Sitka Gear
Shortness of breath, tight chest
Contributors to this thread:
DonVathome 07-Dec-23
Will 07-Dec-23
Bou'bound 07-Dec-23
4araquiver 07-Dec-23
fuzzy 07-Dec-23
midwest 07-Dec-23
Supernaut 07-Dec-23
smarba 07-Dec-23
Scoot 07-Dec-23
Steve Leffler 07-Dec-23
stagetek 07-Dec-23
fuzzy 07-Dec-23
fuzzy 07-Dec-23
WV Mountaineer 07-Dec-23
Recurve Man 07-Dec-23
HUNT MAN 07-Dec-23
Basil 07-Dec-23
DonVathome 07-Dec-23
Bou’bound 07-Dec-23
LBshooter 07-Dec-23
LBshooter 07-Dec-23
Groundhunter 07-Dec-23
Jaquomo 07-Dec-23
deerhunter72 07-Dec-23
Nick Muche 07-Dec-23
Bowboy 07-Dec-23
BOWUNTR 07-Dec-23
INDBowhunter2 07-Dec-23
Joey Ward 07-Dec-23
Basil 07-Dec-23
TGbow 07-Dec-23
spike78 08-Dec-23
DonVathome 08-Dec-23
longsprings 08-Dec-23
spike78 08-Dec-23
Will 08-Dec-23
70lbDraw 08-Dec-23
deerhunter72 08-Dec-23
Bowfreak 08-Dec-23
SteveB 08-Dec-23
WV Mountaineer 08-Dec-23
MichaelArnette 08-Dec-23
fishin coyote 08-Dec-23
creed 08-Dec-23
TonyBear 08-Dec-23
Nomad 08-Dec-23
Ben 08-Dec-23
Jaquomo 08-Dec-23
DanaC 09-Dec-23
Ben 09-Dec-23
bowyer45 09-Dec-23
Tilzbow 09-Dec-23
deserthunter 09-Dec-23
Candor 09-Dec-23
Jaquomo 09-Dec-23
Jaquomo 09-Dec-23
Jaquomo 09-Dec-23
skull 09-Dec-23
rooster 10-Dec-23
ElkNut1 10-Dec-23
Jaquomo 10-Dec-23
Jaquomo 10-Dec-23
Jimmyjumpup 12-Dec-23
bowyer45 12-Dec-23
Tony 12-Dec-23
Two dogs mobile 12-Dec-23
Thornton 12-Dec-23
Bou'bound 13-Dec-23
Thornton 13-Dec-23
Sivart 13-Dec-23
ki-ke 13-Dec-23
DonVathome 14-Dec-23
Jaquomo 14-Dec-23
Lewis 14-Dec-23
Lewis 14-Dec-23
TGbow 14-Dec-23
Live2Hunt 14-Dec-23
DonVathome 15-Dec-23
Bent arrow 16-Dec-23
MikeSohm/Magnus 16-Dec-23
DonVathome 18-Dec-23
Md2bintn 19-Dec-23
Buffalo1 20-Dec-23
Groundhunter 20-Dec-23
fuzzy 21-Dec-23
DonVathome 28-Dec-23
Groundhunter 28-Dec-23
Bowfreak 28-Dec-23
Jaquomo 28-Dec-23
Steve Leffler 28-Dec-23
spike78 28-Dec-23
Bou'bound 28-Dec-23
nchunter 28-Dec-23
Steve Leffler 28-Dec-23
deerhunter72 28-Dec-23
fuzzy 30-Dec-23
4nolz@work 30-Dec-23
Paul@thefort 30-Dec-23
Bou'bound 30-Dec-23
Thornton 30-Dec-23
deerhunter72 31-Dec-23
BowSniper 31-Dec-23
Bou'bound 31-Dec-23
From: DonVathome
For the past 5 years I have worked pretty much every day. Free weights, then 2 days cardio repeat. Cardio averages 1-1/2 hours of hard bike riding. I also run, hike and use an elliptical. I know my body and my limits.

3 or 4 times and 3 different trips to Florida in summer (hot and humid) I ran. It was very hard. I ran 20% slower and from start to finish, ran half as far as normal and felt like I was dying for minute 1. I never felt like that before, or since, until now. Florida it was the heat and humidity.

Starting about 2-3 months ago I started feeling tight in my chest. At first I attributed it to stress. I am under less stress now and it has slowly got a little worse. I got exercise induced asthma in really cold weather 20 years ago. I thought that might be it.

Went to doc, everything checked out fine and I got an inhaler. The inhaler might help a little. Tightness gets a little worse when working out. No coughing, no heart attacked (got ekg).

I know my body and when I work out now it is very difficult and I am not working out as hard and cannot last nearly as long. It is frustrating and starting to worry me.

I have a doc appointment in a few weeks but wanted to see if anyone here has ideas? I am 52, 6 feet tall and 175 pounds. Not bragging just giving details that might help. I also think I am lethargic more than normal.

I travel a lot and I am sure I got covid at least once. I heard about covid causing long term lung damage? That is my only guess at this point.

This started "suddenly" biking it is tough to notice because if I go a little slower I would not know. When I ran some then it was obvious. It is slowly getting worse and during hard exercise it gets a little worse then slowly better. It is never better, my chest is tight all the time and I feel pressure right in the center on my breast plate when I take deep breaths. Always, just worse during/after exercise.

From: Will
Look, this is a forum, and even those of us with expertise in relevant areas are not going to be able to answer this as well as it should be.

My vibe is this, when one is not young, and notes shortness/tightness as you describe, it's cardiac until proven otherwise. It has not been proven otherwise as of yet. Yes, you had a test that said ONE aspect of a cardiac workup appeared ok. That's great, but you still have unresolved clinical findings (shortness of breath).

I would encourage really questioning/nudging your doc for additional cardiac testing.

And look, it may be that it's exercise induced bronchospasm (used to be called exercise induced asthma) and some form of inhaler combinations ultimately manages it well.

But to me, this is a situation where you thoroughly investigate the cardiac end until that's proven not to be the case. And from your note, that hasnt been done.

Keep us posted Don. I'm sending you LOTS of positive energy here. Fingers crossed it's nothing much.

From: Bou'bound
Prayers for a quick and accurate diagnosis and plan to address the findings with great success

From: 4araquiver
You need to see a cardiologist right away. Not a doctor but that sure sounds like a cardiac event and I wouldn’t bet your life on what your primary care doc said. You needed a referral not an inhaler.

From: fuzzy
Keep checking with MD something is going on. Did they DO a COVID test?

From: midwest
Don't screw around, see a specialist.

From: Supernaut
I can't offer any advice but I'll second what Bou said.

God bless and keep us updated.

From: smarba
Get to a specialist pronto, this is not a "normal" symptom of age or whatever.

From: Scoot
Yep- this is a no brainer... go in and see a cardiologist.

Don, I am an Emergency Medicine Physician. You need a more complete cardiac evaluation to start. Parts of your history do not sound like cardiac ischemia but you need a bigger work up than just an EKG. If Cardiac is negative you need a pulmonary evaluation including pulmonary function tests. Something is going on and you need someone to work through the differential starting with the worst possibilities and ruling them out then working down the list.

From: stagetek
I started with tightness, then sweating. Was diagnosed with A-fib. That was in 2015. Had I ignored it, probably would have had a stroke by now. Don't ignore it !!

From: fuzzy
Just a side-note, 10 years ago I went to a GP for a sore tick bite. They did an EKG because I was over 50 and never had one. I left, was a mile away and they called, told me to go straight to ER I'd had a heart attack. Long story short, no heart attack. Cardiologist looked at the EKG and laughed. Said I had a slight congenital valve leak. The EKG "blip" plus a lower than normal heart rate for my age and weight (I'm a heavy guy so they thought I was sedentary but I'm not) panicked them. SEE AN EXPERT

From: fuzzy
Funny exchange, the cardiologist office is on a short steep hill. Cardiologist says "can you walk up my hill"? I said "I can carry you up your hill". Lol

Listen to nyati. As you read Midwest’s and others post. Get to a specialist asap.

From: Recurve Man

I had an event back in August. Passed out 3 times in one day. After the second time started having every symptom you hear everyone talk about when having a heart attack. Left arm killing me chest pains the tell tell signs. My wife started taking me to ER and passed out on the way again.

Long story short. Spent 3 days in hospital. Had EKG, Cat scans, heart Catheter. Dr found nothing said I was healthy as a horse. I’ve had Covid twice self diagnosed. Lost smell and everything everyone had symptoms of with Covid. I’ve never had any jabs. Just got over it and took it on the chin. The first time I had it in 21’ it knocked the crap out of my lungs. I like you have a ton of tightness and can’t hammer down like I used to.

I guess I’ll just keep trucking along until something happens or have the big one I guess. Only thing Dr. could tell me was that I was chronically dehydrated. Who knows. Haven’t passed out since that day but did have a spell where I felt like I was going to pass out but didn’t end up going out. I’m doing everything I want to just a little slower. By the way I’m 51 as well.


Did you get a covid vaccine?

From: Basil
Get it checked out soon. had similar symptoms on 2016. Were stressful time in my life. Was checked out for everything and in hindsight it was all stress. My blood pressure was off the charts when I went to the ER. Was admitted to the Cardiac unit for 3 days of testing that found nothing. Get checked out. If nothing else it will lower your stress.

From: DonVathome
My blood pressure is great, and has been, I did get checked and heart issues were never mentioned. I did get the first covid vaccine. I figured it was stress until stress decreased a lot and it remained.

Keep in mind I did see my doc once, we bought thought an inhaler would fix it.

I have been thinking about my heart been on blood pressure meds and cholesterol meds for a decade. Heart problems run on both sides of my family, all 4 grandparents.

I am not going to lie, I have been getting really worried about it and you guys are pushing me I will make some calls tomorrow. I can say I know my body well and this is not normal and not going away.


From: Bou’bound
Great decision. They will figure it out. There is clearly something to figure out though. Your self diagnosis isn’t the best option. They will get this right once you put them on notice you want a full work up.

From: LBshooter
Get a second opinion, and not from a bunch of bow hunters lol.

From: LBshooter
Get a second opinion, and not from a bunch of bow hunters lol.

From: Groundhunter
Are you out of your mind? Ask on bowsite? I had open heart surgery, by a heart transplant doctor. EKG test don't mean crap, when you have symptoms. II was a full time swimmer. My stuff was genetic, pain was in right arm pit. I was operated by a surgeon team from Mayo Clinic and Cleveland Heart. It was at Frodert in Milw. Get out of the gym, and see a top cardiologist.

From: Jaquomo
I had something very similar start up a couple years ago. After all the cardiac tests I was referred to a pulmonologist, who suspected a form of Pulmonary Hypertension. COVID has been suspected of causing it in some cases, but I never had it that we know of. The Pfizer "shot" has also been suspected of possibly causing it, but I didn't get that either.

I'm also asthmatic and have some lung damage from a lifetime of that. My blood pressure yesterday was 124 / 82. I'm 6'3" and 195 lbs, so right where my BMI should be for an otherwise healthy 69 year old.

The pulmonologist referred me to the top PH team in the country, which luckily happens to be in Denver at Anschutz Medical Center. They ran lots more tests, everything except a heart catheter. I have many of the symptoms of PH, but no root cause was found and no ankle swelling. The specialist leading the team called me at 7 pm on a Friday night (what doctor does THAT?!) and told me they couldn't determine whether I have PH or not. He said it is a mysterious disease that presents in different ways, and every year all the top researchers in the world get together for a week somewhere, and argue.

He also told me I have no sign of ischemia, my heart is good, no sign of COPD, no clots in the lungs, so "go live my life". He said to push my conditioning as much as possible, and when I need to slow down or stop, do it. He also put me on an aggressive asthma control regimen.

In the past two years my condition has improved a little, but hasn't gotten worse, which means it probably isn't High Altitude PH (I live at 8600'). My lungs still burn and I can get out of breath even with mild exercise, but if I go slow and warm up I can do a 4 mile uphill-downhill hike with a pack. But if it gets worse or my ankles start to swell after hiking, they will do the invasive catheterization, which they want to avoid because that can also result in residual issues. I am still able to hunt elk, just slower and I have to stop more often, which isn't a bad thing.

I highly recommend seeing a pulmonologist, based on your description of symptoms. If you want to talk real-time, PM me and we can chat. Good luck, and hopefully it turns out to be nothing serious.

From: deerhunter72
Listen to the advice of the docs and others who have chimed in. Might not be heart related at all but that needs to be ruled out. At age 43 I was having some random chest pain and pain in left arm. Saw my GP and he insisted that I see a cardiologist. EKG and heart monitor normal. Cardiologist said I was fine but based on genetic history offered to order a CTA of my heart “if it would make me feel better”. Went ahead and did that and it showed some calcium in my LAD artery. Had a heart cath and had a stent place for 80% blockage in the LAD. Cardiologist said “you are lucky”. 3 months later I had another episode of nausea, sweating and chest pain while jogging and had another stent placed. Also, I did not realize how much fatigue I was having every day before I had the first stent placed. I had days where I literally wanted to lay in the floor and sleep. Started feeling much better soon after stenting. In addition to the blockage, I was diagnosed with microvascular cardiac disease because I still have mild chest pain from time to time. Anyway, nearly 6 years later and I do mostly fine.

I say all of this to reiterate that you need to make sure your heart is good first. If it’s all good then you can work your way to figuring out what the problem is. Best of luck to you.

From: Nick Muche
Hopefully you can get this sorted out. All the best.

From: Bowboy
Yep go see a specialist!

I'm a Bowsite Specialist... stay off the internet and go see a cardiologist. Ed F


Have them check for blood clots as well if they haven’t. My dad had similar symptoms for 10 months, then passed away from a pulmonary embolism. He wasn’t in the best condition ever but until all that developed he was active, golfed, shot 3D, coached S3DA and all kinds of stuff.

Same story he went to the DR two weeks before it happened and was told nothing was wrong. I pushed him to see someone else but didn’t get anywhere. Really regret not pushing more.

Hope you get it figured out quickly

From: Joey Ward
Are you doing bar curls on a curling bench?

From: Basil
When I had my issue I was having chest pain , shortness of breath & extreme fatigue. Had an abnormal stress test that was cut short. They wouldn’t tell me what was wrong and scheduled a visit to the Cardiologist in THREE MONTHS which added more stress to my life. About a month later I ended up in the ER & was admitted to the Cardiac unit where I saw 3 Cardiologists that night. If you can’t schedule a timely appointment the ER May be a better option. Tough to see a specialist in this post Covid world. You have to be your own advocate.

From: TGbow
Yes, you need to see a specialist that will keep looking until they find the problem. Don't ignore it

Best wishes bud. Get after it.

Make those calls.

From: spike78
You said you are stressed at work so do you now get acid reflux and anxiety? I used to have acid reflux so bad that when I would do something physical I got short of breath and felt dizzy. Anxiety/panic attacks will also give you those symptoms. Not saying it can’t be heart related but throwing out what I have at times until I changed my diet.

From: DonVathome
I have got heart burn a little, a few times, which is slightly more than normal. No curls on a curling bench, I had to think about that one for second! Also chest pain is not good way of saying it, no pain just tight and it feels hard to take a deep breath. I should not have used the word pain.

Trust me everyone I am going to a doc. I have learned that there are so very smart people here and people who have likely had the exact same issue. This is a great resource, it is not in place of a doc, it is in addition to a doc.

Thanks again and I will post the results.

From: longsprings
You need an MRI or scan to rule out all possible causes Do not ignore

From: spike78
My bro in law had issues went to Doc they did an EKG and found nothing. It wasn’t until they did the dye in his arteries that he found out he had 70% blockage. He had a stint put in at 43 years old.

From: Will
Don, excellent. Get in and get the thorough workup. Even on BP / Cholesterol meds, that doesn't mean you are bullet proof... Consider why you are on those - you are on those because there was a risk factor for cardiac issues detected which the doc was trying to help you manage.

I'm really glad you are investigating further. Smart choice!

From: 70lbDraw
“I have learned that there are so very smart people here and people who have likely had the exact same issue. This is a great resource, it is not in place of a doc, it is in addition to a doc.”

Yup! This is a great group to chat with when it comes to diversity and sharing sincere concerns. Every point of view is helpful when it comes to an honest opinion.

From: deerhunter72
Don, as you say, my “pain” has only been severe on 2 separate occasions. Most of the time is like a dull ache that is hard to describe, but often cause shortness of breath. I take enough medication to sedate a horse but it keeps things tolerable. Glad that you’re convinced to go get checked out. And like someone else said, you have to be your own advocate! Don’t let someone blow you off. It’s your body and if you feel it’s telling you something isn’t right then you have to push for answers. If I had pushed the first cardiologist I saw to order a CT then I may have already had a widow-maker heart attack.

From: Bowfreak
Whatever you do, don't give up until you get a diagnosis as to what is going on. Good luck!

From: SteveB
Don, you're in Cleveland so call Cleveland Clinic and get a full cardiac workup. I had one and they are incredibly thorough. They will find the issue if you go there. AN EKG will never tell the entire story. There can be other causes such as an auto-immune disorder like Sarcoidosis. I personally know a 43 year old guy who was a long distance runner, and daily 10k was nothing for him. He had an increbiel diet and went above and beyond taking care of himself. He ended up with a major heart attack and survived it with a quadruple bypass. Don't mess with this and get on it asap.

Don, I was wandering if you had heart burn. Because, this maybe as simple as indigestion. Causing acid reflux. Or, it may be as serious as worst case. What I’m getting at is go find out.

Don’t mind the guys proclaiming you are stupid for posting this on bowsite. Every single one of them would confide in people they trusted if in the same boat. For, the reassurance to get this in the front of the line.

One of my coworkers in his mid thirties is going through nearly identical symptoms. He has had several tests, including a heart stress test, and recently underwent heart Cath procedure. Ironically, he received the Covid vaccine approximately 10 months before the symptoms became an issue.

So far, no one has been able to give him a definitive answer after about six or seven months of doctors appointments and tests. I’m hoping this last procedure will give some answers for him.

3 years ago this coming spring I had the same symptoms. Had a couple of stress tests and then a cath. Found out I'm walking around with a 100% blockage of the LAD artery aka the Widow maker.

I'm one of the lucky ones to survive it, Nurses and Cardiologist said 95% of the men under age of 70 don't survive. They called it collateral circulation meaning my surrounding blood vessels swelled enough to take the blood flow without rupturing. I was 54/55 when it happened but I/they still don't know exactly when I had the actual event.

Don't mess around and get to a Cardiologist

From: creed
I had covid and nearly died from heart issues. I had zero heart issues until then. My cardiologist said there is a definite link between covid and heart problems that may show up months or possiby years after covid, afib being the most common one. I am going through a bout of pulmonary embolisms right now. I wonder if that isn't related too. Don't put it off.

From: TonyBear
See a cardiopulmonary specialist or two. You can develop allergies at any time in your life and it may be asthma or a latent infection. Alot of new meds and improvements in treatment out there.

From: Nomad
Hope you get it figured out. I too had the Widow Maker. 80% blocked in my left artery. I went in to get my lungs checked out because it burned when I breathed during running / walking exercise. They said my lungs were fine. As an after thought I told the doctor about my family's heart history. Further tests showed the blockage.

From: Ben
Always remember only half of all Doctors graduate in the top half of their class, the rest are below average at best. I'd get a Good cardiologist and the Heart cath is not a highly invasive procedure. They did mine thru my wrist and determined I had a blockage.

From: Jaquomo
Ben, out of curiosity, what sort of stress/exercise test did they make you do with the heart catheter? Treadmill? Bike?

From: DanaC
My first thought is *change doctors*. Your doctor should have sent you to a specialist immediately. That he did not says much. Get a better general practitioner. One who knows his limitations.

From: Ben
Yeah, Lou as Timex? said no exercise . I was going in for a Mitral Valve replacement that I had known about since I was 27 but, it only leaked moderately. Never restricted anything I did although I had extra beats. At 71 it finally went to severe and needed replacement. Since they were going in they wanted to do the cath so they could fix it with a bypass if needed. I had one artery with a 40% blockage so they did a single bypass while they had me open. Best thing I've done and after 44 years of extra beats now my heart beat is normal. I feel great now and due to the best Doctors I zipped right thru it. They were going to go thru my ribs until they found the need for bypass. Then they did the full crack the sternum which gave them more room to work anyway. I was back riding my horse in 6-7 weeks.

From: bowyer45
Have you been checked for a blood clot on your lung or lungs?

From: Tilzbow
Do some research on the best specialist and demand to get into see them. Force the issue, be your own advocate because the business side of the medical and insurance industry doesn’t care about you. If that doesn’t work or will take too long, go to the ER and complain about chest tightness and breathing difficulties. Once checked in don’t leave until you get the answers you need.

From: deserthunter
I had a lot of the same symptoms. Just toughed it out until my insurance made me get a primary care doctor. She is pretty old school. Drew blood and found out I was making to much red blood. Sent me to donate blood and first time it was to thick to use. On a regular donation cycle now and feel 100x better. Every 60 days and i can feel when its getting time to donate.

From: Candor
Don - Two things I would strongly suggest. 1) Commit that this is serious and you will identify a plan and work the plan without procrastinating. 2) Don't ruminate over it or over analyze (just work the plan) it as that in itself can create symptoms that make it difficult to see through.

We have incredible medical care available. Take advantage of 2023 medicine.

From: Jaquomo
Timex, the heart catheter they proposed to do to me involved a stress test so they could measure the difference in pressure between right ventricle vs. left side, since it is the right ventricle that eventually fails from Pulmonary Hypertension. Under stress (exercise), the vessels between the right side of the heart and the lungs constrict. No blockage, but constriction. That makes my chest tight and lungs hurt, especially during exercise. I barely notice it when biking, but during hard exercise it gets worse, then a little better as the vessels dilate.

I can do a 4 mile hike with a pack, but the first 1/2 mile is a bitch until they dilate a little. I may have to stop several times in the first 400 yards. Then I'm good to go, albeit limited from what I could do before. Then sometimes I can simply get up from a chair and walk up to the garage/workout gym and I'm breathing as hard as if I'm climbing a mountain, and my chest hurts like hell.

Don's symptoms sound a lot more like PH than a heart issue, at least based on my experience and many discussions of test results and varied symptoms with the top pulmonologists in the country. The symptoms he describes are almost exactly the symptoms that present with me. Either way, if it is a cardio issue, a cardiologist will be the ticket. If not he should send you to a pulmonologist, since they work in two different disciplines that both involve breathing.

From: Jaquomo
Sure glad you pulled through that, and doing well now! I can't imagine....

Even though my chest hurts and my lungs hurt, mine is neither a lung or a heart problem. It's the plumbing in between. But it will eventually become a heart problem if it progresses, because the right side has to work harder to pump blood through the constricted vessels, that side enlarges, and the right ventricle will most likely fail someday if something else doesn't get me first.. Thank goodness I have no blockages.

So I do as my pulmonologist suggested, work out as much as I can tolerate, slow down and atop when needed, and live my life. And I carry an InReach in case I need to call in the Mounties.

From: Jaquomo
Me either. I hunted solo elk in two states this year, for 23 days. Just had to do it slower. Keep on keeping on!

From: skull
I had many friends that never made it, I got lucky on waking up at 1am whit one artery 100% blockages, the second artery 75%, I was out from the operation room 4am whit a stent, they went in tru my right wrist.

You better get checked out as soon possible it happen so fast ad isn’t fun at all, not many people get to have a second chance

From: rooster
Skull X2! I'm no Doc but I know several friends and or family members that suffered symptoms similar to yours. Many were found to have blockages to some degree and needed anything from stents to by-pass surgery to treat blockages in their arteries. I'd be looking for a stress test and possible cardiac catheter to rule that out. A few were diagnosed to have "Widow Maker" types of blockages and could easily have died if left undiscovered. Good luck with whatever you find out.

From: ElkNut1
Don, did your issues start after that Covid Shot? I wouldn't be surprised.

I live in a senior community (55 & older) 184 homes here. Near 40%-50% of the folks that took those shots have experienced what you are & much worse. If your issues started around that time or after it may be the culprit, just saying.


From: Jaquomo

Jaquomo's Link
Elknut is correct. Pulmonary Hypertension has been linked to the mRNA shot in a number of cases. Here's a link to one study.

From: Jaquomo

Jaquomo's Link

From: Jimmyjumpup
Need a heart cath

From: bowyer45
Morticians have found weird stringy blood clots in the bodies they were preparing for burial , that's why I said have yourself checked also for clotting, also. I have had blood clots on my lungs and the symptoms are very similar .

From: Tony
You should see cardiology. Just because your ECG looked good does not mean you don't have a cardiac issue. You can have a narrowing of a coronary artery that causes pain with exertion but still isn't blocked enough to cause a heart attack yet. Does not mean you don't need a Stent. Then again it may have nothing to do with your heart, but it shouldn't be taken lightly and needs to be properly investigated.

I had symptoms like that which started after my second or third COVID shot. I don't remember which. This past February I went in for a pre surgery physical and I was told my heart was in AFIB. After more tests it was determined that my heart was making extra beats. I ended up getting my heart shocked to get it back to a regular beat. I believe the COVID started it, but cannot prove it. They did put me on blood thinner. I was able to get my back surgery and so far I no longer have the chest discomfort and I have more energy.

From: Thornton
Its either heart, lungs, or anxiety. Better safe than sorry. Go see a cardiologist Don. I've worked ER going on 18 years. I call the 50's ' Age of sudden death' usually related to untreated, undiagnosed Coronary artery disease. I've worked countless code blues of guys in their 40's and 50's that could have been avoided. Some hospitals have a CAT scan capability of looking at your heart to make sure there's no narrowing or blockage of your Coronary arteries. This saves you from having an invasive heart cath which does the same thing. I'd also ask the doctor to add a Troponin (cardiac protein, often incorrectly called a "cardiac enzyme") that will be elevated during an event where your heart is incurring damage, and a BNP (B-type natriatic peptide) that looks for congestive heart failure (CHF). Both a heart attack and CHF can present with shortness of breath, and tightness in the chest. Usually CHF presents with swelling of the feet or ankles and is managed with diuretics "water pills" that free up the salt in the kidneys so you pee off the excess fluid that often accumulates in the lungs and causes the shortness of breath and tightness. Sounds like you are very healthy, but genetic disposition will often trump even the most fit patients. If your parents or grandparents had heart issues, your likelihood of getting them is very high. Keep us posted and I wish you the best.

From: Bou'bound
Don are you ok? Don’t leave us hanging like this is a wounded buck thread and we don’t get an update on the outcome. Just want to know you are progressing towards good outcome.

From: Thornton
Timex- sorry to hear it. The problem with an untreated mild heart attack that you survive is that it will weaken your heart, causing the previously mentioned congestive heart failure. CHF is often chronic, and you can often have it for years. In most cases, It is simply a weakening of the heart, where the heart is not as efficient as it once was. Heart output is measures in EF (ejection fraction) which is basically the horsepower of the heart. Normal EF is around 65%. Once your heart is damaged, that number goes down, and symptoms are usually dyspnea on exertion, feeling tired, swelling in the feet and ankles, etc. Just like if you wore out the rings on your truck engine cylinders, you'd lose horsepower and oil pressure.

From: Sivart
Don, def see a good cardiologist. I have had this for about 3 years now (48 yrs old). My heart ended up checking out ok. My shortness of breath was/is stress related. It comes and goes, depending on my anxiety level, which has been mostly high for the last 3 years. Owning and operating your own business is not the American dream, let me tell you......

From: ki-ke
Hey Don… lots of concerned folks here and ya just got hitched. Should we start a go fund me?? Don’t let this go out like a live Ct hunt…

Hope all is well

From: DonVathome
Sorry guys! I'm was elk hunting in Jackson. All ok. I have 2 doctors appointments in 2 weeks. I will update you guys. Thanks guys and sorry for worrying anyone

From: Jaquomo
Never mind your condition.. how was the elk hunt?

From: Lewis
Damn Lou I was typing that when I saw ?? your post lol Good luck Don do keep us posted Lewis

From: Lewis
Damn Lou I was typing that when I saw ?? your post lol Good luck Don do keep us posted Lewis

From: TGbow
Donald, glad you're going to the Dr

From: Live2Hunt
Worrying about the elk hunt, no not at all as long as you let us know how you did.

From: DonVathome
Haha elk hunt was good elk were there, love Jackson. I watched them chasing sheep with helicopters, using a net gun to capture them, then transporting them back and forth to fit ewes with collars and vaginal monitors so they know when lambs drop so they can catch and collar them. Really cool.

From: Bent arrow
So sounds like we should all go get another covid booster. NOT. Just turned down mine at VA. Doc asked why i didn't want it. Asked him if he had his yet. Saud no. Enough said. Good luck on ur problems.

Don- glad to hear you have doctor appointments,. i am a heart guy, in 2004 i had qunintuple bypass surgery, no heart attack. i didnot have any check pains, the only thing i had was i would get a pinch feeling around my breastbone and when i felt the pinching i would sometimes get nausea. I had 3 nuclear stress tests and was on treadmill for 10 minutes each time. Cardiogolist said there was some suspicion i might have blockage so they did a heart cath and i had one blocked at 100 percent, 1 at 99, 1 at 98, 1 @ 90 and 1@ 89. that was on friday the 13th and i had the surgery on the 16th, 6 weeks later i felt unbelievable with so much energy it was amazing. Best of Luck Don and i hope everything turns out well for you.

From: DonVathome
Thanks guys!

From: Md2bintn
I agree with Steve. I too am a physician, and I feel that cardiac possibilities need to be ruled out, and then if necessary, other possibilities. Please don’t take your health for granted, and ask until your physicians get you the correct answer.

From: Buffalo1
I would recommend seeing a Dr and have a complete blood analysis done. You never know what could be causing the problem.

From: Groundhunter
Your still screwing around with this? Good luck. Two weeks, should be in in 2 days

From: fuzzy
Give the guy a break he was elk hunting!

From: DonVathome
Update! Also I made my doc appointment when I posted this they are booked out a couple weeks.

I saw a cardiologist this morning. He had my bloodwork from a couple weeks ago and my health chart. I had a CT scan in 2018 and my heart attack risk was 0, I had the best reading possible. He explained to me that the scan measure calcium which forms over clogged arteries. He asked me several questions and said it was extremely unlikely I had any heart problems. He ordered a new CT scan and a stress test to be safe but said he doubted there would be any bad news at all. He actually said I was the healthiest person he had seen this month.

Still not sure why my chest is tight - I see my regular doc tomorrow to look for other causes.

I am very relieved and going to work out hard again, today, for the first time in a month.

Thanks guys for the concern!

good to hear. just listen to your body. if it starts to argue with you again...take it easy.

From: Groundhunter
Excellent. Stay on top of it. God Bless

From: Bowfreak
Good news Don. I am glad you are still working towards a diagnosis.

From: Jaquomo
Great news from the cardio side. Your symptoms sure sound more like what I have, and my heart is great too. If it turns out to be Pulmonary Hypertension in one form or another, one positive aspect is that the usual treatment is generic Viagra (Sildenafil) every day. :-)

Great news Don and step 1. Glad you are seeing your doc tomorrow. A Pulmonary evaluation is the likely step 2.

From: spike78
If nothing then possibly acid or anxiety.

From: Bou'bound
One step at a time. You know something’s up. They will figure it out and square it away. Prayers continue.

From: nchunter
Great news, Hope the reports keep getting better and better

Great news Don and step 1. Glad you are seeing your doc tomorrow. A Pulmonary evaluation is the likely step 2.

From: deerhunter72
Great news and thanks for the follow up! Sounds like all is ok, up but it’s good that he’s going to do some testing. Not to be a Debbie Downer, but the first cardiologist I saw told me the exact same things and was surprised that the CT revealed a narrowed LAD. But, you have the benefit of knowing that the calcium score was good a few years ago. Best of luck.

From: fuzzy
Just a thought, but you haven't by chance been exposed to an unusual amount of Zinc lately? Cutting/welding galvanized metal, or some other means?

From: 4nolz@work
I didn't read the responses but it was my friends early symptoms of ALS

From: Paul@thefort
Don, when you work out do you to bench presses, And if so, how many reps and at what weights?

Hey Don! Great news for sure.

Your experience and post is valued by many here including me as a reminder.

Take care of yourself and get checked up.

Keep up the good news and continued tests.

Happy New Years!

From: Bou'bound
I bet you trusted the doctors that saved your life though.

From: Thornton
Unless you have a Coronary CT or a heart cath, many of those tests don't show much. You can have a normal EKG, Troponin, stress test, and echocardiogram and still have a plugged Coronary artery that will kill you. I've seen and heard of it many times in my line of work. The ER I worked at last year was the only one I've ever worked that had Coronary CT Scan capability and we used it frequently. It was supposedly 99% accurate and as good as a heart cath.

From: deerhunter72
I’ve got 2 stents and have never had a stress test and have never had an abnormal EKG. Cardiologist told me that I would definitely have failed a stress test had he ordered one, but I’m doubtful about that. I’ve worked in Imaging for many years and I don’t have a lot of faith in some Nuclear studies.

To somewhat echo Thornton, a CT angiogram of the heart is a great study. But, a heart cath is still the gold standard.

From: BowSniper
I just scheduled a CT heart test, called a calcium score. Will be my first step in heart check (at age 58). Seems like the easiest least invasive first I section. Saved a buddy of mine.

I'd say start there. The scheduling was only a week out, where regular doctor to start the stress test path is 6-8 weeks away for first visit

From: Bou'bound
Timeex. The blessing is they did the right thing and saved your life. They were trustworthy as evidenced by the outcome. As you say though we need to verify and scrutinize where we can because not all are. And not all are not.

Glad you’re here today. Blessing

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