Annual Bow Giveaway Success!
Whitetail Deer
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Well I can’t seem to find the original thread for the bow giveaway this year so hopefully all see it. There’s a young man that is very grateful for the bow and all the gear donated this year to him.
Between moving across country, new job, and a new baby starting in September this year I haven’t had much time to hunt. Luckily was able to head back home for a couple days for Christmas and get Baron out. The result couldn’t of been better!
With limited time we didn’t pay much attention to the weather. Baron hunted with me Saturday afternoon and Sunday. We sat the same draw Saturday and he had two shots at a nice 10. I was on the other side of the draw and watched him run off unscathed. It was still early so we moved over to another draw and reset up. In total 14 does and 4 bucks that day. They were moving. He was bummed but in good spirits. He was a bit unsure of hunting Sunday since it called for storms all day but as soon as I mentioned I was going he was on board.
Woke up to heavy rain yesterday and texted Baron to wait to closer to daylight to come over. Figured we’d set up right at daylight and hope the rain let up. It didn’t but we were off.
First place we got set up with him on the hill and me in the creek bank. After 30 minutes I didn’t have a feel for the spot and really wanted to go hunt a CRP field since we’d been seeing all the deer in pastures away from feed. So I went up to get him and found out he’d already had a busted up 8 point come by that he passed on. But we headed off to the CRP.
Got Baron all set up in a tree stand and I decided to slip further down. About to where I wanted to be I caught two bucks fighting across the CRP and made a push to get to a bend in the creek that would have put me 150 yds from them. Not sure if they saw me or just quit fighting but one was head up and watching around. Gave a rattle but they sauntered off. A few minutes go by and a doe comes out around the bend and is heading along the edge my way. Not hunting much I was taking the opportunity. Even though she’d pass by close, my window to shoot was limited due to the buck brush in the way.
There were two small slivers that I could send an arrow without deflection. So drew early and waited for her to walk into one. Arrow flew true and she did a big jump and took off. Luckily she expired right in the edge of the treeline instead of the CRP. It was pouring rain and tracking would of been difficult
We took care of the doe and took a break to dry our clothes and get some food. But knowing the rain was supposed to stop for awhile we wanted to be back out early.
Knew the kid was excited when he showed up earlier than agreed to head back out! Off we go back to the same draws as yesterday. This time we changed the plan a bit. He’d sit where he missed the buck yesterday and I went to the far draw. Definitely put him in the right draw.
About 2:30 I get a string of texts from Baron. 4 bucks just out of range. Meanwhile I had a glimpse of a young buck up the draw from me. Now paying attention to my phone to see. I get another text. He shot a giant! Told him to look for his arrow and see if he found blood before I climbed down. He texted back disheartened. No arrow and no blood. The bucks had come in and before he could draw on the big one the lead buck blew and the big boy had wheeled out not giving him a chance to range the distance. So he shot for 40 and when he ranged the distance after looking determined it would have been 45-50. To say he was bummed was an understatement.
Let him know to keep his chin up and to go ahead and look out in the pasture since the way the buck ran if he was hit he would likely expire in the open. He waited a bit and then got to looking.
Good thing he went and looked.
One very happy kid and a big buck!!
Soaking wet we got his deer out and back to my parents place. Helped him cape and clean the deer. Luckily the taxidermist took in his buck last night.
A group of bowsiters came together to get me my first bow back in 2008 and now bowsiters banded together again to get Baron his first bow. The generosity of bowsite continues and the hunting heritage continues to be passed along! Thank you gentlemen and Merry Christmas!
That's awesome! Good job helping him out! And Congrats on a great first buck, and Merry Christmas to all of you!
Heck of a buck Baron, congrats, and you done good Shane...but you always do!
Fantastic, I hunted around 20 years before I got a deer of that caliber. Thx also to Jasper.
Wow- that's absolutely wonderful! Many congrats! Great work by all involved, directly and indirectly!
Awesome!! Congrats to Baren.
Congrats Baron and what a buck!!!
Daggone good deer! Im with Charlie. Took me 20+ years to shoot a deer like that. Fantastic job!
Congrats that’s awesome! Nice first buck. He’s hooked
YES! Incredible deer, great work all around!
Great CHRISTmas present. Well done, for sure!
This makes me very happy! Shane texted me yesterday keeping me updated on their hunt and then sent a pic of Baron and his stud buck! I zoomed in on the picture and sure enough it was my son Andrew’s bow, one of 3 we gave away last summer! Stories like this are what I dreamed of as part of the bow giveaway I started years ago. Great job guys and a special thank you to Shane for taking the time to take a kid hunting. His hunting life was forever changed when he shot that buck. And on Christmas Eve as well… fitting :)
Great buck! Great job Jasper!
Awesome all the way around!
Big thank you to all of you who donated gear or time to kids over the years!
The pictures don’t do this deer justice. Rough scored him with hand measurements while waiting on my stepdad with the Polaris. 25-27” main beams, 20-21” inside spread, +10” G2’s and 3’s. Plus the split G2 and a flier of the base. Had he not broken off his brows he’d gross in the low 170’s. Bigger than any of my bow kill deer. Told him not to try and hold out to top thar every year!
Damn! Great buck and congrats all around. This makes for a great story.
This deer is a hammer for sure Shane! What a great memory and beginning for Baron. Thanks to all those who donated gear to Baron and the other recipients; you guys are awesome! We’re doing it again in June….already had a Bowsiter reach out wanting to donate a bow. Here’s to a killer 2024!
Well done Shane & Baron! Very nice buck. Thanks to all who donated gear.
Awesome result for a first year bowhunter! Congrats Baron! Kudos to Shane, Jasper, and everyone else that contributed to Baron's bowhunting success!
I got em to put Baron’s pic on their Social Media
Wow!!! That is so awesome and I am glad he is enjoying that gift from the Bowsite crew. Everyone that helped just hooked that kid for life
Somehow I missed this great thread. Wow that’s a stud buck! Congrats Baron, and kudos to all those involved!
That's just flat out awesome.
Congrats young man , WTG to all who are involved !
Holiday's I guess I missed this one! A big congrats to Baron and all involved! We must keep bringing the kids or our sport will die...Long live bowhunting!
I missed this too! Congratulations!!
Missed it as well. Gonna be tough to top that buck! Congrats to Baron, and kudos to Shane, Jasper and the others who chipped in as well!
How’d I miss this!? Congrats Baron! What a stud!