Moultrie Mobile
Tiffany Lakosky Big Buck
Whitetail Deer
Contributors to this thread:
Bowboy 26-Nov-23
Bernie Bjorklund 26-Nov-23
Bou'bound 26-Nov-23
caribou77 26-Nov-23
Bowboy 26-Nov-23
Cazador 26-Nov-23
greg simon 26-Nov-23
TonyBear 26-Nov-23
Pat Lefemine 26-Nov-23
Michael 26-Nov-23
t-roy 26-Nov-23
Insheart 26-Nov-23
Huntcell 26-Nov-23
Lee 26-Nov-23
Lewis 26-Nov-23
RonP 26-Nov-23
Jaquomo 26-Nov-23
HUNT MAN 26-Nov-23
wildwilderness 26-Nov-23
Bou'bound 26-Nov-23
ND String Puller 26-Nov-23
ki-ke 26-Nov-23
Supernaut 26-Nov-23
WV Mountaineer 26-Nov-23
Dale06 26-Nov-23
Catscratch 26-Nov-23
BoggsBowhunts 26-Nov-23
midwest 26-Nov-23
drycreek 26-Nov-23
Duke 26-Nov-23
thedude 26-Nov-23
t-roy 26-Nov-23
BoggsBowhunts 26-Nov-23
Scoot 26-Nov-23
Recurve Man 26-Nov-23
12yards 26-Nov-23
Shiloh 26-Nov-23
BowSniper 26-Nov-23
Stix 26-Nov-23
Tracker 26-Nov-23
WV Mountaineer 26-Nov-23
JohnMC 26-Nov-23
TMac 26-Nov-23
Bowfreak 26-Nov-23
Bou'bound 26-Nov-23
pirogue 26-Nov-23
pirogue 26-Nov-23
Pop-r 26-Nov-23
Rgiesey 26-Nov-23
Husker 26-Nov-23
Scar Finga 26-Nov-23
Shiloh 26-Nov-23
Michael 26-Nov-23
bigswivle 26-Nov-23
LBshooter 26-Nov-23
WV Mountaineer 26-Nov-23
Blood 26-Nov-23
KB 26-Nov-23
APauls 26-Nov-23
Missouribreaks 26-Nov-23
LBshooter 26-Nov-23
Dale06 26-Nov-23
RK 26-Nov-23
Matt 26-Nov-23
Highlife 26-Nov-23
wildwilderness 27-Nov-23
BULELK1 27-Nov-23
petedrummond 27-Nov-23
Bou'bound 27-Nov-23
Venom16730 27-Nov-23
njbuck 27-Nov-23
Carbon Defiant 34 27-Nov-23
Murph 27-Nov-23
Iowa booner hunter 27-Nov-23
LBshooter 27-Nov-23
Mhg825 27-Nov-23
BoggsBowhunts 27-Nov-23
greg simon 27-Nov-23
deerhunter72 27-Nov-23
12yards 27-Nov-23
Will 27-Nov-23
Bowfinatic 27-Nov-23
Stix 27-Nov-23
Taxidermy man 27-Nov-23
Treeline 27-Nov-23
Ambush 27-Nov-23
spike78 27-Nov-23
Old School 27-Nov-23
RK 27-Nov-23
Bowfinatic 27-Nov-23
Bou'bound 27-Nov-23
BOWUNTR 27-Nov-23
Missouribreaks 27-Nov-23
Chris Walker 27-Nov-23
Matt 27-Nov-23
Thornton 27-Nov-23
Missouribreaks 27-Nov-23
molsonarcher 27-Nov-23
BC173 27-Nov-23
Scrappy 27-Nov-23
TGbow 27-Nov-23
PECO2 27-Nov-23
nmwapiti 27-Nov-23
M.Pauls 27-Nov-23
Michael 27-Nov-23
Ambush 27-Nov-23
Murph 27-Nov-23
Bou’bound 27-Nov-23
Wymuley 27-Nov-23
WV Mountaineer 27-Nov-23
BoggsBowhunts 27-Nov-23
12yards 27-Nov-23
Kurt 28-Nov-23
spike78 28-Nov-23
midwest 28-Nov-23
Bou'bound 28-Nov-23
Missouribreaks 28-Nov-23
BoggsBowhunts 28-Nov-23
Buckdeer 28-Nov-23
Bou'bound 28-Nov-23
Groundhunter 28-Nov-23
Hans 1 28-Nov-23
Ov450 28-Nov-23
Missouribreaks 28-Nov-23
Iowa booner hunter 28-Nov-23
deerhunter72 28-Nov-23
wv_bowhunter 28-Nov-23
scentman 28-Nov-23
Old Reb 28-Nov-23
Bou'bound 28-Nov-23
Bowbender 28-Nov-23
Chris Walker 28-Nov-23
Chris Walker 28-Nov-23
Brotsky 28-Nov-23
x-man 28-Nov-23
Brotsky 28-Nov-23
Chris Walker 28-Nov-23
x-man 28-Nov-23
csalem 28-Nov-23
Groundhunter 28-Nov-23
x-man 28-Nov-23
Groundhunter 28-Nov-23
Highlife 28-Nov-23
Groundhunter 28-Nov-23
LBshooter 28-Nov-23
nmwapiti 28-Nov-23
WH1974 28-Nov-23
Canepole 28-Nov-23
Thornton 28-Nov-23
SaddleReaper 28-Nov-23
nmwapiti 29-Nov-23
Bou'bound 29-Nov-23
WH1974 29-Nov-23
Screwball 29-Nov-23
Catscratch 29-Nov-23
Iowa booner hunter 29-Nov-23
Scar Finga 29-Nov-23
W 29-Nov-23
nmwapiti 29-Nov-23
goyt 29-Nov-23
Bou'bound 29-Nov-23
t-roy 29-Nov-23
jconman 29-Nov-23
PECO2 29-Nov-23
Wymuley 29-Nov-23
rattling_junkie 29-Nov-23
bigswivle 29-Nov-23
Iowa booner hunter 29-Nov-23
Ambush 29-Nov-23
jconman 29-Nov-23
t-roy 29-Nov-23
Ambush 29-Nov-23
Highlife 29-Nov-23
bigswivle 29-Nov-23
deerhunter72 29-Nov-23
t-roy 29-Nov-23
deerhunter72 29-Nov-23
Catscratch 01-Dec-23
MQQSE 01-Dec-23
csalem 01-Dec-23
Catscratch 01-Dec-23
Cazador 01-Dec-23
Catscratch 01-Dec-23
Screwball 01-Dec-23
scentman 01-Dec-23
KB 01-Dec-23
Bou'bound 01-Dec-23
BC173 01-Dec-23
butcherboy 01-Dec-23
PECO2 01-Dec-23
Shiloh 01-Dec-23
Dale06 01-Dec-23
scentman 02-Dec-23
Bowboy 02-Dec-23
Screwball 02-Dec-23
RonP 02-Dec-23
scentman 02-Dec-23
Recurve Man 02-Dec-23
RonP 02-Dec-23
csalem 02-Dec-23
Recurve Man 02-Dec-23
Scrappy 02-Dec-23
BoggsBowhunts 02-Dec-23
Lee 02-Dec-23
bigswivle 02-Dec-23
Ace 02-Dec-23
WhattheFOC 02-Dec-23
KB 02-Dec-23
spike78 02-Dec-23
Rgiesey 02-Dec-23
BoggsBowhunts 02-Dec-23
spike78 02-Dec-23
Stoneman 02-Dec-23
iceman 04-Dec-23
Jimmyjumpup 04-Dec-23
Bou'bound 05-Dec-23
Bill in MI 05-Dec-23
JB 05-Dec-23
Deets 05-Dec-23
KB 05-Dec-23
Shiloh 06-Dec-23
Bou'bound 06-Dec-23
T-rex 06-Dec-23
Mike Ukrainetz 07-Dec-23
Shiloh 07-Dec-23
Bowfinatic 07-Dec-23
Bou'bound 07-Dec-23
KB 07-Dec-23
Shiloh 07-Dec-23
Nick Muche 09-Dec-23
Pat Lefemine 09-Dec-23
Tradmike 10-Dec-23
Screwball 10-Dec-23
WhattheFOC 10-Dec-23
molsonarcher 10-Dec-23
KB 10-Dec-23
Bowboy 10-Dec-23
Michael 10-Dec-23
BOHUNTER09 10-Dec-23
KB 10-Dec-23
spike78 10-Dec-23
Bou’bound 10-Dec-23
DConcrete 10-Dec-23
Iowa booner hunter 10-Dec-23
Mike Ukrainetz 11-Dec-23
Buckdeer 11-Dec-23
PECO2 11-Dec-23
PECO2 11-Dec-23
Who Cares 11-Dec-23
KB 11-Dec-23
Rgiesey 11-Dec-23
Bou'bound 11-Dec-23
BoggsBowhunts 11-Dec-23
Catscratch 11-Dec-23
spike78 11-Dec-23
WV Mountaineer 11-Dec-23
KB 11-Dec-23
Buckdeer 11-Dec-23
APauls 11-Dec-23
Shiloh 11-Dec-23
BoggsBowhunts 11-Dec-23
KB 11-Dec-23
APauls 11-Dec-23
scentman 11-Dec-23
KB 11-Dec-23
TRnCO 11-Dec-23
RutnStrut 11-Dec-23
Recurve Man 11-Dec-23
BoggsBowhunts 11-Dec-23
wv_bowhunter 11-Dec-23
PECO2 11-Dec-23
PECO2 11-Dec-23
caribou77 11-Dec-23
Catscratch 11-Dec-23
PECO2 11-Dec-23
DConcrete 11-Dec-23
Highlife 11-Dec-23
PECO2 11-Dec-23
DConcrete 11-Dec-23
KB 11-Dec-23
BoggsBowhunts 11-Dec-23
caribou77 11-Dec-23
scentman 11-Dec-23
DConcrete 11-Dec-23
KB 11-Dec-23
RutnStrut 11-Dec-23
ki-ke 11-Dec-23
BoggsBowhunts 11-Dec-23
Rgiesey 11-Dec-23
BoggsBowhunts 11-Dec-23
WV Mountaineer 11-Dec-23
Bou'bound 11-Dec-23
KB 11-Dec-23
Groundhunter 11-Dec-23
Stickbow98 17-Dec-23
Bou'bound 18-Dec-23
Catscratch 18-Dec-23
Glunker 18-Dec-23
Thornton 18-Dec-23
DConcrete 18-Dec-23
Huntcell 18-Dec-23
Thornton 18-Dec-23
DConcrete 18-Dec-23
Missouribreaks 18-Dec-23
APauls 18-Dec-23
PeteO 18-Dec-23
longsprings 19-Dec-23
Canepole 19-Dec-23
Jimmyjumpup 19-Dec-23
Missouribreaks 19-Dec-23
KB 19-Dec-23
Missouribreaks 19-Dec-23
scentman 19-Dec-23
Missouribreaks 19-Dec-23
DConcrete 19-Dec-23
Bou'bound 19-Dec-23
Canepole 19-Dec-23
Venom16730 19-Dec-23
scentman 19-Dec-23
scentman 19-Dec-23
Quailhunter 20-Dec-23
Bou'bound 29-Jul-24
Old Reb 29-Jul-24
sawtooth 30-Jul-24
bigswivle 30-Jul-24
LBshooter 30-Jul-24
Michael 30-Jul-24
Bowfinatic 30-Jul-24
Old Reb 30-Jul-24
Corax_latrans 30-Jul-24
Jimmyjumpup 30-Jul-24
Corax_latrans 30-Jul-24
scentman 30-Jul-24
VAMtns 30-Jul-24
Mhg825 30-Jul-24
Buckeye 30-Jul-24
Bou'bound 30-Jul-24
Iowa booner hunter 30-Jul-24
scentman 30-Jul-24
Bou'bound 30-Jul-24
Buckdeer 30-Jul-24
APauls 30-Jul-24
thedude 30-Jul-24
gil_wy 30-Jul-24
flyingbrass 30-Jul-24
Charlie Rehor 30-Jul-24
redneck hunter 30-Jul-24
KB 30-Jul-24
t-roy 30-Jul-24
Zim 03-Aug-24
WV Mountaineer 03-Aug-24
t-roy 03-Aug-24
BOHNTR 03-Aug-24
Zim 05-Aug-24
WI Shedhead 05-Aug-24
Iowa booner hunter 05-Aug-24
SaddleReaper 05-Aug-24
Zim 06-Aug-24
Bou'bound 06-Aug-24
From: Bowboy

Bowboy's embedded Photo
Bowboy's embedded Photo
Tiffany shoots another awesome buck.

Unbelievable buck! Congratulations to her!


From: Bou'bound

Any measurements or details.

Has to be 200

From: caribou77

From: Bowboy
It’s big enough and probably pushing 200 typical I would guess. Her and Lee are living the dream.

From: Cazador
I know she’s little, cameras inflate, but that thing is going to add up real quick. Wow! 7x7? Nuts!

From: greg simon
That is a gigantic deer. But that is also a very “good picture” of that deer. From that pic it looks to score closer to 300” !!!

From: TonyBear
Good pic of a great buck. Yeah they are living the American dream with enough money and land access to shoot whatever they want. Do they have kids or anyone else they are passing this on to for the future?

From: Pat Lefemine
Yeah, they have kids. They’re in almost every show.

She’s a killer. So is Lee. Great shots! That’s a hell of a buck! Congrats to them both.

From: Michael
Wow what a great buck. Congrats to Tiffany.

From: t-roy
The symmetry of the frame is crazy. Incredible deer, for sure. Congrats to her.

From: Insheart
Great buck. They started with basically nothing - they worked VERY hard for what they have. She is a cancer survivor with a young boy and young girl. Good for them.

From: Huntcell
Nice brows and great smile also!

From: Lee
Wow! Looks like she nailed him, too

From: Lewis
Dadgum helluva a buck congrats to Tiffany Lewis

From: RonP
looks like an 8 or 9x7!

From: Jaquomo
Good for her! Amazing!

That’s what dreams are made of . Congrats

Congrats to the Lakoskys. They did all the hard work the right way.

You can’t even pen raise deer like that! Straight typical genetics are elusive at best. Amazing deer!

From: Bou'bound
Good people and doing right and focus on family and people

Holy moly! Yep, they are both great shots and great people. Congrats!

From: ki-ke
That’s an incredible, 1 in many million deer. Congrats to them.

From: Supernaut
Wow, that's one heck of a giant buck!

Awesome deer. Good for her.

From: Dale06
Managed herd, limited pressure, lots of supplemental feed paid off for her. Great deer and congrats to Tiffany.

From: Catscratch
Cool! And good on them!

Great people and truly very hard working when you get right down to it. Practically non-stop.

Their story is just great.

Just wow!

Sucks that it got killed by market hunters, but quite a deer!

From: midwest
Amazing buck….wow!

From: drycreek
Great buck !

From: Duke
Unreal deer and kudos to Tiffany and the entire family. These “market hunters” have put their time, effort, and financials into doing what they do in Iowa. They do it the right way and incorporate family values and friends. Both are great people with solid values. They earned everything they have.

From: thedude
Too bad some Amish guy didn’t get it then not take a picture of it and saw the horns off for tool handles.

From: t-roy
My biggest beef with Lee & Tiffany (and pretty much every other “celebrity” hunter) especially the ones that are residents of Iowa or regularly hunt here is, as far as I know, not a single one of them are members of the IBA. They live in, what most people consider to be THE premier whitetail state in the country, yet not a single mention of basically the only organization that is fighting to keep crossbows out of the regular archery season, fighting to keep nonresident tags at the same levels, as well as fighting to keep non-resident landowners from getting special considerations towards drawing tags every year, etc.

I didn’t realize that calling people “market hunters” because they make their livelihood by directly profiting from the killing of wildlife would cause such a stir, my apologies! Sounds like some folks here have beef with Merriam Webster…

From: Scoot
Amazing animal. Congrats to her.

From: Recurve Man
Hey Duke if I gave you a check book and a ink pen and told you your welcome to spend what ya want but I want you to know that I get first dibs on hunting big bucks with ya. What could ya do with an endless bank account.

Some kid doesn’t quit his job as an engineer and just take off making hunting videos and buying up millions of dollars to f ground. Do some me research and look back and you’ll find where they got their start.

Most of us never had those opportunities nor would I want the lime light. Whatever they do is their choice. I’m not jealous one bit, just don’t really pay attention to these types of hunters.

They don’t need a pat on the back they need to thank their financial backer for their opportunity.


Great people and truly very hard working when you get right down to it. Practically non-stop.

Their story is just great.

Just wow!

From: 12yards
Amazing buck! Holy crap! So incredible to see the ultimate potential of these deer. Congrats to Tiffany!

From: Shiloh
Man that’s awesome. Can’t wait to see how the story unfolded!!

From: BowSniper
Do we know when that episode will be televised?

From: Stix
Who cares?

From: Tracker
Very nice buck but I have not idea how big that deer is based on this pic.

It’s big. That’s all that really matters. Who cares what the score is?

From: JohnMC
Stixx I think you just summed up most folks thoughts each time you post.

From: TMac
Beautiful buck! Nice to see a hardworking family reap the rewards.

From: Bowfreak

You make a salient point. Having the “TV” hunters pushing their weight around would be great for bowhunting orgs. I know the Lakoskys are good people, but it would be nice if they were involved.

I wonder if they feel they can’t get too involved because of the jealous haters?

From: Bou'bound
Televised next year. All shows start in July I think

From: pirogue
Beautiful buck.

From: pirogue
Beautiful buck.

From: Pop-r
BAD bitch! In more ways than one.

From: Rgiesey
Chase that seemed like a valid opinion. That’s their business that they earn income from. Doesn’t mean we have to like it. A lot of posters said what great people they were. I’m surprised so many of us know them. Seem very personable in their videos. It just doesn’t pay to throw stones on the internet.

From: Husker
Congrats to Tiffiany!

I'm with T-Roy on bowhunters in general not being members of their state bowhunting organizations and also the P & Y Club. They enjoy all the benefits of what those organizations fight for, but can't seem to pony up the yearly dues or spend anytime volunteering. I don't get it.

From: Scar Finga
Absolutely an Amazing Deer, Congratulations to her!!

I am not a big fan of them, but don't dislike them either... I guess haters gonna hate no matter what!!!

From: Shiloh
I doubt Matthews would support them being affiliated with an organization that was against their product, but it would be cool if they did it anyway.

From: Michael
You might not have to wait till next year to see it on there show. They post hunts on YouTube a fair amount. It could pop up on there fairly quickly. Lee shot a big buck back in the beginning of Oct that has already been posted on YouTube.

From: bigswivle
I doubt Matthews would support them being affiliated with an organization that was against their product, but it would be cool if they did it anyway.

Exactly, would cost them a cash cow.

From: LBshooter
A beautiful buck, no doubt. I met them at a Chicago sports shows years ago and they were very humble and nice. As mentioned , they work very hard at this whole whitetail thing and kudos to them.

Now there is a but, lol. Why are you all so surprised when Lee or tif or both put up these huge bucks. They have a ton of land under management, and feed the deer year round with high proteins and literally don't hunt pieces of land for years letting the deer grow to this size. I'm sure we all wish we had this advantage, so it's just a matter of time til they put up some more monsters,. This is what's bringing hunting down in my opinion, the horn porn and new hunters coming into our sport/heritage feel like they have failed when they don't shoot big bucks. I was waiting for someone to chime in and say she should have let it go another year. They shoot huge bucks all the time, it's no longer a big deal, in fact if they don't shoot a monster every year then something has gone wrong. I'd like to know the back story, how long have they've been watching this deer with the trail cams and what made them decide to shoot it this year? Big bucks use to be exciting to see back in the day when it was truly a find, so to speak. Now, big bucks pop every year so what's the big deal.

Again, nothing against Lee and Tiffany, they have done a great job and have capitalized on the craze for big bucks, but it's not that exciting when you see them every year.

Tiffany is always entertaining to look at.

From: Blood
They live in fairy tale land. It’s like a nice 10 point in Maine. I don’t know why people get excited about deer killed in their farm. It La La land.

From: KB
Will echo a few others. Nothing against Lee or Tiff. Have met them briefly and seem like really nice folks, but not impressed or surprised when I see them or Drury’s, etc kill a buck like this. All of them should be killing that caliber of deer. Different ballgame than most folks are playing.

From: APauls
What a critter!!!! Congrats to them!!

I tried watching one YouTube video of their land stuff and they had the most insane equipment there is. Lee was saying that he had to start planting his brassicas early, because he literally has so many to plant that he can’t get it all in the ground during the ideal window.

With the equipment they have, I can’t even fathom how many acres that is. They must control thousands of acres. In ideal areas. That takes nothing away from what they’ve accomplished, but even as a guy who loves capitalism - you look at the amount of land that gets locked up by giant deer business….and it actually makes me a little sad. Because there’s just only so much land. I dunno. Maybe too much time in liberal Canada has me thinking about the average hunter and new guys and little guys.


From: LBshooter
Last I heard lee had 6000 acres under his management. I bet he has secured more but who knows.just think he could rotate 1000 acres to hunt every year and he's almost assured to be hunting six plus year old deer. I would love to know how many trail cams he owns lol.

From: Dale06
I’m not an “inches” hunter. Nothing against P&Y or B&C, just not my thing and yes, I have some that would make the book, several species actually. But I wonder what “inches/book” hunters will think when Lee and Tiff have most or all of the top ten book bucks in Iowa. Maybe it will be nothing, maybe not.

From: RK
Congrats. Great deer. Don't watch their show but I bet the story will entertain

From: Matt
“I didn’t realize that calling people “market hunters” because they make their livelihood by directly profiting from the killing of wildlife would cause such a stir, my apologies! Sounds like some folks here have beef with Merriam Webster.”

Unless Lee and Tiffany make their living selling the meat from the deer they kill, the beef is not with the dictionary people. It is with the person who is misrepresenting what it means to be a a “market hunter”.

From: Highlife

The time to shoot a big deer is dependent on when it has a great growth year. Generally a buck should be at least 5 yrs old. You don’t know if it will grow bigger each year or not- many factors play in- drought, disease, rutting activity, injury ect.

I have heard from a friend who talks with Lee that the year to kill a buck is when it makes a big jump like 30” increase in score.

So your 4.5yr old deer could be a 165”er then the next year goes to 195” should probably put him on the shooter list at 5.5yr

Now if that same 165” buck goes to say 170” at 5.5 yrs should give him another year and see what happens at 6.5.

Look at the thread on the Robbins buck- was biggest at 5.5 yr old but he passed and at 6.5 it dropped back down to 178”. Luckily it survived and went back up at 7.5 to 204 but there was no guarantee….

So age alone isn’t that important for the peak growth year. More factors than just age. My friend who talks to Lee manages 5000 acres in Kansas and the biggest buck he has grown was 220”+ (not killed) at 4.5 yds old and never came back…

Prolly the best 'Big Buck Couple' in our country.

Good luck, Robb

From: petedrummond

petedrummond's embedded Photo
petedrummond's embedded Photo
Had that happen Timex. Saturday I took a pic of an up and comer and Sunday the guy south of me who owns 40 acres posts on Facebook he filled his second buck tag! His first one wasn't anything great either.

From: Bou'bound
“Again, nothing against Lee and Tiffany, they have done a great job and have capitalized on the craze for big bucks, but it's not that exciting when you see them every year.“

They always look pretty excited to me but you know better how they really feel so I’ll go with that.

From: Venom16730
Deer of a few lifetimes for some , congrats to them .

Why I’m moving to Iowa, can’t wait

From: njbuck
What an amazing buck, congrats to Tiffany!

Congrats Tiffany! And t-roy x 2 x 2 x 2!

From: Murph
We’ll said T-Roy

Dale06, they will never be able to kill all the top ten bucks, so us “inches” guys aren’t worried about that.

From: LBshooter
Bou'bound, yes she got excited who wouldn't, but as the general community goes are you really surprised that they kill big bucks?

Peter Drummond said it all. His statement says it all about buck shamming.

"Had that happen Timex. Saturday I took a pic of an up and comer and Sunday the guy south of me who owns 40 acres posts on Facebook he filled his second buck tag! His first one wasn't anything great either."

The typical crap you hear on public land when a hunter shoots a buck of this caliber. Should have waited another year, or give a couple years more. Or as Pete said, " his first one wasn't great either" Not great to you maybe, but to a hunter who gets out a few times a year or hunts heavily pressured public land a buck like the one above is a super trophy and meat in the freezer. You guys who want to be the shot caller on what buck should and shouldn't be shot is funny. I guess he screwed up your future 170 lol

From: Mhg825
Grown deer not that special anymore.yes she is a great shot .

Matt, they absolutely sell the deer they kill. If they weren’t producing a product (dead deer) then do you honestly think they would be getting ad revenue from all the faddish gear companies and views from millions of folks?

Market hunting is making a profit from killing an animal, has nothing to do with what part of the animal you sell. They’re selling the killing of big deer - period. Are they selling the meat? No. Are they selling the videos and content of the dead deer to advertisers? 100000%.

By definition, “a person who hunts game for a livelihood” is a market hunter. It says nothing about what part of that game they’re selling. They absolutely hunt game for a livelihood and absolutely fit the definition of market hunters.

Now, you could argue that market hunting isn’t a bad thing, or that it’s okay because they’re nice to their fans at trade shows, but the last time market hunting had a grip on American wildlife like it did today the common man got screwed out of hunting anything for a long time, and it’s heading that way again with the price of leases, overcrowding of public land, and point creep…. Do we think Teddy Roosevelt would support this kind of market hunting? He sure didn’t support it in the late 1800s when they were selling meat, I have a hard time believing he would give it the pass since they’re selling videos…

From: greg simon
I wonder if there will be any scoring controversy on that right G 4-5-6?

From: deerhunter72
Congratulations to the hunter, that is an incredible buck! I don’t know a thing about this couple and have never seen any of their videos. What I do know is, if you have enough ground in your control and you feed the deer and don’t pressure them, then you should have mature bucks to hunt when you choose to do so. Certainly not a high fence operation, but it’s not what your average hunter has access to and not how most deer live and are hunted. But, you still have to have great hunting skills to kill mature deer like this one so my hat is off to her. I’ve blown it 2 times this year alone, so yes I’m a bit jealous.

From: 12yards
"This is what's bringing hunting down in my opinion, the horn porn and new hunters coming into our sport/heritage feel like they have failed when they don't shoot big bucks."

This comment always seems to make it into these discussions. Is there proof out there that this is actually ruining hunting? I'm not seeing it. I think it just makes some people that don't like it feel good. In reality, it has no negative bearing on hunting. And I know a ton of bowhunters, and none of them have higher or inflated expectations because of the Lakoskys or the Drurys or Bill Winke or whoever. If anything it probably has a net positive on interest in hunting and hunting products. It is especially a positive influence on women in hunting. JMVHO.

From: Will
Amazing deer - congrats to her!

Lee and Tiffany have been putting content out for multiple decades. We have all had the opportunity to watch them grow in management, land improvement and living the American dream. To be they are an inspiration on what is possible. Many bitch about what they have and how the "common" hunter is getting screwed. These folks started small, worked their butt off and grew what they had over many years to what it is now. Many love to see what they have now and harp on how they are bad for the industry. Same with Winke. He started with a small tract and thru land improvement bought and sold land over the decades to grow into what he had.

We are in a country that provides all of us the opportunity to do what they have done if you are willing to make the sacrifices that many of these folks make

Sounds like simple jealousy to me Congrats on a phenomenal deer and taking us along for the journey

From: Stix
JohnMc, I guess my point was taken as a derogatory comment, as I should have elaborated better.

Who cares about the deer? (referring to the real beauty in the photo)

LBshooter speaks truth, It's a hell of a deer but a "ho hum, Lakosky's shoot another giant deer" moment for me.

From: Treeline
Awesome buck for sure. Congratulations!

From: Ambush
Hah, I was under the impression that it was supposed to be all about the animal, not the shooter. And for a rat deer, that’s a heck of an animal!

And I don’t think many would turn down a date in the blind with Tiffany either. Or Lee.

From: spike78
They are fantastic at growing monster bucks on their farm but let’s be realistic send Tiffany to a piece of public and she will be lost as soon as she steps out of the truck.

From: Old School
Tremendous buck for sure!

If we owned all those acres - that buck may be a realistic expectation. I don’t, so my expectations are adjusted for where I can hunt. I don’t hate others who have better opportunities than I do - no big deal.

It’s all about the personal challenge given the variables you deal with. And I’m thrilled with the challenge.

From: RK
Spike. If she studied the public she would probably do as well as you would.

I have no idea but it's because I don't know her personally.

If you are speaking from experience with talking to and hunting with her then you are correct

I doubt that's the case.

They are fantastic at growing monster bucks on their farm but let’s be realistic send Tiffany to a piece of public and she will be lost as soon as she steps out of the truck.

I think that's an ignorant statement. They are really smart and understand deer behavior as that is what they have done for decades. I'm confident they could adjust and be successful on public as well

From: Bou'bound
They work infinitely harder year round on land they own than any land you pull up to the public parking lot on and stroll into. How much time effort and money do you invest in that environment ?

Whopper.... If Lee and Tiffany publicly said "We support the Pope & Young Club and the Iowa Bowhunters Association and here's why...." their membership would quadruple overnight. Ed F

Are some insinuating those who hunt public land are somehow better hunters ? I do not agree, not one bit.

Congrats to her on an incredible buck. Folks are always gonna be jealous. Do I wish I had Lakosky/Drury land?? Absolutely, but I don't. But, I do try to make my ground as good as I can, same as them, and keep the results of that work in perspective.

From: Matt

Matt's Link
Boggs, you are misinterpreting an overly simplistic definition and using that misinterpretation as the basis for your rant. Most hunters understand what market hunting is and how sport hunting came about in response to the havoc market hunting played with u.s. game populations. I would recommend you take the time you would otherwise spend arguing your point on the internet educating yourself on the subject.

From: Thornton
I think the insinuation is that Tiffany could not shoot giant bucks every year on public. I'd agree. As stated above, thousands of acres with more surveillance than you can imagine that basically catalogs the deer living on them, I wouldn't expect anything less than what they shoot. It's a completely different ballgame for them compared to us small landowners and public land hunters.

That is a no brainer, no hunter takes these caliber of bucks consistently on public land. That is because few exist on public to make a consistent harvest possible. Personally I think the negative comments are more jealousy.

From: molsonarcher
No matter where it came from or who shot it, its a fantastic buck. It could have come from many states, counties, or even provinces. The fact that it came from Iowa, private land, intensely managed, changes nothing about the deer. As hunters, no matter where we hunt, we can only realistically expect a chance at what live or travels through the area. Will most hunters have a chance at an animal like that? Probably not. Good for them that they can achieve a dream and enjoy it.

From: BC173
Awesome critter. Congrats to her.

From: Scrappy
You dudes stop bickering and start guessing on the score of that monster.

From: TGbow
Dang! What a hoss of a buck

From: PECO2
It's a great buck.

From: nmwapiti
My issue with all these things is the same. Most of these celebrity hunters started off pretty modestly. They hunted about the same way and killed deer and elk that were similar to what all of us chase. Then they gained some level of success and fame which brought them money or at least sponsors. Almost all of them (one exception would be Randy Newberg) realized pretty quickly that to keep killing the kind of deer and elk that made them popular, they needed better places to hunt than average folks. So, they either bought their own land or they hunt big private ranches. This certainly accomplished the goal, but they now have hunts that don't even resemble what I do every year. They have redefined a trophy by making it something you can buy, rather than something you work hard, get a little lucky and kill once in your life. You could say the exact same thing about big money hunters that do nothing but outfitted hunts or buy auction tags. By doing so, they're falling out of touch with normal people. I might do the same thing if I had a ton of money, but as it is I don't even care to watch their shows.

From: M.Pauls
Reality is Lakosky’s work their tails off and sink their whole life into it. I think when it comes down to it, they want “it” more than 98% of hunters out there, cause that would be the only way to go all in like that. Congrats to both her and him on the success. What a gorgeous deer. When I think of the time spent in my life towards trophy whitetails, no other specie could compare in being such a drain on time lol

From: Michael
Do Lee and Tiffany enter any of there animals into the books?

Lee shot a huge bull in Montana this year. The number I seen was 390”.

From: Ambush
How many of you guys watch NFL or college football and get all super excited about it. Some of you probably played some in high school or have kids that do. Why do you watch people playing at a level you never have and never will play at?

Well the Lakosky, are NFL’ers in the whitetail hunting world.

From: Murph
The majority of the population with this, “must be nice “ mentality probably haven’t hunted a full 8 hour day all season..

From: Bou’bound
8 hours is not a full day on stand.

From: Wymuley
Man the jealousy here is incredible.

It’s America. People are free to invent or come up with any way they want to make a legitimate business. I give anyone who has made it hunting a pat on the back. I’m sure it took/takes dedication. And, why that’s not considered is beyond me.

Stating they are successful because of how they’ve accomplished it is kinda ignoring reality. Obviously their approach is why they have been successful. That covers lemonade stands through medical surgeons.

I’m cool knowing I’ll never kill a buck that big. I’m certain they are cool with whatever you’ve chosen to do in order to pay the bills. In the end, they’ll set way more hours and dedicate way more off season time to growing and killing these caliber deer than any of us will.

Think about it. It’d be much easier to pay outfitters to set them on the big bucks they kill. Then it has been for them to amass the land, knowledge, time, and tools to do it themselves. Instead though, they’ve chosen to do it for themselves.

Anyways, it’s important to understand why they’ve been so successful. And, it’s even more important to realize that there’s not enough room for everyone to do what they’ve done. But, the most important thing to remember is with so many now competing for market share, evolving the key to their survival.

Simply put, it’s an example of the American dream. Be happy for them. It’s what we’ve all strived to achieve.

Matt, from your link: “Market hunting—the systematic harvesting and processing of selected wildlife species for trade and profit.”

Lakoskys (and EVERY other tv show host/YouTubers) fit this description to a T. They harvest select species (whitetail deer, elk, antelope, etc.) and process videos and photographs of the dead and dying animals for trade and profit (they trade the videos of dead and dying wildlife for ad revenue)

If they don’t profit from the killing of wildlife then where do they get the money? Are they running those ads for free? Promoting gear for free? Of course not. They’re selling whitetail deer and making a ton of money doing it - enough to own their 6000+ acres and buy landowner tags etc.

Just because they’re not driving a wagon full of hides to town doesn’t mean they aren’t market hunters… I’m uncertain how profiting off of dead and dying wildlife is viewed as anything other than market hunting?

Folks can say capitalism allows people to make a living in anything they can stir interest in, but not allowing market hunting was/is a pretty foundational tenet of the North American Model of Wildlife Conservation…

From: 12yards
I think market hunting is killing animals and then selling the meat. I don't think what they do is market hunting, but that's my opinion I guess.

From: Kurt
Great buck! And I think the term professional hunter fits Tiff and others in the hunting video business.

From: spike78
I did have a chuckle when the article said he came in like clockwork lol.

From: midwest
Agree with Troy and Ed. Wish they would support the IBA and P&Y.

From: Bou'bound
That is not market hunting. If making money off hunting defined it every bullet maker and camo retailer would be a market hunter. Crazy

Under the new and dumb definition, Fred Bear would have been a market hunter for sure.

Bou, no, because they aren’t killing animals for money. Sharps rifles wasn’t a market hunting company, but they sure got used by them. I do think gear companies fuel market hunting by directly funding it though.

There is no “new definition”, just application of the definition to modern market hunting. Profiting off of dead wildlife = market hunting - which again is exactly what these folks do. It’s likely hard to view it as bad if you watch their shows though. I’m sure the people buying Buffalo hides in the 1870s didn’t see market hunting as a bad thing either

So since profiting off the killing of wildlife is no longer called market hunting, what’s it called? Seems like we’re playing word games here and skirting the true definition of market hunter. Commercial hunter? Is that better? Again, the NAMWC is staunchly against the commercialization of hunting, but I guess it’s fine if you enjoy the content it provides, they’re nice at trade shows, and they’re good lookin gals.

From: Buckdeer
Lee also works with the Whitetail Group and they put alot of thought and planning into each piece they hunt.I would like tour some of their farms to see how they are making these better.

From: Bou'bound
The benefit the provide the herd and other wildlife on those properties is 1000x the benefit compared to the price that a couple older bucks pay.

They can only kill as many as anyone else. They are not harming the resource. Just the opposite

From: Groundhunter
Wow, great deer. Their hunts are all fair chase, so I have no issue. They appear to be a nice family, who built a good life. Congrats to them. I don't watch those shows. I watch FNT trapping show, though.

From: Hans 1
Congrats to them both they really seemed to be improving on the quality of the deer have taken the last 4-5 years. This is at a time in which the hunting in many parts of Iowa is not what it used to be. The amount of time they dedicate to their lifestyle /career of hunting and managing for big deer should not be underestimated. That is a true once in a lifetime deer clean typical are exceedingly rare.

From: Ov450
How many young kids miss the opportunity to get introduced to hunting because Lee and some of the other big time Tv guys have thousands of acres locked up

Habitat improvements should be encouraged, not frowned upon.

Ov450- zero kids are denied the opportunity to hunt as there is plenty of public hunting areas available. Their parents could also make a few sacrifices and buy a piece of property or get a lease.

From: deerhunter72
I don't have a problem at all with their operation and I wouldn't call it market hunting either. I would call it entertainment. And if I had the money, I'd own a couple thousand acres myself and would limit hunting, so I'm no different or better.

From: wv_bowhunter
I am happy we live in a country where we have the opportunity to do what they have chosen to do.

The only “downside”, if I can even call it that, is new hunters that may see these giant bucks being killed will think they have to shoot the same and would be looked down upon for shooting year and a half old bucks as they learn how to hunt.

From: scentman

From: Old Reb
^^^^^ I agree. Wasn't Mr. Wensel killing big bucks before QDM was ever thought up?

From: Bou'bound
Yes and commercializing The videos so I guess he’s a market hunter too

From: Bowbender

Bowbender's embedded Photo
Bowbender's embedded Photo
"Their parents could also make a few sacrifices and buy a piece of property or get a lease."

Yes, here's a property in RURAL central PA, ridge and valley area. 159 acres with a 1700sf farm house. $1.5 million.

So...if the Lee and Tiffany didn't own the land that means all aspiring Iowa youth hunters would have access to it?

And...all folks wanting land of their own could afford to lease/buy it? Just looking for some clarity.

From: Brotsky
Congrats to Tiffany on a great buck! I'm with the other fellas though, why don't they support our sport? They're happy to make money off of us through product promotion so they can buy/manage more land and shoot more and bigger bucks and other game across the country. Why can't they stand with IBA or P&Y? Why can't they push for public land and hunter access programs? Their promotion of bowhunting and hunting in general unquestionably creates more demand for hunting, especially in Iowa. How long is taking ya'll to draw that NR deer tag now in Iowa compared to before? How's the access over there in Iowa? I'm sure all of the promotion has had a positive effect on all of this for you guys that hunt Iowa, right?

From: x-man
I just want to know... If Lee and Tiffany looked like Jason Alexander and Rossie O'Donnell, would they be as popular and famous? Would they have been able to "attract" the same sponsors? ;)

From: Brotsky
x-man, Little Debbie already has the corner on the hunting market, they don't need influencers :)

Fred Bear made money off of us...

From: x-man
Also, I believe there's a difference between "Market Hunter" and Marketing Hunter.

From: csalem
X-man. Gene and Barry did well and I would not call them GQ Model Quality :)

From: Groundhunter
Thats a nice buck, but it does not compare to the 211 inch buck, shot in Wis. 20 year old bow, make shift ground blind, shot distance 5 yards. Got to love it

From: x-man
Yes but, I would wager that less than 10% of bowhunters under the age of 40 know who the Wensels' are.

From: Groundhunter
I always liked them. Met them in the 80s. Their friend Mike Mitten, was a real honor to meet and shoot with. Back then, those guys were genuine, cared about the sport, ethics, and helping others improve. True pioneers

From: Highlife

From: Groundhunter
I agree I don't have much, but I own it, and worked my ass off to pay for it all. Never had fancy trucks etc, but I have land. When I was 26, did not even own a vehicle, spent all my money on sheep hunts, till I was 31. Now at 73 I look at my trophy wall, and glad I did it, and relive alot of hunts

From: LBshooter
Funny how a thread that showed a buck and a congrats turns to guys bithing about how much they make and why they don't support bowhunting? Lol too funny, they owe nobody anything , they video their hunts came up with BBD and so the story goes. You guys bitching about all the extra stuff need to look in the mirror and quit blaming others for you lot in life. My post was simply asking why everyone is surprised they kill big deer, and then it goes off the rails lol highlife hit it on the head, my god.

From: nmwapiti
Well, only speaking for myself, but no real jealousy here. And I'm not trying to knock the Lakoskies at all for what they've accomplished. It's a great buck. If I killed something like that on hard-hunted land, it would be some kind of miracle. It's still an accomplishment, just not what it would be for the rest of us. The western version of this is Cam killing a 350 elk on a private Utah ranch. Not knocking Cam and everything he has accomplished. Just a different world.

From: WH1974
“How many young kids miss the opportunity to get introduced to hunting because Lee and some of the other big time Tv guys have thousands of acres locked up”

Ov450, I would say realistically 5-10 young kids have missed the opportunity to hunt because of how many acres they lease/own BUT I would also say that hundreds if not thousands of kids have been introduced to the sport because of them.

From: Canepole
Highlife, you're so right!!

And some of these guys can't figure out why their kids don't come visit very often.

From: Thornton
WH1974- I'd disagree with you. No point in introducing something to someone if they cannot continue to enjoy it. I grew up hunting with numerous kids who enjoyed deer hunting that have quit years ago because they cannot acquire a lease or afford land. 25 years ago, nobody leased, and a permission was just the right phone call or porch visit away. Land was $500/acre, and in the rare occasion a lease was required, it could often be had for $1/acre. 120 deer hunting acres just went up for $5k/acre a mile from my farm. At my other place, it's been going for $8k/acre. My high school deer hunting friend gave up deer and enjoys coyote calling, but he said recently nonresident are paying to hunt coyotes on some of his spots.

From: SaddleReaper
This thread is a disaster.

I laughed at the public land comment. As if Tiffany doesn't know how to hunt deer after a life built around it... sure.

I'll give you guys something else to go nuts about. My brother in laws farm just bought a neighboring 200 acre farm on the eastern shore of MD (66acres of that timbered)... I was told the guy who hunted it before the purchase was leasing it, and now his lease was upped to 16K a year and he didn't bat an eye.... for deer....

A single goose pit blind in one field can fetch 10k per season.... for rats with wings....

In some locales you really have to "pay to play".

That said, the farm is a business, and folks are willing to shell out money which helps keep the farm afloat. They're not doing anything wrong. It just limits who gets to enjoy it. Things aren't like they used to be, and won't be going back anytime soon if I had to guess.

From: nmwapiti
Not sure why you say the thread is a disaster. It's hitting on one of the biggest problems in hunting today. We didn't used to need money to find places to hunt. Things have changed and a lot of guys are getting priced out. It is what it is and it isn't going back, but it's a big step closer to a European style hunting model.

From: Bou'bound
You're right. it's a sad day when people can only do what they can afford, can only acquire what they can afford, can only live where they can afford, can only buy what they can afford, can only enjoy what they can afford, can only drive what they can afford, can only eat what they can afford, can only go to school where they can afford, and only work where they can afford, can only..................

oh heck you guys get it........we should all be able to do anything and everything we want regardless of the cost or our ability to afford it within our means.

From: WH1974
Covid and social unrest in the cities have had way more of an impact on land prices than Lee and Tiffany ever will.

From: Screwball
Bou and WH1974 both great statements. It always amazes me how so many want to be taken care of by everyone else that works for what they have. Socialism at it's best is on display right in this thread. Sad, Sad, state of affairs so many wanting handouts from others and they are owed it. "If your 5'3" and weigh 300#s taxes should pay for your box of fudge rounds."

From: Catscratch
My take is that it isn't so much that it cost to hunt and people want it for free... as much as it's a grip that the price increased so much so fast. I suppose it's the same as anything; health insurance, fuel, food, inflation, housing, interest rates, the dang price of trucks, etc. No sense in bitching about any of it, if you want it just work harder and go pay what they are asking. It really is no different. Just because my employer used to cover 100% of my family health plan doesn't mean it should still be that way.

Nmwapiti- how do hunters get priced out of public land?

From: Scar Finga
Iowa, That's exactly what i was thinking!!

There are millions and millions of square miles of public land that can be hunted for the cost of a drive! Stop complaining and go find a spot!

Too bad if it isn't right next door!


From: W
Lee and Tiff are living the dream. Congrats to them.

From: nmwapiti
The priced out comment was mostly aimed at folks back east. I lived on Ohio and Virginia. I know how hard it is to find decent hunting. I live in Utah now. Sure, I have places to hunt. The ability to get a tag and the quality of the hunting are my current challenges. I hunt over 100 days a year in multiple states. I'm putting in the effort to stay in the game, but it has really changed during my life.

From: goyt
An interesting thread based on a shared picture of a huge buck. We certainly do not all think alike or maybe we do but just have a difference balance point. We all want to hunt undisturbed deer. For some that are active and motived that may be walking in 2 miles on public land to hunt deer that others are not willing or able to get to. If it is suggested that an ATV trail be installed to provide access for all regardless of health, motivation or time restraints, hunting is being destroyed and they are correct in that their way of hunting is being taken away and given to someone else. For those that choose to buy land to hunt others are losing their right to hunt that land. The same goes for leasing. None of these things are destroying hunting IMO just changing it.

I was talking to a college roommate who owns an old dairy farm in Wisconsin. A businessman in the area who is pro hunting, a good thing, sold his business for a lot of money, $50 to $150 million depending on who you ask. The guy is buying hunting land with some of his money. For some that is good for others bad. He has selected an area with the expressed plan to own all of the land in that area which is a couple of thousand acres. He has already purchased a significant amount of it. My college roommate does not hunt and leases his land to the guy for well above market rates and has a standing offer to buy the land at what looks like 20% above the already high land prices. For my college roommate the guy is a salvation because he has health issues and does not want to hunt or farm the land. For the hunters in this guy's hunting group this guy is a hero who is helping to assure hunting opportunities. For those being displaced not so much. Is this guy better or worse than Lee and Tiffancy or Ted Nugent? or you or me? He is definitely different from most of us and therefore many of us will take issue. However, he is just trying to get undisturbed hunting for himself, his family and friends and is using his recourses to accomplish that just like a healthy, motivated hunter with the time and energy is walking two miles on public land. Plus, he can share the hunting with his children and grandchildren.

From: Bou'bound
My only raised eyebrow on this is the statement that they had not put a tape to the deer yet

I bet a bunch that that deer was taped and rough scored before he was field dressed.

From: t-roy
I’m betting not, Bou. But, I’d bet the odds are extremely high, that it got taped out shortly afterwards, though!

From: jconman
what is the difference between what lee and tiffany are doing and keith warren just that there is no pen-in my opinion this is not hunting but i am old school

From: PECO2
"Go hunt public land" Weren't we all just bitching about overcrowded public land hunting in Colorado, and being done with it?

From: Wymuley
Well jconman, I suppose you never hunted deer where there were soybeans, millet, rice, corn or acorns... otherwise you would be no different than Keith Warren.

The bow looks big too

From: bigswivle
Count me 100% in the jealous crowd lol. I’d love to live/hunt/manage whitetail land in Iowa everyday!!! Good for them!!

Lee and Tiffany have land that is strictly managed surrounded by land that regular people can hunt, if those people all did what Lee and Tiffany do they would get similar results

From: Ambush
No matter how good you got it, there is always someone to be envious of.

Lee and Tiffany are always sucking up t-roy for an invite.

From: jconman
use cell cameras then throw up blind in cornfield -sounds like she really put lots of work in- well actually probably had to spend a few hours looking thru all cell camera pictures to know where to set blind

From: t-roy
I keep offering, Rod, but Lee keeps insisting that it’s both of them or nothing. I think he’s leery of my questionable videography skills….

From: Ambush
Yeah Troy, it may go back that hot September hunt with Tiff in the blind and you have the Buddy Heater going full blast.

“ Aren’t you kinda hot Tiff, maybe you’d be more comfortable with out all those clothes on”

From: Highlife

From: bigswivle
Lee doesn’t let Tiffany go anywhere with out him. Lol(heard a great story from a TV guy I used to be buddies with)

From: deerhunter72
So, I did an internet search on this couple. Are they divorced, or is that just click bait?

From: t-roy
^^^^They seem to be happily married with two young kids, deerhunter72.

From: deerhunter72
Thanks t-roy, glad to hear it. I was thinking those articles looked suspect. Not uncommon for famous people.

calling tiffany a market hunter based on merriam websters definition is more than a little ridiculous.

"a person who hunts game for a livelihood"

when you look up the definition of "livelihood"...

"means of support or subsistence"

that makes everyone who hunts for food a "market hunter" too.

From: Catscratch
Just out of curiosity I did a search for their net worth; over $4 million with an annual salary of $500,000 from their TV show.

Wow, where do I even begin on this one. So many things one could address to all the uninformed, jealous, unintelligent people out there. It never ceases to amaze me how easy it is to make jealousy ooze from the pores of those inflicted with the longing for what they don't or can't have. It comes out in the form of personal attacks, reasons why they could succeed if only given the same opportunity, and also how the success of one group is negatively impacting children or the sport in general.

My favorite saying in these situations always rises to the top. It's from the "must be nice" crowd. I love hearing that one. When I hear it I always think back to what these people were doing while the successful hard working folks who had a long term goal to achieve were out working their asses off to achieve it. I bet it "must have been nice" whatever it was.

Then there is the group who talks about how they respect people who can kill big bucks on public land on a consistent basis. This shows a tremendous lack of understanding on what it takes to get a whitetail to the age class where antler potential can be fully expressed. Unfortunately the "must be nice" crowd is whacking every 2.5-3.5 year old they come across on public land which essentially makes killing public land giants like searching for and killing unicorns. The uninformed and uneducated hunter from this crowd mistakenly believes that if you hunt hard enough on public land, you will turn up a 150-180 inch buck. That is highly unlikely to happen.

Some talk about how people like the Lakosky's, who improve habitat for all wildlife, are having a negative impact on opportunities for others. They don't talk about the impacts of urban sprawl, new housing developments, CRP converted to cropland, timber being pushed out for more crops, the farmer who just bought up 2000 acres and built hog barns. No, they only piss and moan about the people who shot a huge buck that was allowed to grow due to habitat improvements and the lack of "must be nicers" sitting in every fifth tree on every ridge top.

I could go on and on, but in the end I think I'll just end by saying how nice it is to see what a mature whitetail, if given the opportunity, can turn into. Congratulations to the hunter and all who were involved to make the hunt the success that it was. Successes like this are often decades in the making.

"Just out of curiosity I did a search for their net worth; over $4 million with an annual salary of $500,000 from their TV show."

good for them! im glad that can still happen in america.

From: csalem
Imagine them being that successful, all the while raising two children and Tiffany fighting and beating a rare form of cancer and producing their TV show

Quite remarkable!


From: Catscratch
Yep. Pretty amazing what they've built and put together.

From: Cazador

Cazador's Link
Pretty hard to hate on them!

See vid, dude had balls and a passion.

From: Catscratch
I hadn't known any of their background (I'm not much of tv hunting show watcher) until I just watched Cazador's link. He quit his job as a Chemical Engineer, to move to Iowa and follow deer hunting! My goodness, just to become a CE requires hard work. Then to trash that to chase deer hunting? Ya, I'd say they've earned what they've got.

From: Screwball
Yep truly the American dream and people hate them for it. I am impressed to no end by what they have accomplished.

From: scentman

From: KB
Just because someone doesn’t care about a deer that existed in an entirely man made/manipulated environment with supplemented nutrition and constant wireless surveillance doesn’t make them a hater. It’s just simply not that interesting or impressive. Fanboys are gonna fanboy though. Carry on.

From: Bou'bound
great video Caz

From: BC173
And there you have it… the rest of the story. I’d say they’ve earned it. Thanks Caz

From: butcherboy
Definitely a great buck. I don’t watch hunting shows but I do respect their hard work, family values, etc. As for not watching hunting shows on TV, I do watch highlights of different things on YouTube. I just watched some of the episode when Lee kills his big bull in Montana. Very nice bull but I think someone needs to teach him a little bit about field care of the meat. They did gut it but left the hide on all night long on a big bull. Taking a huge chance right there. I know a lot of guys will say that they have done it many times with no problems which I don’t doubt that at all. It only takes once to learn a hard lesson though.

From: PECO2
The guy needs to up his arrow weight and change his broadhead so that he can maybe get better penetration and a pass through once in a while. Just sayin, not hatin.

From: Shiloh
And I would imagine the list of people who live in Iowa and have a large land holding that have shot multiple 200+” bucks is pretty slim

From: Dale06
Shiloh, For sure, there’s not a 200” behind every tree. But I wonder how many big deer get killed in Iowa and other states and the hunter doesn’t tell anyone or put it in the book. I’ve never killed (or seen) a real large deer, but if I ever arrowed one, very very few would know about it. And I know a person that has three over 190” (non typical) one being over 200” and very few know of them. Or have seen the mounts. We might be surprised.

From: scentman

From: Bowboy

Bowboy's embedded Photo
Bowboy's embedded Photo
Here’s Lee’s recent buck he shot.

From: Screwball
That's an 8 point! Congratulations to him.

From: RonP
i like the youtube that cazador linked. very cool story of their background. i think it's great he quit his job to hunt! awesome.

From: scentman

From: Recurve Man
Ron we all could quit our jobs to hunt if we had a financial backing to fit the bill. That’s how they got started. A guy with an open check book who took them under his wing.


From: RonP
"Ron we all could quit our jobs to hunt if we had a financial backing to fit the bill. That’s how they got started. A guy with an open check book who took them under his wing."

ok, thanks. I guess I missed that in the youtube video. if that's the case, then i guess he really didn't quit his job, he resigned to accept another position. i have done that a few times, but not to deer hunt. :)

regardless, they seem like nice people and have done well with the opportunity they have been given.

From: csalem
Recurve. Who would that have been ?

From: Recurve Man
I am not sure if he guys name. I have a friend who has hunted with them and knows Lee and Tiffany very well and years ago he told me their story. They came along at the right time and Tiffany was one of the first women to be on TV hunting shows. This guy knew it would be a success and he financed their way to producing hunting videos and help Lee with his ground purchases. They were the first Ken and Barbie of the hunting shows. The rest is history now.


From: Scrappy
The guy that owned scentloc or scentblocker was their money man in the beginning.

A great financial decision on his part from what I could see back in the day.

My posts were in no way anti-private lands, my family has plenty of private land and we invite a lot of folks out to hunt it. My posts were absolutely anti-income-from-hunting (market hunting).

Greed and attention-seeking personalities ruin everything, and hunting is not immune to that. Look at the increase in wannabe hunting influencers the past decade now that they are motivated by potential financial gain since folks like Lee and Tiffany have became multimillionaires through market hunting. Would these people be making this dead-and-dying-wildlife content if there wasn’t financial motivators?

YouTube is flooded with influencers just wanting to make a buck, no pun intended, and it comes at the expense of hunt quality through increased lease prices, increased pressure on public land, exponential point creep, overharvest for the sole purpose of making “content”, etc etc etc.

The list goes on and on and on, and I am glad that I’ve received numerous DMs on here showing I’m not the only one who can see this to be detrimental to the future of hunting.

I hope people enjoy watching and funding these shows, because if it continues down the path it has been following the past decade that’ll be all we can do…

From: Lee
Great post, MQQSE

From: bigswivle
Ron we all could quit our jobs to hunt if we had a financial backing to fit the bill. That’s how they got started. A guy with an open check book who took them under his wing.

You’re posting like there’s something wrong with this?

From: Ace
Let me see if I have this right: Some guys here are 100% Free Market Capitalists ... except when it comes at the expense of their hunting locations, opportunities and costs? Got it!

If you see a guy with a hot wife driving an expensive car with a multi million dollar house do you say: "I could have made millions starting a tech company if I had just been able to pass calculus and maybe didn't skip so many classes to hunt"?

Congrats to Tiffany and her big buck, I'm interested to see the score.

From: WhattheFOC
I got 98% in calculus. Still hunting public. :)

From: KB
Boggs is on the right track. Didn’t Newberg and The Hunting Public take direct payments from departments to kill their wildlife and publicize it? If that’s not modern day market hunting I’m not sure what is. Does anyone think the THP boys would be running around Nebraska shooting velvet 105’s in September if it wasn’t for content purposes? It’s all pathetic “look at me” garbage. No one with a brain is jealous of Lee and Tiff. They’ve been propped up by industry money as the perfect billboard to sell a pile of hunting gear. There are dozens of better bowhunters that frequent this forum. I don’t get the infatuation with posting their content and others like them here. Anyone who cares to can follow their social media or watch shows. Glorifying it here is either sad or just an attempt to stir the pot.

From: spike78
I’m guessing at the Lakosky farm each year they have 5-10 monsters to take their pick from.

From: Rgiesey
Nice Chase and Kaleb! Lots of different opinions on here. I fall in line with you guys. I have a good friend, George Sund , game warden from Nebraska. Years ago whe N A whitetail magazine started we liked it. Quickly he figured out that it would be bad for our sport. It’s still a great place to live and hunt in but nothing like the 90s.

Free market capitalism applies wonderfully to goods that can be produced and sold in, hopefully, as competitive of a market as you can maintain. Free market capitalism doesn’t apply to common resources at all. “Tragedy of the commons” is economics 101 and democratically allocated hunting opportunity is the backbone of the NAMWC and what separates us from Europe.

“You’re just jealous you can’t afford a train ticket out to the Dakotas to hunt Buffalo” is the old “Well you’re just jealous you don’t have a hunting show!”

I’m all for private land ownership and all for intense wildlife management (not only am I for it, I practice it!). Acting like the only way that happens is if people are able to produce “content” and market hunt is crazy.

KB hit the nail on the head. It’s sad that not only do hunters think it’s an non-issue, but they applaud it and feed the machine that’s killing them.

For what it’s worth, I used to be the biggest Cam Hanes/THP/Hushin fanboy in the world. Luckily I had a period of time that I was “out of the hunting scene” and came back into it with a new mentality.

From: spike78
I have nothing against someone making a living off of hunting and kind of wish I was but sorry what these tv hunters do is not hunting what so ever. If any of them kill a 160-180 on public land please post so I can congratulate them.

From: Stoneman
Worth repeating, great post MQQSE.

From: iceman
Good post, MQQSE

From: Jimmyjumpup
I think some of you guys should give up a room in your house to a homeless person that can’t afford lodging.

From: Bou'bound
Given estimates put 88% of the national whitetail harvest on private lands the argument about not being successful in public is pretty lame. relatively speaking only a tiny minority hunts public for whitetail

Ironically I type this in the dark hunting public forest but I won’t see anything this morning I am sure. Still nice to be out.

From: Bill in MI
Living the American dream they made. We should all aspire and work for something as hard as what they obviously have for themselves.

From: JB
Great post MQQSE!

From: Deets
Sometimes dreams can turn into nightmares.

From: KB
Can’t say I got much out of MQQSE’s post. Apparently if you don’t worship Lee and Tiff you’re poor and shoot small bucks? Also, looked all over OnX and Google and couldn’t find any 2000 acre hog facilities in the midwest. Maybe I just missed ‘em. But if they are out there what if that guy is simply trying to build towards his own Lakosky farm by way of a real occupation?

From: Shiloh
I haven’t seen anything about worshipping anyone in this entire post. The moral of this story. Don’t tear someone down when you don’t have a clue about them.

From: Bou'bound
“The moral of this story. Don’t tear someone down when you don’t have a clue about them.”

Well there goes the whole foundation of the internet. !!!!!!!

From: T-rex
I think we should have lock this post after MQQSE's comments... :)

The funny thing is that some hunters think that if only a TV celebrity hadn’t killed the deer maybe they could have killed it?! Yes, I guess that’s possible but the buck only existed as a gigantic 5-6 yr old deer because TV celebrities raised it on their farm. How long would it have lasted as a fantastic genetic 2 or 3 yr old walking around on multiple small farms? It would long been dead. We should be thankful for people like Lakosky’s who grow up big deer on low fence places and condition them that it’s ok to walk around in daylight. You never know when one will go on a 5 or 10 mile wander and walk by you!

Good for her, congrats!!

From: Shiloh
Ha!!! Bou you are correct!!

The video is out now if anyone wants to watch her shoot him from a blind she didn’t set in a corn field she didn’t plant.

My son shot a nice buck out of a blind he didn't put out over a foodplot he didn't plant on land he doesn't own. Does this diminish the trophy or the accomplishment To some it does to me it was one of the most memorable hunts ever for me.

From: Bou'bound
Video is on YouTube entitled “the hunt for Gomez, Tiffany Lakosky” it’s amazing.

From: KB
People watch TV hunts on private Iowa farms and think “damn, that should’ve been my buck!”??


From: Shiloh
Just to be clear Bowfinatic, I was being facetious with my comment above. I have 3 children and a couple of nephews that hunt.

I enjoy Lee and Tiffany’s content.

From: Nick Muche
The video of her hunt is out on YouTube, enjoyed it.

From: Pat Lefemine
I’m not sure how anyone can be critical of that kill on video. No bait, no crossbow, all fair chase, and she missed the day before and drilled it again the next day. Yeah, they own or lease some great land and they are sponsored - good for them.

From: Tradmike
Her hunt is on utube. She missed it the 1st time. Amazed it came back the next day.

From: Screwball
Is there a score on the buck yet?

From: WhattheFOC
I enjoyed when they used to host country music celebrities like Blake Shelton or that guy from Rascal Flatts. Why did they quit doing that?

From: molsonarcher
@ whatthefoc

Because now Blake Shelton hosts Michael Waddell. ;)

From: KB
Mowing corn is not considered baiting for deer, but it is for waterfowl? Hunting regs are a tangled web… :)

From: Bowboy

Bowboy's Link
Here’s the video if you care to watch.

From: Michael
Screwball, I have t seen or heard anything on the score. However last summer Lee did a video about some bucks they had on camera. He thought the deer was around 190”.

I think they said about 204 inches gross

From: KB
Just me or was that one odd/weird looking deer? What’s up with the tail flicking and low hanging head?

From: spike78
Wow I almost saw a bead of sweat from walking 3 minutes to the blind. To think here I am walking a mile up a mountain and all I have to do is slip into a blind 3 minutes from my truck or better yet drive up to it with a UTV. Damn I’m doing it all wrong!

From: Bou’bound
No, you’re just doing it in the wrong place

From: DConcrete
As I’ve learned long ago in life and in business, you’ll never be criticized by anyone doing more than you. It’s always who’ve done significantly less.

Who believes the complainers wouldn’t hunt there if they got permission?

It was a fun video to watch, entertaining and a huge deer! Good for her!!

From: Buckdeer
I will bet that 95% of bowhunters wouldn't have made that shot even after missing the night before,I know I wouldn't have. She has Ice water in her veins to stay that cool.But you could tell by how many times she ranged him she was getting buck fever.Great video

From: PECO2
The pressure was on, she didn't want to miss again! If she would have missed again, and not had another opportunity at that buck, would we have heard about it?

From: PECO2
I'm in the percentile that would not have missed the first time.

From: Who Cares
neat video!

From: KB
Received one PM about the condition of that buck. No other thoughts? Thing looks absolutely pathetic when she releases that second arrow. Something was off.

From: Rgiesey
Didn’t notice while watching the video. I’ll rewatch.

From: Bou'bound
It looked to me like he was exhausted from carrying that rack around for months

KB, I didn’t watch the video, but I’d be sick too if some market hunter was about to sell my corpse as a billboard for a bunch of gimmicky products!

From: Catscratch
"Received one PM about the condition of that buck. No other thoughts? Thing looks absolutely pathetic when she releases that second arrow. Something was off."

What are you thinking KB? The buck was sick or recovering from something? Maybe that's why it was in the open plots during the day (twice in a row)?

From: spike78
Those bucks are in the plot mid day because for the last 5 years they have been passed up so they developed no fear to be out during the day.

WTH is wrong with some of you?

Spoke, you could walk 2 more miles up that mountain. And, not broken a sweat. Hour bow only weighs a pound. You’d sniped his arse the first night I reckon.

The buck looks freakishly huge because….He’s freakishly huge. There’s nothing wrong with the deer either. Except he was old. And hungry. So hungry it cost him his life. Congrats to her.

I enjoyed the video.

From: KB
Recovering or slowly dying from a previous shot crossed my mind Catscratch. Might explain why he “disappeared for a month”? Otherwise yes, sick/diseased. Thing has no interest in other deer it appeared, and looks incredibly frail compared to that 10 that comes out before it. The tail flicking and posture don’t seem normal at all. It was 30 degrees with a week left in November. Not like it was late January after a blizzard.

I guess the fanboys are here to tell us it was perfectly healthy. Sorry for asking. :)

From: Buckdeer
It looked pretty normal walking out there and ran just fine.It wasn't like she wounded it the first time so not surprised it came back and it was rut also.

From: APauls
If Elon Musk decides he's no longer interested in space, cars or much else, and is nuts for hunting - sells out everything he has and buys all of Iowa. Every single private acre. Or name the state you live in. Is the idea still: - "Hey way to go Elon - you worked for it you deserve it buddy!" (which he has there is no denying) Or is there some social responsibility at some point to "leave something for the next guy."

Has nothing to do with jealousy I'm just curious if at some point it's like: "weeeeeeeeelll maybe there is a line somewhere..." That line is going to be in a different place for everyone about what's socially responsible.

Just like many of us realize we are the top 1% globally and we were blessed to be born where we are, and it wouldn't be the worst thing to help others out and we do so. Some choose not to and that's totally OK by them. But it is a little disappointing when billionaires don't lend a helping hand.

From: Shiloh
Maybe that one had a particularly hard rut. They can lose up to 40% body weight, so if he was a 260# deer before he could be well under 200# after

Buck, you’re assuming that was truly her first time shooting at the deer… Do you really not think the market hunters are gonna show content that portrays their dead-animal-purchasers in a bad light? Idk who their broadhead sponsor is, but I’m assuming they pay them way too much money for them to show their fanboys a wounding shot that portrays them in a poor light… I, for one, am not gonna take a market hunters’ word at face value, especially since they already proved she’s a crummy shot as she was the day prior. I don’t think it’s too much of a stretch to say she’s wounded a deer or two in her day - and likely isn’t a stretch to assume she had wounded this one previously as they allegedly had it on their farm up until a month before they killed it with their cell camera.

I’m certainly not gonna trust a market hunter or give them the benefit of the doubt…

From: KB

KB's embedded Photo
KB's embedded Photo
Certainly plausible Shiloh. Though I’ve seen a few mature deer pretty rutted out I’d say, and don’t recall any with the low slung head/tail flicking like her buck. Reminded me of some sick cattle about to die from a respiratory issue. They’ll perk right up when you stick ‘em with a dart, but all is not well.

I guess this is what comes to mind with a buck that produces that type of headgear. Pic taken Nov 26th, for reference.

From: APauls
Holy Smokes Boggs simmer down lol. From your trophy photos looks like you've been bowhunting for at least 9 years, but there's 5 photos. Any chance you ever had a shot that wasn't a 12 ring?

From: scentman

From: KB
Yep. Something kept him from holding it correctly. ;)

From: TRnCO
anyone that has battled cancer and come out on top and then gets lucky enough to connect on a buck of this size, well, all I can say is GOOD for her. Congrats on a dandy Tiffany!

From: RutnStrut
To all the whiners. Unless you live in some other country, you all have the exact same opportunity as Lee and Tiffany. All you have to do is have the desire and the drive to go after your dream. Most of us are only held back by ourselves.

From: Recurve Man
Rut most of us do have those types of desires and dreams. Most of us are also held back because of financial constraints or obligations, not work ethics or lack there of.

Some people have had a free pass.


APauls, of course I have - I don’t know of anyone who has a 100% lifetime recovery rate, my argument wasn’t one of superiority. My argument is that I doubt TV shows tell the whole story, especially one that is funded by them having “the most lethal products”. I feel like that is an incredibly rational stance. If I was a broadhead company paying a market hunter six digits to shoot my broadhead I would have an expectation that they wouldn’t post content that made my product look bad.

If you look at every hunting show ever released that has a broadhead sponsor or even in general, I would be shocked if one in a hundred showed a wounded deer. They aren’t being paid to show you reality.

Anybody funded by anything is going to naturally lean towards the result that their moneyman wants, i.e. any private research that coincidentally finds exactly what they were after, the same is the case with market hunters killing deer for gear company advertisements.

As for trophy photos on my profile, I was enlisted so there was a big gap in hunt time there. Not to mention the fact that I don’t post everything I kill on my profile.

From: wv_bowhunter
Wow. I’m shocked some of you think it is so impossible to make a bad shot or miss a deer. I missed a doe in early October. Have no idea what happened but I shot way high. Those deer barely got out of sight when 3 more came around the point and I heart shot the lead doe. Things happen….

Also, a link to their life story was posted above, I’d say it is fair to say they had obligations and responsibilities whenever Lee quit his job and aid he was moving to Iowa. I love to bowhunt and know that I have the same opportunity to go out and do what they did, but what I don’t have is the guts and bravery to try it. Lee did and Tiffany was willing to give it a try. I respect them for chasing their dream. We see the end results, not all the sweat and tears to get there.

From: PECO2
" Idk who their broadhead sponsor is" She said "Rage" bla, bla, bla after she shot the deer.

From: PECO2
So they chased their dreams, or were they financially backed like stated above? If they were financially backed, then we all don't have the same opportunity, or at least I don't, maybe all of you do.

From: caribou77
Deer looked completely fine to me. He looks to have lost some weight from running and fn for the last month for sure.

We had a buck at my dad’s last year that was EASILY identifiable, his ear was broken at the base. Dad put corn out in his driveway every night after season to watch the deer. Soon broke ear showed up and the amount of loose skin on that guy was crazy. He was now as big as most of the big old prime does. Skip ahead to this fall, we finally get to see broke ear again…. And about 75 pounds heavier.

Having kept live weights of every buck we’ve killed in Iowa since 1999, I can tell you they definitely drop weight and look rough as the year goes on.

The deer definitely looked bigger in the first pick than in the video. Still a giant, just didn’t look as big in the video.

Really surprised she’s shooting 54 pounds. That’s good weight for a woman. There’s guys that don’t want to pull that.

From: Catscratch
If they had backing I wonder why? Maybe someone with money saw they had drive and abilities that were worth investing in... Start-ups happen all the time for people willing to earn them. American dream.

From: PECO2
You know what they "saw."

From: DConcrete
I love how everyone makes excuses. If only I had backing. Oh they have this and I don’t. Oh they were looking at her looks. Blah blah blah. You whiners don’t have the drive and the skill set. Period. Everyone in this nation is born with the same opportunities. Are some Born with money? Sure. Do some People have a knack for rounding up funds to sling shot their success? You betcha. And clearly, it ain’t the bunch of you whiners. Go show us how it’s done.

Go excel. Go do it. Put your money and your balls on the line and go do it. As for recurve man….the excuse of obligations etc…..that’s you making the choice for what’s important for you at that time. Plain and simple. You already chose. You already stated in your life what you will and won’t do for success.

From: Highlife

From: PECO2
"Put your money and your balls on the line and go do it." Nice pep talk, however most of us do not have the money. All of us will not get the financial backing needed. Those are facts. Don't confuse facts with whining or hating.

From: DConcrete
Excuses excuses excuses.

From: KB
“Don't confuse facts with whining or hating.” - Exactly PECO2.

Guys like DConcrete like to tell you how highly they think of themselves without stating it plainly. What he fails to realize is many hunters have no interest in replicating the Lakosky’s lifestyle. No need for the spotlight. No interest in being told what to wear, what to shoot, how to hunt, which one liners will catch on the best, waste hours of our lives filming B-roll to sell cameras and treestands, etc. It all sounds miserable to me. What fanboys like him don’t understand is one can be unimpressed and uninterested in the Lakosky’s situation without being jealous or a hater. How does he know who here is or is not successful in their walk of life, owns a farm, “hangs their balls out”and so on? Lots of assumptions from the fanboy side of the aisle here as well.

DConcrete, is it possible that those opposed to and critical of market hunters aren’t “making excuses” and are instead just morally opposed to market hunting due to the consequences it has had and the fact that it staunchly opposes the very principles that the NAMWC was built upon regarding the commercialization of wildlife?

From: caribou77
Ah yes the must be nice crowd is strong in this thread. I’m not a big fan of them or the show ( or any tv hunters / shows) but the truth is everything they accomplish takes time and hard work. And yes of course money. But to think any of that was just handed over to them is silly. Even then they started at the right time, grew with their sponsors, and continued to work hard to be successful. If they stopped everything right now, didn’t try, put out a poor quality show, didn’t treat sponsors well, didn’t continue to push and sell…. They’d lose everything. But hey, must be nice… that’s just easier to say.

Did you know that residents of Alaska shoot more Alaska/Yukon moose than non residents…. Boy MUST BE NICE…. Geeze to just move there, start all over, create a life for yourself and then get to benefit from it years later… fn Alaskans

From: scentman

From: DConcrete
If you’re unimpressed, that’s great. I am happy for you. However, you’re trying to find every known reason that there is something wrong with the deer. And the whole market hunter schtick is a real stupid on Boggs. And I believe deep down, you even know that.

Back to KB, your posts show how sour you are on this subject. I never mentioned one word about you wanting to replicate their lifestyle.

I don’t replicate their lifestyle because I choose to not make my money in the hunting industry. But I certainly don’t begrudge, and try to find any reason to hate on what they’ve done.

If you have a simple Distaste, that’s great. You’ve made it known. But I do suspect that you probably couldn’t pour their piss out of a boot. Why do people like you irritate me? Because I’ve seen your kind my whole life. I have plenty of people who list all the reasons about me. Oh I heard he doesn’t pay taxes. Oh I hear he doesn’t pay workers comp. Oh I heard he doesn’t pay his guys. Oh I heard, I heard, I heard. If I recall Correctly, your stated your grand dad owned all sorts of acreage in Kansas. So I guess that makes you a silver spooner. Somebody who knows nothing about building anything.

From: KB
There you go making all kinds of assumptions again.

I wasn’t “trying” to find anything. I watched the hunt scenes since the link was posted. Wouldn’t have said a word otherwise if I hadn’t thought that buck looked unhealthy and was genuinely curious.

Not sure where you’re going with that last paragraph. Sounds like you have some personal issues you’re projecting into a discussion on a bowhunting forum.

Dang it scentman, low blow with the Chiefs dig. They are not well either!

From: RutnStrut
Rut most of us do have those types of desires and dreams. Most of us are also held back because of financial constraints or obligations, not work ethics or lack there of. Some people have had a free pass.

All of us could do the exact same thing. Quit your secure well paying jobs to move to another state to chase your dreams. As far as I know they did NOT have any financial backing in the beginning. The way they hunt isn't realistic for a lot of us as most of us hunt/own small parcels and hunt high pressured deer. However it is attainable. Is the risk/reward worth it to start over for deer hunting? Not for most of us. But that isn't because it's unattainable.

From: ki-ke
Boggs, I don't believe I can remember a human beating a dead horse to the extent that you have with your insistence that every reader here adopts your new definition of "market hunting". We've ALL heard you. Now pleeeease, would you shut the F up?

Sorry concrete, you’re right! They make their livelihoods by selling dead deer to businesses for advertisements, but they’re totally not market hunters bro! In fact, anyone who thinks that “hunting game for a livelihood” makes someone a market hunter is obviously an idiot who doesn’t know the definition of market hunter!

The commercialization of wildlife and the selling of dead wildlife for ad revenue is a really great thing that will no doubt benefit the good ol boys in the long run and is tooootally not market hunting!

From: Rgiesey
You must’ve been around some pretty good people concrete. I’ve been around Kaleb some and he’s a great kid. You must be close to Lakosky to feel the need to attack kb. Why would he want to pour their piss out of a boot. Kaleb is pretty accomplished in my world. Don’t know about a silver spoon. I’m sure Kaleb can stick up for himself but you’d be mistaken if you thought Lee was in the same class of bowhunter as Kaleb.

Ki-ke, what new definition?

I’ve went through life looking for the place they hand out money. So I can quit my job and make a living hunting. I haven’t found one yet. I’m guessing no one else has either. Except the Lakowsky’s.

I’m not surprised Peconus butter. He wants everyone to pay his way? From nonresidents to investors. I can’t imagine why no one’s lining up at his door so he can share his wonderful ideas on who deserves what.

DConcrete nailed this. It’s a thread about a woman killing a huge buck. Not if she deserved it in anyone’s eyes. Man, why can’t you guys just be happy for her.

There is some bitter people on this thread.

From: Bou'bound
So true. The continued shift of this site from educational and informational to entertainment is increasing at an exponential pace. People are a trip to observe.

From: KB
Thanks Randy.

Was it really a thread to congratulate Tiff, or was the intent for it to turn out exactly like it did? The guy who posted it also made one about Spook Spann shortly after….

From: Groundhunter
I can't believe how long this tread has been, who cares

From: Stickbow98
For anyone who does care… the scoring of Tiffany’s Buck was posted on their YouTube channel today. How close was your estimate?

From: Bou'bound
For anyone who does care… the scoring of Tiffany’s Buck was 197 4/8

From: Catscratch
That's a lot of antler!

From: Glunker
Great buck for anybody. Just watched you tube video of the buck getting scored. Surprised to hear the disappointment in the final rough score of 197.5. Geeshh. Lamenting on the length of beams, lack of spread width. I guess if you can't promote it as a 200 incher therecare draw backs.

From: Thornton
Dconcrete- I've never met KB but I've been on here 13 years. Long enough to know he's one of the best stalkers there is. Unlike the gal we're talking about that sits in blinds on thousands of private acres with manicured food plots. A guy that can do that on public land is a hundred times better than any TV personalities.

From: DConcrete
Oh geez. Here we go again.

And? Your current point is?

I was talking about their financial and business successes.

I was talking about their accomplishments. I was responding to all the naysayers about what it takes to succeed.

Not sure what your point is, other than to do what you do, keep trying to argue.

Oooooohh is it time For me to receive some Sort of threatening pm from you now??

From: Huntcell
Tiff get it officially scored in the summer when you don't have all that bulky winter clothing on. Hoping you make the 200 Club.

From: Thornton
Success is a relative term. I'm just going off your statement that makes you sound like you have a superiority complex. Not sure why you'd even make that statement "pour piss out of their boots" (what kind of fat faced narcissistic even thinks like that?)to a top tier bowhunter when you used a long range rifle to shoot a small bear over bait at short range in a dense poplar forest.

From: DConcrete
Ha ha ha ha ha nice one!!

Many hunters sure are a jealous bunch. What happened to the America who admired success? Don't let Obama take you down, anymore than he already has.

From: APauls
heck of a deer, kind of shocked it didn't break 200 as well. I shot a 195 and while I never thought it was near that big it's like "dang - wish I hadn't of shot it during a 100 year drought maybe it would have made 200." When else will I ever get that close.

Being disappointed that the buck was 3" shy of 200 inches is a totally different thing than being disappointed in the buck. I believe most rational people could see that. If you shot the biggest buck of your life you'd be pumped regardless. If it was a 1/2" smaller than the Hanson buck you might be a shade ripped that with 5/8" more bone it would be a world record. And that makes sense. To me anyways.

From: PeteO
wow thats a nice buck! Congrats to Tiffany.

From: longsprings
Lots if reasons on this thread why hunting is in trouble , we can never unite and send kudos. Nice buck , they pass on bucks most of us druel over. Why must we go negative On a great moment Come on folks unite and stick together Nice buck , great accomplishment

"What happened to the America who admired success?"

rather than looking inward...everyone wants to be a victim now. they are the victims of greedy private landowners...victims of the baiters...victims of the crossbow hunters...victims of the cell cam users...victims of the leasers...victims of the people shooting small bucks...victims of people hunting too close to the property lines...victims of the youth hunters...non resident hunters...wolves...mechanical broadheads...urban sprawl...corner hoppers...and the list goes on and on.

victimhood is currency now...and people no longer want equal opportunity...they want equity of outcome.

From: Canepole
Ricky, I wouldn't say "everyone" but we sure have our share crybabies! I'm guessing about 13%.

From: Jimmyjumpup
Wow nice buck for sure. They have worked hard. They deserve it. Part of their income comes from that. No different than a pro athlete needing to do well. Heck I am just happy to kill a deer on my farm with a recurve. I can’t imagine the work it takes to grow deer like that.

Damn Ricky, that sure puts things in perspective. Good post.

From: KB
I’m more inclined to admire the Jason Hairstons, Aron Snyders, Bill Jordans, or the folks who are highly successful hunters that don’t hardly make a peep about themselves. If your guys’ idea of success is TV celebrities selling deer videos more power to ya.

"If your guys’ idea of success is TV celebrities selling deer videos more power to ya."

thats not "success" for me....just not something i'd like to do for a living.

what i do define as "success" is anyone that can make a living working hard at something they love...doing it honestly...legally...and ethically. if they can make money sharing it with others...good for them.

Making money is not a bad thing.

From: scentman

There are whiners and losers.

From: DConcrete
Cte be damned. Cocaine be damned. Anyone who offs themselves with their 8 year old son in the house loses all my respect.

And before anyone goes off on the ya but you don’t know what he was going through ya ya ya, I’ve been impacted by suicide by VERY close People multiple times in my life.

I guess selling clothing to go kill Said animals is far Different than filming the killing of said animals.

One way of Making the money is “cleaner” I suppose.

From: Bou'bound
This should get really sidetracked now………..

From: Canepole
Well since I wasn't smart enough to get the Batman and Robins "Elf on a shelf", I certainly don't get DConcrete's response... please enlightened me.

From: Venom16730
This thread is turning into one you see on Archery Talk .

From: scentman
No, this thread is getting ugly and some want to start and argument and one guy gets off on this.. he has resurrected this pointless thread several times, time to block it Pat or office;0)

From: scentman
I meant put it in lock down;0)

From: Quailhunter
don't even need to bring back the community forum. This one is almost as entertaining. Not quite.... but close.

From: Bou'bound
This hunt aired on this weeks show and it was really very well done great DEER great story the effort they put in to even be building a pond to help improve the shot. Opportunity in a food. Plot was absolutely amazing.

From: Old Reb
The story of Mike Ukrainetz's sheep quest is much more impressive. IMHO.

From: sawtooth
Old thread, but very nice buck.

From: bigswivle
Great deer!!! There deer will for sure never go hungry.

From: LBshooter
It is a great buck , no a fantastic buck. But it’s standard for them to produce big bucks, with the amount of land they manage and food they supply year round and the genetics it’s no longer special when they kill one. Lee has done a fantastic job managing his property but I would think it’s old hart each time they kill. One. That buck is 6-8 years old with a premium diet his whole life til he walked in and bang. I would be worried if they didn’t kill monsters. I’d like to know how much Lee spends on security to keep poachers out? Th at t would be a interesting number.

From: Michael
I watch there you tube channel. Lee definitely has a plan when it comes to shooting these deer. I look at is as entertainment more than picking up knowledge when I watch their videos.

It is pretty cool to watch there summer prep and then seeing how the year plays out after all the prep they do.

Yes they have their act together and have done an amazing job on management and produce big deer. Just because they consistently do it doesn't make it less special. To me that's a jealous shot across the bow Lee does a nice job on talking thru the strategy and things we can all learn from

From: Old Reb
^^^ Here we go again. If you don't worship at their feet, your a jealous hater. LMAO

How hard is it to kill a buck which has never had a scary interaction with a human in its entire life?

Seriously. Do they get older, wiser and cagier every year that they get passed up, or like the deer in the local park here, do they come to see humans as Not A Threat??

Because it sounds a lot like these individual deer have never actually been hunted….

Just curious…

From: Jimmyjumpup
Why do people continue to complain about people that work hard to get what they have. As I understand it they work at all of that. What is wrong with that?

Nothing at all.

I just wonder how wild & wary a buck can become if he’s gone the first 7 years of his life looking up at people in trees and getting a free pass.

I would think that a lot of the maybe 5%-10% of public land whitetails that survive beyond their 1.5 YO Rut season have learned a lot more about the dangers that humans pose than the buck at the top of this thread ever did.

I could be wrong about that…. which is why I asked the question.

From: scentman

From: VAMtns
I wish I could find a big farm that has never been hunted and Huge Bucks walked by all day ! Great Buck Tiff !

From: Mhg825
Might as well have a bell and spots. More farming than hunting.

From: Buckeye
hats off to Lee and Tiffany, they are hard working folks from what see. As far as entertainment goes though, I'd rather watch Ryan gill or clay Hayes stalk in on wild pigs, elk and deer and kill em with a stick bow. Farming for big whitetails takes talent and hard work also, but I just don't get it .

From: Bou'bound
“I wish I could find a big farm that has never been hunted and Huge Bucks walked by all day ! “

They don’t wish……..they invest time and money and act while others wish and hope

Corax- you are full of it. These deer that the Lakosky’s shoot are free ranging and regularly travel off the property. They lose many to the neighbors, road kill and EHD. If you hunted next door, you could have a chance at any of em during the rut or on a late season food source

From: scentman

From: Bou'bound
“I wish I could find a big farm that has never been hunted and Huge Bucks walked by all day ! “

They don’t wish……..they invest time and money and act while others wish and hope

From: Buckdeer
Most people have no idea the work that goes into taking care of land. Even smaller acreages

From: APauls
They put more time, money and effort into deer hunting than 99.99% of people so that the deer grows big and doesn't see it coming. That's the whole point. So yes, the deer itself isn't as "wiley" as a public land public. Not even comparable to regular private ground. But NO ONE on here has been dogging their effort.

From: thedude
Meh, more rich people horn porn for the boot lickers.

From: gil_wy
Is it weird the only reason I looked at this was to see if Wild Bill responded? Lol

From: flyingbrass
congrats, nice deer!

This episode is playing right now on the Outdoor channel. It is amazing what they have created. Living the dream.

I will say they have worked hard and have built a brand. Their success is well documented. They have accomplished things I never have.

Having said that, I just can't watch their shows any longer. Hunting on 5,000 acres of private, managed, unpressured land is artificial hunting compared to what most of us face.

The shows featuring giant bucks pouring into a standing food plot with a gigantic $3,000 box blind with 10 windows and paying no attention to all the noise and commotion just looks fake.

If invited to hunt one of these places, I'd sure as hell go, but any buck I'd kill would never mean as much as my public land 120 to 150" bucks.

From: KB
What scentman said. Bou gonna Bou.

From: t-roy
Nooooooooo!!!!……Now Clorox Latrine has entered the fray!

Please, Pat. For the love of GOD, lock this thread!!!

From: Zim
T-Roy, I don’t watch their show as I’m a public land hunter, but are you serious about them not being IBA members? Hard to believe. Maybe due to some past rift? I am a member yet live in Indiana and only hunt Iowa once every 6 years. But I admire the fight IBA put up against Ravin/xguns, NR limits, etc. so I joined. Their priority is legislation and they are the best bowhunter org in the country. It is the only way to fend off corrupt politicians trying to tap into a well managed state resource. Indiana & Illinois fell like dominos without any fight at all.

I’ve been watching quite a bit of their shows lately. It amazes me how they envision setting up their stand locations. It’s fascinating to watch and learn from him.

As far as work or lack of, as many here suggest, give it to them. They work their butts off. I’m happy for them both.

From: t-roy
Zim… my knowledge, the Lakoskys, Drurys, Lindseys, etc. are not IBA members. Kudos to you for being a member. The IBA is fighting the good fight, IMO.



I respect the hard work that Lee puts into deer hunting. But I was saturated on boring whitetail shows years ago. Plant food plot, hang tree stand, listen to hunter whisper to camera man. It’s nothing against them or deer hunting. But watching someone else deer hunt, Turkey hunt or bass fishing is Boring.

Now Mountain hunting for sheep, goats or offshore fishing. I can do that.

Again. I respect the work many put into deer hunting. I just don’t enjoy watching them do it.

From: Zim
INGSP - That would be hard to believe. Those people all specifically chose Iowa to move to only because of the high deer quality, which is a direct result of the conservative management, which the IBA must fight to defend 24/7.

From: WI Shedhead
One of the other big reasons tv hunters pick Iowa to set up home shop is that if your a resident landowner you get a free third buck tag. Lots more camera opportunities close to home. Those big deer are hard enough to kill let alone when your state hopping chasing more tv kills

The landowner tags aren’t free, they cost $2. Being able to hunt every year would be the reason they move here. That’s exactly why I moved here.

From: SaddleReaper
GF/ trans logic:

On Lee/ Tiffs land the bucks are looking up at Lee/ Tiff and cameramen in trees, for up to 7 years, getting a free pass all the while (somehow these bucks are comprehending this) and that the dangers these people pose to them are "not a threat"; much akin to park deer seeing humans as "not a threat" --- where they may encounter countless humans on a daily or weekly basis... on the ground....or maybe up in trees - I guess we don't know.

Are you slipping??

From: Zim
IBH, Sure glad I got the last Illinois LL sold in 2006 so I’ll never have to relocate just for deer hunting. Illinois public is not as good as Iowa, except for the few of us who have scouted/hunted the last 30 years and know where the best 1/4 of 1% is. I live in NW Indiana but get two IL buck tags/year for $26. No matter where I move.

From: Bou'bound
That’s great

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