Indoor Archery
Contributors to this thread:Equipment
From: Murph
How many guys are shooting indoor 3D or 300 rnds now that winter is in full swing. Are you shooting a local league or competing at a state local level, I’m gonnna try hard this winter to hit some competition indoor shoots, never have in the past theirs nothing very local in my area 150+ mile drive to any and all but still wanna get the competitive drive going again
From: DanaC
Yup. Using a lighter drawing recurve, and I fool around with sites in winter. Local and fairly informal.
Unlike you there are multiple clubs within close driving distance here. Choice of 3-D or spot targets.
From: Groundhunter
Stopped in my club Wed nite, even though my vertical days are done. I was glad to see it filled. The 30 year old flat brim crowd all into Trad bows now, and some building their own. This is Wisconsin
From: ahunter55
I try to shoot some of the larger NFAA events like the sectionals & our State Vegas & 300 rounds. Not a fan of 3D indoor or out. I use 45#s & 50#s indoors.
From: Who Cares
We have a very nice 18 lane indoor range, well lit, heated, kitchenette. Members have key and combo so can shoot 24-7 whenever they want. Shoot score for league whenever you want each week and drop score in the box. My RX 7 is at 63# for hunting but I shoot a Carbon Spyder at 50# for winter range shooting so I dont hurt my 77 yr old shoulder. Usually shoot at the range 4-5 days per week thru winter but not sure this year. Had knee replacement 2 1/2 weeks ago and doing the other one in March. League starts mid January so may or may not shoot that this year. Oh, by the way, have not approached a 300 score. Well maybe approached, but not close. :)
From: wyobullshooter
Our local archery club has Thursday night 3-D leagues, with Rinehart targets, as well as a Sunday afternoon spot league. We’re also getting ready for the first leg of our Triple Crown shoot later this month, with the second leg in February, and concluding in March. Each leg will have paybacks, with the overall champions receiving belt buckles in March, as well as the usual paybacks for the top placers in each class. This shoot draws shooters throughout Wyoming, Colorado, and Nebraska. There will be a state 450 Vegas, as well as a state blue face tournament. Where those shoots are held depends on which club wins the bid to hold them. There are several local clubs throughout the state that have similar activities.
From: Murph
I’m jealous wyobullshooter, sounds like you guys have a good thing going
From: wyobullshooter
This is from an earlier Triple Crown setup.
This is from an earlier Triple Crown setup.
Yeah, our indoor range is pretty sweet. The back wall has huge Block targets end to end. When one starts getting shot out, it gets moved to one of the four roll arounds and is replaced with a new one. We have shooting lanes back to 40 yards, although when nobody else is there you can shoot 50 yards from the bathroom doors. ;-) Members have access 24/7.
From: Boatman71
All of the above for me. Went to the Midwest Open last month, shot in our local spot league, Iowa Pro Am next weekend. After the Pro Am the 3D bow comes back out until next fall. It never ends :-)
From: midwest
Indoor range near me. They have a different theme every year.
From: Murph
Very cool
From: Boatman71
Echo! Be there later this month for the 3 Man!
From: Dale06
I shoot paper targets 2-3 times a week all winter, to stay in shape. One year I shot in a league where we shot 3D animal targets. Really did not enjoy it much, despite taking second in the league.
From: Wv hillbilly
Thursday night 3d and Friday night spot league here. Our oaa tournaments start this weekend.
From: ILbowhntr
Ours starts Tuesday night.
From: midwest
I had an indoor range close to home that I could shoot all winter for $40/year. I'd shoot 300 rounds all winter with my hunting bows and keep track of my scores so I could see any improvement. They decided to shut that down last year. I miss it dearly. :-(