Sitka Gear
Small Game
Contributors to this thread:
Paul@thefort 15-Dec-23
spike78 15-Dec-23
Paul@thefort 15-Dec-23
JTreeman 15-Dec-23
Quinn @work 15-Dec-23
Supernaut 15-Dec-23
Glunt@work 15-Dec-23
cnelk 16-Dec-23
Paul@thefort 16-Dec-23
Charlie Rehor 16-Dec-23
Paul@thefort 16-Dec-23
patience2spare 16-Dec-23
Lewis 16-Dec-23
Bow Bullet 16-Dec-23
bowhunter24 16-Dec-23
deerhunter72 16-Dec-23
Bowboy 16-Dec-23
Chief 419 16-Dec-23
Paul@thefort 16-Dec-23
Paul@thefort 16-Dec-23
Paul@thefort 16-Dec-23
Paul@thefort 16-Dec-23
Paul@thefort 16-Dec-23
t-roy 16-Dec-23
Insheart 16-Dec-23
Mark Watkins 17-Dec-23
buckeye 17-Dec-23
drycreek 17-Dec-23
Paul@thefort 17-Dec-23
Ambush 17-Dec-23
LUNG$HOT 17-Dec-23
From: Paul@thefort

Paul@thefort's embedded Photo
Set up the blind
Paul@thefort's embedded Photo
Set up the blind
Paul@thefort's embedded Photo
Paul@thefort's embedded Photo
Paul@thefort's embedded Photo
added some leafy netting
Paul@thefort's embedded Photo
added some leafy netting
Paul@thefort's embedded Photo
the killing field. Over 100 geese have been archery killed in this field over the past 12 years.
Paul@thefort's embedded Photo
the killing field. Over 100 geese have been archery killed in this field over the past 12 years.
December 15. Had some spare time so I went to the goose field to set up the Double Bull blind at the far end of the pasture. I like this position as I can see any geese coming from the north and west and from the big lake across the road.

I have no idea how successful this season might be. I have not seen a single goose on this property and the same on the adjacent properties.. Yea a few on the pond before it froze. Twelve years ago when I started this series, this property and adjacent ones had geese every day feed. Over all it seems the goose population and even the local yard hoppers are down from the last few years; Where I usually see geese around town over even on adjacent lands, but not like in the past. It is the local Yard Hoppers I am hunting and not the Migration Geese from the far North.

But I am determined to get Teal his first goose, even if I only kill one. Currently he has retrieved Sage Hens, Ducks, a Pheasant so adding a goose to the mix is our goal. Not sure when I might go out and set up the decoys but most likely in a day to two just to see that is happening in the morning.

Oh, I spoke with the realtor this day and the property is under contract and to close the end of January so I have 30 days to get it done. This might be the last of the Series but maybe the new owners are hunters. Wait and see.

From: spike78
Paul I thought you did get Teal a goose? I remember him trying to carry it as a pup.

From: Paul@thefort
Brad, he was too young to handle a goose of 10-12 pounds even though I gave him a chance at 6 months old.. At big boy now. 18 months old, at 71 pounds and strong. Hope to see it happen.

From: JTreeman
Man, I’m gonna miss it if you loose the place Paul. But things change, one door closes and another opens.

Hope you can get at least a few to close the series out on a good note.


From: Quinn @work
Hope you can keep your access there Paul. Looks like a beautiful property for suburbia FC.

From: Supernaut
I'm rooting for you and Teal Paul. Good luck!

From: Glunt@work

Glunt@work's embedded Photo
Glunt@work's embedded Photo
Good luck! We put a couple in the freezer the conventional way last weekend.

From: cnelk
Sky carp

From: Paul@thefort

Paul@thefort's embedded Photo
Paul@thefort's embedded Photo
Paul@thefort's embedded Photo
Next targeted species. Yard Hopper!!!!!!!!
Paul@thefort's embedded Photo
Next targeted species. Yard Hopper!!!!!!!!
Three bird species so far this year. Has been good for a 18 month old Labrador.

Enjoy every day…

From: Paul@thefort
A-Men to that Charlie. We only go around once in this life time, so grab up all of the gusto you can. Enjoy the Holidays with your friends and family and think about all of the good times, past , present and in the future. My best, Paul


patience2spare's embedded Photo
patience2spare's embedded Photo
My daughter, Grace with a limit of honkers from 2 weekends ago. We enjoy checking in on your yard hopper adventures, Paul! We're rooting for you and Teal! Pete

From: Lewis
Good luck Paul the key is to keep on keeping on great looking hunting buddy you have there now stick one can’t wait for the pictures and story Lewis

From: Bow Bullet
Give'm hell, Paul and Teal!

From: bowhunter24
Looking forward to another great season! Go Teal! Paul is the Man!

From: deerhunter72
Best of luck to you both!! Happy Holidays

From: Bowboy
Have fun I know Teal is excited

From: Chief 419
Looking forward to following along on Yard Hopper thread. Good luck Paul & Teal!

From: Paul@thefort
Went out to the goose field this afternoon to stack a few decoys behind the blind. Ran into Mr. Fox. hunting voles.

From: Paul@thefort

From: Paul@thefort

Paul@thefort's embedded Photo
Paul@thefort's embedded Photo

From: Paul@thefort

Paul@thefort's embedded Photo
Paul@thefort's embedded Photo
a few Big Foot decoys and some feeder shells.

From: Paul@thefort

Paul@thefort's embedded Photo
Paul@thefort's embedded Photo
Paul@thefort's embedded Photo
Paul@thefort's embedded Photo
Paul@thefort's embedded Photo
Paul@thefort's embedded Photo
Added in some retriever training for Teal

From: t-roy
Hope the geese cooperate for you and Teal, Paul!

From: Insheart
I'm with the rest Paul, always look forward to the "yard hopper" escapades.

Life is WAY to short to not have fun - from what I've seen here - you are good at having fun.

Good luck to you and Teal.

Merry Christmas. Bob

From: Mark Watkins
Good luck once again Paul!!

Thanks for taking us along!!


From: buckeye
Looking forward to your next installment Paul! I'm sure teal is also.

From: drycreek
Looking forward to the Yard Hopper installment Paul, hope you and Teal have an excellent season. I’m surprised that you don’t have snow.

From: Paul@thefort
Don, some in the mountains but none on the ground here in Ft. Collins area or any where else along the Front Range. When it does it melts fast this time of the year. The warmer fall has messed up the duck and goose migration and while there are geese in the area there seem to be plenty of food on the ground. Just do not see the local geese I am use to. I am going to hunt tomorrow morning, ie, Monday, just to see what is going on. Not expecting much but sort of a scouting mission out to the goose field. In the past my best luck seems to be later in Dec and into January. Maybe we will get lucky.

From: Ambush
Monday sounds like a fine day to start Teal following in the pawsteps of Chase the Wonder Dog in the Yard Hopper sagas. Shoot straight Paul, Teal has high expectations of you! And may expect a treat for a job well done too.

Can’t wait Paul. Thanks for continuing to share your adventures.

  • Sitka Gear