Nice Bowhunter Magazine Article
Whitetail Deer
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Great story by Pat in the winter issue of Bowhunter Magazine. Really enjoyed the details and the twist. Matt may have had a point about using some glue the year before!
No, not really, you played it perfectly.
Good for Pat.
Does anybody read those magazines anymore? 20 or 30 years ago I would get them all now I don’t read any of them..
I would be curious to see what their circulation is… probably not much
I do! Nice article! But I'm probably not going to buy a nonresident license there anytime soon. Or maybe I should!
Based on the renewal rates subscription may be down but it’s still a great read and well done publication. I have enjoyed six or seven accepted submissions for publication over the years and a couple rejections due to inventory. Both rejections were about Greenland hunts. I would love to get one of those in there if the ever have the need.
I gave up on them years ago. After having a few articles accepted by them for publication, I sent them a WT article I think I titled "It's Not Rocket Science", that was not accepted. That wasn't the reason I stopped subscribing. Curt said he liked the article and my simpler approach to WT hunting, but he already had WT stories more acceptable to their advertisers. Around that time they ran a story about a hunter that "had" to borrow more trail cameras from a friend because the dozen or so he had wasn't enough to kill the deer he was after. Or some such BS. I had enough.
Quite a few still subscribe to magazines, believe it or not.
I don't subscribe to any of them anymore. Haven't even read one in years.
I have subscribed to Bowhunter continuously since the late 1970s, and still enjoy reading it. As soon as they start publishing cross gun articles, I’m done.
Been reading Bowhunter since it started.
Been a subscriber since 1984.
Stopped subscribing for quite a while. Now that my friends and son write some articles I figured I should support and subscribed.
Ziek, You must be thinking of some other editor because I have NEVER rejected an article because it didn’t fit with our advertisers. Not ever, and never would. And I have no recollection of an article where the author said he couldn’t kill a deer without more cameras. You’re right about the BS but it didn’t come from my direction.
I bailed on Bowhunter decades ago. Wrote a letter as to why to M.R. James and it fell on deaf ears. They'd made their decisions. I made mine. My boycotts are eternal.
I’ll always be a Bowhunter Magazine subscriber. Mostly due to the class the magazine has maintained for decades, but also because so many quality bowhunters I deeply respect write for them. Curt is at the top of the list.
Ziek, when I read your post I immediately thought exactly what Curt said. I know everyone at bowhunter and can’t imagine anyone telling you that. I can’t even imagine that enen a low-rent hunting magazine would admit that, even if it was true.
For those of you who commented on my most recent article, thank you. I will likely never shoot a buck like that again in Connecticut and I was thrilled to get him after a two year quest. Be interesting to hear if any of you ever had a similar situation and considered gluing a shed back on a buck that shed early!
That is awesome Pat. Can't wait to read it
I shot a buck that I wanted shoot after he busted a horn off. My buddy found it for me and I glued it back on and mounted him. Liked your story Pat.
I always enjoy the magazine, usually without articles from Ziek.:). Enjoyed the read, Pat!
I quit subscribing after I learned they were publishing some of Ziek’s articles…..JK!
So many legit great bowhunters contribute to Bowhunter, including a number of Bowsiters. My first article submitted was accepted in about 1988 or thereabouts, and every article I submitted since then was accepted, advertisers be damned. It's the only bowhunting magazine I still subscribe to. Looking forward to getting the new issue so I can read Pat's story.
it’s still a great read and well done publication. I have enjoyed six or seven accepted submissions for publication over the years and a couple rejections due to inventory. Both rejections were about Greenland hunts. I would love to get one of those in there if they ever have the need.
It looks like I kickstarted this thread…..I might have to restart my subscription to check it out.
I really enjoy Bowhunter. It's one of the few hunting mags besides DDH that I still will pick up when I see it at the news stand. Yes, I still go to the local news stand - I like paper "papers" too ha ha ha.
Anyway, congrats Pat!
I get most of my intake digitally, but still love, in print - BH magazine, and a couple other magazines and reading the WS Journal in print. It is way more relaxing, my retition is better and i read obscure things in print that I would not read were I scanning digitally.
My apologies to Curt. It was Dwight that responded to my article submission in 2010 (attached). In retrospect, I may have read into his response more than was intended. However, over time I combined my memory of that correspondence with another between Curt and a friend of mine over his submission in 2013 that backs up my assertion of appeasing advertisers. I will PM Curt to jog his memory. The story about needing trail cams to target a specific buck may have been another publication. In any event, I subscribed to Bowhunter longer than any other.
I will continue to subscribe since "74, if they EVER run a success story with a crossgun I am done.
This magazine has left the average guy, and yes I subscribe.... their Ozonic push is tiring Please no more Kansas hunts
I had been buying the magazine from our bookstore until 2003. When the bookstore closed I became a subscriber. I do wish they would go back to not having people on the cover. It won't stop me from buying the magazine but not having a person looks so much more appealing. Great story Pat!!
Ziek, so you were wrong and Dwight proved what a class act he was, consistent with everyone at Bowhunter Magazine.
And yet you double down on your ridiculous assertion that Curt didn’t buy your article because of advertisers?
You’re special, I’ll give you that. And so you know…not a compliment.
Ziek, I believe this is what psychologists define as “misplaced anger.”
I hope you are OK and wish you the best.
Bowhunter continues to be a best in class bowhunting magazine that my buddies and I continue to enjoy!
How is what I posted doubling down Pat?
I clearly said I was wrong and apologized to Curt. I posted Dwight's rejection letter BECAUSE it was courteous and professional. It was also a bit tongue-in-cheek. The "gadgets and gimmicks" remark was paraphrasing from my article. It also had a bit of truth to it. Every publication has two audiences; the readership and advertisers. Bowhunter, always seem to walk that line better than most, until they didn't.
I wasn't upset in the least about them not picking up that story. After all, I wasn't trying to make living writing bowhunting stories, and of course, it had happened occasionally in the past. I've had way more accepted than turned down over the years and I took it in stride, evidenced by my offering them another one.
Curt didn't turn down my story, he turned down one from a friend of mine in early Feb. 2013, at the same time he bought another story from me. The two had nothing to do with each other. The only way I know about the other one is that my friend knew I had been submitting to Bowhunter, and he invited me to see his exchange with Curt about his anti-xbow article. At the time I'm pretty sure Bowhunter wasn't accepting articles using xbows nor xbow advertising and my friend was curious as to why his article wasn't accepted, and why Curt responded the way he did. That policy was about to change. By the time my article was published in the August 2013 Big Game Special, there were 3 separate full page xbow ads in that issue. THAT was why I dropped my subscription. It wasn't in any way a criticism of either Dwight or Curt. I've always had great respect for both of them, but clearly something had changed.
I have no idea what their current policy is on xbows since I haven't seen an issue in ten years.
Bowhunter is owned by a parent company that also owns a bunch of other publications. They are in business to make money. Advertising revenue for print media is becoming scarcer and scarcer. Crossbow companies pay for ad space, which keeps the magazine in business and keeps the price cheap. They aren't publishing crossbow stories, and if Curt had his way, they probably wouldn't accept the ads either.
If you don't like an ad, flip on past it. Sorry if this sounds condescending, but some people can't seem to grasp basic business principles in the modern world. Good grief.
Lou, I'm pretty sure he wouldn't, but thanks for helping me make my point. They DO have to keep advertisers happy to stay in business. And it's more than just a matter of flipping past ads I don't like. Xbow companies would like nothing better than to be included in archery seasons in every state. I'll be damned if I'll help them get there.
Nice CT buck Pat. Enjoyed reading the article.
Yep, I just took time today to read it great article and buck.
Ziek, that's pretty funny coming from someone who supports politicians who are against the 2A, who strongly supported dumping wolves in CO, who appoints anti-hunters to the Wildlife Commission, who is married to a guy who wants to end all hunting.
So much for principles, eh?
Thread starts as a compliment towards an author.
before long it becomes a debate
shortly after that it becomes political
you gotta love this place
Bou, Other than congratulating Pat on a great buck, it's kinda hard to comment on a story we can't read on here.
We are lucky to have Curt as an ambassador of our sport. Class act, and a very hardcore bowhunter.
Hey pat, did you get him aged through Wildflife Analytical labs? I use them frequently and follow them on social media; i've seen a couple of your deer pop up. Curious if you got a definitive age on this CT buck.
Chris, yes I have the age. It will be featured on our next bloodtrail game
I just got a notice from Petersen's Bowhunting that they're shutting down and transferring the remainder of my subscription to Bowhunter. Survival of the fittest.
Well done on the article, Pat! Appreciate Bowhunter magazine, long time subscriber and always enjoy the content.
Congrats Pat on the buck and article! Bowhunter is still top of the heap for hunting publications.
Pat's articles are always top drawer, as are yours, Zach, Ron, Tom, Matt, all the others who write and also contribute to the Bowsite. And thanks to Curt for giving us a great platform.
I don't get the magazine anymore. Last night I stopped the TV on Bowhunter TV. Only caught last 10 minutes shooting some javelina. It was Waring from Bowhunter, Kifaru Aron, and couple other guys. On the information that comes on the screen with my cable box it listed "authors" of the show. Had a couple names of BH magazine writers, although not Curt, but it did list Pat Lefemine.
A great magazine, a great show and humble people work there. I got to meet several at St Louis Pope and Young.
There are still a lot of good print magazines being published. I've always loved magazines and getting something new to read every month, and Bowhunter is one of my favorites.
What are the stipulations and requirements for submitting a story? A baseline and story that might grab readers. I am curious. Thanks.