Talk to me about coastal bear boat hunt
Contributors to this thread:Bears
From: Jasper
Looking at my bucket list and thinking about a coastal bear boat hunt in 2025. Who has been? Would you do it again? BC or Alaska? Name of your outfitter? Would love to see some pics….bears and food, too! I hear the food is good! Thanks!
From: Nick Muche
Nick Muche's Link
Stikine guide service in SE Alaska. David, the owner, is a bowhunter.
From: 808bowhunter
808bowhunter's Link
From: pav
pav's Link
My Alaska boat based hunt was in the fall of 2019 with Homer Ocean and stalk on salmon streams. Saw lots of bears, experienced great fishing and served excellent dinners. Yes, I would do that hunt again.
From: Shiloh
Following……would love to do bear and goat!! Always been interested in the boat based hunts
From: Frenchman
Pav'S link is a great read! Wow!!!
From: fuzzy
I'm loving this thread. Nothing to add (except that Homer Ocean Charters is a great outfit)
From: Shuteye
A friend of mine went on an Alaskan boat hunt years ago. He got his bear but was more hyped up about the fishing.
From: Jasper
Thanks Pav and Nick!
From: ABbowman
I bow hunted Chichagof Island twice many years ago for Brown Bear with Alaska Coastal Outfitters. They’re still in business. It was one of the greatest hunting adventures I’d been on and would do it again in a heart beat. Having a boat as a base camp was wonderful, hot showers, warm bed and great food. Fishing is a huge bonus!
From: Jasper
Thanks Dave! I’ll check em out!
From: flyingbrass
I just booked for 2027 brown bear! Don't wait too long because they have a long list of people that want to go.