The Bounty
Whitetail Deer
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A great benefit of killing your own food.
Deer heart fajitas. Marinated in extra virgin olive oil, lime juice, salt and pepper. A plate full of proper veggies. And of course, 4 big gloves of garlic. And, a good beer. Best way I know to rejuvenate after a cold day of work.
Life is good. Enjoy it gentlemen.
Looks delicious, enjoy!
I made a 2 pound deer meatloaf after work. Good tonight and will make great sandwiches for work.
Backstrap Jalepeno poppers. They were good! Very. Good.
Just finished a great deer burger with rustic rub on it. That heart and blackstrap look excellent.
Those poppers look yummy.
Looks good brother. Enjoy
Aw man, stuffed Jalepenos wrapped in bacon... Yum...
Bowbender - Is that sour cream stuffed under the meat or cheese?... Thanks...
Bowbended looks great!!
Try those with Gruyère cheese one time too….so good. Good with raclette too but the Gruyère doesn’t melt out as much. Yummy!
Gruyère cheese, okay, cool... Always wondered what kind of cheese, thanks...
It's cream cheese. NOT the spreadable kind.
MA, gotta ask. What's Gruyère cheese?
I'm salivating right now!
You guys are making me hungry
Dang, Matt, that's looks delish! The Caprese salad would go good with that, too!
“ My wife makes me overcook it, but it was still delicious. I may try the poppers next.”
I understand compromising with your spouse. But, I do draw the line on this. My wife likes medium. I like cooked just well enough to make it juicy. Which is bloody rare. As long as their juice, that’s all The cooking red meat gets for my preferred taste. She understands that and on the nights she doesn’t want it my way, I cook her chicken. Boom. Both of us are happy.
We had venison hamburger steaks cooked on a Ninja grill night before last. Good stuff !
Makes me want to say grace .
Made sauerbraten yesterday, delicious! Used a neck roast.
Tender cut with a fork roast mmmmm
Thanks folks for the recipes, gave me some inspiration to try anew so I kind of combined some of your presentations...
I had one package of venison left in the freezer, a half of a backstrap... I've cooked venison tenderloin many different ways through the years and the past few years after butchering rather than cutting them into butterfly chops, I trimming the ends and leave them solid but cut them in half for servings of 2 and slice deep cuts about 2" apart, flip it over and stagger the cuts on the other side then add my spices prior to bagging them for the freezer so all I have to do is thaw them out and throw them on the grill... Not sure, but maybe pre-spicing may help marinate into the meat while freezing... I know it make it simpler to grab, thaw and cook...
I thawed the backstrap out the other day but didn't have any peppers and so yesterday I decided to compromise and just stuffed cream cheese in the slits...
I don't cook a lot so this was my first attempt at wrapping bacon around anything... It's a little tricky...
Hungry yesterday morning and debated whether to grill it or air fry it for brunch... My air fryer is a small el cheapo but I luv it... Not wanting to get dressed to go outside to grill decided to cut the half in half and air fry it in the comfort of home... It turn out great!
It was mouth watering absolutely delish! So much so couldn't hardly wait to eat the other half for supper...8^)
Thanks again folks for sharing your recipes... Now its time to go fill the freezer again...8^)
Yes. Creative and yummy. Next time ZBone, throw some onions, peppers, and minced garlic in the cream cheese. It makes it even better!
I might do so WV Mountaineer, thank you...
Youenz heard of Ribeyes, T-bones, Sirloins, Porter houses, etc., well I'm calling mine a Z-boneless...8^)))
I finally finished working through the 11 deer I had to process for self friends and family. While cleaning up the butcher shop and taking scraps and bones out I realized I had four shoulder shanks that I hadn't boned out very closely. Brought those to the house and put em in the slow cooker with Tony Cacheres, onion, carrots and fresh mushrooms. Cooked all day and served over white rice.
Damn, Todd. I had to put my glasses on to see the pic. It's STILL blurry. lol
Timex I have a 40 gallon pot with propane burner, every couple years I cook all my deer bones for stock and can 150 to 200 quarts for stock.
Wife made a Mississippi Pot Roast on the crock pot today with a venison “football” roast. I believe it is a sirloin or some form of that at least?? Haha. All I know is, it was delicious!
Simple butterflied loin steaks.
Pepperoncini peppers are yummy. One of my favorite snacks. And, a good alternative to traditional roasts.
One day I’ll show you fellas how to cook a low and slow pot roast with the veggies from start to finish. While maintaining the veggies integrity. It makes the pot roast so much better.
I’m saving that till the next roast. You’ll thank me once you try it. :^)
Ya tough to not have veggies turn to mush when doing roast. I only put a few in and then make veggies separate to maintain their integrity. Waiting on your technique.
We can carrots and taters out of our small raised bed every year. With a traditional roast, we wait until it’s almost done and add in the canned veggies. I’m sure there is a better alternative but that is an easy way to keep them from turning to mush.