Marriage Proposal Buck
Whitetail Deer
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Cute girl and nice buck.
Her dad probably owns the land she killed the big buck on:):):)
OK I have to tell this story. I had been with my girlfriend for 12 years. At that point we had just bought a house together. I was just learning the woods behind the house. Expectations weren’t very high. I was sitting up a tree stand and it was absolutely freezing out. The wind was howling too. I really didn’t want to be there.
I had been thinking about asking her to marry me. I was pretty sure I was going to but still a little on the fence. I said my morning hunting prayer but at the end I added “if I could take a decent eight point buck today it would be a sign that it’s all good and I’ll ask her to marry me”. As soon as I finished my prayer, I turned around and he was standing there!!! Can’t back out on a deal with God so the rest was history. lol
Pretty neat story, Rob!
Mule….that’s waaay better than making a deal with the devil.
When we were still dating, I took my (now) wife shed hunting on our family’s property. Unbeknownst to her, I had planted a shed along with an engagement ring attached to it with a rubber band, a few hours earlier. I was a bit nervous, for multiple reasons, but mostly about some trespassing shed hunter finding it before we got there. After a couple of passes through the immediate area, I finally got her angled in the right direction, and she finally spied the shed partially covered in the leaves. She had quite the puzzled look on her face for couple of seconds, before it sank in………..She said yes.
I proposed in the house we were renting at the time. I knew she was the right one because a few weeks before I proposed, she went hunting with me. I shot a doe facing us. Full on frontal. As soon as I shot the deer her first statement was, “Did you see all that blood when you shot?!!!!”. Keeper for sure.
Great story!! Awesome buck too. Congrats to both.
They also know how to take a great picture,no tongue or blood.Well done
Man, what a way to ruin a hunt! (Kidding)
Gut pile pic at the 10 year mark to follow......
I couldn't get past the buck. What a buck. Those are some cool stories fellas.
Great stuff! I wasn’t nearly that creative back then or now.
Took him three years to propose to her??
WV I met my wife at work. One time I mentioned a Wyoming hunt. I needed a ride to the airport. She offered to drive me. I think she had an ulterior motive!
Some good stories fella's.
Good luck, Robb
T-Roy, glad a coyote didn’t grab that shed and run off with it!
Great stuff guys!!!!
We'd been dating a while and I was pretty serious about her before she showed me "the home place" where she grew up and her parents still lived.
She spent the weekend out there and gave me directions to find it after work.
As I'm driving out I spot a flock of turkeys in a bean field on a creek... it was beautiful! A couple of miles later I decided I musts have missed the house and headed back. Turns out the house was on the other side of the highway from the turkeys and the family were all standing in the yard waving at me as I drove by (watching the turkeys instead of looking for them). Also turns out her family owned the land the turkeys were on. I accuse her using it as a screening process... to wait to introduce that stuff to me until after I was serious. Also tell her it was her first real warning sign about what she was getting into with me! Drove right by her family to look at deer and turkeys. Lol!
My brother,myself and my girlfriend were camping in a new area for us in a spot BigDan had told me about and yes we were elk hunting.My brother and I left camp told my girlfriend where we were heading and off we went.All was good until we climbed a bunch of feet in elevation and it started snowing I put a marker out thinking we would find the way out wrong the snow picked up and unbeknownst to us it covered our markers.Now the bluffs up there dropped off several hundred feet and visibility was nil so it looked like we would be spending the night on the mountain.About that time we see lights coming up the mountain and low and behold it was my girlfriend in my pickup, I asked her how in the devil did you get up there as the cattle gates were hard for us to open she is 5 feet tall. I asked can you get out of here and she said sure get in I went over to my brother and told him to follow us he replied you better marry that girl.That was 30 something years ago and yes we are happily married.Won’t ever forget that night for sure.Lewis
A big Congratulations to her on her engagement and on taking that terrific buck. I'll have to say that she was very lucky or they both had been doing their homework very well to have been in the right spot at the right time. For you NR out -of- staters that think Nebraska has bucks like that behind every tree, please think twice. The Nebraska G&P just released the stats from our recent rifle season . Success rate was down close to 20%. Thats huge.
You never know....A couple years after my wife died I was hiking down the road with a pack, training for elk season. A car pulls up, window goes down, very attractive (younger) woman asks if I'm "Lou". When I confirmed, she introduced herself, said she lived right across the valley, and that "we need to get together to talk about hunting".
We had the beer (or three) and talked about hunting - and other important stuff. Then she invited me to her house and opened up her gun safe. A choir of angels sang in the background when the light in the safe went on.
A little over a year later, including many fishing and hunting trips (her first elk and the story published in Bugle!) we were married, and are now living happily ever after. Yesterday she made me take her ice fishing, and as usual, outfished me.
You just never know how life is going to work out.
I’ve always said that if your parents don’t have great hunting property, you’re unlucky.
But if your in-laws don’t have great hunting property, well then, you’re just stupid.
Lou you ol’ dog!
Anyone know of a single attractive owner of land in Iowa? Arizona?? I have my own gun safe. lol
Yep, Joe, that cute hunting-outdoorsy yoga instructor from the West we always talked about actually showed up!
Joe did you kill your deer? How'd your hunt go?
My thought was what in the heck was this dude waiting for?
A blessing Lou. So excellent
Thanks, Bou. I was blessed. Who knew something like that could happen to a hunter hiking down the road in a remote mountain place where the dating pool is essentially zero?
12 yards, that was exactly my thought. To heck with the deer!