Grizzlies To Be Released In Wash State
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Heard it on the news tonight so I looked it up... Wolves released in Colorado, next up to 7 Grizzlies annually to be released for the next 10 years in Washington State:
"Rep. Newhouse, Area Residents Oppose Plan to Release Grizzlies in Washington State"
Maybe they will wander into a Starbucks for a latte.
They can have all they want from BC. Short trip too.
I would like to propose great white sharks being stocked in the Potomac River.
My buddy just got back from a cat hunt in MT, they hunted 22sq miles in two days and cut 12 different grizz tracks. Good luck!!
Liberals hanging out in the parks smoking weed are in for a treat, or should I sat the grizzlies are in for the treat lol good luck with that. Maybe it's the only way to clean up the homeless? Hopefully when trump wins he appoints a secretary of the interior who will make sense of these top predators, controls must be in place.
And don't use your gas powered lawn mower or weed eater to scared them off ! Up to $10,000 fine and almost a year in jail if you get caught !!! the moment those plans are on hold.
The area they want to release these grizzly's in is essentially the back yard of several little towns up here, one of them being mine (pop. 800). A meeting held in another local town, Darrington was well attended by locals, who made our point very clearly...HELL NO..WE DON'T WANT THEM!
This whole "re-introduction" thing is being pushed by radical wildlife groups, and it is being opposed by senators and congress people from the state.
Too damn many ignorant city people go hiking in the Cascades, meaning the bears will be well fed, if released.
Why don't these apex predators ever get released a quarter mile from the people that are pushing it? Grizzles in particular would love to visit a Starbucks several times a day.
Seattle would be a prime spot. Plenty to forage there.
Mule Power, bull sharks would be better. More aggressive toward humans and more adaptive to fresh water. Great idea. A few apex predators in the Capital City would get things real.
...with frickin laser beams attached to their heads!
Crocks in the Rio Grande would be a better idea.
When I first saw this I thought they must be wanting to thin out the druggy population out there. Good idea anyway. They should put some down on the mexican border.
I wish they would release Brown bears in California! I mean it’s even on the state flag!
But won't the grizzlies compete with the sasquatches for food!!!???? :)
Pot slows you down so grizzlies won’t have to work as hard.
This is (literally) my backyard. Where they are talking about dropping off the grizzlies is just over that hill in the background. The river gets 5-6 runs of salmon every year, and the Coho and Pinks tend to pile up here. Wonder how long it would be before I look out the kitchen window and see one filling his belly?
I’d say by the second or third run…. ^^^
Colorado just dropped wolves off about 20 miles from my house. They were in the neighborhood in a day or so.
The wolves and grizzlies need to be dumped in San Francisco and Sacramento, California where the liberal judges are that keep pushing this crap on everyone else!
What’s the lucky location where they trap and remove them?
I suggest we could use some of those liberals making these decisions as bait for the traps…..the wolves and bears won’t do anything they’re not suppose to do so they’ll be ok lmao
Tree line I’ve already taken care of that. I’ve sent the GPS coordinates to North Korea.