yesterday the case is CLOSED!! CJ confessed in front of 6 wardens and was ticketed… While that was happening 2 went to Keith Sniders and confiscated the Rack and gave Keith a receipt for the Rack. While 2 more went and talked with the Buddy that borrowed him the Crossbow.. If you’re out looking to Poach a Buck don’t do it on or near The DA’s property!! Especially when he is after it!!
I seen this post but not sure whether it’s based in fact or not. Who really knows about this stuff anymore.
I still think the point off the left G2 is an abnormal point. Will we ever know?? I doubt it unless it’s eventually panel measured by B&C. State of Ohio likely has some B&C Measurers.
Charlie, seems what the ODNR did with the Hochstetler Buck above was had it removed from BBBC, the state records book organization, but is still listed in B&C as a pickup... So maybe/hopefully they'll have it scored by B&C system to determine restitution penalties to resolve the court case...
If it was actually killed on November 9th or 10th, sixty days later brings it to January 9th, so hopefully we're soon learn the true score... The buck grew the bone that deserves recognition, not the shooter...
If the state decides to go for restitution for this deer, using the 235 7/8 gross that Rex came up with and crunching the numbers of the formula the ODNR uses, he is looking at right about 31K.
There are a few comments in here on Ohio nonresidents that crack me up with the short sightedness.
I am a non-resident Ohio landowner, in case you hadn't guess. Hunted permission and public there for 15 years. Id suspect 90% of OOS either hunt public, lease or got to an outfitter. This means they're not directly your deer quality problem.
Ohioans can be spoil brats with how good they have it. Most "archery kills" are by cross bow....that tells you a ton about who is doing what. It is TexasNE with corn piles, cell cams, crossbows and blinds on senderos through the invasives on the hillside. Why? The hunters have shown theyre lazy, will spend more money to do less effort but have the same result.
What happens when OOS are a draw or have a massive premium to pay? Outfitters take over. Look at Iowa- if you think you cant get permission or find a cheap lease now you'll be 10xs a broke and handcuffed with that draw or high cost change.
Baiting is the lowest hole in the bucket. 80%+ of hunters on another forum wanted bait changes. Again it is for the lazy and become part of the culture. Spend 8$ a bag, pour on the ground. Everyone does it and proclaims everyone has to. I have neighbor baiting on less than 2ac next to my 75 with plots, trees and conservation benefits far beyond a trigger pull on a deer. He claims he cant afford more....then get working more and hunting less. Corn is toxic to deer in quantity during winter. Again, if hunters needed woodsmansip and effort, Ohio would be number 1. Right now we are hearing about the giants (to which there was a third 200" typical, and the second was from Richland county) or Columbus burb's mega bucks.....but some portions of Ohio already suck. Some of the outfitters need to be chastised for killing 2yos non stop. Blame the out of town addict, or come to terms with your dealer is a local that's raping the land. Your local realtors arent shy with selling 5 ac lots and mentioning "wildlife" or "hunting" Id bet your bait pile that those areas have a culture that blames others as well...... if you cant behave when you're drunk, don't drink....If you cant control your behavior in the woods, own it don't blame out of state folks.
People in every state have complaints. The grass is always greener. I cant wait to live in Ohio with the other brats.
I just spit my drink... John nice picture of the dude, toooo freakn funny...8^)))
As said above, I was not impressed with the dude's humility on the podcast... He thinks he's all that and a bag of Doritos...
Thanks for the link Ksgobbler, if convicted gonna cost the dude big time, hadn't realized the ODNR used gross score to pay restitution fees as Robear said of possibly 31K...
On another website said he already sold the rack for 30 grand and the ODNR seized it from him and gave him a receipt... If that is true how many other laws were broken from both parties selling and receiving a poached animal? Can only assume that could be another can of worms...
Just read the Outdoor Life post. 1.) Don’t mess with the DNR, especially Ohio. 2.) Criminals most always get caught. 3.) The fine won’t be harsh enough.
When it all shakes out, it sure will be interesting to hear how they actually nail this fool.
Too bad for the deer and anyone else who was chasing him legally.
I have a contact who is heavily involved in the investigation. He cannot divulge much info at this point, only to say all the rumors going around are true. Geeesh.
I don’t think the DNR is going to deduct for the common base when they measure it to calculate the restitution. They must abide by the “nets are for fish” mindset.
I agree Matt, poachers that want fame and/or fortune are incredibly stupid. However poachers that poach for food or other purely selfish reason are very Smart. The tools they have at their disposal these days are scary.
Hope they throw the book at this fool but like a lot of wildlife crimes I don't expect to much of a lasting punishment
Going back to the baiting..... My resident neighbor with 2 acres baits. Shot a buck this year (and his right to) that probably measured under 20", no lie. I guess I'd rather him shoot that, then some stud I would have liked....
Just read the Outdoor Life post. 1.) Don’t mess with the DNR, especially Ohio. 2.) Criminals most always get caught. 3.) The fine won’t be harsh enough.
When it all shakes out, it sure will be interesting to hear how they actually nail this fool.
Too bad for the deer and anyone else who was chasing him legally.
scentman - The podcast links are posted above... I couldn't get through the whole thing, I had to turn it off especially when they started bashing the B&C scoring system...
Dum and dummer. Pretty confident his name will not be in the record books. And unfortunately not much penalty for trespassing/hunting without permission. Kind of a shame that this truly magnificent buck will be associated with a poaching event.
Bou, I’m assuming he’s in jail (hopefully) or his phone has been seized by DNR. Instagram comments bashing him for being a poaching loser have been up on his Instagram from 6 days now without being deleted by him - which is something you’d suspect someone to do after 170+ comments.
No new posts or anything since the news broke. Hopefully he got stale bread and water from the county deputies for Christmas.
As Zbone and many others have pointed out, Ohio does not play when it comes to these high profile cases. He will at the very least, owe restitution for the deer which in Ohio goes like this for any deer scoring 125 or more. Gross score minus 100. That number squared (times itself). That number times 1.65$ per inch. And I believe, they also will owe the base minimum of 500$. So that puts the amount at about 31,000$. I imagine a few more dollars tacked on here and there. So under normal circumstances I would agree with Tracker on the penalty for hunting without permission, usually 275$ fine and confiscation of the deer, that goes out the window in these big cases. You are made an example of, so to speak.
So Robear is hunting without permission a state jail felony? Evidently not. If not what would he be in jail for. In Texas killing a deer without landowner consent is a state jail felony, not sure on Ohio Maybe you could put some clarity on where you think this scum bag is right now.
I don’t believe I have ever heard of anyone being jailed in Ohio for hunting without permission. I have not heard anything that would indicate that he is in jail other than him being silent on social media. Of course if he was, as has been reported, hunting on the DA’s property and the DA was hunting the same deer……….
He was fine, but he was banging the DAs wife and she, the DA, wasn't happy about it. I guess he flipped her to the home team and she is now a trump supporter. Sadly, she dumped him as he didn’t have a “ full length” shaft, and that’s when it all went south.
I would venture to say that the majority of monsters killed have a story to them that aren’t always legit. Especially when it’s just some random hunter with out a bunch of good deer under their belt. To randomly kill one is fluke usually. I’m talking shooting deer over 170s. Monster deer make glory grabbing idiots due idiotic things. This is one good example of trail cam’s playing a positive role in hunting. Caught one of the many idiots out there poaching.
I’ve been hunting big bucks for years and they just don’t fall off the face of the earth. Someone usually takes them and can’t brag about it cause of the illegal method or where it was killed at they weren’t supposed to be there. I had this very thing happen about 6 years ago on a buck that grossed 196”. The buck I was after was in my home state of IL and turned up its was killed in MO. So the shooter said. Long story short I got the Warden involved and he honestly told me it was gonna be way more work than it was worth. Because the guy actually had bought an IL nonresident tag. He hunted about 2 mile from where I hunted in IL. Needless to say I have a real crappy taste in my mouth about my local game warden. Whata ya do.
Lots of guys, probably more than you think don’t care a bit about bragging on a big buck they’ve killed. I know a guy ( not me) that has killed three over 190”, one being 214 non typical. He killed those in the 1990s. Less than 10 people have seen the mounts. There’s lots of big deer killed every year and they’re not shared with the public.
57 and making another baby, WOW, gonna be a hell of a generation gap...8^) Good luck...8^)
I'm a grandfather of 6 and my stud days are over...8^) Seeing my 16-year old granddaughter with her first boyfriend on Christmas day give me that uneasy feeling of I could be great-grandfather in a few years,,, I sure hope it'll be a few years...8^(((
That Alexander kid is going to go through some shIt with fines, penalties, lawyer fees, possible jail time, the humiliations, etc, but I don't feel sorry for him but I DO feel sorry for his family... It's gonna be hard on a marriage, but after seeing the gym picture posted on social media, I would think he's likely already out there shopping... I know a similar situation, not my family but friends with a 13 year marriage on the rocks and they have a 12-year old kid and the husband is a total azzhole and he's now working out at a gym and lifting weights then posting his body on social media with status of "separated" yet lives with his wife and kid in the same house... It's a mess... I hate the holidays and a reason I live a half hour away so I don't have to hear or deal with all the drama... I'll say no more, sorry to get off track...
I never watched the podcast, nor will I probably ever. I grew up in an area where guys did whatever it took to get a buck this big one the ground, then concoct a story later, with enough twists and turns it doesn't seem made up. There's a couple of them that visit this site, like weirdo lurkers, afraid to post anything. I'd bet about anything there is a lot more to this story than the bone the Ohio DNR got thrown.
Watching the podcast after knowing he’s a liar is one of the best things you could do. Damn is it enlightening…. Knowing everything he says is basically a lie. This kid couldn’t hunt himself out of a wet paper bag.
I wont bash the kid it's not my style. he will pay in a way that will haunt him for years' PUBLIC HUMILIATION' .
I hope when this is over some of the people that had his sheds, hunted this deer, had history with him , can give us some history on this deer, think the deer deserves that.
The guy from MT that killed the largest elk Mr. Stephen Felix did it right. He kept quiet and never said a peep and had it stored at the RMEF HQ for the 60 day drying period in a boxed crate. Only a couple people knew about it. IMo he set the standard on how to deal with killing a large trophy animal.
Idk...the only facts i can find so far is that he is under investigation for not having written permission. Not exactly a verified axe murderer. Maybe the public execution is a little bit rushed.
Cant give him a pass on the underwear selfie tho. Wtf kid?
The written permission about has to be to just get the ball rolling. If he really did kill it on his sisters place with verbal permission that would be ridiculously petty to charge him with that and confiscate the rack.
He said on podcast he had written permission at his sister in laws place. Does anyone know if in Ohio hunting without written permission is the same as trespassing or does it simply mean you had permission but it was not in writing? Also on podcast he said waited for friends with a good camera to get off work to take pictures. Personally l would take day time cell phone pictures over my "good camera" and night time pictures.
John - Because Ohio landowners are often reluctant to give permission in writing because liable legalities, most or many LEO are lenient if you don't have a written slip on your person... Think of this - what if you are on your own property, most likely the officer isn't going to know... The "written" clause is used to assist complaints from landowners to pursue those on their property without permission to prosecute criminality, which sounds like what is happening here...
Surprisingly a couple things nobody here is questioning anything about him selling the rack if whether that was true or not... Aside from Groundhunter asking what about what they said (him and buddy) recovered the deer the following day yet field photos are at night... Is buddy an accomplice?
Grey ghost...exactly. lots of rumors and speculation at this point. Under investigation for is a lot different than guilty of.
I hope it all comes out in the wash and the guy gets the deer back. Just a better outcome for everybody who hunts if its legit.
Also maybe its just my pea sized libertarian brain, but it bothers me that the state can just seize anything for an investigation. I dont think they should be able to confiscate a soggy kleenex without some kind of definitive proof. But thats just me.
if this kid did anything illegal...i hope he is prosecuted appropriately.
however...innocent until proven guilty applies to average joe hunters as much as it applies to former presidents...and we all know how "rumor has its"..."reports are" and "from what ive heards" have all worked out in the past.
i would hope everyone is afforded that same presumption.
it could also be that the da actually did have him on cam...took ownership of him like so many do...and just got pissed when some lazy "xgun" hunter lucked into his "hit list" buck...and shot his buck on some scrub 30 acre parcel that he doesnt even own. maybe even used bait!! :)
Ricky-the truth is that his sister’s property, where he said he can hunt, is only 8 acres and the kid has already stated that he wasn’t using bait. I’m glad we got that straight. I think he’s been saying that it’s 30 acres to make it a little more believable story. He should’ve just said he was using bait on the 8 acres and that would be more plausible
Grey ghost, absolutley it does. It has a bit of a stink to it no matter the circumstances. Just my opinion. I have a feeling your instincts are gonna be proven right on this one. Lots of smoke for no fire.
On the other hand, wouldnt be the first time a DNR officer got a little overzealous.
Ive seen disputes over permission result in furious people. Just completely fly off the handle. Throw a giant deer in the mix, all bets are off. I guess for now im willing to give the guy the benefit of the doubt.
Once he realizes how the fine is calculated he will want that 15”point scored as a deduction and just go with that low 170’s net typical by the evil Boone and Crockett club
I have no clue if this dude is guilty or not! But I do know sometimes things aren't as black and white as DNR says. I hope this is NOT the case and if guilty I hope they bring the full force of the judicial system against him.
"Ricky-the truth is that his sister’s property, where he said he can hunt, is only 8 acres and the kid has already stated that he wasn’t using bait. I’m glad we got that straight. I think he’s been saying that it’s 30 acres to make it a little more believable story. He should’ve just said he was using bait on the 8 acres and that would be more plausible"
i was being facetious in my last post...hence the smiley face.
look...i have no idea what transpired here...as i said before "if this kid did anything illegal...i hope he is prosecuted appropriately."
i just think its important to let the process play out...and part of that process is the presumption of innocence until proven guilty.
if we have learned anything over the last few years it is that very little of what we read in the media...especially social media...is accurate.
"and what really gets me is how many people are ok with poaching and trespassing ."
I'm on some Morel groups (mushroom hunting) and like you said, it's surprising how many are ok with trespassing and poaching. Kind of a chip on their shoulders actually. Like it's about someone having something they don't.
JohnMC, first thing i thought when i saw the underwear selfie was that you had photoshopped Cj's face on josh blowmars body. I thought that shit was hilarious. Even more so when realized it was real pic and that he is a blowmar quiver sniffer.
As a member in good standing of the Spoon and Crockpot club, none of my deer have ever been the subject of any scrutiny. But I’m a big fan of the idea that the truth prevails. I think if a monster gets shot on the up-and-up, the guy has nothing to worry about in terms of rumors and innuendo. Just squawking from the peanut gallery. On the other hand, if the truth is a little darker, then yeah, sometimes rumors are true.
unfortunately...in situations like these...regardless of the outcome of any investigation...once the speculation runs its course on social media...the hunter will forever be tainted.
im not saying hes guilty or innocent...im just saying by the time it is decided it wont really matter. ask kyle rittenhouse.
The guy is sticking to his guns. If he’s lying, dude needs to go to Vegas and play poker. Sounds like the ODNR was playing a bluff game as well. Hopefully it’s legit. Lawyer be damned he just unloaded for two hours.
I tried to get though the podcast but the kid is so arrogant I have a hard time listening to him, so I kinda just kept forwarding through in spots and near the end he brings up the Murdaugh murders and OJ, I'm like wtf... If I had to make a ball call, I call psychopath...
Heard the stick part but would like to know if the DOW found the kill site on the trespass land and have the blood DNA tested, if so it's a slam dunk...
If he’s telling the truth why not be so confident it comes off as arrogance. He has family connections in law enforcement (including father) so he has some insight into process and what is and is not appropriate and clearly does not appear to be intimidated by the process. Is that an ignorance is bliss effect or is it an informed air that indicates I know what happened and I know my rights and I know how this will play out based on what I know vs what others don't know.
I watched parts of the latest pod cast. Words are just words, I didn’t see anything that said he took it the way he did or the way the DNR is investigating it. I’ve had enough ex girlfriends to realize that people can be pretty convincing liars to cover their butt.
I've shot a few nice deer. After the woods settle down after the shot, the first thing I do is text or call my brother and then text a few hunting buddies. Then when I find the deer, I’m taking pictures with my phone within minutes of finding the deer. Part of it is for my enjoyment and to share with the people that matter to me but the other part is if there were ever a question, the pics and texts have time and date stamps that can back up my recollection of events. I have an extremely hard time believing that this guy wasn’t snapping pics and sending texts to everyone he knew when he found that deer. He’s been all about the attention from the start. A pic of the deer at the recovery site at the time of recovery would be pretty good evidence to support where he shot it.
I don’t get why he even did the latest pod cast. Anything he says can be used against him at this point.
I didn’t listen to the podcast. Did they ask him if he had taken a pic when he found the deer? Agree, No way he didn’t, imo.
Both iPhones and Droids attach location metadata to every pic by default. I doubt this guy disabled that functionality. Simple and bulletproof way to prove your innocence.
If the kid is threatening to sue for conflict of interest (for whatever reason with officers) and they have blood evidence and/or phone record evidence at the trespass location, they are just getting their ducks in a row before filing charges... Would imagine they are probably really pizzed now after this latest podcast, they won't want egg on their face... Why the kid would go public again in a podcast is insane to me why I call psychopath...
We oughta start a pool, charged or not charged, I'm guessing charged... Whether innocent or guilty, yet to be determined, but a court will decide... Just my $.02...8^)
Yes let’s start a pool. A group of people who know nothing but what they see on internet determine and judging something and someone they know nothing about. Could be fun.
Not surprised at all that he would go even more public. We live in an age of everyone only caring about Instagram followers and attention - good or bad. Imagine the notoriety, followers, and name recognition he’s getting from this. If he’s going down he might as well go down with 10,000 new people who can’t wait to see his next post. No matter what evidence they have, there’ll always be folks who claim he was innocent and got robbed of the record and the debate will continue forever.
Zbone the link says they confiscated the hunting equipment, antlers and cape. I’m surprised they can do that before a sentence has been passed. I used to think we are all innocent until proven guilty. Sounds like he’s guilty until proven innocent by the odnr. I’m surprised the law works this way.
Wv hillbilly - Wouldn't know but think I read somewhere, maybe above that items can be held for evidence... Think of like a drug bust, but don't quote me on that, don't know the judicial system that well..
If they plan on charging him…The deer and hunting equipment would be evidence. The state will preserve the evidence for trail. They would have been seized lawfully. If he was legal the.n the state will return them. It’s common practice and does follow 4th amendment doctrine.
Thanks for the clarification. Just struck me odd that the state/ government can take your belongings before your convicted for a crime. I don’t care either way, if this guy did it right or wrong I hope he gets all he deserves.
Of course they can take your property before you are convicted
They can take your freedom before you are convicted too ……….people go to jail all the time and await trial from prison based on the severity of the charges and / or their ability to post bond to await a conviction or an acquittal decision outside of confinement.
"Turns out, however, the deer had been known for a number of years in Wilmington and often frequented a cemetery, a resident of the area related during a phone call"
"Court to rule whether potentially record-setting Ohio deer antlers were taken illegally"
"Christopher Alexander, 28, of Wilmington, faces 23 total charges:
Five counts each of illegally hunting deer without written permission (M3) and taking possession of a deer in violation of a division rule (M3) Three counts of theft by deception (F4 and F5). Two counts each of hunting without a license (M4), hunting deer without a valid deer permit (M4) and tampering with evidence (F3) One count each of jacklighting (M3), theft (M1), falsification (M1) and sale of wildlife parts (M4)
Corey Haunert, 29, of Hillsboro, faces eight charges: Four counts of aiding a wildlife offender (M3) Two counts of hunting without written permission (M3) One count each of tampering with evidence (F3) and falsification (M1)
Kristina Alexander, 37, of Blanchester, faces one count of falsification (M1) and one count of aiding a wildlife offender (M3), and Zachary Haunert, 31, of Lebanon, faces two misdemeanor counts of aiding a wildlife offender (M3)."
I wonder if the meat from that deer got taken care of properly, and eaten like it should have. And I'm also surprised jacklighting is only a misdemeanor 3. Like the link stated, it's a shame a deer of that caliber is sitting in an evidence locker, and not being enjoyed by an ethical hunter. Sad. I wonder what will eventually become of those antlers?
“I wonder what will eventually become of those antlers?”
Yeah, if convicted it'll end up in one of the ODNR offices, as said above they are notorious for confiscating high profile deer, even listing them in B&C record books as owner, I seen this one at the Portage Lakes Office and think it was ranked like in the top 5 or 6 B&C at time of kill, and still ranked 9th in the state... Below is how it is listed from the B&C website:
Non-typical: 256 5/8", Kill Location: Holmes County, OH, Kill Date: 12/5/1975, Hunter(s): Picked Up, Owner(s): OH Dept. of Natl. Resc
No new news on the Ohio buck trial, but here is an update on the ‘Hollywood Buck’:
"Poacher Loses Hunting Privileges for 24 Years After Famous ‘Hollywood Buck’ Turns Up Dead on Facebook"
"The DWR called his punishment one of the “strongest enforcement outcomes in recent memory” and noted that “the considerable penalties included will certainly be a deterrent to future wildlife crime and should give the community a level of comfort that this type of crime is taken very seriously in the Commonwealth."
Pat is right. That is why I am always on the posers on the Leatherwall that post pics of deer with not weapon or they are not even in the pic. Trad guys would have their bow in the pic. It is a big deer even if it was killed with a hand grenade. But if it was a crossbow he might as well use a gun. Of course this is my opinion and the guy may need a crossbow to kill a deer.
He said he was going to get big money for this head. Like house buying money. Well, hopefully he does get living accomodations curtesy of the Ohio State penal system.
Scent that’s Quite a prediction on someone’s life. Heck he’s going to live another 50 years or so. Maybe he’ll learn and grow and continuously improve as a person and be a positive force in people’s lives.
400 Elk - "I would bet there is a civil suit to recover money"
Don't know about that but bet he has to pay restitution to the state for the buck:
"According to Section 1531.201 of the Ohio Revised Code, anyone found guilty of illegally taking a deer over 125 inches gross score shall be ordered to pay a special restitution fee in addition to any restitution value established in division rule. This additional fine is calculated using the following formula: ((gross score – 100)² x $1.65). Should DNR officials find the Alexander buck’s widely reported gross score of 235 ? inches to be accurate, Alexander could receive an additional fine of $30,462.33 if convicted"
Well, it's not just any deer, if the reported NET TYPICAL score using the B&C scoring system of 206-7/8" stands, it'll rank #4 all time B&C and a new Ohio state record...
"ODNR: Poacher Pleads Guilty to 14 Counts in High-Profile Taking of Trophy Buck in Clinton County
Poacher Pleads Guilty to 14 Counts in High Profile Taking of Trophy Buck in Clinton County
The 14 counts include:
Illegal taking or possession of deer (two) Hunting without a license Hunting without a deer permit Selling illegally taken or possessed deer antlers Spotlighting Hunting without permission (four) Tampering with evidence Theft Misdemeanor theft Falsification
Three accomplices also pleaded guilty in connection with the case.
pleaded guilty to six counts:
Attempted tampering with evidence Aiding a wildlife offender in taking or possessing of deer (three) Hunting without permission Falsification
pleaded guilty to two counts:
Obstructing official business Aiding a wildlife offender
Looking at the ODNR high resolution photo in that view, don't think the score of 206-7/8" NET TYPICAL will hold up with that left forked G2/G3, although still a monster buck... Kinda reminds me of the Zaft buck...
I'm guessing the ODNR will likely have it displayed at sports shows and events...
Imagine the feeling of the guy(s) and gal(s) who may have been legally hunting this deer prior to the dirtbag moving in and cranking it. Bomber deer that 99.99% of us will never see and was taken this way. I wonder what the details of the hunt looked like.
I believe the person/company that bought the rights to the story and the person/company that bought the rack will probably go after him in civil court to recover their money. Just a guess but that is where I was going with the civil suit. Total piece and I hate seeing stories like this. Big animals will make some people do stupid stuff.
JohnMc, you beat me to it. Fat chance he has the money for restitution or to pay back royalties etc. Hope theres no kids involved as he’s gonna be poor for a long time.
In a damning about-face on Tuesday, CJ Alexander pleaded guilty in Clinton County Court to 14 criminal charges for poaching one of the biggest whitetail bucks in Ohio history and fabricating an elaborate story to cover it up. A clerk of courts confirmed the guilty plea with Outdoor Life but was unable to share the details of Alexander’s plea before the courts closed Tuesday.
Alexander was indicted on 23 criminal charges in June for allegedly poaching the buck, which was also in the running for the third-largest all-time typical whitetail in the Boone and Crockett record book before it was confiscated by the Ohio Department of Natural Resources in December 2023. Alexander had maintained his innocence after the ODNR launched an investigation into the buck, and he doubled down on his innocence after his criminal indictment was handed down by Clinton County prosecutors in June.
Alexander had shared his story behind the hunt for the “Alexander Buck” with Outdoor Life in December, a little over two weeks before the antlers were confiscated by the ODNR. He told OL that he killed the 200-plus-inch Ohio behemoth using a borrowed crossbow while hunting his sister’s 9-acre property in Clinton County. It’s the same story Alexander has maintained in public for nearly a year, and one that seems to have been unraveled by investigators, who gathered a pile of evidence in the form of cell phone records and metadata, according to court documents obtained by Outdoor Life. These documents, and particularly the cell phone records contained within, give shape to an elaborate scheme in which Alexander killed the 200-plus-inch buck known as the “Alexander Buck” on Nov. 9, 2023 on private land where he knowingly did not have permission to hunt. They show how after Alexander killed the trophy buck with a crossbow, he recovered the illegally harvested buck with accomplices and then staged its taking on his sister’s property so he could profit off the deer, mislead investigators, and become the hero of his own hunting story. These cell phone records were obtained through a search warrant and provided to Alexander and his defense attorney as part of their request for discovery, court records show. “I’m gonna get offered stupid money for this deer head babe … Like buying house type money … This deer is gonna make us money,” Alexander texted his fiancé Carissa Weisenberger on Oct. 17, a little over three weeks before he killed the infamous “Alexander Buck.” Other texts sent in the following weeks, along with the accompanying GPS metadata, proved that Alexander was hunting the buck hard and expecting to kill it on the 49-acre parcel where he knowingly did not have permission to hunt.
A screenshot from court documents showing samples of texts sent from Alexander’s phone. “I’m in all camo and im pretty sneaky,” Alexander said in another text message to Weisenberger, on Oct. 26, after she texted saying she was worried about him getting caught. Additional text messages, photos, videos, GPS data, and Snapchats obtained from Alexander’s phone show how he and accomplices tried to cover up the poaching by staging the taking of the buck on his sister’s property the day after it was killed, and by tampering with evidence and falsifying records. These records show that Alexander continued to lie, both to investigators and others, as news of the buck spread.
“It’s everywhere babe lol … No going back now,” Weisenberger said in a text she sent him on Nov. 13. Cell phone records obtained by investigators also show how Alexander profited off the poached buck by selling its antlers to an antler buyer; by selling exclusive rights to his story to a hunting magazine and shopping the story around to others; and by signing a promotional deal with a hunting company. He allegedly did all this while feeding those people the same false story about how and where the buck was killed. Alexander could not immediately be reached for comment. He is scheduled to be sentenced in Clinton County court on Dec. 11, according to the clerk of courts.
Dang, that hillbilly ain't gonna be able to legally hunt for a while, but seeing his F-you attitude toward the ODNR in those interviews, he'll be back out there...
Glad the outcome fits the crime. Poachers should have the thing they love more than being scum bags taken from them, cash and freedom. Hope he's got that promotion from mickey ds coming soon.
She could have thought that he was hunting it legally. All he had to do was lie to her.
Anyways, 3 months in the pokey, 40+ grand in fines, and 10 years of no hunting legally anywhere in the USA, along with plenty of scorn and shame from the hunting community forevermore.
If I couldn't get a hunting license anywhere in the US for 10 years, I don't know how I'd go on.
For us law abiding hunters loosing hunting privileges would be painful. I don’t see it being painful to anyone that’s caught poaching. They didn’t care about the laws before they got caught. Does anyone really think not being able to purchase a license is going to stop them from poaching again. I don’t.