The sad truth about Southern Iowa
Whitetail Deer
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This is the truth about the Lindsey's in Southern Oiwa
No idea who you're talking about but I guess they must really bother you. Photo of 10 yards of a fence doesn't even mean anything. Could have a neighbour that sits the fence line and decided to fence one side off. Who knows.
I built a "fence" like that. It's by the highway and intended to help keep poaching down with an attempt at a visual barrier.
The fence is 1/2 mile long on a dirt road and was put up to keep deer from crossing the road and had nothing to do with poaching
His show is on the Outdoor Channel.
Lindsay's have a show on the outdoor channel and say they ate fair chase hunters when in fact they will do shit like build a fence to keep deer on their land
Seems pretty far from high fence to me.....More like jealous neighbors or trouble starters..
Pushing cleared brush to the edge of property lines will stop whitetails from passing about as quickly as any other brier patch.
To post stuff like this anywhere is pitiful.
Nothing illegal about that and if it's 10,000 acres probably won't matter.sounds like the neighbors are trying to hunt deer that stay on the Lindseys ground
The lindsys built a half mile brush fence to keep deer from crossing the road. They also stacked hay bales along the whole property line to stop deer. If they see your truck parked while you’re hunting they will drive up and down the road until after dark to keep anything from crossing the road. All while portraying they are fair chase and ethical hunters. They harass neighboring hunters by flying drones over other people’s property also.
KB's Link
I’m not sure it is legal Buckdeer. Seems like it falls into 1b on this page. Also assuming there is minimum and maximum height requirements for fencing in Iowa?
10,000 acres high fenced with bulldozed brush! I'd hate to see that fuel bill!
Looks like something a well timed cigarette out the window would cure! :)
Bou they were choosy cannibals. They only ate fair chase hunters.
Dillon Otis? Are you related to Tim Oris?
Looks like a fairly clever idea to me. Long as it's not a full enclosure, which I highly doubt it is, then it's not "high fence" hunting. And wouldn't the barricade work both ways? Keeps bucks from coming off the adjacent farms and onto theirs? Although if the neighbors tend to wholesale-slaughter the up-and-coming 2 and 3 yr old bucks, then its clearly....advantage Lindsey.
If I could afford it. I would high fence 2 sides of my land.
You're talking about 1/2 mile. If someone was trying to fence 10000 acres that would be roughly 16 sections or four miles of fence on all 4 sides minimum if it is square, or 16 miles of fence. So a 1/2 miles is about 3% of the minimum border that would have.
Looks strategically smart to me
Hell the hay bale idea is a good idea if you can afford it. I’d do it just to keep people from stopping and glassing open areas along the road. It’s kinda like a lock on a door too, keeping honest people honest. Can’t just stop and shoot out the window quick, run over and grab it and drive off into the sunset.
My dad has a food plot on the north side of his woods, 1/4 mile off the road. Anyone that stops to look at deer or even slows down will scare the deer off. So this hay bale thing just looks like good strategy.
Honestly sounds like an effort to discourage tressspassers and road hunters
That barrier works both ways.
"And wouldn't the barricade work both ways?"
Reminds me once during our week long statewide firearm season, watched a doe outside a high fence enclosure full of ear tagged bucks bounce along the fence trying to get into the enclosure away from the outside hunting pressure, that is how high gun pressure can be around here...
I want to high fence the neighbor lady away from my property line. She is a real busy body & Bit--h. Was a great neighborhood until they moved in 2 years ago.
Now that deer hunting has been completely ruined altogether, what are you guys thinking about doing next fall? I've heard quilting is fun.
Drone bothers you that much take care of the drone if it’s on your property. No way they put 16 miles of fence up as JohnMC noted.
So they hunt 10,000 acres and a half mile has brush piled up on it. You do realize that 10,000 acres is roughly the size of 15.625 sections (square miles)
If they are high fence hunters they have a lot of holes.
Well this thread didn’t go as planned….
We should place bets on if the original poster or his alter ego come back.
I don’t want to own all the land……Just everything that borders mine!
Matt, I almost poked myself with my crochet needle after reading your post!
What do you expect from some country boys from Georgia? lol. I do everything I can to keep deer from going onto my neighbors property that kill everything and this is in Florida. Don’t know what I’d do if I lived in Iowa
Matt I may take up shoe repair ;)
Southern Iowa is around 28,000 square miles. 1/2 mile of piled up brush and hay bales probably doesn't make it sad
Sounds like much ado about nothing.
Cracks me up when complainers think Bowsiters will all jump on their bandwagon. This place is notorious for reality checks. Haha!
Sounds like a freeloading fence sitter complaining
A great quote much to about nothing Lewis
I've always wondered how Lindseys always get tags
I’m with the “ do not harass the deer from the road” group.
No different than an Egyptian grass block IMO.
Looks to be a natural barrier on Google Earth.
Oh well, carry on. :)
I was so sad about Southern Iowa I barely slept.
"I was so sad about Southern Iowa I barely slept."
have to admit...that made me lol.
Take it from me first hand… Don’t drink and post
Slug if I followed that rule I'd never post anything. Rickey you're welcome.
Can't put up high fences in good ole wv. Have to hunt these scrub bucks the hard way. Lots of people that are making their living with hunting shows do that. It is not unusual
Yea Slug, what fuzzy said! ;0)
Fuzzy validating the notion that you can’t drink all day if you don’t start in the morning.
I was thinking southern IA was as close to whitetail heaven as there is on earth. Trying to get drawn there is hell though.
10,000 acres, even if it were truly under high fence, is pretty damn close to “open range”. You could hunt for days and never see the fence, might not see any deer either. ;-)
Easy answer- Stop watching the show!
the "Buck Wars" (that's what we call the squabbles between neighbors, and between hunters over deer, access, fencing, harassment etc) make people do and think crazy things
If this is true, I could see how this would bother you. It sounds like one side of your property is affected by the fencing. Concentrate on making your parcel the best it can be, access it smart to keep it low impact, hide where you park your vehicles, you can even use the fence to your advantage by using it to funnel deer on your property along the border, check your local laws about hunter harassment then get law enforcement involved. Think about what you can control, what you can do to make things as good as they can be. BC
I’d say if they went through that trouble in one area it was due to problem neighbors whacking everything that walked off it. Now the only problem with their strategy is it makes one hell of a funnel at either end! Better make sure it ends on a neighbor that doesn’t hunt or one that discriminates! Nothing illegal about it.
So they have access to 10,000 acres and they are worried about one little property line? Sounds kind of rediculous to me! Seems to me there would be plenty of acreage to hunt where they wouldn;t have to worry about any "neighbors"...................
Anyone hunted that wildlife area that sits between these fellers, Drury’s, Bowmar’s, and a handful of the other TV stars?! :)
How dare they! On top of it, they pigged out at the trough and own so many acres!
"I never post stuff like this on social media but....
The Iowa DNR seemingly has it made when it comes to collecting seasonal harvest data based off what I read on this forum. Make about 5 or 6 phone calls and account for 95% of the kill. Lol...sad.
I thought southern Iowa was bigger than a few thousand acres. Huh, guess I learn something new every day. Note to self "The entirety of Southern Iowa is less than 20,000 acres." Got it
Trying to get this straight. Some Georgia boys buy an already setup TV hunting property in Iowa in order to get famous and make money by killing big deer. They fly drones around the neighborhood, build barricades to alter wildlife movement and seemingly act like they own the whole county.
Bowsite consensus is that’s the gold standard though and piss on the little neighbor/landowner?!
Plenty of negatives come with commercializing hunting but having a neighbor with a huge place focused on growing big deer could be better than some alternatives.
The best/worst fences I saw where the ones in Texas with the one way gates in them. Deer can get in but not back out. BTW, I would take up making doilies. I like crocheting also, but I do taxidermy and sewing is more my thing.
I know a guy that hunts adjacent property and has no problem with them because he doesn’t hunt right on the fence. They don’t hunt right on the fence either.
Would have to think that this is more about people driving bye and stopping looking at deer in fields etc.. I mean I guess its excessive but we plant cedar and hedge on all our fields that are road facing one property that has 20- year hedgerow you can only see through at the gate same premise. Currently know someone that property butts up to one of so called personalities. Its honestly the best situation, they poor tons of money into food and protein year round, his property gets the benefit. Now it could get difficult at times I am sure, but just one of the realities we now all face.
Send josh bowmar on that brush pile with his torch
Sorry double post. Iowa public land bow kill is what the story said.
"I never post stuff like this on social media but....
"Iowa public land bow kill is what the story said."
heck of a deer and heck of a story. good for him!
It may very well be a public land bowkill but he was hunting way back off the road where nobody else hunts. I want to see him shoot one like that at my public area which is loaded with other hunters. If I hunted where he hunted i coulda done that also
They did that to screen a field from the road that has had multiple deer poached over the years
I have a HARD time believing that buck came from public land... I know it isn't Ohio, but with the pressure here on our public lands I'd wager there was never a buck of that caliber survive to that maturity or the odds would be like a 100 million to one...
I'd like the DNR to confirm residency with these "residents" in say February or's a bullsheet loophole used by rich TV show hunters.
Well if no deer can get out do to the high fence I'd recommend that you drop in a couple wolves and the deer problem will be taken care of.
Now on a serious note, if no deer can exit or enter the property then don't they have to worry about inbreeding? The who,e point of deer being pushed out of their birth area is to avoid inbreeding, funny how Mother Nature figures this stuff out. Just like southern Illinois, a couple years of EHD and over hunting will ruin the area. Once again, if your hunting,for antlers then I guess this whole issue is a bother but if your hunting for the enjoyment of the outdoors and meat it shouldn't bother you.