Sitka Gear
Wyoming Outfitted hunt with 15 points?
Contributors to this thread:
Fulldraw 30-Dec-23
molsonarcher 30-Dec-23
Bowboy 30-Dec-23
Slate 30-Dec-23
Quinn @work 31-Dec-23
Fulldraw 31-Dec-23
Quinn @work 31-Dec-23
Bowboy 31-Dec-23
Mule Power 31-Dec-23
WapitiBob 31-Dec-23
Jethro 31-Dec-23
KB 31-Dec-23
Fulldraw 31-Dec-23
Native Okie 31-Dec-23
Native Okie 31-Dec-23
Bowboy 31-Dec-23
Pop-r 01-Jan-24
3bears 01-Jan-24
wytex 01-Jan-24
RonP 01-Jan-24
elkocd 01-Jan-24
Mule Power 01-Jan-24
Slate 02-Jan-24
Fulldraw 02-Jan-24
Pop-r 02-Jan-24
KY EyeBow 02-Jan-24
WIbhunter 04-Jan-24
Fulldraw 19-Jan-24
wytex 19-Jan-24
Old School 19-Jan-24
Pop-r 25-Jan-24
PREZ 27-Jan-24
t-roy 27-Jan-24
BlacktailBob 27-Jan-24
bowhunt 27-Jan-24
BlacktailBob 27-Jan-24
bowhunt 27-Jan-24
Charlie Rehor 27-Jan-24
BlacktailBob 27-Jan-24
3bears 28-Jan-24
wytex 28-Jan-24
Mule Power 28-Jan-24
ki-ke 29-Jan-24
ki-ke 29-Jan-24
From: Fulldraw
Who would you go with?

From: molsonarcher
Wagonhound SNS

I dont think you could go wrong with either

From: Bowboy

Bowboy's Link
I’d recommend Josh from Shoshone Lodge Outfitters.

From: Slate
I 2nd Wagonhound. I have hunted with them. If you need any info message me.

From: Quinn @work
No details? If you are seriously looking to cash in 15 points in 2024 and hire an outfitter then message me. If you are just starting a discussion I'm sure you will get plenty of opinions.

From: Fulldraw
Quinn- Sent you a PM. The rest of you... thank you gentlemen for responding. I has been considering Wagon Hound, but I am not sure which direction I want to go yet. Best, Danny (Fulldraw)

From: Quinn @work
Fulldraw check your PM's.

From: Bowboy

Bowboy's Link
I have a friend who’s a guide in WY. He works for Table Mountain Outfitters. He stated they have leases in Area 7. The largest bulls come from the Wagonhound. He also recommended Sy Gilliand from SNS Outfitters. I live in WY and feel Wagonhound is a little pricey for an elk hunt but if money is no object then book with them. You might also try Bighorn Outfitters in area 35 Bighorn Mountains.

From: Mule Power
I wouldn’t hunt a ranch on the east side. I at least need a mountain to Hunt. I’d find something up near Yellowstone. Thoroughfare maybe.

From: WapitiBob
Sy Gilliland has spent the last 15 years screwing every NR DIY hunter, every chance he gets.

From: Jethro
I wouldn’t spend my money with Sy Gilliand under any circumstances.

From: KB
Seems like quite the conundrum. If you’re dead set on maximizing the points yourself unit 7 private land seems like about the only option. But if going guided you could partner with two to three other guys and hunt wilderness as Mule suggests. Probably get into the same caliber of bulls, just don’t need near that many points.

From: Fulldraw
I’ve thought about a wilderness hunt but candidly, I don’t want to be amongst the brown bears. Had planned on a unit 38 hunt, just want to make sure I’m not missing something

Thank you all for your input, please keep it coming.

From: Native Okie
Good luck, Dan! Hope you get a good one!

From: Native Okie
Good luck, Dan! Hope you get a good one!

From: Bowboy

Bowboy's Link
I have a friend who’s a guide in WY. He works for Table Mountain Outfitters. He stated they have leases in Area 7. The largest bulls come from the Wagonhound. He also recommended Sy Gilliand from SNS Outfitters. I live in WY and feel Wagonhound is a little pricey for an elk hunt but if money is no object then book with them. You might also try Bighorn Outfitters in area 35 Bighorn Mountains.

From: Pop-r
I'd call Trophy Mountain Outfitters. They seem to run a top notch outfit although I have no personal experience.

From: 3bears
Wagonhound definitely not SNS from my experience

From: wytex
Locals are not too keen on Table Mountain Outfitters, book with someone else and not SNS. Big bulls in 7, and 6, but not a wilderness type of hunt.

From: RonP
i never hunted with them but in 2022 when was i was inquiring, i had the best communication with absaroka ranch to include a handwritten note follow-up in the mail.

if i ever do a guided hunt in the future for any species, i will give them a strong consideration.

From: elkocd
Depends what you're looking for. Do you want a cushy ranch hunt? Or do you want a real WY experience? There is a reason why they get so much $ for those cushy 7 ranch hunts. Those cater to the city dudes who just want to shoot a nice bull with very little effort.

IMHO you may only get to hunt WY once or very few times. I'd look for the real WY experience. There is NOTHING like a NW WY elk hunt and I have elk hunted everywhere in the US.

From: Mule Power

In the end when you spend years looking at that bull on the wall what kind of memories would you like to relive? In the NW memories are made all day everyday in every direction you look. Don’t worry about those bears. A guide and a hunter with half a mind will be fine. If you have to go back to retrieve game, just take a small army with you. You wouldn’t necessarily even have to go yourself to do that.

I did one ranch hunt. It was in 35 on the se corner of the Bighorns. I hated it. Killed a nice 6x6 and that’s my only memory. I sat there literally every day dreaming of the mountains. I need more than that from a hunt.

From: Slate
Dan enjoy your hunt.

From: Fulldraw
Mule- I think that is more important to me than killing an elk.... I need to continue to look.

From: Pop-r
I didn't do it that time. Lol I've wondered after seeing other people's here lately a day or two later. Used to it was easy to hit the button twice and not know it but this is different. It just does it on its own sometime later.

From: KY EyeBow
I'd suggest you talk to Rough Country Outfitters also. They hunt in Unit 7 which has been discussed above. Jim and his family have been in the outfitting and guiding business for over 30 years. They are straight shooters. I hunted with them in a general tag unit a couple years ago and was very pleased. I would hunt with them again for sure.

From: WIbhunter
Ishawooa outfitters kills some big elk, I did a late season rifle mule deer hunt with them last November and it was outstanding

From: Fulldraw
I appreciate all of your thoughts and input... I have booked with Rough Country Outfitters in unit 7. Probably a O.I.L. (Unless my Utah points hit :) ) Thanks again. Danny (Fulldraw)

From: wytex
Good luck !! Laramie Peak has some rugged ground, it will not be a hunt the meadows type of ranch hunt. You should have a great time. Laramie Peak and the Sybille Canyon area is pretty neat country. Lots of bighorn sheep and elk. Watch for wolves and take 'em out if you see one.

From: Old School

Old School's embedded Photo
When you get to the top - you can see for a looong ways.
Old School's embedded Photo
When you get to the top - you can see for a looong ways.
Old School's embedded Photo
Old School's embedded Photo
Old School's embedded Photo
Old School's embedded Photo
After my son’s antelope hunt last year we hiked up Laramie Peak hoping to see or hear some elk. It was a great hike, but we didn’t see or hear any elk. Did run into a bowhunter on the way down the mountain and he had just had a close encounter with a mountain lion.

From: Pop-r
Keep us posted. I've always wondered about Rough Country as they look to be some pretty tough ol' codgers.

From: PREZ
I hunted with Rough Country Outfitters with a GEN tag , not unit 7....they are great people. Jim will hunt you hard to try to get you a good bull.

From: t-roy
Best of luck on your hunt, fulldraw!

From: BlacktailBob
Another vote for Wagonhound. I hunted Elk with them and it was best elk hunting experience ever. My guide was a young man by the name of Cougar. One of the best guides I've ever had. Got along with him so well he subsequently hunted bears out of my cabin on Prince of Wales Island. Cant go wrong with Wagonhound regarding the quality of the hunt as well as the quality of the environment of the ranch, outstanding in both regards.

From: bowhunt
Any pics of the bull you got on the hunt with Wagonhound Blacktailbob?

Any hunts you have posted over the years have been pretty spectacular.

I’m guessing you shot a pretty good bull, and would love to see a picture.

From: BlacktailBob
I'm in Arizona right now and don't have access to my hunting photos. My bull wasn't a giant. As I recall, it was a 330 6 x 6. The first morning of the hunt Cougar called 8 bulls to within bow range. Only one of those was what considered shooting but he came in head on and I didn't take the shot. The bull I killed the next afternoon was a better bull too. Not being a very experienced elk hunter, I was pleased with the bull I killed the second day of the hunt. Although I didn't personally see them in the two days I hunted, I believe there were better bulls around.

I had heard about Wagonhound for years and wanted to experience it for myself. I had booked the tent camp hunt. Logistical date conflicts as a result of a pretty busy hunting schedule that fall, required I hunt relatively early. There was no room in the tent camp schedule, so Max moved me to the lodge hunt at no additional fee. The lodge is spectacular and worth seeing even you don't kill and elk.

After I killed my bull and Cougar found him in the diminishing light at the end of the day, from the spot from where I shot, there was a Mountain Lion feeding on an elk calf that had gotten trapped in a wire fence. You could see the the lion from the lodge. Not something you have the opportunity to witness everyday. Very cool experience for me.

From: bowhunt
That sounds like a great hunt

A 330 bull is a fantastic bull!

A majority of bow hunters that elk hunt every year will never kill a bull that big in their lifetime. Thanks for the response

Look forward to a recap of this hunt after it’s over Fulldraw!

Excuse me, a 330 bull is equivalent to a 165 whitetail which is huuuuge. Excellent bull elk.

From: BlacktailBob
I know it was a nice bull and I was very pleased with it. I was trying to express it didn't represent the potential of where I was hunting. I killed it the second day. Not having much elk hunting experience, I wasn't being particularly picky and still killed that bull.

Unlike where I was for two and a half weeks in Mexico recently with Steven Ward . I've killed a fair number of Coues deer. I think I looked at probably a half dozen Pope and Young bucks and one day I saw 87 deer in total. I elected not to shoot one because I never did see what I was looking for. Another great hunting experience and one I didn't even draw my bow. That said, I'd highly recommend Steven for anyone looking to kill a Coues deer. Great bowhunting experience with someone who knows bowhunting as well as any outfitter I've ever been with.

From: 3bears
Hundred with SNS this fall would not recommend especially with 15 points.

From: wytex
Please don't book with SNS. Sy is not the friend of NR hunters in Wyoming.

From: Mule Power
I know it feels good to at least get this decision out of the way. Now, instead of looking at a bunch of outfitters, you can concentrate on planning for your Hunt. That’s the fun part. Good luck. Can’t wait to see a thread about your hunt.

From: ki-ke
I’m with Mule and others regarding the experience. I hunted a spectacular place in unit 33 a few years ago. Killed a nice bull at 7:30 am 1st day of the hunt. There were likely 400 head of elk within 1000 yards of where my bull died. So many bugles that I could’ve screamed like Brad Pitt in prison and not an elk would have heard me, never mind trying to call one in. It was quite the experience! That said, if I had the points now that I had then, I would be looking for a mountain hunt, it would be in the NW. A buddy guides for Wood River Ranch. Looks like an incredible hunt. But it’s in the heart of grizzly country, which you said is a deal breaker, so there’s that…..

Good luck! The planning is always part of the adventure!

From: ki-ke
I’m with Mule and others regarding the experience. I hunted a spectacular place in unit 33 a few years ago. Killed a nice bull at 7:30 am 1st day of the hunt. There were likely 400 head of elk within 1000 yards of where my bull died. So many bugles that I could’ve screamed like Brad Pitt in prison and not an elk would have heard me, never mind trying to call one in. It was quite the experience! That said, if I had the points now that I had then, I would be looking for a mountain hunt, it would be in the NW. A buddy guides for Wood River Ranch. Looks like an incredible hunt. But it’s in the heart of grizzly country, which you said is a deal breaker, so there’s that…..

Good luck! The planning is always part of the adventure!

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