Mathews Inc.
Whitetail Deer
Contributors to this thread:
ryanrc 01-Dec-23
sitO 01-Dec-23
t-roy 01-Dec-23
buckeye 01-Dec-23
t-roy 01-Dec-23
tobywon 01-Dec-23
Quailhunter 01-Dec-23
greg simon 01-Dec-23
Rock 01-Dec-23
APauls 01-Dec-23
2Wild Bill 01-Dec-23
RonP 01-Dec-23
fuzzy 01-Dec-23
12yards 01-Dec-23
Shiloh 01-Dec-23
ryanrc 01-Dec-23
Shiloh 01-Dec-23
From: ryanrc

ryanrc's Link
I love these guys, butt....

From: sitO
"Just get an arra in'm"

From: t-roy
TBM woulda been proud of that shot!

From: buckeye
Hitm just a bit back . Any further back and that'd be a miss. Wonder if that was intentional placement? Congrats to him on being lucky tho and a fine deer.

From: t-roy
Not sure if he COULD hitm any further backā€¦

probably not a shot i would have taken but glad it turned out well...nice buck.

From: tobywon
Not sure that I would have gutted him and left him there for pictures in the morning on public land. Not sure of the specifics though on how far back he was hunting or help getting him out or anything like that, but its hard enough leaving one overnight when you got to give it some time let alone doing it when its down and gutted. On the shot, stuff happens, I wont judge that other than it was a bad shot the ended up lucky.

From: Quailhunter
The ol Hamblaster worked.

From: greg simon
He said he hit right where he was aiming. I call BS on that. Right behind the last rib is a better spot to hit at that angle.

From: Rock
Have known a few people over the years that think all you have to do is get an arrow into to them anywhere. Things do happen and bad hit do occur but I see no need to intentionally take or make a bad shot.

From: APauls
Just scrolled quick to the shot and looked like a nice quartering away shot, so shot selection wasn't bad, just didn't hit the right spot. Ham shots actually overwhelmingly work out most of the time. If I could miss the vitals and hit one thing it would be the hams.

greg simon says in the video he says he hit where he was aiming, which I'm gonna say is a lie, and a stupid one at that. Vitals were exposed so who in their right mind hits the far side ham when you could take out heart/lungs. Only issue I have with the video then is a blatant lie.

From: 2Wild Bill
Texas heart shot, femoral artery, not quite the aorta but just as deadly. I didn't listen to any dialog, could care less, enjoyed seeing the deer drop, within sight of the cameraman.

From: RonP
as soon as he said he overslept and needed an alarm clock to wake-up, i knew i wouldn't like him.

From: fuzzy

From: 12yards
Sometimes it's better to be lucky than good. But to get lucky, and then claim that shot was your plan???? Not sure about this guy. Sound's like he's lying IMO. Glad he got the deer.

From: Shiloh
Good guy from what I know, but I too think he told a fib there. I seriously doubt he was aiming at the butt hole. He and his partner kill a bunch of critters and put a bunch of time into doing it. No frills.

From: ryanrc
I love his channel and what he puts out. If you watch his other stuff, he is really a good hunter. I think they are some of the best when it comes to hunting videos on public. He is always honest and real. I was just surprised he said he aimed there on purpose. That deer is a horse though.

From: Shiloh
His partner has killed a few really big deer this year

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