Mathews Inc.
Use of skull hooker for elk.
Contributors to this thread:
goyt 29-Dec-23
wytex 29-Dec-23
molsonarcher 29-Dec-23
Bake 29-Dec-23
Bake 29-Dec-23
Zbone 29-Dec-23
Jaquomo 29-Dec-23
goyt 30-Dec-23
Charlie Rehor 30-Dec-23
Kspence49 30-Nov-24
Charlie Rehor 01-Dec-24
HiMtnHnter 01-Dec-24
From: goyt
I hung a couple of elk racks using the large skull hooker with the smaller of the two hooks that came with them. One went up just fine. With the second one the small hook was too small and the large hook was too big. With the small hook, the outside prongs barely secured the bone and I felt that anything such as a door closing could send the euro mount to the floor. I ended up bending the outside prongs back a little and it fit a lot better. My question is "Has anyone had a problem with mounts falling from skull hookers"

From: wytex
Look into the Skull Bracket, very sturdy.

From: molsonarcher
Goyt, I have 6 skull hookers currently in use. Whitetails and bears, nothing as big as an elk.

Ive had zero issues with anything coming off of them, but similarly to your situation, one of my bear skulls I did have to tweak the prongs just a bit to get it right.

From: Bake

Bake's embedded Photo
Bake's embedded Photo
I have had zero issues. Been using them for years. Elk and deer but also wildebeest. No issues

From: Bake

Bake's embedded Photo
Bake's embedded Photo

From: Zbone
Nice Bake...

From: Jaquomo
Good to know, Blane, because I just ordered one for an elk Euro my wife wants to hang in a special spot.

From: goyt

goyt's embedded Photo
goyt's embedded Photo
Thanks for the responses. The attached picture show that the antlers of the closer bull sweep back more whereas the one in the back go more up. The skull hooker fit well in the skull of the back bull. It did not grab the skull of the near bull hardly at all until I modified it and because the skull angles more down it is not as stables as the back one. I think that they are both fine though. Thanks again.


Charlie Rehor's embedded Photo
Charlie Rehor's embedded Photo
Charlie Rehor's embedded Photo
Moose is on a Skullhooker too.
Charlie Rehor's embedded Photo
Moose is on a Skullhooker too.
Glad you got it to work out. There is quite a bit of adjustability in the hooks in order to tilt it forward for clearance. Attached a picture of my elk from behind.

From: Kspence49
Sorry to resurrect an old post, but my elk looks similar to yours Charlie, is that middle post supposed to contact anything inside the skull or does it just hang off the knuckles? I had mine on the big hook but reevaluated upon further research, on the big hook it was basically resting on the middle post and that made me a little nervous. Now the smaller hook is also making me a little nervous since it’s still 2 points of contact when it seems like it should be 3

When positioned as mine is in the attached picture it’s completely safe and reliant on gravity.

From: HiMtnHnter
I put a few wraps of baling wire around the hook and ear canals on the bigger ones that are up higher.

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