Sitka Gear
Toprut 2023 Drawing Odds
Contributors to this thread:
midwest 29-Dec-23
Brotsky 29-Dec-23
midwest 29-Dec-23
BULELK1 30-Dec-23
WapitiBob 31-Dec-23
160andup 31-Dec-23
WapitiBob 31-Dec-23
elkocd 31-Dec-23
HDE 01-Jan-24
midwest 01-Jan-24
Muley75 05-Jan-24
sticksender 05-Jan-24
Jethro 05-Jan-24
From: midwest
When will Toprut update to the 2023 drawing odds?

From: Brotsky
February 1st, right after the Wyoming deadline ;)

From: midwest
I see they just updated the AZ odds. Kinda wish I hadn't seen them now. :-(

Mine just says, Slim-n-None, when I log in----->

Good luck, Robb

From: WapitiBob
I emailed and bitched, noted that states had published their odds months ago.... Got a snarky reply that some states still had seasons open.... you just shake your head at that point.

I saw they were adding some new research stuff in January.

From: 160andup
Toprut is basically worthless compared to what GoHunt offers for anyone who wants actual odds and information. Nice that toprut is free for onx users, but the return on the “free” investment really shows.

From: WapitiBob
and which odds were wrong?

From: elkocd
I also emailed them recently and received some stupid response about states not having their stats out yet. WTF? It's draw season right now! Do they think we are stupid? It is not that big of a deal as I know how to look at each states stats, but the value they offer(in theory) is an aggregation of all that data. I honestly don't think OnX is going to put much effort or money into Toprut.

From: HDE
Unless you know how many people applied in the current year, there is no such thing as real "odds".

All anyone knows is what happened the previous year(s).

From: midwest
That's why I was looking for the 2023 odds and not 2024. ;-)

From: Muley75
Absolutely right you can figure on anything for 24. Every single thing you hear will be from the previous year.

From: sticksender
You mean we won't know the current year final stats until after we have already applied and the app deadline is met? Can always count on the most cutting-edge revelations being brought forth on these pages ;-)

From: Jethro
Just look at the states websites if you need draw odds stats.

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