Question for all the scores out there
Contributors to this thread:Whitetail Deer
From: sdbowhunter
My thinking is that the red line would be the main beam measurement and the bottom one would be the abnormal point.
My thinking is that the red line would be the main beam measurement and the bottom one would be the abnormal point.
Which one would you use as the main beam and which would be the abnormal point? I’ve never run across an antler configuration like this before. I was thinking that the bottom one would be the abnormal point? My thinking is if I understand it correctly is that the main beam is the one with the branched point off of it and the single is abnormal. Can some one confirm if that is the correct way is going off the one with the point.
From: Insheart
Hard to tell - need some pics little further away to see the entire rack which would show the configuration better.
From: Rock
That is unusual for sure and could be measured several ways, would really need to see it in person to decide, I think. At first I would have thought the lower forward point was the main beam with one point coming up off it with a forked point on it.
Looking at it more the main beam seems to be the heavier point going straight up with 2 non-typ points coming forward off of it. Because the growth lines (blood lines) flow that way. JMHO
From: Grey Ghost
I agree with Rock. Based on the blood lines, the rear point is the main beam. Unique rack for sure.
From: sdbowhunter
Here are some more photos from further away and whole rack.
My first thought was the bottom one was the main beam till I looked at it longer and from the front and growth direction it looks like it would be the top one and bottom is the 3rd beam/extra point
From: sdbowhunter
From: Ironbow
Cool rack regardless.
From: molsonarcher
From the pics, I would tend to agree with Rock. Main beam appears to go straight up with tge tines coming off of it.
Super cool rack! Ive never seen one quite like that.
First of all, ‘blood lines’ mean absolutely nothing in the measuring world.
Based on the photos I see, it appears the lower projection would be an abnormal point after the G1. You would have a G1, G2, and beam on the right side. Cool looking buck.
From: Shug
The beam with the G2 would be main and the lower projection would be irregular.. best I can tell from pics
From: t-roy
Pretty unique for sure. Congrats!
From: Stekewood
I originally thought the same thing about the lower point being irregular but if what you guys are calling the G2 isn't an irregular point, not sure that the lower one is either. Looks like it could be seen as a typical 5 point antler with all the points facing forward instead of up. In that case the "irregular" point would be the G2. Not saying I'm right but it could be seen that way especially when you look at that second to last picture that shows it from the side. Interesting discussion and a cool buck for sure.
From: Muleysareking
I believe the lower point is the non-typical point because it comes off the other structure very abruptly. If that point were not there, the rest of the structure would seem to be typical, however if the upper part were missing the lower part would not seem to be normal. ...Mike
From: Shug
My thought process is the upper section is a continuation of the beam from the burr on and the lower projection comes off of that
From: Insheart
Very cool rack. Looks kind of like it could be cross between whitetail and mule deer?
From: Zbone
Unique, definitely has character, gotta luv racks with character, CONGRATS!