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Slick Trick Experiences.
Contributors to this thread:
Ambush 24-Dec-23
drycreek 24-Dec-23
Cazador 24-Dec-23
Cazador 24-Dec-23
Cazador 24-Dec-23
Dale06 24-Dec-23
Mark Watkins 24-Dec-23
nchunter 24-Dec-23
Starfire 24-Dec-23
Ambush 24-Dec-23
JTreeman 24-Dec-23
YZF-88 24-Dec-23
Cazador 24-Dec-23
butcherboy 24-Dec-23
Cazador 24-Dec-23
Cazador 24-Dec-23
Ambush 24-Dec-23
YZF-88 24-Dec-23
Bowaddict 24-Dec-23
Starfire 24-Dec-23
HDE 24-Dec-23
Medicinemann 24-Dec-23
Brun 24-Dec-23
Nick Muche 25-Dec-23
BTM 25-Dec-23
Murph 25-Dec-23
Grey Ghost 25-Dec-23
Basil 25-Dec-23
Bentshaft 25-Dec-23
PECO2 25-Dec-23
Copperman 25-Dec-23
Buffalo1 25-Dec-23
Buffalo1 25-Dec-23
12yards 26-Dec-23
Ambush 26-Dec-23
Groundhunter 26-Dec-23
Iowabowhunter 26-Dec-23
JIMBOW 26-Dec-23
Bill in MI 26-Dec-23
JIMBOW 26-Dec-23
Gator 27-Dec-23
midwest 28-Dec-23
grossklw 28-Dec-23
Blood 29-Dec-23
Ambush 29-Dec-23
cnelk 29-Dec-23
midwest 30-Dec-23
APauls 30-Dec-23
Ambush 30-Dec-23
Ambush 31-Dec-23
RJ Hunt 31-Dec-23
BoilerRoom 31-Dec-23
wyobullshooter 31-Dec-23
From: Ambush
I mostly shoot NAP Spitfires for everything, but Slick Trick Magnums have always been in my quiver too. I'm running out of the original Spitfires and will likely be using ST's more. A friend and guide made a comment about a couple of "failures" from ST's in the mountains on goats. Very steep shots and the heads slid down the ribs I'm assuming because of the shallow blade angle and short tip. The Vipertrick and the Wickedtrick seem to have a steeper blade angle and more of a COC design. I'd have to order some to psychically compare them , but if someone has them and can just tell me or post a pic of the blades side by side or on top of each other that would be great. Thanks.

From: drycreek
On deer, they have killed for me as well as anything else, but the blood trail wasn’t the best. I always went back to Strikers.

From: Cazador

I’ve used the Standard, Magnums, and Vipertricks off and on a lot. It just depends how my bow tunes up for the year and what I’m hunting.

I have written off the Vipertricks as I’ve had mixed results with them. I won’t shoot the magnums at big stuff any longer as I’ve had poor penetration with them but I am shooting an old slow Mathew’s bow at 58lbs. They are good on bears however. I’d pick the standard if I had to choose. Keep in mind I’m shooting the older models, supposedly they have taken a turn in the quality department as well.

Funny I just picked up 4 packs of spitfires based on you and Kurt’s experiences. I know they have changed, but my partner shot an elk this year with one and that spitfire saved his butt and it didn’t go anywhere with a pure gut liver shot.

From: Cazador

Cazador's embedded Photo
Cazador's embedded Photo
Just the blades left to right…….

Standard Magnum Viper main blade Viper bleeder

From: Cazador

Cazador's embedded Photo
Cazador's embedded Photo
Cazador's embedded Photo
Cazador's embedded Photo
Viper main blade side vs Magnum

The bleeder side vs Magnum

FYI I’ve killed two goats with the standards, lights out.

From: Dale06
I used the ST magnums on deer and several large African animals. They worked great.

From: Mark Watkins
Have used slick trick standards for everything from moose, elk, deer, grizzly and sheep over the past 15 years.

Accurate, RAZOR sharp and never a head “failure.”

Blood trails have consistently been good (not great).


From: nchunter
I used the magnums for year and never had a failure. I bought some once when Gary owned the company. Right after they came I got an email to send the back. There was a quality issue and they sent me replacements. Gary was a great guy to work with.

From: Starfire
Standards are my go to broadhead. I think the four blade design leave a more consistent blood trail. I've used other broadheads that will leave huge sporadic pools. The slick tricks seem to leave more of a continuous stream.

From: Ambush
Thanks for the pics Cazador, that's great!. I've killed moose with both Spitfires and ST Magnums plus lots of other game and African animals, with no issues or failures. I would likely go with the Wickedtrick for the bigger cutting area. I shoot 65# at 29" DL and a 465gr arrow and don't usually have any problem with penetration on bigger animals. I'm just wondering if the steeper main blade angle might be advantageous?

Thanks for comments so far. Nothing beats real world user experience.

From: JTreeman
I’m a fan of expandables, but certainly feel there are occasions to use fixed and I have tried a bunch through the years. I always seem to come back to the Viper Tricks. I personally think they are the best all round replaceable blade out there.


From: YZF-88
I’ve been using the standards on deer and elk since 2006. Not planning to change anytime soon.

From: Cazador
I’ve never shot the wicked trick, it looks interesting , as the bleeder looks larger. The viper trick to me is just too small. The flight is very good though. I’ve shot 3 elk, and one deer and they all did the same thing. Each didn’t really know they were hit, and took longer than I expected to die. They just laid down and died in sight after standing there for several minutes. One got a standard as a follow up to speed the process up. I did lose a nice buck with one as well. Turns out the shot was further back, but the broadhead is so small, and didn’t cut me any favors. I refuse to shoot them any longer even though I killed my elk this year with one.

I’m leaning more towards expandables these days.

From: butcherboy
I shot the magnums once. Didn’t get very good penetration shooting 73#. I wouldn’t hesitate to shoot the standards or vipertricks.

From: Cazador

Cazador's embedded Photo
Cazador's embedded Photo
Entry on a goat. Standard

From: Cazador

Cazador's embedded Photo
Cazador's embedded Photo
Entry vipertrick

Blood trail was ok, but elk was o it’s feet for several minutes just standing there.

From: Ambush
I do think the total cut on the Vipertrick and the Standards is too small for my liking. But then I'm used to the cut from a big three blade. The Wickedtrick it quite a bit bigger.

From: YZF-88
I’ve been using the standards on deer and elk since 2006. Not planning to change anytime soon.

From: Bowaddict
I stayed away from magnums because of the blade angle. I’ve been using the standards for a long time with great results. Never really had a bad blood trail with them unless it was a higher chest hit from the ground. I’m not gonna say it’s always a great blood trail, but usually decent.

From: Starfire
A standard 1" four blade has as much cut as a 2" expandable

From: HDE
Used the standards one year in Valle Vidal. They didn't work any better than other BH's I've used.

I prefer a 3 blade over a 4 blade.

From: Medicinemann
I couldn't get the Wicked Tricks to group as well as the Magnums or Viper Tricks.

From: Brun
I've killed elk with the Magnums and the Viper Tricks. Not the biggest blood trails I've seen, but the all died quickly. The main reason I use them is because they fly really well out of my set up.

From: Nick Muche
Standards when I use them as well!

From: BTM
When I do my job right, 125 standards do their job just fine.

From: Murph
I’ve shot around 50 animals with the standards mostly deer antelope and turkeys have taken some really steep angled shots out of tree stands on whitetails never an issue and have never seen any kind of failure with new or old heads bloodtrails are average but 95% of the animals tipped over in sight still as good of a fixed blade as anything out their today IMO

From: Grey Ghost

Grey Ghost's embedded Photo
Grey Ghost's embedded Photo
Grey Ghost's embedded Photo
Grey Ghost's embedded Photo
Rod, I have no experience with the blades you mentioned, but I witnessed the unbelievable devastation of the Rage X-tremes this season when a young buddy killed this buck on my place. I've always been a fixed blade guy, but after seeing the gaping holes and the blood trail that looked like it was sprayed from a garden hose, I'm going to give the X-tremes a try next year. Oh, and the head was undamaged, too.


From: Basil
Nothing but positives for me with 100 Magnums. Dozens of kills and no failures. I did have a couple ferrules break on heavily used practice heads years ago. Gary replaced all of them at no cost to me. Was a machining issue. Can’t remember the last time I didn’t have a pass thru.

From: Bentshaft
They kill but blades nick very easily on Tricks. Blades have to be changed often.

From: PECO2
I used the standards on deer for one season. I didn't care for them went back to a solid coc head.

From: Copperman
I've shot both standards and now Vipertricks no complaints with either great heads

From: Buffalo1
Have used Slick Trick standards in the past with success. They have a good track record.

From: Buffalo1
Have used Slick Trick standards in the past with success. They have a good track record.

From: 12yards
A buddy of mine swears by the Magnums. He shoots 65# and has a 29-29.5" draw length. I bought some to try next year as he lent me one and it flew amazing. I like Magnus Stingers but haven't gotten great blood trails with them either. Adequate, but not amazing. I tend to believe there is no fixed head that will give a better blood trail than any other. I've shot deer with 2, 3, 4 blade heads in my hunting career and have had good and sparse trails with all. Depends where you hit and what you cut. It would seem a 1 1/8 x 1 1/8" head would have a better chance of cutting something that will bleed more than a two blade or three blade fixed head of similar diameter.

From: Ambush

Ambush's embedded Photo
Two Magnums went through all that hair, bone and meat.
Ambush's embedded Photo
Two Magnums went through all that hair, bone and meat.
I’ve never had a problem with the Magnums and shoot the Grizztricks with no issues either. I’m just wondering if the Wickedtricks steeper blade angle with the same overall cutting area may penetrate better and still have the big cut I like.

And Jake’s point about bigger heads are harder to tame is very valid.

From: Groundhunter
Gray Ghost, what you posted is true, IF you have a solid shaft, and the energy to open them. I used STs when they first came out. Solid sharp head. Did the job. Shot alot of pigs with the Magnus, never failed.

I shot the standard & magnums for a little while, changed for no other reason than I like to experiment with different heads.

For a price point option- the old ST's were great- i'm not sure if anything has changed since Gary sold the company.

I tried the 125 magnums (from so many recommendations here) and had two failures in two try’s on Whitetails. The first killed the deer (so I’m not sure if counts as failure) but the head was missing one of the blades when I picked it up. The shot was 15 yards and through the wheel house only hitting ribs. The second was a spinning shoulder hit and the arrow kicked back out after a few yards… again the blades were jacked up. I’ve hunted with VPA 3 blade solids for 10 years (70-80 animals) and have found nothing better including the ST 125 MAGS. Maybe just bad luck? Either way I’ve stock piled VPAs and hope they will be around longer than me. Good luck in your Quest.

From: Bill in MI
How are the blood trails with thos VPAs Jim?


JIMBOW's embedded Photo
JIMBOW's embedded Photo
I’ve had impressive blood trails and not so impressive blood trails but one thing for sure is that they are generally short. One African trip I went on I measured from impact to recovery and for six animals the total distance was 163 yards. Some of the blood trails were ridiculous and some were faint and I can’t tell you exactly why. This Zebra emptied out all it had (it seemed) in 25 yards. The whitetail I shot last year with a VPA ran exactly 16 yards from impact and left just a few drops. I’ve never had a VPA fail me and they fly great.

From: Gator
Standards have served well including deer, elk, muskox and brown bear. Never an issue...yet.

From: midwest
Rod, since you liked the original Spitfires, have you taken a look at the Grim Reapers? I have no experience (yet) but they are still American made and get really good reviews.

From: grossklw
I've been shooting the Viper's the last 8 years, never had an issue or failure. Some blood trails are better than others, but I'm more worried about getting 2 holes. Tune in the exact same spot as my field tips, I won't be changing.

Shot Rage's for a few years and they left some massive holes. But on one shot where I killed a doe the blade was wrapped all the way around the ferule bent, did the job but I wasn't impressed with the durability, so I switched.

From: Blood
Shoot them for over 20 years. The whistle of death. There’s no reason to stop using them. They kill. I have tried other heads, but the ST magnums are great.

From: Ambush
Nick, I’ve seen the Grim Reapers used on several bears and the results were very impressive. Big holes through vitals kill animals fast!! I think they have an all steel version again?

From: cnelk
SlickTricks for 14 years here

From: midwest
" I think they have an all steel version again?"

Yes, Fatal Steel. 1-1/4" 3-blade.

From: APauls
Shot a few animals and didn’t like the blood trails. Some non existent. Had same with other similar heads - small 4 blades or 2’a with bleeders.

The whole argument about “amount of cut is same as a 2 blade” as a poster mentioned above doesn’t hold water IMO. Imagine if it was an 8 bladed broadhead that added up to 2 inches. I would be like the size of a field point. One big 2” slash is way deadlier for devastation and blood, but also harder to push through.

From: Ambush
I'm with you on that, Adam.

On that "harder to push through" I have another observation that "shouldn't" hold true. I've put 3 blade, 1 1/2" cut, over the top opening Spitifires all the way through moose, huge bodied mule deer and many other animals and I've witnessed a LOT of Spitfire kills. Yet a 2 blade, rear deploy Rage stops without breaking the skin on the far side. Why is that?

From: Ambush
Thanks Nick. I see they also make a three blade 1 3/8" steel Pro model. I might buy a pack of those to test on bears.

From: RJ Hunt
I have killed more elk/deer with a 100 grain viper trick than any other broadhead and been very happy with them. Even shot a couple bulls on frontals and fell over dead in sight. They work for me and how I shoot. My 2 cents.

From: BoilerRoom
I used the ST Magnums for years no problems . Blood trails not dramatic but definetly always followable with a dead deer at end of trail. Switched to Slick Trick Raptortricks this year and very impressed

I’ve used Viper Tricks for several years. The blood trails have been rather heavy and short.

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