Moultrie Mobile
Contributors to this thread:
spike buck 13-Dec-23
dakotaduner 13-Dec-23
Missouribreaks 13-Dec-23
Zbone 13-Dec-23
Bake 13-Dec-23
APauls 13-Dec-23
Zbone 13-Dec-23
Dirtman 13-Dec-23
Alexis Desjardins 13-Dec-23
spike buck 13-Dec-23
WV Mountaineer 13-Dec-23
Hunts_with_stick 13-Dec-23
Zbone 13-Dec-23
spike buck 13-Dec-23
spike buck 13-Dec-23
spike buck 13-Dec-23
LBshooter 14-Dec-23
LBshooter 14-Dec-23
welka 16-Dec-23
From: spike buck

spike buck's embedded Photo
spike buck's embedded Photo
Got this photo from a Wisconsin Bear Hunter / Bait site....

From: dakotaduner
Looks like it’s time to take a nap in a tree for that bear.

Bet they munch on a lot of bear cubs.

From: Zbone
Those wolves or coyotes?

From: Bake
Be interesting to know who won. Years and years ago I bear hunted in northern Alberta, and the outfitter said that in bad winters the wolves were known to kill bears out of dens when they could find them. Hell of a battle I'm sure

From: APauls
Yup. Wolves do that here too. In the winter it's like taking candy from a baby. Black bears don't wake up at mach 10. They're dopey from such a low heart rate and blood flow. It's over before it starts I'm sure.

From: Zbone
Why I asked, I know wolves are in northern Minnesota but didn't realize they were also in Wisconsin...

From: Dirtman
Wolves occupy about 1/2 of Wisconsin and are expanding territory every year


From: spike buck

spike buck's embedded Photo
spike buck's embedded Photo
Missouri Breaks, here is a trail cam photo from MN.

I don’t know why but, that pic makes me want to kill a wolf.

Me too wv mountaineer

From: Zbone
Is that a black bear cub or cat in its mouth?

From: spike buck
Zbone, Black Bear Cub...

From: spike buck

spike buck's embedded Photo
spike buck's embedded Photo
spike buck's embedded Photo
spike buck's embedded Photo
Left overs after a tug of war with another wolf... Mn trail cam photo.

From: spike buck

spike buck's embedded Photo
spike buck's embedded Photo
Some Cattle farms now employ Dogs bred for the taking out wolves / coyotes when near livestock.

From: LBshooter
Get a kangal dog and wolf problems are over. They will take out a walk with no problem and take on a pack, Incredible animal.

From: LBshooter
Get a kangal dog and wolf problems are over. They will take out a walk with no problem and take on a pack, Incredible animal.

From: welka
When baiting a couple of years back for bear in WI, it was like clockwork.... Bears move the logs to get to the bait, rodents move in and eat with bear, wolves quickly move in once rodent smell around. They were there every day. Hint, hint easy way to attract. Good luck to all.

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