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Moose on the Loose
Contributors to this thread:
BULELK1 24-Nov-23
Bou'bound 24-Nov-23
t-roy 24-Nov-23
fuzzy 24-Nov-23
fuzzy 24-Nov-23
Ambush 24-Nov-23
Jaquomo 24-Nov-23
Ambush 24-Nov-23
Highlife 24-Nov-23
t-roy 24-Nov-23
EmptyFreezer 24-Nov-23
DanaC 24-Nov-23
Scrappy 24-Nov-23
Scrappy 24-Nov-23
fuzzy 24-Nov-23
Zbone 24-Nov-23
Scrappy 24-Nov-23
jjs 24-Nov-23

BULELK1's Link
Any of you guys/gals seen him in your state?

Good luck, Robb

From: Bou'bound
No not yet.

From: t-roy

t-roy's embedded Photo
t-roy's embedded Photo
t-roy's embedded Photo
A still shot of the bull with the local rural water tower in the background.
t-roy's embedded Photo
A still shot of the bull with the local rural water tower in the background.
I saw him on the local news awhile back, Robb. They got some footage of him running through a cornfield in the northern part of the state.

A friend who has a couple of trail cams on some land that is adjacent to some farm ground that my dad owns a few miles from here, got a couple of pics of this guy in September. This bull has been spotted a bunch of times in our area the past couple of years. Another friend got some really good video of him last fall.

From: fuzzy
t-roy if he shows up at the mall he'll be "an elk at Belk"

From: fuzzy
If he stops by the pancake house off the Interstate he'll be "a wapiti at I-Hoppity"

From: Ambush
Not to wish the moose ill, but it would be fitting if there is a bunch of footage of the little bull being savaged by wolves.

From: Jaquomo
Rod, on the governor's trophy husband's FB page, populated by anti-hunting sycophants, I regularly post stills of moose calves being torn apart by wolves, etc. The reactions are always some variation of "Better wolves than hunters".

From: Ambush
Lou, yeah here it’s always “nature is cruel yet so beautiful”

Not sure the moose being killed for hours or days sees the beauty in it though.

From: Highlife

From: t-roy
Hopefully, you’re retired, fuzzy. Otherwise, don’t give up your day job;-)

From: EmptyFreezer
In 1978 we had an elk wander through North West Iowa.. Must have been 20 or 30 cars following all the time. Pretty cool to see as a teenager.. Yes im old.

From: DanaC

DanaC's embedded Photo
DanaC's embedded Photo
Catch them here in central Mass. now and then

From: Scrappy
A few years ago over on Iowa whitetails a bunch of guys where getting trailcam pics of a bull elk going across Southern Iowa all fall. Fast forward to the following February I found him dead. New it was him due to the piece of dried velvet hanging from his antler point. It was a very interesting conversation with the dnr to get them out to get a salvage tag so I could bring it home. As far as I know I'm the state record holder of the largest bull elk deadhead due to being the only one checked in.

From: Scrappy

Scrappy's embedded Photo
Scrappy's embedded Photo
Scrappy's embedded Photo
Scrappy's embedded Photo

From: fuzzy
T Roy I quit my day job, I live by my wits but fortunately not by my wit. ;)

From: Zbone
That is pretty cool Scrappy, did you get the skull cleaned... Beetles would have worked...

From: Scrappy
Yep Zbone, no beetles but it it did turn out great.

From: jjs
Remember in the late 70s in Iowa (my home state) a bull moose was being track down from Mn to Ia.

The moose was shot in Grundy Co. by a farm that was in his corn picker with his 7mm rifle claiming that the moose was going to attack his machine, the DNR didn't do anything but the farmer was a big game hunter that went out west ever year, not hard to figure this out.

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