Moultrie Mobile
Bowtech question
Contributors to this thread:
BowSniper 01-Jan-24
wyobullshooter 01-Jan-24
midwest 01-Jan-24
midwest 01-Jan-24
From: BowSniper
Question for tuning a Reign 6 model bowtech. Bow is a 60-70lb model set for 29-1/2" draw length.

I'd like to get as close to a 60lb draw as possible, while I work through a shoulder issue. How do you know how far you can turn out the limb bolts without creating a safety risk? What is the measurement or number of threads in riser? Or something else?

If you don’t have a draw weight scale, I would tighten your limb bolts down to max poundage then back out the limb bolts one turn at a time, alternating between the two, until each is backed out 10 turns. For BowTech, each turn typically equals 1#, so that should put you right around 60#. Your Reign 6 should have limb bolt inspection holes. As long as you don’t go beyond the minimum rated poundage, the only thing BowTech cautions is not to back out the bolts beyond those inspection holes. If you ever have questions concerning your bow, go to BowTech’s homepage. Towards the bottom, click on ‘downloads’. There you’ll find the owner’s manual for basically every bow they’ve ever produced.

From: midwest

midwest's Link
What Wyo said. Here's the link to your bow's manual.

From: midwest

midwest's embedded Photo
midwest's embedded Photo

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