Slider SIGHT Tapes
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For those using slider style sights, like Spot Hogg Fast Eddie XL, etc., is it possible that two different archers shooting same weight and draw length bow and different arrows (6.5MM and 5MM) but same weight arrows, would have two different sight tapes and if so how different could they be.
If the bow is setup with the rest to place the arrow in the same position in relation to nock point, then there will be no difference in tapes.
I would think it's possible but I have no idea how much difference there could be. The 6.5mm has just about 70% more cross-sectional area than the 5mm so there would be more drag aerodynamically. Are both arrows fletched alike? Different brand, length, or helical would also cause a difference in drag. One way to test if a difference is due to the arrow or the bows would be to shoot both sizes out of the same bow and see if the sight tape works for both. If that tape works for both sizes out of the same bow it's not the arrow. If that same tape doesn't work for both sizes on the other bow, the bows aren't 100% equal.
Definitely could see a variation. The most important thing about making sight tapes is the data you input. The more precise the better. Two bows set at same dl doesn’t mean they both measure the same. Arrow weight, draw length, draw weight, peep to pin measurement, peep to arrow at full draw measurement, fletching size and configuration all impact sight marks. If you have a dovetail sight, you can have a significant variance on the same bow by creating a tape with your sight all the way in and then creating a tape with your sight extended all the way out.
yes I have seen guys that when they shoot further out 40 50 60 yards they don't center pin same as they do at 20 if that makes sense
If you're letting the computer print your tapes, they'll be the same. If two different shooters aren't hitting the same POI(up and down), it's likely a form issue.
Two arrows setting on a rest. One has a bigger circumference than another. Albeit small, it’s still bigger. They will not hit the same impact off the same tape. Unless the nock point or rest height point is changed to accommodate the difference diameter shafts.
At 20 yards that difference isn’t going to be that much. At 30 and farther, it can be huge. Depending on the size difference in the shafts.
Anyone who’s shot a trad bow with different diameter arrows knows this. It isn’t rocket science. If both arrows aren’t made to match by changing rest height or nock point, until your mental site adjusts, they are going to hit differently on height.
That’s been my experience. And, I’m certain physics applies to a compound bow as well.
For sure. If the bow is different. You never mentioned if it is the same bow? One bow could be more efficient and shoot quicker than the other. If all equipment is identical and set up identical then the hunters could STILL have different tapes, but that would be because at least one hunter chose the wrong tape ;)
You're not switching arrow diameters on one bow, you're shooting two different bows with the same arrow weight and speed. The tapes should be the same. Cross winds could affect drift differently theoretically, but that isn't the tapes job.
Post Edit: This of course assuming the same distance from peep to pins on each bow.
I have trouble matching the pre printed tapes to the exact point of my yardages. What I do is use the blank tape, set my yardages and mark them on the blank tape with an indelible pen. Works for me.
Not going to be the same x-man. Too many variables. Peep to pin is the biggest IMHO, but also variances between bows and bow speed and peep height. Bou never mentioned if they were the same bow or not or shooting the same speed. One could IBO 20 FPS faster than the other.
Good point the bows are RX 4 and RX4 Ultra
The plot thickens….
Seems kinda convoluted at this point, but I’d say most likely different tapes…
Well that would have been nice to know... I just assumed two different bows of the same make and model with the ONLY variable being shaft diameter.
So you're basically asking if the chevy camaro and the chevy malibu have the same 0-60 times...
Two different bow models made this a very dumb question... even for Bou
Yes but the mystery is that the bow with the flatter tape is not the ultra which would mean speed is less but tape flatter. They are only off couple # 20 vs #18 but still at least seems counterintuitive
There was zilch mentioned it was two different bows. Zero. Nada. How did you leave that out?
And, the better question is, how did x-man determine you meant it was different bows?
Jim, the plot just got even thicker?:^)
Do the arrows have the same fletching and same offset?
One set of arrows are offset and one helical.
There ya go. There’s your reason.
Hey - whoa Mountaineer I gotta get credit for asking if the bows were different because it wasn’t explicitly said in the description.
Helical - bahahahaha common Bou next thing you’re gonna tell us one was being shot underwater!
Considering hand placement alone can alter impact point and then add string-to-nose contact as variables... absolutely yes. The overall human variable is too much to expect person-to-person shot symmetry. Now, out of a hooter-shooter... probably same POI.
Hand position isn't going to affect arrow speed.... We're talking about computer printed sight tapes. Do you know what those are and how they work? They have the yardages predetermined based on your arrow speed (sort of). You sight in for 20 and mark it, then sight in for 50 and mark it. Then measure the distance between those two and the computer does the rest, filling in the yardages between and beyond. The 20 & 50 starting points can vary depending on your software.